Aristocracy - Google Docs PDF

Title Aristocracy - Google Docs
Author Steven Lim
Course Government Of The United States
Institution Rio Hondo College
Pages 1
File Size 54.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Analyzing Aristocracy...


1. Define Aristocracy.  Aristocracy is a form of government that gives power to a minority group of high ranking, wealthy and intelligent ruling class. They were usually privileged by birth. This ruling class sets the society’s political agendas, governing in the interest of the entire population. Aristocracy basically means the rule of the few best. Political power is solely held by members of the upper sections of society. There can be aristocracy in democracy, monarchy, religious groups, industrial groups, etc.

2. List potential good points about aristocracy. An advantage of aristocracy as a form of government is that it prevents political power from residing with one person but rather distributes it among an elite who are theoretically best qualified to rule, due to a higher education, social prestige, or wealth. Distributes power between members of the council and provides a faster process for the system.

3. List potential bad points. Aristocracy only reflects the privileged group and doesn’t consider the general public. Sets a divided government between the rich and the poor. The leadership position is based on hereditary and may pass the power to someone who isn’t qualified. Doesn’t give talented members of the general population a chance of social order. Decisions made by a small group therefore there is a higher chance of rebellion.

4. Would we be better off under an aristocracy? The working and middle classes would not be better off, but the wealthiest of this country would feel as if this is the best form of government there can be. They would not need to answer to those of the lower classes, they would effectively have a population of indentured servitude. A population in which the Aristocrats could control the amount of education the lower classes would get. It would be an on demand education for most of the working class. They would only learn what is needed to be productive in the factories, etc.

5. Can you identify aristocratic elements in U.S. society? TRUMP, politicians, A good example would maybe be lobbyist by using their rich influence to steer decisions in politics. Bill gates, Trump, Steve Jobs, so mostly rich business owners. High paying jobs like lawyers and doctors. Another example could be colleges, the prestige of one college education vs another less known college.

 Did the founding generation show any aristocratic tendencies? YES, they were all rich plantation owners. They weren’t looking for freedom from a monarchy. They were looking for financial freedom. The freedom to be able to export their goods to any country, not just their mother country. Most of the revolutionary heroes that we saw in early American history were rich landowners with many other professions. There wasn’t very many working class revolutionary minds. As stated before by Charles Beard, he believed that the US constitution was created by those who were rich for the rich....

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