Botany Final Exam/C-fern Study Questions PDF

Title Botany Final Exam/C-fern Study Questions
Author Kelly Johnson
Course General Botany
Institution West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Pages 5
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Review questions for Dr. Sharon Began's BIO 217 General Botany course at WCU Spring 2019. ...


FINAL EXAM STUDY QUESTIONS: ANALYSES & CONCLUSIONS (Reminder: these are study questions and will not be graded, but, along with the weekly task study questions in this packet, will form the basis for many of the questions on the comprehensive final exam.) 1. Why are C-ferns classified as plants? What characteristics do they have that place them in the Plant Kingdom? 2. Are C-ferns embryophytes? Provide evidence to support your answer, i.e., how do you know if C-fern is an embryophyte or not. 3. What is the difference between a gametophyte-dominant plant and a sporophyte dominant plant? Is C-fern a gametophyte-dominant or sporophyte dominant plant? Provide one piece of structural or reproductive evidence to support your answer. 4. The adult C-fern gametophyte individual is much smaller and less complex than the adult sporophyte individual. Why is the sporophyte individual able to grow to be significantly larger than the gametophyte individual (think structure/physiology)? a. List two disadvantages of the sporophyte being large (tall)? b. List two advantages of the sporophyte being large (tall)? c. List one disadvantage of the gametophyte being small and relatively uniform in structure? d. List one advantages of the gametophyte being small and relatively uniform in structure? 5. Think about the structure and physiology of the C-fern gametophyte. Since Cfern gametophytes are photosynthetic, they are able to produce their own food using light energy. a. If C-ferns are photosynthetic, why, then, must the gametophytes be grown on agar that contains essential elements? (Do not list all of the elements and their functions. Instead, formulate an answer that presents an overall explanation as to why all of the essential elements are necessary for the Cfern growth). i. How do C-fern gametophytes get the essential elements from the agar into their bodies? ii. Once inside the body of the gametophyte, what pathways (channels) are used by the gametophyte to move required substances throughout the thallus? Use the appropriate botanical terms for each pathway, then describe the channels involved. b. What role does the artificial light play in the growth of your fern gametophytes? As part of your answer, distinguish between light intensity and light quality. i. List the specific wavelengths (colors) that are required and for each wavelength (color) list the name(s) of the pigments that absorb that wavelength? ii. The chemical reactions of photosynthesis are triggered by the action of chlorophyll a. Describe the internal structure of a chloroplast to describe exactly and precisely where these special chlorophyll a molecules are located.

6. Think about the C-fern sporophyte. As it matures it forms distinct shoot and root systems and will ultimately become reproductive. a. Describe what the adult non-reproductive adult sporophyte individual of Cfern looks like (form/shape, not internal structure). Be certain to include a description of the shoot and root systems of Ceratopteris using the correct botanical names for each type of shoot and root system and types of organs and tissues which comprise each system. Include the main function of each organ. i. How does the adult sporophyte individual differ from the gametophyte individual with regard to anatomy (cell type composition)? Be specific about the cell types you list and indicate for each if the cell type is part of the gametophyte individual or the sporophyte individual or both. ii. Do C-fern sporophyte individuals have primary growth? Secondary growth? Both primary and secondary growth? Provide evidence for your answer. How does this compare with the gametophyte individual? b. Think about the reproductive structures of the adult sporophyte individual of C-fern. What is the name for the reproductive structures that form on the mature sporophyte individual? Where are these structures located on the body of the plant? 7. For each of the following pairs of terms, write one sentence describing how the pair of terms is similar and one sentence as to how the pair differ with regard to the plant life cycle. a. Gametophyte individual 1. Similar: 2. Different:

vs. gamete

b. Gametophyte individual vs. spore 1. Similar: 2. Different: c. Gamete

vs. gametangium 1. Similar: 2. Different:

d. Growing notch of C-fern vs. vascular plant apical meristem 1. Similar: 2. Different: e. Archegonium vs. antheridium 1. Similar: 2. Different: f.

Embryo vs. zygote 1. Similar: 2. Different:

g. Sperm vs. antheridium 1. Similar: 2. Different: h. Sporangium vs. gametangium 1. Similar: 2. Different: COMPARISON OF C-FERNS, BRYOPHYTES, GYMNOSPERMS & ANGIOSPERMS 8. When comparing the life cycles of vascular plants, evolutionary trends indicate that the more advanced plant groups become, the more reduced are their gametophytes, while their sporophytes become more complex. Using the C-fern as your group of comparison, for each of the following, decide whether or not the C-fern structure is more or less complex than the structure it is being compared to and then provide 2 structural features to support your answer. a. C-fern gametophyte compared with the structure of the mature gametophyte of a moss (bryophyte). b. C-fern sporophyte compared with the structure of the mature sporophyte of a moss (bryophyte). c. C-fern sporophyte compared with the structure of the mature sporophyte of a seed plant. d. C-fern gametophyte compared with the structure of the mature gametophytes of a seed plant. 9. The sporophyte individual of a typical fern possesses stomates and a cuticle, while these features are absent in the gametophyte individual. What is the function of a stomate? What is the function of a cuticle? How are the stomates and the cuticle functionally interrelated with regard to the physiological health of the fern sporophyte? 10. All members of the plant kingdom exhibit heteromorphic alternation of generations with sporic meiosis as their life cycle. a. Compare the sexual reproductive process (reference both reproductive structures and processes) of Ceratopteris with that of seed plants. Be specific! b. Compare the sexual reproductive process of Ceratopteris with that of gametophyte dominant plants (bryophytes). 11. Spores and seeds are both reproductive structures. All plants produce spores as part of their life cycles, but only some plant groups produce seeds. List two plant groups that we studied in BIO 215 that reproduce by spores only (i.e., no seeds). List two plant groups that we studied in BIO 215 that have seeds involved in their life cycle. a. Spores and seeds are very different from one another. Describe how spores and seeds differ both structurally and functionally. b. Explain why, biologically, it is necessary for plants that produce seeds to also produce spores.

c. Finally, plants that produce seeds have a survival advantage over those that reproduce by only spores. Explain how seeds impart this survival advantage. 12. For each structure in the table, indicate the function (not the definition) of the structure. Also, indicate (by placing an X in the correct column) whether the structure is haploid(n), diploid (2n), triploid (3n), both haploid & diploid (n&2n), or haploid, diploid & triploid (n, 2n&3n). Finally, indicate by placing an “x” in the final column, if the structure is found in C-ferns (gametophyte or sporophyte generations). 13. For each structure in the table, indicate the function (not the definition) of the structure. Also, indicate (by placing an X in the correct column) whether the structure is haploid(n), diploid (2n), triploid (3n), both haploid & diploid (n&2n), or haploid, diploid & triploid (n, 2n&3n). Finally, indicate by placing an “x” in the final column, if the structure is found in C-ferns (gametophyte or sporophyte generations). Structure

Apical meristem Embryo Embryo sac Endodermis Endosperm Gametangium Gamete Gametophyte Generative cell Lateral meristems (vascular & cork cambia) Megagametophyte Megasporangium Microspore Microgametophyte Microsporophyll Ovule Ovuliferous scale Pericycle Phloem Petal of flower Photosynthesis Pollen tube Rhizoid Rhizome Root



2 n

3 n

n & 2n

n, 2n & 3n

Presen t in Cfern

Seed Sieve element Sorus Sporangium Spore Sporocyte Stem Strobilus Synangium...

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