Final Exam Study Fill in the Blank PDF

Title Final Exam Study Fill in the Blank
Course Intro Computers & Programming
Institution Indiana University Bloomington
Pages 10
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MANY programming shortcuts for excel and access and helpful hints and review for the final exam...


Operating System - Platform that coordinates the functions of various hardware components and determines the types and brands of application software you can use Peripheral - Device that can be attached to a computer to extend the computer's functionality, such as adding printing or video capabilities Laptop - Computing device that is highly functional and very portable, likely to be used by a traveling salesperson who constantly needs to update a database after client visits Desktop computer - Computing hardware that is not very portable, but highly functional, perhaps used by a graphic designer creating a logo using complex graphics software, printer, and digital camera add-ons Convertible computer - Device with a detachable keyboard that can convert to a tablet for mobility ____ is used to plan, schedule, track, and analyze the tasks involved in a project, such as the construction of a building or the schedule for preparing a large advertising campaign for a client. A ____ is a question, or, in database terms, a request for specific information from the database. Case 6-2Bryan has just started an internship in which he uses a database frequently. The database contains information about the company's employees. Bryan's supervisor senses that he is anxious about using the database and drops by to give him a short tutorial. The supervisor explains that each employee's information forms a separate ____. -

In spreadsheet programs, labels and constant values are always copied exactly to the new location; what happens to formulas when they are copied depends on whether they use relative cell referencing or ____ Related software programs (such as a group of graphics programs, utility programs, or office-related software) are sometimes sold bundled together as a ____. When a software program is purchased, the buyer is acquiring a(n) ____ that permits him or her to use the software. Word processing programs use a feature called ____, which means the insertion point automatically moves to the beginning of the next line when the end of the screen line is reached. (T/F) In spreadsheet programs, when absolute cell references are used, formulas are copied exactly as they are written ____ is a growing concern because of the vast amounts of personal data stored in databases today and the many data privacy breaches that are occurring. A ____ holds a single category of data (such as customer names or employee phone numbers) that will be stored in a database. A ____ is a collection of related fields. The process of evaluating and correcting the structures of the tables in a database to minimize data redundancy is called ____. A(n) ____ is a collection of elements (people, hardware, software, and data) and procedures that interact to generate information needed by the users in an organization. -

A(n) ____ is an information system that provides decision makers with regular, routine, and timely information that is used to make decisions. Managers are usually classified into three categories: executive, ____, and operational. ____ are used to input data about a person so that the individual's identity can be verified based on a particular unique physiological characteristic. Case 4-1Stacey is the office manager for a small business and is looking for a new printer and scanner for her office. After doing some research into printers, Stacey decides to buy a(n) ____ printer, since they are the standard for business documents and are typically faster and have better quality output than other types of printers. Case 4-1Stacey is the office manager for a small business and is looking for a new printer and scanner for her office. When buying a scanner, Stacey needs to make sure that the scanner has a high enough ____, usually measured in the number of dots per inch (dpi), for the business needs of the office. In a printer, the number of ____ affects the quality of printed output. One of the most common 2D barcodes, the ____ code represents data with a matrix of small squares. Print speed is typically measured in ____. A ____ is a subtle alteration of digital content that is not noticeable when the work is viewed or played but that identifies the copyright holder A ____ protects inventions by granting exclusive rights of an invention to its inventor for a period of 20 years. -

A teacher who shares a poem with his class and leads the class to believe the poem is his original work has engaged in ____. The growth in assistive technology is due in part to demands by disabled individuals and disability organizations for equal access to computers and Web content, as well as the ____ (ADA). The term ____ refers to the gap between those who have access to information and communications technology and those who do not. The three main types of intellectual property rights are copyrights, trademarks, and ____. While a keyboard, mouse, monitor, and printer can be connected to a portable computer directly, a ____ is designed to connect a portable computer to peripheral devices more easily. A ____ is a collection of computers and other devices that are connected in order to enable users to share hardware, software, and data, as well as to communicate electronically with each other. Access control at many businesses and organizations is provided by ____, which allow only authorized individuals to enter an office building, punch in or out of work, or access the company network via an access card or a fingerprint or hand scan. Because many mobile devices and personal computers today are continually connected to the Internet, securing those devices against computer viruses and ____ is essential for both individuals and businesses. Similar to the way an IP address or domain name uniquely identifies a computer on the Internet, a ____ uniquely identifies a specific Web page. -

When data is processed into a meaningful form, it becomes ____. A mainframe computer is a powerful computer used in many large organizations that need to manage large amounts of centralized data. Computer literacy is knowing about and understanding computers and their uses. ____ is a networking standard for very short-range wireless connections; the devices are automatically connected once they get within the allowable range. ___ is the use of networking technology to provide medical information and services. ____ is typically used with LANs that have a star topology and can be used in conjunction with twisted-pair, coaxial, or fiber-optic cabling. ____ networks use a central device to connect each device directly to the network. ____ transmissions are radio signals sent to and from cell phones via cellular (cell) towers. ___ was originally developed to carry a large number of high-speed video transmissions at one time, such as to deliver cable TV service. ___ cables are continually being improved to increase speed. The fastest cables under development today use multiple cores and/or multiple wavelengths to transmit data as fast as 255 Tbps. A network adapter, also called a ____ when it is in the form of an expansion card, is used to connect a computer to a network. A GPS receiver measures the distance between the receiver and ____ GPS satellites simultaneously to determine the receiver's exact geographic location. -

Case 7-1Robert is a medical writer for a pharmaceutical company. The company allows Robert to work from home. Every day, Robert uses ____ to have a real-time, face-to-face meeting with his boss. Case 7-1Robert is a medical writer for a pharmaceutical company. The company allows Robert to work from home. Robert's job is a(n) ____ job. Case 7-2Gabrielle is the network administrator at a medium-sized company. One of her responsibilities is to purchase network devices to maintain the company network. Gabrielle realizes that to improve network performance, she needs to buy and install a ____, which identifies the device on the network for which the data is intended and sends the data to that device only. Case 7-2Gabrielle is the network administrator at a medium-sized company. One of her responsibilities is to purchase network devices to maintain the company network. Gabrielle would like to purchase a new ____, which would be used to connect the company's LAN and the Internet. Microsoft Office markup tools and specialized ____ are used in conjunction with networking technology to allow multiple individuals to edit and make comments in a document without destroying the original content. The ____ network consists of 24 Department of Defense satellites that are used for location and navigation purposes The original first-generation cell phones were ____ and designed for voice data only. The technique used for data sent over the Internet is ____. ____ are designed to withstand much more physical abuse than conventional devices. -

____ refers to driving around an area with a Wi-Fi-enabled device to find a Wi-Fi network in order to access and use it without authorization. A ____ is a security system that essentially creates a barrier between a computer or a network and the Internet in order to protect against unauthorized access. By ____, you instruct companies with whom you do business not to share your personal information with third parties. Case 15-1IBF Consultants, LLC provides consulting services in privacy and theft deterrence solutions. Another client has very sensitive data and they are less concerned about recovering any stolen computer than ensuring that the data located on the computer is not compromised. Which technology would be useful in this case? Case 15-2Samuel loves to shop online because it allows him to easily compare prices at different retailers and read reviews from other buyers before buying a product. However, Samuel is also concerned about protecting his personal information. Before providing any personal information on a shopping site, Samuel always reads the Web site's ____. Select Control and F3 to complete the task Case 15-2Samuel loves to shop online because it allows him to easily compare prices at different retailers and read reviews from other buyers before buying a product. However, Samuel is also concerned about protecting his personal information. To further protect his privacy, Samuel has decided to ____ from certain companies by instructing those companies to not to share his personal information with third parties. One common way to deal with spam that makes it to your computer is to use a(n) ____. -

Some worms are specifically written to take advantage of newly discovered ____ in operating systems and e-mail programs before the security patch to correct that vulnerability is available. The term ____ refers to the rights of individuals and companies to control how information about them is collected and used. To explain acceptable computer use to their employees, students, or other users, many organizations and educational institutions publish guidelines for behavior, often called ____. To facilitate using a computer lock, most portable computers today come with a ____—a small opening built into the system unit case designed for computer locks. To supplement backup procedures, businesses and other organizations should have a(n) ____. Using the ____ browsing mode offered by some browsers can prevent personal information from being left on a public computer. ____ devices are high-performance storage systems that are connected individually to a network to provide storage for the computers connected to that network. ____ is a method of storing data on two or more hard drives that work together. ____ means that data can be retrieved directly from any location on the storage medium, in any order. Anything (such as a program, letter, digital photograph, or song) stored on a storage medium is referred to as a(n) ____. Case 3-1Dan is a small business owner who depends on his computer to keep track of customer and sales data. He is investigating storage options because it is critical for him

to ensure that his data is safe in the event of a computer failure. A friend of Dan suggests to him that he can use an external hard drive for his data storage and backup needs. To use an external hard drive, Dan should make sure that his computer has an available USB or ____ port. Case 3-1Dan is a small business owner who depends on his computer to keep track of customer and sales data. He is investigating storage options because it is critical for him to ensure that his data is safe in the event of a computer failure. As Dan is very concerned about maintaining the security of his business data, he should look for an external hard drive that comes with built-in ____. Case 3-2Rodney owns a computer that he uses to work, keep in touch with friends and family, watch movies, listen to music, and use the Internet. If Rodney wants to be able to write, erase, and overwrite the files on a CD, he should get a ____. Case 3-2Rodney owns a computer that he uses to work, keep in touch with friends and family, watch movies, listen to music, and use the Internet. If Rodney wants to record music files onto a CD, he needs to make sure that his operating system has CD-____ capabilities. Case 3-2Rodney owns a computer that he uses to work, keep in touch with friends and family, watch movies, listen to music, and use the Internet. Rodney wants to be able to easily carry files with him wherever he goes but he also has a tendency to lose things. Knowing this, he should probably save those files on a ____ drive which he can then attach to his backpack. CD-ROM discs and DVD-ROM discs are ____ optical discs that come prerecorded with commercial products. -

Conventional CD discs use ____ lasers. Partitions are sometimes referred to as ____. Regardless of how storage devices are connected to a computer, ____ and/or names are typically assigned to each storage device. Some drive letters, such as the letter ____ that is typically used with the primary hard drive, are usually consistent from computer to computer and do not change even if more storage devices are added to the computer. The ____ cards used with mobile phones today are a special type of smart card. To speed up magnetic hard drive performance, ____ is often used. One reason advanced users may partition a primary hard drive is to be able to use two different operating systems on the same hard drive. -...

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