Final Essay PDF

Title Final Essay
Author Rebecca Gbadebo
Course Foundations Of The Western World
Institution University of New Haven
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Final essay dicusses how the media depicts events from the past....


Oluwatoyin Rebecca Gbadebo Professor Matthew Wranovix Foundations of the Western World May 8, 2020 Final Project Essay My reference is an article called The reaction of the rich to bubonic plague is eerily similar to today’s pandemic from The Times of Israel. It refers the time of 14th century where the black plague was occurring and high-class officials were able to escape the pandemic by leaving their homes, however low-class income individuals had to continue working at their establishments. It is addressing how the coronavirus situation is like this because it believes that there is gap where it is affecting more low-class people because they do not have access to healthcare and stable employment. The writer talks about how during the black plague the rich were able to be entertain and the poor had to stay home even the virus was wiping them away. Overall, the writer is comparing how the same issues that happen in the Black Plague is prevailing during the coronavirus pandemic now. This is the link for the article https:

The reference of the article is very accurate. According to Medieval Sourcebook: Boccaccio: The Decameron – Introduction it says “Wherefore they banded together, and dissociating themselves from all others, formed communities in houses where there were no sick, and lived a separate and secluded life, which they regulated with the utmost care, avoiding every kind of luxury, but eating and drinking moderately of the most delicate viands and the finest wines, holding converse with none but one another, lest tidings of sickness or death should reach them, and diverting their minds with music and such other delights as they could devise. Others, the bias of whose minds was in the opposite direction, maintained, that to drink freely, frequent places of public resort, and take their pleasure with song and revel, sparing to satisfy no appetite, and to laugh and mock at no even.1” Meaning the people who could afford the luxury of life during the black Plague were doing fine. They were still engaging in activities of drinking, traveling, basically escaping the reality of the disease. The low-income citizens were to just remain in their house and let the virus run its course. While rich people are not following the rules. This goes back to the coronavirus today how it is very easy for wealthy people can just leave their homes. While average citizens have no choice but to stay at their home due to financial stability issues. Not only that, rich people can receive testing because they have the funds. If wealthy people get sick from the virus, they can afford the upmost healthcare. Regular people cannot pay hospital expenses. So, most definitely the coronavirus is affecting social classes in different ways

In addition to that, the reference is very accurate because laborers during the Black Plague continued to work even though the wages were not increasing during this critical time. 1 Halsall , Paul. “Medieval Sourcebook: Boccaccio: The Decameron - Introduction.” Internet History Sourcebooks Project. Fordam University, January 26, 1996.

According to Zachary Peschke he said “ One chronicler claims the peasants demanded “...that there should be equality among all people save only the King...” and “...that there should be no more villains in England, and no serfdom or villeinage, but that all men should be free and of one condition” (Anonimalle Chronicle). The revolt eventually sputtered out though, and the effects of the Black Death upon the peasants became the exact opposite: The advantageous and wealthier peasants and gentry became wealthier, while the poor peasants became poorer.2 ” C:\Users\rebec\Desktop\Black Plague.pdf Meaning the poor laborers and peasants had to still go to work even though this crisis was dangerous environment to work in when you must work for those inflicted with the disease. They were desperate for money and highly needed during this time. This refers to how grocery store workers are overly worked because of coronavirus, but they still get paid the minimum wage even though they are essential. Accuracy is very important because historians and regular citizens need to know the stories and details about this crisis. The same way people compare the coronavirus to the black plague is a prime example. We as human beings look back to old events in history to for tell what is taking place in our present. We look back to history for guidance. To see the changes that evolved and got us to this place. It gives us an understanding of the reality of living during the black plague. It allows us to get to understand the impact and effect of black plague when it comes to the economy, social classes, health etc. Using this history accurately from the past, helps explain what is going on with us today. The same way the black plague describes wealthy people going to resorts to escape the pandemic is like the celebrities that goes to private islands now to not contact the virus by being around other people. It really gives us insight of the struggles and benefits of being from a particular social group.

2 Peschke, Zachary. “PDF,” 2007....

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