Final Exam Review 20 April, questions and answers PDF

Title Final Exam Review 20 April, questions and answers
Course Sociology I: Social Inequality
Institution Seneca College
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Sociology: Social Inequality Final Exam Review: What is the structure of this particular society? The structure of the society I am doing is Canada. Canada is a very diverse and multicultural country with many diverse ethnicities, races, religions, social classes such as working class verses the upper classes or rich, has democracy and portrays multiculturalism. For example, Canada has many freedoms of religions and accepts or encourages equality. However, inequality is still very relevant in Canada such as black people may be discriminated more than white people and certain religions like Islam may be portrayed as a “bad” religion by other people in society because of many conflicts that happen over seas with terroristic behaviors. When in fact, the religion is just a religion, but others see the discriminatory aspect rather than the equilibrium or just a balanced understanding of people being equal to others. Multiculturalism is based on the idea of pluralism, the belief that conflict is a central feature of societies and that ethnicity is an essential aspect of individual identity and group behaviour. Thus, individuals are encouraged to display and celebrate their ethnicity and distinctness. My own experiences of the race and ethnicity chapter are that racism is very strong in many societies including Canada. I may feel discourage by others to be myself in many situations such as school or public places. I also see less black children than white children in my earlier elementary and even high school. This could’ve been because I lived in Aurora which is a wealthy region and less diverse racial groups many not able to afford a richer region because of inequalities within the working class. The structure of Canada society in gender shows interest in all diverse aspects of equality of transgender, gay people, lesbian, bisexual, etc. These types of people have legal rights inside Canada and are able to express themselves freely. However, that doesn’t ignore the fact that these people are still open to discrimination and inequalities from other people. Canada may be a strong society of diversity, but the inequalities that people use on

others such as getting a job, buying a house, bullying, discrimination, etc. are more likely to happen to many people of different uniqueness and qualities that others may feel to see as negative aspects of people. For, example, a man goes into an interview for a job and has a bit of a feminine look to his physical appearance, however, is dresses appropriately and has very well experience in the field of that job. The interview asks him all the questions and this man asks the questions with conciseness and honesty. This feminine appearance man leaves and a man that has masculine appearances such as physical strength and domain looks in his eyes, comes to the interview with a T-shirt and jeans. The masculine man didn’t have too much experience in the field and didn’t seem to care too much for the job. The interviewer asks the same questions and this masculine man answers them with doubt and not fully certainty, but was very confident and was willing to learn the job. Interview had a choice to pick the feminine man with most experience or the masculine man with fewer experiences. This interview is known to hate weak feminine guys, and even very judgemental to the LQBTQ. The interviewer decides to pick the guy he likes the most of physical appearance rather than experiences. What are its essential components, and how are they related to one another? The essential components are race, ethnicity, and multiculturalism that make up many parts of Canada’s society. How are race, ethnicity, and multiculturalism related to Canada’s society? Race is a social distinction based on perceived physical or biological characteristics. Race in a diverse society like Canada is very influential in positive and negative ways. Positive ways are that certain races like white are more domain and likely to get a stable job verses black people that are more likely to live in cities, may have a harder time getting a job and more influenced in criminal activities than white people. But, in my opinion who wouldn’t be influenced in criminal activity if it was extremely hard to get a job because of inequalities?

Ethnicity is rooted in cultural differences such as language, religion, and the shared history among people in a group. Canada is full of ethnicity in many languages, and religions, etc. However, Canada’s domination of English and French languages is more frequent than other cultural languages, and that Christian is the dominant religion in Canada and America. However, Canada relies on immigrants to support the country and make sure the elderly people are able to retire without any financial problems. For example, children in schools in Canada will need to learn English and French to be able to succeed in the educational life in Canada and that is a major inequality problem that immigrants to work on. Canada has been pioneer in multiculturalism. It was the first country to make the concept official policy, passing the Canadian Multiculturalism Act in 1988. This Act concerns the management, not the elimination of, racial and ethnic conflict. For example, it manages the diverse multicultural way of life allow people to express themselves freely, however, it doesn’t stop others from discriminating their beliefs and then creating conflict within those social group. How are sex, gender, and gender roles related to Canada’s society? Sex is a biological identity and can be divided into the main categories of male and female. Sex has many biological differences in male and females. For example, in Canada and most societies, males are born with certain body parts such as a penis and females are born with a vagina. There are biological factors or physical appearances in sex such as, men tend to be stronger, or fit and women more slim and small. Gender is a social concept referring to the entire array of social patterns we associate with men and women in society. For example, a mom many stay at home to take care of her family, clean and cook. However, in Canada women have the right to work, and vote which makes their family more stable. Reverse roles such as father staying home and taking care of his family while the mother works at her job isn’t unheard of and this idea of diverse country shows many switched roles and

patterns. Or this idea of gender characteristics such as, females being girly or males being strong and fearless. Girls many dress more feminine in Canada like having clothes with certain colors of pink or cute shirts, while boys dress more masculine wear shirts of black and jeans to look strong or cool. Gender roles are one set of roles we perform i society. Gender is not a thing that one is born with, but it is situationally constructed through individuals’ performances. For example, men are going to work and women staying at home cooking dinner for the children. And these roles can be switched through each gender....

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