History Notes - Google Docs PDF

Title History Notes - Google Docs
Author Dylan Johnson
Course United States History to 1865
Institution University of North Texas
Pages 7
File Size 77.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 79
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Elliot (doctoral candidate)...


1/16/2019 ●

The first people in North America: ○ People really at first thought that they were great traders and they thought that they found India ○ Eventually, they thought they were savages ○ They were vastly different people who had different values and cultures which made the Europeans think they were animal like ○ They first came from: ■ Asia, Bering Strait land bridge ■ Took thousands of years ○ They started realizing that they didn’t need to move around, so they started forming communities to live in ○ Warmer climates were easier to live in ○ MASSIVE CIVILIZATIONS ○ Iroquois: ■ Eastern Woodlands (New York State) ■ Mohawk ■ Oneida ■ Onondaga ■ Cayuga ■ Seneca ■ Tuscarora ○ The long houses were run by mothers who appointed the chiefs ○ Timucua: ■ Very war like, but didn’t even get along within their own tribe ○ Emerald Mound,a Natchez temple site ■ Caddo Village (texas) ■ Most civilized in the eyes of the white men ■ Interacted alot with spanish and french ■ Natives of the Great Plains ○ Great Plains Natives: ■ Horses came to them via the Spaniards ■ Comanches were massively powerful (Lords of the Plains) ● Started in Colorado and conquered everything between that and central texas ● Very nomadic ■ Slave trading was a massive thing for these people ● Comanches traded the Comancheria ■ Pueblos were always struggling with the comanches ● Very organized ● Grew corn, cotton, and were big into precious rocks ○ Why the natives were pushed out of their lands:

■ Disease ■ Weapons systems ■ Lack of unity Vikings were the first europeans out into the N Americas ● Spain was the first of the major world powers to explore North America ● For 700 years, the Muslim wars were fought by the Christians ● The two major Kingdoms formed a Spanish Coalition ○ This sealed the fate of the wars to the Spanish ○ 1492 “Reconquista” ends ○ Spain is now unified under a Catholic Monarchy ○ Ferdinand had to decide what to do now with this massive Kingdom ○ They decided that they wanted to spread their Catholic religion all over the known world ○ They also had a massive unemployment of Soldiers ○ They wanted National Glory ○ God, Gold, Glory ●

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Age of Exploration: ○ Most people decided that the world is round by this time ○ Spain wanted to hire someone to find a new way to find China and India to save money ○ Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria ○ They land in the Bahamas ○ Columbian Exchange ○ Rice, Potato, Corn, Tomatoes are WORLD CHANGING Missions: ○ The entire intent of trying to civilize Native Americans Why do other Europeans want to leave to the N. Americas ○ Started with Religion ○ Martin Luther King: ■ Writes 95 reasons (Theses) ○ King Henry VIII wanted a divorce from his wife, but Pope wouldn’t do that, so he created his own Church Edward VI, King of England 1547-1553 Mary I Queen of England ■ Devout Catholic ■ “Bloody Mary” Elizabeth I, Queen of England 1558-1603 ○ Super Protestant ○ “I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a King, the King of England too!” Sir Francis Drake, Privateer for Elizabeth I ○ Ran pirate operations and harrassed Spanish shipping

Philip II, King of Spain ○ 1556-1598 ○ Sends a warship fleet to England ○ Spanish Armada is completely obliterated ■ Storm + Elizabeth’s fleet Europeans start racing over to North America

Colonies: ● Jamestown ○ Becomes later day Virginia ○ Not the first attempt ● First attempt: ○ Queen Elizabeth wanted to attack the Spanish Gold Ships coming across ○ Privateers ○ 1585 Established a Base in N. America ○ Roanoke ○ 1588 was the last time that English came ○ 1590 everyone was gone ○ Biggest theory: Villagers were kidnapped and enslaved ● James I ○ King of England 1603-1625 ○ Wanted to smooth England’s economics ○ Wrote the King James Bible ● Jamestown continued ○ Bunch of investors put a bunch of money together to get Jamestown ○ Shipped off 104 men to go set up the colony ○ May 1607 ○ All businessmen ○ 1608 John Smith shows up to save the day ○ John Smith was a badass and established military law ● Pocahontas ○ Daughter of Powhatan ● The Starving time Winter 1609-1610 ○ Jamestown ○ Tobacco saves Jamestown ● House of Burgesses ○ White, Rich, Men ○ Indentured Servitude ○ Of the 24,000 indentured servants, only 1100 survive ● Opechancanough’s Attack on Jamestown killed 25% of Jamestown ● They turned to a different form of labor ○ African Slaves ○ 1619, the Dutch traders brought over Slaves from Africa

Over the 1500s-1800s ■ 10M people brought over ■ 10% of that was brought to the settlements 1660s institutionalized slavery 1624 Virginia becomes a Royal Colony ○ (King Charles) King Charles II Nathaniel Bacon 1673 ○ Comes over to Virginia ○ Joins in the aristocrats and tries to start making a ton of money ○ William Barkley rejects him ○ Bacon was told to chill out on the western frontier ○ Bacon starts a rebellion and attacks the Government ○ 1676: Bacon sends out raiding parties to the Natives which disrupts Jamestown ○ Becomes the leader of Virginia ○ Bacon dies of dysentery

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1/25/19 ● ● ●

Virginia was a market-agricultural society ○ Model for other southern colonies Plymouth Company ○ Slightly north of the Jamestown company Anglicans: ○ Puritans: ■ They hate the catholic church ■ Believe that the anglican church needed to be purified ■ Normal English folk who believed that the church could be saved ○ Congregationalists ■ All puritans are congregationalists ■ John Calvin: ● 1509-1564 ● Predetermination ● Elect ○ Separatists: ■ Believed that the Anglican Church can’t be saved, and that they needed to make a new church ■ All of these people are Congregationalists ○ Pilgrims: ■ The people who came over from England The only reason that someone came over from England, was that they wanted to practice their religion ○ They didn’t want other religions King James I hated separatists

Squanto introduced the Pilgrims to the wopana…. People ○ Pilgrims realized that they were really nice ○ Solid relationships between the peoples ○ “Thanksgiving” ○ People of Plymouth would have died without these people Puritans: ○ Charles I, ■ 1625-1649 ■ Acted on his threats against the people he threatened unlike James the First ■ Disbanded parliament for 11 years

1/28/19 ● ●

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Massachusetts Bay Colony 1640s Parliament funded Charles I in return for the war money ○ Charles broke the rules leading to the English Civil Wars 1642-1651 ○ 1649, Charles the First was executed ○ Oliver Cromwell Oliver Cromwell ○ England had a Republic ○ Gets his head chopped off Charles II, King of England 1660-1685 ○ Came back from France Life in Massachusetts Bay ○ Very involved in trading ○ MASSIVE SLAVE TRADE Mercantilism ○ Keeping everything in house (going through England first) Navigation Acts ○ Keeps England being the only people that can trade ○ Bans shipping outside of the England Trading ships Roger Williams ○ Super intelligent ○ Very outspoken ○ Interpreted the Bible in his own way ○ Didn’t believe that the Natives were treated fairly ○ Starts insinuating that he and his wife were both God ○ They were exiled from Massachusetts Bay and sent to Rhode Island ○ Paid the local natives for the land Rhode Island ○ Very self-warring ○ Lots of fighting

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○ “Rogue” Island ○ Thrives commercially Anne Hutchinson ○ Came to North America with her husband around 1634 ○ Started to gather a following and she believed in Antinomianism Thomas Hooker ○ Went to the modern day connecticut ○ Violent encounter with dutch, but they win ○ Violent encounter with the natives ■ Tremendous massacre ■ Hooker wins ○ Establishes a constitution ○ “Fundamental Orders of Connecticut King Philip's War ○ Most of the natives of the fight have been maimed and murdered New Netherlands ○ Dutch Company owned New Amsterdam (New Netherlands) Charles II ○ Attacks and takes over New Amsterdam Quakers: Maryland: ○ Formed around 1632 ○ Around the same time as massachusetts bay ○ Cecil Calvert, Lord Baltimore ■ Wanted Maryland to be a Lords, peasants, etc. system ○ Maryland begins using slave labor and going into growing cash crops 1660s, Barbados is completely overflowing with slave labor 1672: African Slave trading company Georgia ○ Started in 1732 ○ Last colony ○ Spain is now the enemy again

2/1/19 ●

The Glorious Revolution: ○ King James II, Duke of York, ■ 1685-1688 ■ Opens up positive negotiations ○ England is invaded in 1688, ■ William and Mary restore protestant rule in England ■ English Bill of Rights France:

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○ 1662, France militarizes quebec Iroquois: ○ Running the gauntlet 1689, around 1000 iroquois warriors went up to Quebec and leveled the entire place ○ Worst native american massacre ○ Whenever the conflict is over, the English suffered a heavy loss Queen Anne’s War ○ 1702-1713 (War of Spanish Succession) Battle of Porto Bello November 1739 ○...

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