Fern Gully PDF

Title Fern Gully
Course Bachelor of Science in Accounting Information System
Institution University of Caloocan City
Pages 3
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FernGully – The Last Rainforest is not a typical story of a fairy tale that we all know, it is the story about nature: the FernGully, a precious rainforest free from human intervention and about the fairies who live in area in FernGully, which has been protected for many years by a motherly-figure fairy named Magi. Magi had a granddaughter and also her apprentice named Crysta. Crysta is a type of fairy that is curious almost about everything. Once, the fairies of FernGully lived in harmony with humans, but believe them to have gone extinct after having been driven away by a dark spirit named Hexxus (mentioned in the opening of the movie). At first, Crysta and the other fairies do not believe on the existence of humans. One day, Crysta explores the other part of the rainforest and meets Batty, a bat who experimented by humans giving him as unstable personality or behavior. In the next day, when Crysta is exploring the rain forest she reached a new area in rain forest and saw a human named Zak who mark the tree using a spray paint indication that this is going to be cut down by the big machine. Crysta accidentally shrinks Zak when she tries to save him from a falling tree and she did not know how to restore Zak's normal size. The tree that Hexxus is imprisoned was being cut down and he became free, quickly begins to regain his powers by feeding on pollution. Hexxus is now willing to destroy the entire rain forest with the help of the big cutting machine that is controlled by him, Zak saw the destructive power of illegal logging in the rain forest and start to realize what is right, later Zak decided to help Crysta and other fairies to defeat Hexxus and to shut down the cutting machine. There are many similarities between what is happening now and, in the film, FernGully. For me, FernGully depicts humans as the destructive cutting machine who

literally cut down the trees and human’s greediness being the driving force of human to do bad things even without thinking the effect of their acts. Humans caused a lot of destruction to the environment, they use machines and levelers to cut down all the trees resulting to all the animal showed in the movie to lost their natural habitat – left them either suffering or dying, which affected the ecosystem.

The fairies in FernGully

represents the animal that became homeless if the forest is totally gone. The negative impacts of deforestation cannot be seen in one day but can be seen in the next decades or generations. These effects can be seen in the movie when the humans started to do the deforestation and cut down all the trees in the forest. Everything had changed and the wonderful and colorful view start to become darker, different mammals lost home like Batty the bat in the movie, the river was filled with oil that came from the machine. While deforestation is a major factor why there is loss of habitat in FernGully, pollution is also a contributing factor demonstrated in the form of Hexxus, the bad spirit. Furthermore, in my own opinion, the reason why human do such things as deforestation, mining, factory etc. is for us to survive in our daily basis and to have a more space to live but we did not consider the future and the effect of this in the environment. Over Industrialization have a bad impact to the environment that can be seen in air, land and water resources that is being contaminated with toxic chemicals and other pollutants. This is harmful not only in environment but also in human health. This pollution that was caused by human act can trigger more the climate change. In the movie, it taught us to love the environment and feel what's the environment also feel for us to take care of them, I believe the movie highlights the

greediness of humans and how humans understand the importance of environment and other living beings....

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