Botany 1411 - Google Docs PDF

Title Botany 1411 - Google Docs
Author Maharshi Shah
Course General Botany
Institution Sam Houston State University
Pages 11
File Size 150.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 44
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Unit 1...


Shah 1

Day one (1/19/2021) Tuesday

● Lowest test will be dropped ● Tests will be focused on lecture notes

Virulence: Corona Edition ○ The host parasite induced loss of fitness: Virulence ○ The genetic contribution by an individual to future generations for success: Fitness ○ Fitness measured through your relatives: Inclusive fitness ○ Variance of a gene (Eye color, skin color etc..): Alleles ○ Number of children a woman births: Fecundity (litters in lifetime) ○ Number of child/children born per birthing event: Clutch (litter size)

Allelopathy: When plant roots release toxins into the soil that can kill neighbouring plants to eliminate competition for sunlight, water and soil minerals. Some plants may reduce their toxicity if they can recognize their neighbouring plants as their own.

Interspecific: competition between individuals of same species (resources + genetics) Intraspecific: competition between individuals of different species. (resources only)

Shah 2 Acts benefit the recipient +

Acts costs the recipient -

Acts benefits the performer +

Cooperative +/+

Selfish +/-

Acts costs the performer -

Altruistic -/+

Spiteful -/-

Most common things individuals compete for: mates and food *Plants are aggressive single mothers on a daily basis; all different plants may produce eggs that are toxic to others or may have size variations so that they get left out and reproduce.

Intraspecific: two types ● Intra-sexual ○ Male v male ○ For territory (females just get thrown in with the area) ● Inter-sexual ○ Female creates an arena of competition ↣ Handicap hypothesis: attracted to a pronounced character that is detrimental to their survival by Jared Diamond ↣ Female choice (preferences) olive v. kiwi *Aril: fleshy seed coat. Example: tomato seeds, seeds are too small to be chewed and have a covering so that they get passed out without being destroyed. *Tropical areas have spicy food to induce diarrhea to avoid area specific intestinal parasites. Day Two (1/21/2021) Thursday

Male: Stamen (Anther + Pollen)

Shah 3 Female: (Stigma, Style and Ovary) called the pistil ○ Ovary works as a uterus where it is empty until the seeds start to grow there. ○ Stigma: pollen recipient for future fertilization that is to occur in the ovary. Pollen sticks on the stigma for a few days until many different male samples are collected. Then the flower releases a hormone for the pollen to grow a pollen tube which then reaches into ovary through the style until it finds an egg and the sperm is released from the pollen ○ Style allows the transfer of pollen tubes to the ovary for fertilization. The longer pollen tube is preferred in addition to the fastest one to make it to the egg(s).

*Aperture: the opening of a pollen seed that exhibits the grow of a pollen tube. *Multiple apertures increase fertilization success because it allows for multiple growth start positions that can be chosen to be closest to the location of the egg. *Males may also increase their pollen’s surface size so that when they land on a stigma it takes up more space thus eliminating competition as other pollens won't have a surface to land on. *Dioeciousoius marijuana: Unisexual (different bodies for different male v female plant)

Day three 1/26/2021 (Tuesday)

Bud: Either an unopened flower or leaf

Shah 4 Pre - frontal cortex 24 PFC Risk and non risk decisions

Flowers do the following to attract the pollinators ○ Lie, disguise like female mates/ produce attracting-imitating smell ○ Gift, giving perfume used for mating attraction or provide shelter ○ Drug

Why do plants create chemicals that affect our: ○ Perception; hallucinogen ○ Heart rate; stimulant and depressants ○ Nervous system; stimulant and depressants

What are stem cells? These are undifferentiated cells that divide to produce new cells via the process of mitosis (somatic cells) and meiosis (gametic cells).

Shah 5 The addition of permanent cells via the process of mitosis is called: Growth These are two types of growth: ○ Determinate: growth that is limited humans//many animals ○ Indeterminate: growth that is infinite plants

Primary growth: length/height (all) Secondary growth: width (woody plants)

Day four 1/28/2021 Thursday

Word of the day: coffee

Shah 6

The permanent increase of cells through the process of mitosis: growth

What are plants? An organism that has a cell wall comprised of cellulose

Characteristics of plants: ○ Plants are rooted and do not move, unless under rare circumstances ○ Cells surrounded by cell walls made of cellulose ○ Plants exhibit indeterminate growth throughout their life span ○ Autotrophic, due to most of them being photosynthetic ○ Stable: monogamy


Day five (2/1/2021) Tuesday

Shah 7 World’s wetlands day Standing water Glay (anaerobic) Carnivorous plants

**Plants can do both, photosynthesize AND respire, whereas animals can only respire** **Many plants are bisexual, having both male and female reproductive structures** **plants are totipotent (every living cell can retain information to further multiply)**

Asexual reproduction A) Vegative reproduction/cloning: taking a part of plant and regrowing it B) Apomictic, apomix (away from mixing) non-mixing genetics a) Parthenogenesis, in biology, a form of reproduction in which the ovum develops into a new individual without fertilization (random) C) Self-fertilization- pollen from stamen fertilizes the stigma of the same flower. a) Cleistogamy: flowers do not open. (back up program)/ (clumped)

**Lateral underground stem: rhizome **population: a group of individuals of the same spices often defined by a particular arbitrary boundary. Individuals in a population can be distributed in three ways; random, even or clumped

**Amorphophallus: a giant penis without a body **Apo: away from

Shah 8

Promiscuity: engaging in sexual relation without selection Polygamy: both male and female have multiple partners, more so humans Polyandry: female with multiple male partners Polygyny: male with multiple female partners

Day six

Shah 9 Autopolyploidy resulting in offspring with two sets of chromosomes

Diploid parent (2n) result in a polyploid (4n) One set: haploid Two set: diploid Plants can be polyploids (some) **Sex chromosomes hinder organisms from being polyploids, 99.9% plants dont have sex x chromosomes. OPPOSITE example; papaya and ginkgo *some amphibians dont have sec chromosomes; eg; frogs *bananas are triploid, all seedless fruits are. Because any organisms with an pody level 3,5,7 or 11…. Is going to be sterile,, because of them having unbalanced gametes, 3 sets cant complete a fertile individual

Day seven: Tuesday 2/9/21

*Mammals and birds cannot be polyploids, some reptiles can

Shah 10 *Aneuploid: having an extra chromosomes without a pair **Meristematic tissue allows for plants to continue growing, and are usually found on the tips of the plants stem and roots. **Axillary buds will grow into branches, and are located right next to a new leaf. In angiosperms, meiosis occurs in the flowers; specifically in the anthers and ovaries

How then do spices protect meristems? In animals pain is an effective reminder to protect meristems. Whereas, plants use poisons and thorns as they do not posses pain receptors.

Ancestral plants: ancestors to all other plants, which is algae Plants moved to land due to the cuticle characteristic (475 mya) - formation of wax covering for protection of plant cells from UV light as it can degrade DNA from cells mosses/ bryophytes: were the first terrestrial plants Then plants evolved vascular tissue; about 400 mya, allowing for life away from water and increase in primary growth as it was no longer needed to stay on the water surface. Pterophytes: 300 mya, ferns grow by spores but still contain vascular tissue. Gym (naked) nosperms: naked seeds Angiosperms: covered seeds *Moss and algae both reproduce by spores Every living cell of algae and moss is responsible for its own water source since the plant is not vascularized

Xylem: moves water

Shah 11 Phloem: moves sugar Algae can only be stacked up to two cells on each other, more than that would cut off water supply for the cells in between Carrots live for two years, one year leaves grow to collect sugar which then pushes down into the roots to grow a taproot (carrot)

Plant height is correlated to precipitation received, the higher the tree the more rainfall received...

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