FINAL EXAM 2019, questions and answers PDF

Title FINAL EXAM 2019, questions and answers
Course Psychology as a Natural Science
Institution Athabasca University
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1. In Pavlov's original demonstration of classical conditioning, salivation to the bell was the: a. conditioned stimulus. b. conditioned response. c. unconditioned stimulus. d. unconditioned response. e. neutral stimulus. 2. Sally developed a fear of balconies after almost falling from a balcony on a couple of occasions. What was the conditioned response? a. the balcony b. fear of the balcony c. almost falling d. fear resulting from almost falling e. all of the above 3. When the UCS is removed and the CS is presented alone for a period of time, what will occur? a. classical conditioning b. generalization c. acquisition d. extinction e. discrimination 4. Davina developed a fear of balconies from almost falling. Although she has had no dangerous experiences on bridges, cliffs, and the view from tall buildings, she now fears these stimuli as well. Which of the following is likely to have produced a fear of these other stimuli? a. instinctive drift b. spontaneous recovery c. generalization d. assimilation e. discrimination 5. A researcher reinforces closer and closer approximations to a target behaviour. What is the name of the procedure she is using? a. shaping b. classical conditioning c. discrimination training d. extinction e. generalization 6. Jon says, "Please pass the salt." Ralph passes the salt. "Thank you," says Jon. Jon's request precedes a behaviour (salt passing) that is reinforced ("Thank you"). Thus, the request "Please pass the salt" is a ____________ for passing the salt. a. discriminative stimulus b. response c. positive reinforcer d. conditioned stimulus (CS) e. unconditioned response

7. A rat is reinforced for the first lever-pressing response that occurs, on the average, after 60 seconds. Which schedule is the rat on? a. FR b. VR c. FI d. PI e. VI 8. When the rat presses a lever, the mild electric shock on the cage floor is turned off. What procedure is being used? a. punishment b. escape c. discrimination training d. avoidance e. none of the above 9. A cue light comes on in the dog's shuttle box. It jumps the hurdle to the other side. What procedure is being used? a. punishment b. escape c. discrimination training d. avoidance e. negative reinforcement 10. In the two-process explanation of avoidance, the cue stimulus acquires the capacity to elicit fear through the process of: a. operant conditioning. b. classical conditioning. c. generalization. d. discrimination. e. observational learning. 11. The contingencies are as follows: if the response occurs, a stimulus is presented; if the response does not occur, the stimulus is not presented. Under this procedure, the strength of the response decreases. What procedures is being used? a. positive reinforcement b. negative reinforcement c. generalization d. avoidance training e. punishment 12. In terms of the traditional view of conditioning, research on conditioned taste aversion was surprising because: a. there was a very long delay between CS and UCS. b. the dislike of a particular taste was operantly conditioned. c. conditioning occurred to all stimuli present when the food was consumed. d. the sense of taste seems to be relatively week. e. all of the above.

13. (the Brelands) trained pigs to put coins in a piggy bank for a food reward. The pigs learned the response, but, instead of depositing the coins in the bank immediately, they began to toss them in the air, drop them, push them on the ground. What had occurred that interfered with conditioning. a. conditioned taste aversion b. blocking c. instinctive drift d. S & L effect e. genetic shaping 14. Which of the following produces strong resistance to extinction? a. a continuous reinforcement schedule b. an intermittent reinforcement schedule c. optimal foraging behaviour d. discrimination and differentiation e. none of the above 15. Earlier learning viewpoints considered classical and operant conditioning to be automatic processes involving environmental events that did not depend on biological or cognitive factors. Research in which of the following areas cast doubt on this point of view? a. signal relations b. instinctive drift and conditioned taste aversion c. response-outcome relations d. all of the above e. none of the above 16. according to the definition of ______, people’s behaviour is influenced by its consequences a. classical conditioning b. observational conditioning c. operant conditioning d. respondent conditioning 17. Of the following, which is NOT a correct procedure in the use of operant conditioning? a. selecting a target behaviour b. shaping by reinforcing in small, incremental steps c. reinforcing a target behaviour immediately before its occurrence d. reinforcing only observable behaviours 18. When C got her dog, she would pet him and give him treats for staying close during walks. Now C’s dog stays at her side all the time, even when he is not on a leash. In this case, a. being petted and given treats were negative reinforcers for staying close b. being petted and given treats were positive reinforcers for staying close c. staying close was a negative reinforcer for being petted and given treats

d. staying close was a positive reinforcer for being petted and given treats 19. B has an intense fear of dogs. Her fear dates back to when as a young child she was attacked by a Stray dog. Which process likely brought about B’s dog phobia? a. classical conditioning b. negative reinforcement c. operant conditioning d. observational learning

20. Berry picking was enjoyable for Glenda and Michelle until they realized that their earnings were not consistently based on how much they picked. Some days, their pay was based on every 8 buckets they filled, other days, on every six buckets. It appears that the berry farm where they work uses ___ ___schedule of reinforcement. a. variable ratio b. fixed interval c. fixed ratio d. variable interval 21. what type of reinforcement usually leads to a steadier rate of responding and a greater resistance To extinction in operant training? a. fixed rate reinforcement b. variable rate reinforcement c. fixed interval reinforcement d. punishment 22. after watching his dad wash the car, Yacov tries to mimic him by washing his bike. This is an ex of? a. superstitious behaviour b. classical conditioning c. observational learning d. positive reinforcement 23. If you start driving your car without fastening your seatbelt, you will hear a somewhat annoying sound. What type of learning have you demonstrated if you learn to fasten the seatbelt after hearing the sound? a. escape learning b. avoidance learning c. positive reinforcement d. positive punishment 24. E’s mail arrives at the same time every day. For 2 weeks, while E was waiting for her tax refund she Kept looking out the window to see if the mail had arrived. In this ex, E’s behaviour of watching for the mail was being reinforced on a _____ schedule of reinforcement.

a. b. c. d.

fixed ratio variable ratio fixed interval variable interval

25. In Pavlov’s experiment the dog salivating to a previously neutral stimulus is an example of: a. conditioned response b. unconditioned stimulus c. conditioned stimulus d. an unconditioned response 26. ______ refers to the removal of a stimulus following a response that decreases the likelihood of the Response recurring. a. positive reinforcement b. punishment c. secondary reinforcement d. negative reinforcement

27. the phenomenon of conditioned taste aversion seems unusual compared to other more traditional forms of classical conditioning because a taste aversion a. almost always requires more than 1 trial b. can be conditioned with long delays between the CS (taste) and the UCS (nausea) c. can be conditioned with an extremely intense UCS d. can be conditioned with an extremely intense CS 28. In a variable ratio schedule, the reinforcer is given a. after a fixed number of nonreinforced responses b. after a variable number of non reinforced responses c. for the first response that occurs after a fixed amount of time has elapsed d. for the first response that occurs after a variable amount of time has elapsed 29. Gary’s parents hope to convince him to stop speeding when he drives, so they have temporarily taken away his driving privileges. They are using ________ to get Gary to change his driving behaviour. a. punishment b. primary reinforcement c. negative reinforcement d. positive reinforcement 30. The unexpected reappearance of old associations after extinction has occurred is called a. generalization b. spontaneous recovery c. shaping d. latent learning 31. A was dancing with his new girlfriend at an Elvis tribute when the band started playing “cant help

falling in love with you” A’s girlfriend gave him a long passionate kiss, which he found very enjoyable. Now A finds that every time he hears that song on the radio he becomes mildly excited. In this example the unconditioned response is the a. the song b. enjoyment A experienced when his girlfriend kissed him c. long, passionate kiss d. excitement A experienced when he hears the song the radio 32. T is watching a rat in a Skinner box. Every time a red light comes on, the rat presses the bar in the cage. However, when a green light comes on, the rat never presses the bar. In this case. It appears that the colour of the light is acting as _____ for bar pressing. a. positive reinforcer b. negative reinforcer c. unconditioned stimulus d. discriminative stimulus 33. if a dog salivates to a blue light but not a yellow light the dog is showing evidence of a. spontaneous recovery b. conditioned emotional reactions c. stimulus generalization d. stimulus discrimination 34. when the rat presses a lever the mild electric shock on the cage floor is turned off. What procedure is being used? a. punishment b. escape c. discrimination training d. avoidance 35. V had been working at shoppers drug Mart for eight months when her boss asked to see her in his office. She thought he wanted to talk about her promotion so she was quite excited. Instead of giving her a promotion the boss told her she was being laid off as a result of company downsizing. Veronica could feel her heart pounding as she listened to the news. Veronica was able to get a new job but every time her new boss has to talk to her in private Veronica feels a little faint. In this example, the unconditioned response is a. The bad news from her boss at shoppers drug Mart b. Her new boss asking for a private meeting c. Her pounding heart when she was being laid off d. The faintness she feels with her new boss wants to talk in private 36. Ray’s brother always says “I’m going to get you” just before he hits Ray. Allen’s brother sometime says ‘I’m going to get you’ just before he hits Alan. Other times he hits Alan with no warning. Based on

the work by Rescorla you should predict that when these boys hear the words, Im going to get you Ray will show a. an unconditioned response; while Alan will show a conditioned response b. A stronger conditioned response than Allen will show c. A weaker conditioned response than Allen will show d. A conditioned response while Alan will show an unconditioned response 37. The general principle governing stimulus generalization in classical conditioning is that generalization is greater when a. stimuli are very similar to the original conditioned stimulus b. stimuli are very different from the original conditioned stimulus c. tactile stimulation is used rater than auditory stimulation d. auditory stimulation is used rather than visual stimulation. 38. stimulus generalization occurs when a. a novel stimulus produces a response that is similar to the response produced by a conditioned stimulus b. a novel stimulus produces a response that is different from the response produced by a conditioned stimulus c. a conditioned response develops that is opposite to the unconditioned response d. an unconditioned response develops that is opposite to the conditioned response 39. In Pavlov’s experiement what was the unconditioned stimulus? a. salivation b. light c. meat powder d. a tone 40. In the cumulative record, a rapid response rate is indicated by __; a slow response rate is indicated by___ a. A shallow slop; a steep slope b. A steep slope; a shallow slope c. An upward slope; downward slope d. A downward slope; an upward slope 41. When Tyler was finished training his dog to heel, he would give him a treat when he stayed close during walks. Now the dog stays right by Tyler’s side even when he is not on his leash. In this case the a. dog treats were negative reinforcers for staying close b. staying close was a positive reinforcer for receiving dog treats c. staying close was a negative reinforcer for receiving dog treats d. dog treats were positive reinforcers for staying close 42. Extinction is a. the return of a conditioned response that had been extinguished after a period of nonexposure to the conditioned stimulus. b. learning that an event signals the absence of non-occurrence of the unconditional stimulus c. procedure that uses an established conditioned stimulus to condition a response to a second, neutral stimulus d. loss of responding that results from the repeated presentation of a conditioned stimulus without an unconditioned stimulus

43. Anita writes short poems and submits them to magazines. She never knows which poems will be selected for publication, but the more poems she submits, the more likely she will have a poem published. In this example, Anita’s submission is bring reinforced on a ____schedule. a. variable-ratio b. fixed-ratio c. fixed interval d. variable interval 44. Claire and Ashley ate dinner at a new restaurant last night. The entire restaurant was decorated in green and the sound of waterfalls played in the background. Both Claire and Ashley ordered “trapper casserole” which tasted like nothing they had ever eaten before. 4 hours after they had eaten, they both became extremely ill and were taken to the hospital by ambulance, with the sirens wailing. Based on research conducted by Garcia and his colleagues, you might predict that in the future, Claire and Ashley will both show conditioned responses to. a. anything that is coloured green b. the sound of falling water c. the sound of sirens d. foods that smell or taste like trapper casserole 45. which of the following is NOT an example of punishment? a. nagging a child until she picks up her toys b. taking away a child’s tv privileges for one week for a bad report card c. making a child sit in the corner for 10 minutes for rudeness d. laughing at a classmate when he asks a dumb question in class

46. the re-emergence of a condition response several weeks after it has been extinguished is called a. disinhibition b. secondary conditioning c. variable reinforcement d. potentiation e. spontaneous recovery 47. A was dancing with his new girlfriend at an Elvis tribute when the band started playing “cant help falling in love with you” A’s girlfriend gave him a long passionate kiss, which he found very enjoyable. Now A finds that every time he hears that song on the radio he becomes a little flushed. In this example the conditioned stimulus is the a. the song b. enjoyment A experienced when his girlfriend kissed him c. long, passionate kiss d. flushing A experienced when he hears the song the radio

48. which of the following is a conclusion we can draw on animal models of learning? a. research on animals examines animal behavior and physiology, but not learning b. learning in animals is instinctiveness and includes no cognitive intervention c. many principles of learning discovered in animal research apply quite well to humans 49. A stimulus that elicits an unlearned response without previous conditioning is called a. an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) b. conditioned stimulus (CS) c. neutral stimulus (NS) d. Pavlovian stimulus (PS) e. discriminative stimulus (DS) 50. In part, the law of effects states that a. if a response in a particular situation is followed by an unsatisfactory consequence it will be weakened b. if a response in a particular situation is followed by an unsatisfactory consequence it will be strengthened c. pleasant consequences alter behaviour whereas unpleasant consequences have no impact on behaviour d. unpleasant consequences alter behaviour whereas pleasant consequences have no impact on behaviour 51. Which of the following is NOT a strategy for decreasing the frequency of an undesirable behaviour? a. positive reinforcement for withholding the response b. punishment for making the response c. increasing exposure to antecedents of the response d. decreasing exposure to antecedents of the response 52. Primary reinforcers _________, while secondary reinforcers_________ a. depend on learning; satisfy biological needs b. satisfy biological needs; depend on learning c. are associated with classical conditioning; are associated with operant conditioning d. are associated with operant conditioning; are associated with classical conditioning 53. Mya tried a new over the counter product that claims to prevent heartburn and indigestion when taken 30 min before eating. After eating a spicy meal and suffering ill effects, Mya now regularly takes the product before every meal. In this case, _____ acts as a ________. a. avoiding heartburn; negative reinforcer for taking the product b. avoiding heartburn; positive reinforcer for taking the product c. taking the product; positive reinforcer for avoiding heartburn d. taking the product; negative reinforcer for avoiding heartburn 54. In classical conditioning, what is a USC? a. a previously neutral stimulus that has acquired the capacity to evoke a learned response b. stimulus that evokes a response without previous conditioning c. learned reaction to a stimulus that occurs as a result of previous conditioning d. an unlearned reaction to a stimulus that occurs without previous conditioning 55. An antecedent in a behaviour modification program is a. a source of reinforcement

b. an event that precedes a behaviour c. consequences of performing a behaviour d. an emotional component associated with the receipt of reinforcement or punishment

Test answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

A B D C A A E B D B E A C B D C C B A A B C A C A D B B A B B D D B C B A A C B D D A d A

46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.

E A C A A C B A D B...

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