Fill in the blank - Business syllabus PDF

Title Fill in the blank - Business syllabus
Author Delcy Pandya
Course business management
Institution Bankstown Senior College
Pages 13
File Size 114.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 67
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OPERATIONS Role of operations management  strategic role of operations management – cost _________, ______ / ________differentiation

goods and/or services in _________________

______________ with other key business functions

influences  globalisation, __________, quality ___________, _________ competition, government ________, _______ regulation, environmental ______________

corporate social responsibility – the difference between ____________ and ______________

– environmental _____________ and social ______________

operations processes  inputs – transformed resources (________, _________, ___________)

– transforming resources (________________, _________)

transformation processes – the influence of _______, _______, ________ in demand and ________ (customer __________)

– sequencing and ___________ – ____________, ________ ____ _________

– technology, ____ design and process _______

– monitoring, ________ and ______________

outputs – customer _________

– _____________

operations strategies  performance objectives – _______, _____, ___________, ____________, ____________, _____

new _________ or ________ design and ____________

supply ______ ___________ – __________, ____________, ________ sourcing

___________ – advantages and disadvantages

technology – __________ edge, ____________

___________ management – advantages and disadvantages of _________ stock, LIFO (___________), FIFO (____________), JIT (_________)

quality management – ____________ – ____________ – ____________ overcoming ____________ __ ________ – financial _______, purchasing new ___________, __________ payments, retraining, ___________ plant layout, ________ global _________ – _________ sourcing, economies __ ______, ________ and ________, research and ____________

 

MARKETING role of marketing  strategic role of marketing _____ and _________

____________ with other key business functions

__________, ____________, ___________ approaches

types of markets – _________, __________, _________, ________, _________, _____

influences on marketing  factors influencing customer choice – ____________, ____________, __________, _____________

consumer laws – ___________ and ____________ advertising – price _____________ – _____________ conditions – _____________

_________ – truth, ___________ and ______ taste in advertising, products that may _________ _______, engaging in ____ ____________, ___________

marketing process

situational analysis – _______, product _____ ______

_______ research

establishing ________ ___________

___________ target markets

developing marketing ___________

implementation, ____________ and ___________ – ___________ a financial forecast; comparing _______ and ________ results, revising the marketing ________

marketing strategies  market __________, product/service ___________ and ___________

__________ – goods and/or services – __________ – __________

price including ________ _________ – cost, __________, ___________-based – pricing strategies – _________, __________, ____ leaders, price ______ – _______ and ________ interaction


– elements of the __________ mix – ___________, personal ________ and ___________ marketing, _______ promotions, __________ and ______ relations

– the ______________ process – opinion _________, ______ of mouth

place/___________ – distribution ________ – channel choice – __________, __________, ___________ – _________ distribution issues – _________, _____________, ____________

people, __________ and ________ evidence


_______ marketing – global _________ – standardisation – _______________ – _______ pricing – competitive _____________

FINANCE role of financial management  strategic role of __________ management

__________ of financial management – P___________, g________, e_________, l________, s_________ – short-______ and long-______

interdependence with other key business functions

influences on financial management  internal ________ of finance – _________ profits

_______ sources of finance – _______ – short-term _________ (o________, __________ bills, f_________), _____-term borrowing (m_______, d_________, __________ notes, l______)

– _______ – ordinary _______ (n___ issues, r_____ issues, p________, share ________ plans), p_______ e_____

__________ institutions – b_____, investment ______, _________ companies, _____________ funds, life __________ companies, unit ______ and the A__________ S_________ E__________

influence of __________ – A_________ S________ and I_________ C___________, company __________

________ market influences – economic ________, __________ of funds, interest _____

processes of financial management  planning and ____________ – __________ needs, b_______, record _______, financial _____, _________ controls

– ____ and ______ financing – advantages and disadvantages of each

– matching the terms and source of finance to business purpose

monitoring and __________ – cash flow __________, ________ statement, b_________ s_____

_________ ratios – _________ – current ratio (current _______ ÷ current ___________)

– gearing – _____ __ ______ ratio (total _________ ÷ total ______)

– ___________ – ______ profit ratio (g_____ p_____ ÷ _____); ___ profit ratio (net ______ ÷ _____); _______ on _______ ratio (___ profit ÷ total ______)

– efficiency – _________ ratio (total ________ ÷ _____), _________ __________ turnover ratio (sales ÷ ________ __________)

– comparative ratio _______ – over different _____ periods, against __________, with ________ businesses

____________ of financial reports – ___________ earnings, __________ expenses, valuing _______, _______ issues, debt __________, _______ to the financial statements

_______ issues related to financial ________

financial management strategies  cash flow ____________ – cash flow statements

– distribution of _________, __________ for early payment, f__________

working ________ management – ________ of current assets – c_____, r___________, i___________

– control of current ________ – p________, l_____, o_________

– strategies – l_______, s_____ and l______ back

profitability _____________ – cost ________ – f_______ and v_______, cost _______, expense ____________

– revenue ________ – marketing ____________

global financial management – E_________ r____

– I________ r____

– methods of ____________ payment – payment in _________, ______ of credit, clean ________, ____ of exchange

– h________

– d__________


role of human resource management  strategic role of human resources

interdependence with other key business functions

outsourcing – human ________ functions

– using c_________ – d________, g______

key influences  stakeholders – _________, __________, employer __________, u______, government _____________, s_______

legal – the current legal __________ – the employment _________ – ________ law (rights and obligations of _________ and __________), minimum ____________ standards, minimum _____ rates, a_______, enterprise __________, other employment __________

– work ________ and _________ and workers ____________

– anti_____________ and ______ employment opportunity



social – _________ work patterns, living __________

e_____ and c________ s_____ r____________

processes of human resource management  a____________




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