Figurative - Ashley Blalock PDF

Title Figurative - Ashley Blalock
Author Yen Lu
Course Studies in Art
Institution California State University San Bernardino
Pages 4
File Size 272.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 96
Total Views 156


Ashley Blalock...


Figurative Artist: Charles Cromwell Ingham Title: The Flower Girl Date: 1846 Medium: Oil on canvas

Still life Artist: James Peale Title: Balsam Apple and Vegetablesca Date: ca. 1820s Medium: Oil on canvas

Land Scape Artist: John Steuart Curry Title: Wisconsin Landscape Date: 1938–39 Medium: Oil on canvas

Wi sconsi nLandscape1938–39

JohnSt euar tCur r yAmer i can Abst r actAr t

ARTI ST:Wi l l em deKooni ng,Amer i can,bor nHol l and,19041997 MEDI UM:Oi lonpaperboar d DATES:19531954

Ti t l e:Woman

Representational Art America (Snoop Dog) by Andres Serrano , 2002. Medium : Cibachrome Print

Whyi st hi si magesosmal l ? Wi l l em deKooni ng( Amer i can,bor nHol l and,19041997) .Woman,19531954.Oi l onpaperboar d,Ot her :353/ 4x243/ 8i n.( 90. 8x61. 9cm) .Br ookl yn Museum,Gi f tofMr .andMr s.Al ast ai rB.Mar t i n,t heGuennol Col l ect i on, 57. 124.©ar t i storar t i st ' sest at e( Phot o:Br ookl ynMuseum, 57. 124_r ef er ence_PS2. j pg)


Wi sconsi nLandscapei sani deal i z edcomposi t eoff ar m scenest hat Cur r ysawwhi l et r av el i ngar oundt heAmer i canMi dwest .The hor i z ont alcanv aspr ovi desapanor ami cvi ewoft her egi onanddr aws at t ent i ont ot hedr amat i csky .Cel ebr at i ngagr ar i ancal m and pl ent i t ude,Cur r y’ sver dantsceneappear st odel i ber at el ydi sr egar d t heeffect soft heGr eatDepr essi on,whi chcont i nuedt opl ague f ar mi ngcommuni t i esatt het i me.Al ongwi t hGr antWoodandThomas Har tBent on,Cur r ycont r i but edt oanar t i st i cmov ementknownas Regi onal i sm,whi chasser t edt hatt r ul yAmer i canar twoul demer ge f r om smal l t ownsmor esot hanl ar geci t i es.

Obj ectDet ai l s Ar t i st : JohnSt euar tCur r y( Amer i can,Dunavant ,Kansas1897–1946 Madi son,Wi sconsi n) Dat e: 1938–39 Medi um: Oi l oncanv as Di mensi ons: 42x84i n.( 106. 7x213. 4cm) Cl assi ficat i on: Pai nt i ngs Cr edi tLi ne: Geor geA.Hear nFund,1942 Accessi onNumber : 42. 154...

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