Final Essay 2 - Grade: A PDF

Title Final Essay 2 - Grade: A
Course College Writing II
Institution University of Massachusetts Lowell
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This is a final essay in 2016/2017...


Minh Trinh English Composition 1 Sara Codair 10/26/2017

Dwellings: Humans and the Things in The Natural In fact, in today’s world, a lot of people take advantage of a lot of things in nature, but they do not give any respect to the Earth and the wilderness. They have forgotten about the beauties of nature because they only use without protect or renewal, which makes Mother Nature slowly die. Linda Hogan writes in her Preface to Dwellings that “There is a terrestrial intelligence that lies beyond our human knowing and grasping.” and also, in What Holds the Water. What Holds the Light that “Drinking the water, I thought how earth and sky are generous with their gifts, and how good it is to receive them.” That is the main point, which is constantly repeated throughout the book, and makes her book more interesting to readers. After reading her book, all her stories which is the reflection of the natural world’s life has been objectified. In addition, Linda Hogan also wanted to try for sending a message to humans and animals, who are living on the Earth and using a lot of resources of the Mother Nature. Today, the real thing is that human is becoming so smart, but that also makes a lot of troubles for the Earth because they want everything to be better, and also want to use or control it as much as possible. The first thing is that, human should recycle or renewal after using natural resources, which can help us to save for our next generation, but some human does not know

about that because they only know how to use without protecting. So that, Linda believes that human is destroying the land, animals, and are also killing themselves. There have two different ways to view the world; the human view and the Mother Nature view. A real thing is that human can never understand why Mother Nature and native people view the Earth as they do. Linda explains “It has been my lifelong work to seek an understanding for two views of the world, one as seen by native people and other as send by those who are new and young on this continent” (11). She was trying to help us clearly understand that native Indians have more understandings than us of how Mother Nature feelings when the land is ruined and trees are cut down so as to build the modern world. Linda Hogan believes “There is still a place, a gap between worlds, spoken by the tribal knowledge of thousands of years (20).” According to Linda, “tribal knowledge of thousands of years” refers to an understanding and a wisdom of the native people who were born and lived on this land since the starting of manhood. In fact, today, although with modern of science, people still cannot understand and explain the phenomenon of the nature and Earth. Additionally, when Linda talked about native people and other people who are trying to understand the world, she explains that even after centuries of sciences and researches development, they still cannot identify many things of earth, animals, or even their own minds. Writing about bats, which are heavenly animals, Linda Hogan said that “not just because they live inside the passageways between earth and sunlight, but because they live in double worlds of many kinds” (28). Following to Linda Hogan’s meaning, human will never be able to figure out how different the world that a bat lives in. She also ponders the bats to be “people from the land of sounds” (26), which means the bats watch over us and listen to our troubles even if we never really appreciated it because bats live and go to eat

at night without the light of the sun. Therefore, they make high-frequency yells and analyze the location of objects around them by perceiving how the sound bounces back off the object. Furthermore, the bats are actually helpful in controlling the population of crop-destroying insects. Not only the bats, there are also a lot of animals, which are supportive for human so that we must respect Mother Nature. Otherwise, there will be no more Mother Nature if human does not do anything to protect that in a few years. In chapter What Holds the Water of her book, Linda explains “far-hearted mentality” as the “kind of thinking is one we are especially prone to now, with our lives moving so quickly ahead, and it is one that see life, other lives as containers in a greater holier sense” (45). Wilderness is necessary for our human to survive because the first thing is to the relationship between human and animals, which have grown for a long time as over 2000 years, and the second thing is that the wilderness provides the exit for emotional expressions and a chance to get in touch with native side. Also, the Nature does not ask for our help in its surviving but only needs us to stop destroying natural resources as we’ve done, and just let “the Natural laws” come into production. In chapter “Defy the Wolf”, Linda explains the scene where people are petting the deer. She articulates that “these are gestures reserved for animals because the distance between one human and another is often too great to bridge” (72). That is a true thing because there is a space between human to human, which is difficult to fill. Linda Hogan believes that human are on their own because they are always trying to make better things for themselves, and controlling lower or no brain things. However, she thinks it is a lack of compassion. Moreover, Linda Hogan also says that “no matter what direction the quest for separation might take, there has been a narrowing down of the difference between species” (114). No matter how we try to separate the

world, we are always bound by everything and everyone around us. This connection will make us reevaluate how we treat each other and Mother Nature. In conclusion, we all know the Earth is made up from many kinds of people, animals, lands, rivers, trees, oceans, and a lot of things around us. However, almost everything in this world has been touched by human hands. For this reason, Linda Hogan explains that, “And how often I’ve wanted to escape to a wilderness where a human hand has not been in everything. But those were only dream of peace. A sanctuary where a dream or life wouldn’t be invaded” (119). Therefore, somehow for not paying the attention to what we are doing, people have already robbed the beauty of the Earth. In additional, all of us are a part of nature and a nature is also a part of us. However, with a lot of things we did, the world would be out of control and came to an end someday since we have defeated the nature and ourselves. After a long time for only using natural resources, human need to do something or at least anything in order to help the Earth in surviving....

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