FINAL EXAM 2019, questions PDF

Title FINAL EXAM 2019, questions
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FINAL EXAM IN DEVELOPMENTAL READING J.H. CERILLES STATE COLLEGE –DUMINGAG CAMPUS STE DEPARTMENT Name : _____________________________________________ Score : ______________ Course and Year : ____________________________________ Date : ______________ Test I. Simple Recall. Directions : identify what is asked. Choose your answer from the given pool and write it on the space provided before the number. Teale 1987 Marie Clay 1966 Basic literacy Literacy development Mediation Change Literacy description Emergent /emerging Socio-cultural literacy Functional literacy Emergent literacy __________1. He was the first one who used the term emergent literacy. __________2. It is based on the assumption that a child acquires some knowledge about language even before attending any formal education. __________3. It begins early in life and is ongoing. __________4. He described emergent literacy as the early signs of reading and writing demonstrated by young children, even before they begin to take formal instruction to reading and writing __________5. It is the result of children’s involvement in reading activities facilitated by literate adults. __________6. It can be consciously employed by the parents as they prepare their child for formal schooling. __________7. It means that children are always in the process of becoming literate, probably since they are just few months old __________8. It is defined as reading and writing behaviors of young children that precede and develop into conventional literacy __________9. It defines literacy instruction __________10. It emphasizes the importance of social interaction of children to construct cultural- specific meanings and to demonstrate literacy practices as social events. Test II. Matching Type. Directions : Pair the theory in Column A with the proponent in Column B by writing the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number. Column A Column B _____1. Mental functions are acquired thru A. Rousseau 1962 social relationship; learning takes place when the child interacts with peers _____2. Natural learning with informal instruction B. Montessori 1965 natural potential of a child develops through senses _____3. The adult responsible for the education of C. Dewey 1966 child needs to be concerned with the child’s natural unfolding D. Vygotsky 1961 _____4. Children at certain stages are capable of only certain types of intellectual endeavors E. Piaget 1969 _____5. Early childhood learning is childcentered, is built around the interest of the child _____6. Children need early, orderly, systematic F. Froebel 1974 training in mastering one skill after another _____7. Child’s learning unfolds naturally, G. Postalozzi 1979 learning through curiosity Test III. Modified True or False. Directions : Write T if the statement is True. If it is false, change the underlined word/phrase to make the statement correct. __________1. In constructivist model, skills are taught at the point when they are likely to be useful to kids as part on an authentic literacy task. __________2. Christie 1990 determined the rising literacy demands of the 20 th century and described a more complex phenomenon contrasted to the literacy of the earlier periods.

__________3. Literacy of the 20th century has paved the way to new literacy studies which would gradually lead to redefining literacy. __________4. Vygotsky 1978 stressed that knowledge is socially constructed by interacting with others in a variety of experiences. __________5. The philosophy of Dewey undergirds constructive education, a view on teaching and learning as a conscious process of reconstruction of experience. __________6. The schema theory recognizes that background knowledge facilitates the speaker’s comprehension of text. __________7. Silberstein 1987 accounted for the development in speaking instruction. __________8. A modern psycholinguistic perspective viewed speaking as a complex information – processing skill. __________9. The interactive approach emphasized that meaning is derived through the interaction of text and speaker. __________10. Morrow 1989 presented some of the significant views on speaking. Test IV. Completion. Directions. Complete the statements by filling in the blanks with the name of the proponent of the views on reading. Choose your answer from the given list Goodman 1980 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Chomsky 1972

Holdaway 1979

Vygotsky 1981

Teale 1982

_______________ views reading as a psycholinguistic guessing game. _______________ views that reading to a child aids literacy skills _______________ views that children learn to read naturally in the home environment. _______________ views that children’s all higher mental functions are internalized social relationship _______________views reading is acquired through socially interactive and emulative behavior.

Test V. Multiple Choice. ( LET REVIEWER ITEMS ) Directions : Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. Mrs. Sabate handles fourth grade English and is currently teaching simile and metaphor using short stories for children. Which of the following reasons does she want to students to better understand? a. Author's use of figurative language b. Author's point of view c. Use of text structure d. Tone and mood 2. Mr. Salvador notices that his student, Robert cannot decode sight words that are supposed to be easy for students of his age. Which of the following activities, then, should Mr. Salvador provide to Robert? a. Constructing mental maps and graphic b. Answering comprehension questions using organizers QAR c. Phonemic awareness activities d. Spelling drills and games 3. All the three reading theories recognize the role of the reader and the text in the comprehension process. However, only the interactive model accounts for the role of the reading situation in the meaning-making process. What factor does the interactive model consider the reading process? a. Outcome b. Task c. Context d. Purpose 4. The four-Pronged Approach upholds the holistic and balanced instruction in beginning reading. Which of the following principles characterizes the most important characteristic of this approach? a. The inclusion of critical thinking skills after b. The development of genuine love for reading reading c. The integration of whole language, literature d. The heavy emphasis on grammar and oral and explicit instruction language development 5. The reader's prior knowledge plays a vital role in negotiating meaning and transaction with the text. To enhance the schemata of the learners, Teacher Arabella exposes her Grade 2 pupils to the pragmatic use of language in their day to day life experiences so that they develop rich vocabulary. What belief does the teacher manifest in this situation? a. Word meanings aid textual understanding b. Word pronunciation builds comprehension c. Word knowledge is learned best in isolation d. Word familiarity is gained in the classroom

6. In one Grade 6 reading class in public school, Teacher Samantha conducts a regular 10 minute silent reading of an expository text in Science. What is the best silent reading activity that Teacher Samantha can give her students? a. Invite resource person to discuss the content b. Prepare reading road maps to guide readerof the material text interactions c. Instruct them to write reflection journals on d. Check understanding by asking post-reading their notebook questions 7. Mr. Siruet is a Science Teacher in Ilocos. He strongly believes that devoting 10-15 minutes for realtime reading in the classroom and guiding the pupils' interaction with Science materials before or after doing an activity is better than just assigning them to read at home and make sense of the text on their own. What could be the best explanation for Mr. Siruet's reading practice? a. Science is one subject that calls for inquiry b. Science class does not require actual reading and discovery. time in class. c. Time can be spent in more meaningful handsd. Experience with print enriches vocabulary on activities. and understanding of Science concepts 8. Teacher Jeremiah is planning an integration lesson using Social Studies text for his Grade 5 English class. Which of the following is the best thing to do to activate his pupils' background knowledge? a. Ask several critical questions. b. Make the pupils prepare an outline c. Unlock difficult words by using the dictionary d. Present advance organizer of the topic 9. Reading in the content area aims to help students make sense of the text and negotiate meaning as readers actively interact with the text. Which of the following activities will best achieve this goal? a. Have the reading of the text be done at home b. Make them read silently. c. Allow students to ask questions. d. Practice oral reading for fluency. 10. A student asked the teacher to tell him the meaning of the word "disetablishmentarianism", which is found in the text that the student read. Instead of explicitly stating the meaning of the word, the teacher asked the student to segment the word and look for its base word, prefix, and suffixes so that they may construct the meaning of the word through these word parts. Which of the following vocabulary strategy did the teacher use to help the students arrive at the meaning of unfamiliar word? a. Semantic feature analysis b. Semantic mapping c. Structural analysis d. Context clues 11. Ronald is about to buy a book. After taking a book from the display shelf, he looked at the title, opened it and looked at the table of contents, then the summary found at the back cover. He realized that what he took from the shelf is not what he needs. Which of the following strategies do you think did Ronald do to decide why he does not need it? a. Scanning b. Skimming c. Close reading d. Careful slow reading 12. Which of the following words BEST lends itself to the teaching of structural analysis as a strategy to unlock the meaning of an unfamiliar word? a. Special b. Preschool c. Happiness d. Undesirable 13. Mr. Javier has just ended the silent reading activity he provided for his students and he deems to necessary to discuss the story. If he wants to model critical reading to his students, which question should he likely ask himself? a. Who are the characters of the story? b. Why did the main character end up not to be successful? d. If I were to write another beginning of this c. Would it be unfair to close a fairy tale with a selection, how would I start this story? sad ending after the princess meets the prince? Why? 14. Mrs. Corazon wants her students to respond creatively to the story they have just read in the class. Which of the following activities should be provided for the students so that she could achieve her aim? a. Writing a summary of the story read b. Writing a letter to a character in the story c. Listing down the events that happened in the d. Answering comprehension questions about

story the story 15. When Brylle read the sentence, "The bankruptcy made a run on the bank", he thought the bankruptcy literally ran on the bank. What explains this phenomenon? a. The reader lacks auditory perception b. The reader lacks sight word recognition c. The reader has inadequate proficiency in d. There is a mismatch between the reader and listening and speaking. writer's field of experiences. 16. Ms. Custodio teaches preschool. She is preparing to employ a shared book experience activity for her kindergartens. Which of the following materials should Ms. Custodio probably need? a. Flash cards b. Big books c. Basal texts d. Word lists 17. Ms. Padilla is a Grade 1 Teacher who is concerned with building letters into words and words into sentences. She uses flashcards so the pupils can sound out syllables and words correctly. What reading model is reflected in Ms. Padilla's instruction? a. Bottom-up model b. Top-Down model c. Interactive model d. Schema model 18. Ms. Torres believes that her pupils need direct sensory contact and physical manipulation in the classroom so that they learn easily and recall input effortlessly. What is the grade level of Ms. Torres' class? a. Pre-school b. Primary c. Intermediate d. High School 19. Mr. Morauda is a Grade 1 Teacher who plans reading instruction as part of the language block. He provides varied reading experiences that involve children sitting quietly, silently reading library books or making a book based on their own experiences. What theoretical model of reading does Mr. Morauda show? a. Bottom-up model b. Top-Down model c. Interactive model d. Schema model 20. One Grade 3 teacher of English to multilingual learners has just finished reading a story aloud to the class. Which of the following is the best post-reading activity for the learners? a. Provide students with a guide for reader-text b. Have students write about what they have interactions. read. c. Give them comprehension questions d. Let them rest for a while 21. Mr. German is a teacher handling English for a culturally-diverse class. He would regularly read aloud to his pupils, would provide time for free silent reading, recreational reading, and would lend them magazines and newspapers. What factor in reading does Mr. German want to cultivate among his pupils? a. Emotional/social development b. Physical development c. Interest in reading d. Intelligence 22. Mr. Arce is a new Grade 1 teacher who is unsure whether the pupils are ready for beginning reading instruction. What must he observe before he begins his lessons?...

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