History Notes - Google Docs PDF

Title History Notes - Google Docs
Course United States History Since 1865
Institution University of North Texas
Pages 22
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Lecture notes that are covered over 22 pages. Covers many topics. ...


History Notes (10/22/2018) Outline: ● War comes to Europe ● Lend-Lease Program ● America Enters the War ● Home Front Names to know: Attack on pearl harbor, Doris Miller, War Production Board, Rationing, Bracero Program, Revenue Acts (1942 and 1943), War Bonds Notes: ● WWII is the most important event in modern human history o The world is terrified that this war will become a huge one as well o Other people start sending in people to tell Hitler to stop invading Hungary and Czech because they’re afraid that Hitler is starting WWII o Hitler immediately starts declaring war against the Jewish people of Germany o German war machine is rolling into France: May 1940 (June 22 nd it is lost to Germany) o Germany couldn’t bring tanks into England because of the Channel, so Germany starts doing war raids. ▪

To soften up for a ground assault

o England thinks that they need more power o Winston Churchill starts asking the US for help, so… o The U.S. passed those Neutrality acts saying that we would not trade with any power, so we can’t send anything. o FDR wants to help, but can’t due to the law, so… ▪

He sends stuff anyway

o FDR then asks Congress to change legislation ▪

Proposes that the US congress pass a “lease-lend” Bill is that the US can lease and lend the materials to countries that are vital to the defense of the US

This Bill passes ($7billion)

When they pass it, it shows that there has been a big shift in American feelings toward Europe

England says, “thanks!”

o In the Pacific, the Japanese are continuing their expansion ▪

Both Germany and Japan build empires

They get nervous because they’re afraid of the idea that we will get involved

Japan attacks U.S. in Pearl Harbor to attempt to destroy our Navy and prevent us from attacking them.

December 7th, 1941 (7:30am) ● We were shocked that 350 Japanese planes came in

They destroyed 300 planes and 18 (sank or damaged badly) warships

2,400 Americans die in Pearl Harbor

o Acts of Heroism ▪

Dorie Miller- (Doris) Decides to join the U.S. Military (Navy Cook) Sent to Pearl Harbor

Jumps onto an Anti-Aircraft gun (with no training)

Promoted to Cook 3rd class (limit for Blacks during WWII)

● The U.S. declares war on Japan o Involves almost all of American Society o Huge numbers of people volunteer for the Military 15,000,000 men and women will serve in WWII o People come enlisting in huge numbers (Texas is at the forefront of that) Texas: 750,000 join 23,000 die o 1942: War Production Board o WWII ends the Great Depression History Notes (10/24/2018) Outline: ● American Homefront ● War in Europe ● War in the Pacific Names to Know:

Bracero Program, Revenue Acts (1942 and 1943), War Bonds, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, Second Front, Total War, Dwight Eisenhower, Stalingrad, Holocaust, Auschwitz, Midway, Battle of Okinawa, B-29 Bombers, D-Day Invasion, Marcario Garcia, Audie Murphy  ● WPB (1942) o We didn’t have the massive military that we have now or shortly after the War ● Who was doing these civilian jobs? o Everyone, o If you’re an American male: you’re probably in the military o If you’re an American woman: o Labor shortage (not enough people to make things) ▪

Weird because before the war, the US didn’t have enough jobs for the surplus of labor

o Women were always working, but at this time, women are told that it is a good thing and they are paid well. (6million women) ▪

Most were married

o A lot of farmers who left farming went BACK to farming o We ask Mexico if we can borrow workers ▪

Mexico says that they would love this

o Texas is excluded from the program because Mexico doesn’t like them ● The Bracero Program was a giant success o Brought a ton of people into the U.S. to help build things and keep food growing o It continued after the war o WWII helped inspire more migration to cities ● Texas becomes the highest US military training ground o 44 US army/naval bases o 65 Air fields o POW camps are being established all over the US ▪

Texas has 21

1000s across the US

o Major strategic advantage because Texas has SOOO MUCH oil o This is important for the US during WWII ● Propaganda became huge o Japanese people scared the americans o German people scared the Americans o 125,000 Japanese people who lived along the coast o All of these people were “potential spies” o They start rounding up all Japanese Americans

o They’re put into camps which is a DIRECT violation of their citizenship rights o Family who have been there a long time o “A Jap’s a Jap… it makes no difference whether he is an American citizen or not.” -General John DeWitt o We had four of these in Texas ● 21,000,000 Russians Die ● Northern Africa: o Desert Fox: o Americans and the British invade northern Africa o We Finally push Germans back for the very first time in the war November 1942 o Things are going badly in Russia o Stalingrad: ▪

Soviet Winter forces German army to stop attacking

800,000 Germans die

2,000,000 Russians die

o D-Day Invasion: ● D-Day invasion: o Hoped to open up a new front on Germany (June 6 th, 1944) o Dwight Eisenhower is the new Supreme Allied Commander of the Allies

Outline: (10/29/18) ● Defeating Japan ● Start of the Cold War ● Facing off with Russia ● Gearing up for the Cold War Names to Know Potsdam Conference, Manhattan Project, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, “Containment” Policy, Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Berlin Airlift, North Atlantic Trade Organization (NATO), National Security Act (1947), National Security Council (NSC), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)  ● Roosevelt Dies o Massive Stroke: Dies on Vacation o Dies a few weeks before Hitler kys ● Stalin does not agree with many of the terms of the treaty o He does, however, agree that we should hold trials against the Nazis ● Albert Einstein writes a letter to the president of the US (FDR) telling them that they should build a bomb so that Hitler couldn’t o Manhattan Project o The US drops the bomb without warning ● Enola Gay:

o Plane that drops the bombs on Japan o “Little Big Boy” drops it over 100,000 people (Aug 6, 1945) o Second Bomb “Fat Man” Nagasaki (Aug 9, 1945) o Sep 2, 1945 Japanese Surrender in Tokyo Bay on a war ship o Victory in the Pacific o We come out of WWII stronger and more powerful than we have ever been in History (strongest Nation still standing in the World) ● Coo in Czech o Communists that are taking over: Supported by the Soviets ● Berlin Airlift: o About a thousand flights per day that go in and out of Berlin per day o That’s 300,000 over the year o Brought 2.5 million tons of food, fuel, and supplies o Great Success ● NATO (April 1949) o The Russians do not like NATO  Outline: (10/31/18) ● Creation of department of defense ● Creation of national security council ● Creation of CIA

 Outline: (11/02/18) ● Demobilization as Veterans Returns ● The G.I. Bill ● Economic and Baby Booms Names to Know: Demobilization, Housing Shortage, Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944, William Levitt, Levittown, Interstate Highway Act of 1956, Diner’s Club card, Davy Crockett craze, polio, Disneyland  ● Joseph McCarthy: Commies are infiltrating EVERYTHING ● How is it that when the US is more prosperous, we are more scared than we have ever been? ● The US stops the contracts with companies: o Many people (Ford) don’t have a job o 12,000,000 veterans come back and are no longer serving ▪

They come back and start looking for jobs

A huge number of young men and women return and look for jobs as soon as the economy starts slowing down

Virtually no place for all of these people to go and find a home, so there were a lot of homeless people

They come back and they don’t even have families

o Huge housing shortage ▪

25,000 homeless veterans in DC

100,000 homeless vets in Chicago

Omaha, Nebraska ad: “Big ice box, 7 feet by 17 feet,. Could be fixed up to live in.”

● GI Bill of 1944: o Put aside $20,000,000,000 to help jumpstart their life again o One of the most important things to help the economy in 1950s o Servicemen can now go to college on the GI Bill o Transforms the country: ▪

Spurs expansion of colleges and universities

Research and Development ● RADAR

Much more educated workforce in the US

Builds the most powerful university system in the world

Rapid expansion of housing ● Allowed vets to buy housing ● Bonuses that they could use as downpayments

Pre-WWII, people couldn’t get loans

Post-WWII, veterans could get them because the Govt can guarantee the loans ● 3.75mil vets bought homes under the GI Bill

● Btwn 1948 and 1958, 13 million new homes were built in the US o Boom of 1950s economy ● William Levitt: o Affordable housing for the masses o Exact same houses over and over and over and over again ▪

Cost $8,000


No down payment

● 1956 Interstate Highway Act o $32 billion = 41,000 miles of highways o One of the reasons that they do this is for preparation of the Cold War so that they can move things quickly if necessary ● Credit Cards: o 1950s Diner’s Club Credit Card ▪

Original Credit Card

o Not swiped, it was shown o 1950s, sears and Roebuck had no credit card to offer: o 1959, sears and Roebuck credit card offered to more than 10 million credit card users! o Thanks in part to the invention of credit cards, the public debt in the US soared 300 percent during the 1950s

● Television: o 1946, only one household in 18,000 had a tv o 1959, 96% of all American families had at least on television o A communal event in Families ● Baby Boom: o Returning veterans start families, buy homes, and have a lot of kids o US population increased from 130 million to 167 million o That’s a 27 percent increase o After the war, people are more willing to have kids ● Advances in medicine: o Vaccinations o Polio ▪

5 years after the polio vaccination, it is completely wiped out

o Driven by University research ● Disneyland 1955, happiest place on Earth  History Notes 11/05/18 Outline: ● Rise and fall of Joe McCarthy ● Sputnik and Cuba

● Road to Vietnam Disneyland, Joseph McCarthy, Alger Hiss, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, House UnAmerican Activities Committee (HUAC), McCarthy-Army Hearings, Joseph Welch, Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Sputnik, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Fidel Castro, Domino Theory  ● 1950s: o Economic Boom ● GI bill does a lot o Free tuition o Underwrites veterans to get loans for houses ▪

Lots of houses bought

o # of cars tripples ● Disneyland is the best example of all this prosperity o Disney wanted a place to capitalize on all of the booming economy ● Russian bad guy wanted to go to Disneyland ● McCarthy o 1950s Korean War- Commies come over the 38th parallel and we stop them o Julius and Ethel Rosenberg: ▪

They are found guilty only after a two week trial and are execoooooooooooooooted

o House of Unamerican Activities Committee ▪

If you is a commie, you suck and we gon’ find you

● October 4th 1957 Sputnik o Scares us because now there is a flying object that flies over the US o NASA 1958 11/07/2018 Outline: ● Second Red Scare ● Beginnings of Vietnam ● Election of 1960 ● Bay of Pigs Names to Know Domino Theory, Dien Bien Phu, Ngo Dingh Diem, Ho Chi Minh, Richard Nixon, John F Kennedy, Berlin Wall, Peace Corps, Foreign Aid, Operation Mongoose, Berlin Wall, Nikita Khrushchev, U2 Spy Plane,


● Fear and Prosperity are running the nation ● The level of paranoia is insane o In Indiana, someone on the textbook board decided that all mentions of Robin Hood should be deleted ● Vietnam: o Independence Movement lead by Ho Chi Minh

o He wanted to free the country from their “colonial overlords” o They are allied with Russia (the Commies) which then brings the American attention o We get involved in Vietnam because we wanted to make a stand against the communism involved in the country o The United States Sets up Ngo Dinh Diem as the President of Southern Vietnam ● Election of 1960 o Kennedy: ▪

Campaigned that “we are falling behind on the soviets”

o Nixon ▪

Campaigned that “Experience. We are doing great and we will keep doing great!”

Outline: ● Cuban Missile Crisis ● The Berlin Wall ● Roots of the Civil Rights Movement Names to Know Operation Mongoose, Berlin Wall, Nikita Khrushchev, U2 Spy Plane, Missiles, Tuskeegee Airmen, Double-V Camp  ● Kennedy plays on the fears of the US to get elected

● Bay of Pigs invasion April 17, 1961 o Lousy attempt at an invasion o Castro surrounds the invaders o The invaders wanted the US to send help, but the US didn’t want to be “involved” even though we were privately involved in the attack o Castro realizes that the US sees him as a threat and is willing to go to any lengths to overthrow Castro o He realizes that he

the Soviet Union and


o He is paranoid that the US will drop bombs on them o Even though we are losing the Cuban issue, Kennedy’s approval ratings go up because he is attempting to do something about the Commies o Kennedy authorizes the CIA to kill Castro any way they can o Operation Mongoose ● Operation Mongoose o “Operation Please Kill Castro Any Way The CIA Can Kill Him” o In addition to the CIA thing, the Soviets get angry that the US is involved in Cuba and sees it as a direct attack ● The Soviet economy isn’t doing so well o Western Berlin is fine (West Controlled) o Eastern Berlin (Soviet Controlled) is doing really poorly

o They build the Berlin Wall ● U2 spy plane: o 10/14/1962 o They see medium range ballistic missiles in Cuba… ☹ o Cubans were unable to make the missiles like that o They assume the Soviets gave them the missiles o Feels really aggressive to the United States o Cuban Missile Crisis o 10/16/1962---10/28/1962 ● Cuban Missile Crisis o 10/16/1962-10/28/1962 o “Let’s destroy everything in Cuba” o But… “If we don’t destroy everything in Cuba, we will start a Nuclear War” o Kennedy Response: Blockade of Cuba ▪

Can’t send any weapons into Cuba

Can’t send any weapons or information out of Cuba

o Idea was that people would calm down now because Cuba was handicapped o Kennedy explains most of this to the American Public on TV o October 26, 1962: Message from Khrushchev:

“If the US promises to not invade Cuba, then we will remove the Missiles from Cuba

Also, the US needs to take your missiles out of Turkey”

● Hotline put in to talk between the US and Russia ● US and Russia sign a treaty to cut down all of the Nuclear Weapons we have in Space, Russia, and US o Meanwhile… Vietnam sucks ● President of US-controlled Vietnam didn’t want freedom of religion because he was Catholic and wanted people to be Catholic o Diem wasn’t interested in land reform o Diem orders his troops to open fire on some Buddhists who were “illegally practicing” their religion o He was appointed by the US and it was embarrassing to the US o Chaos started to emerge in South Vietnam o Civil Rights Movement: ● Civil Rights Movement 1950s o Actually started right after WWII o Very simple b/c you have a lot of minority veterans who just want the same liberties that others have Notes 11/12/18 Outline ● NAACP legal strategy

● Brown v Board of Education ● Tensions Heat up after brown ● Mansfield High School Names to Know Smith v Allwright, Sweatt v Painter, Heman Sweatt, Brown v Board of Education, Brown II, Emmett Till, Rosa Parks, Montgomery Bus Boycott, Martin Luther King, Jr., Allan Shivers, Mansfield High School ● NAACP: o Double V Program o Freedom here and there o Moves a lot of its legal team to North Texas ● Smith vs Allwright ● Heman Sweatt ● In the field of public education the doctrine of separate but equal has no place –Supreme Court ● They need to integrate with all deliberate speed ● Texas Legislature will pass the three ridiculous laws o A law that made interracial marriage illegal o A law exempting white students from attending any integrated school o State of Texas could use its law force to prevent the integration of schools

Outline ● Mansfield High School ● Central High in Little Rock ● Sit-Ins and freedom riders ● Ole Miss and Birmingham Names to Know Sit-ins, student non-violent coordinating committee (SNCC), Freedom Riders, James Meredith, ‘Ole Miss, Ross Barnett, Eugene “Bull” Connor  ● Mansfield High School o If you were black and grew up in Mansfield ▪

You went to a school in Fort Worth

o 1956, Court order requires that Mansfield High School must require black integration o When Blacks started showing up for registration effigies started popping up o August of 1956, people show up by the 100s ▪

Denton, FW, Dallas, etc

o The Texas Rangers go specifically to Mansfield High School to prevent integration o 1956-1966 finally because they would have lost federal funding had they not integrated into the school

o Eisenhower completely ignored the situation ● Central High School (Little Rock) o Eisenhower can’t ignore this one because the governor of Arkansas made national television and caused an embarrassment for him o 11,000 troops were needed to enforce integration o After the Brown decision, we go from court cases to increasing confrontation within the Civil Rights movement o Civil Rights movement starts occupying spaces ● Sit-Ins: o 1960: North Carolina o Non-violent resistance ● SNCC o Student, non-violent, coordinating committee o Feb 1960 sit-in sparks sit-ins o Involved white college students as well o 3,600 of them get arrested usually for bullshit crimes ● Freedom Riders: o Folks who were trying to integrate public transportation o Bus stations in the whole nation cannot have segregated spaces o 7 A.A and 6 Whites (13 total) original Freedom Riders o They went from DC throughout the entire US o May 4, 1961 From DC- New Orleans

o May 9th, Scene of first violence in Rock Hill South Carolina o May 20, they roll into Alabama and they are attacked ▪

Bus firebombed

Tires are slashed

o Political problem for JFK ● University of Mississippi o Giant fight o James Meredith o Kennedy sends a couple hundred people to escort Meredith to class o 23,000 troops to get him registered for classes o The violence of “Bull” outrages a lot of people because it is seen on tv o ...

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