Final Required Reading PDF

Title Final Required Reading
Author Shu Emily
Course Nursing Foundations Perspectives and Influences
Institution University of Saskatchewan
Pages 8
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the final readings need to be done in order to get a good mark ...


NURS 200.3 (BSN) Session Information & Readings 2019 – FINAL EXAM Content Overview


Learning Objectives

Required Readings

Unit One 1

Development of the Nursing Profession as a Discipline: 

Chapter 3: P&P (p. 34-47)

2) Describe the scope of nursing practice.

*This is your introduction to some of the nursing theorists we may choose for you to write your paper on*

Theoretical overview

Introduction to the 4) Discuss the presented metaparadigm of metaparadigm of nursing. nursing (person, place, health, environment) Content Overview

Local, National, and Global Nursing Professionalism:

Learning Objectives

Required Readings

1) Identify the primary roles of the following nursing organizations SRNA, SUN, CNA, ICN, and CNSA.

Chapter 2: P&P (p. 18-26) – stop after Primary Health Care

Introduction to SRNA, CNA, ICN, and nursing unions

2) Explain the importance of self-regulation for a profession.

CRNE competencies

3) Discuss competencies expected of an RN in relation to this BSN program.

Role of Nurses in Health Care Policy Discussion of global health and health history.

Chapter 5: P&P (p. 63-74)*

3) Identify the importance of nursing theory to practice and the development of the profession.

Session 2

Introduction and brief historical overview of the profession and discipline

1) Describe the historical development of nursing, specifically in Canada.

4) Explore the role of nurses in setting health care policy.

Chapter 9: P&P (115-122) – stop at Understanding Cultural Concepts SRNA – Becoming a Registered Nurse in Saskatchewan SUN: Starting your Career Other Resources and Links: SRNA Standards and Competencies Canadian Nurses Association - CNA (2015). Framework for Practice of RNs in Canada CNA: ICN:

NURS 200.3 BSN Session Overviews and Readings Zdunich Fall 2019


Content Overview

Session 3

Development of a Professional Self:

Learning Objectives

Required Readings

1) Identify criteria essential to using the designation ‘profession’.

Bagay, J. (2012). Self-reflection in nursing. Journal of Professional Nursing, 28(2), 130-131. e/article/pii/S8755722311002079

Continuing competence and lifelong learning

2) Explain the role of continuing competence for registered nurses.

Characteristics of a profession

3) Discuss challenges, both historical and present day, that effect nursing image.

Preparing the self for practice – introduction to self-reflection

Nursing image

Bowden, S. D. (2003). Enhancing your professional nursing practice through critical reflection. Abu Dhabi Nurse, Summer, 28-31. doc/nurs01c28_31.pdf Geller, L. (2014). Changing How the World Thinks About Nursing. Canadian Nurse. nuary-2014/changing-how-the-worldthinks-about-nursing. Gordon, S. & Nelson, S. (2005). An end to angels. American Journal of Nursing, 105(5), 62-69. ulltext/2005/05000/An_End_to_Angel s.31.aspx#pdf-link Canadian Nurse (2011) Understanding self-regulation and Potential Threats Other Resource: Continuing Competence for RNs and RN(NP)s SRNA: rship/continuing-competence/

NURS 200.3 BSN Session Overviews and Readings Zdunich Fall 2019


Content Overview

Session 4

Learning Objectives Required Readings

Critical Thinking in Nursing and Information Literacy: 

Introduction and explanation of the curriculum framework and links to nursing practice (review of each principle of the framework)

1) Define the role of critical thinking in this BSN curriculum. 2) Identify the key components of critical social theory. 3) Discuss the importance of critical thinking in nursing practice.

Chapter 12: P&P (p. 174-186) Mooney, M., & Nolan, L. (2006). A critique of Freire’s perspective on critical social theory in nursing education. Nurse Education Today, 26, p. 240-244. e/article/pii/S026069170500184X?via %3Dihub

Critical Social Theory Unit Two Content Overview

Session 5

Introduction to Compassionate and Ethical Care: 

Introduction to the Code of Ethics

Providing safe, compassionate, competent, and ethical care

Ethical role of ICN/ SRNA /CNA

NURS 200.3 BSN Session Overviews and Readings Zdunich Fall 2019

Learning Objectives 1) Identify the core components of the CNA Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses. 2) Discuss potential challenges to providing safe, compassionate, competent, and ethical care.

Required Readings Chapter 7: P&P (p. 87-100) Adams, L. (2016). The conundrum of caring in nursing. The International Journal of Caring Science, 9(1), 1-9. http://internationaljournalofcaringscie Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses (2017). CNA* *Review this document and keep it with you in class, we will use it for this entire unit. Der Bedrosian, J. (Summer, 2015). Nursing is hard: Unaddressed ethical issues make it even harder. Johns Hopkins Magazine. ummer/nursing-ethics-and-burnout/


Ethics in Practice: Ethical Distress in Health Care Environments. 2003_e.pdf ICN Code of Ethics uments/about/icncode_english.pdf 6

Social Justice, Advocacy, and the Determinants of Health

1) Communicate the importance of promoting justice as part of nursing. 2) Define social justice. 3) Identify the role of nurses in advocating for social justice within the context of health. 4) Discuss determinants of health and how they are related to the concepts of social justice and advocacy.

Chapter 1: P&P (p. 6-11) Determinants of health section ONLY ICN – Nurses A Voice to Lead: Achieving the SDGS (2017) l/10.1111/inr.12354 CNA Position Statement on Determinants of Health: E493DA64F60345A3AAB399089797 CNA Social Justice in Practice: df?la=en CNPS: Nurse as Advocate Thurman, W., & Pfitzinger-Lippe, M. (2017). Returning to the Profession’s Roots. Social Justice in Nursing Education for the 21st Century. Advances in Nursing Science. ursingscience/Fulltext/2017/04000/Re turning_to_the_Profession_s_Roots__ Social.8.aspx#pdf-link

NURS 200.3 BSN Session Overviews and Readings Zdunich Fall 2019


Content Overview

Session 7


Promoting Health and Preserving Dignity: 

Promoting health and well being

Preserving Dignity

Promoting and respecting informed decision making

Privacy, Confidentiality, and Accountability: 

Maintaining privacy and confidentiality


Learning Objectives

Required Readings

1) Discuss the importance of health promotion in nursing practice.

CNA Code of Ethics

2) Define dignity in nursing practice.

Chapter 2: P&P (p. 28-30)

3) Describe the nursing values of promoting and respecting informed decision making. 4) Identify the components of informed consent.

1) Describe the nursing values of privacy and confidentiality. 2) Illustrate ways in which privacy and confidentiality could be compromised. 3) Express how you will be accountable in your nursing practice. 4) Apply these concepts in a discussion of your upcoming clinical placements.

Chapter 1: P&P (p. 1-6 AND 11-17)

Chapter 8: P&P (p. 101-107) – stop at Professional Liability Protection Canadian Nurses Association. (2013). Position Statement: Primary Health Care: A Summary of the Issues =en CNA Code of Ethics Ethics in Practice: When Private Becomes Public - The Ethical Challenges and Opportunities of Social Media Risling, T. (2016). Social Media and Nursing Leadership: Unifying Professional Voice and Presence. Nursing Leadership, 28(4) January 2016: 48-57. /24561//social-media-and-nursingleadership-unifying-professionalvoice-and-presence Other Resources: Social Media and Professional Registered Nursing: Can the Two Mix? SRNA (2012)

NURS 200.3 BSN Session Overviews and Readings Zdunich Fall 2019


Content Overview

Session 9

Nursing and Technology: 

What is nursing informatics

Technology in our practice environments

Impact of technology on nursing practice, and patient care and outcomes

Learning Objectives

Required Readings

1) Define nursing informatics.

Chapter 16: P&P (p. 254-270)

2) Identify how nursing informatics fits within a larger health informatics context.

CNA: Nursing Informatics

3) Discuss the influence of technology on nursing practice.

Dean, S., Lewis, J., & Ferguson, C. (2016). Is technology responsible for nurses losing touch? Journal of Clinical Nursing, 1365-2702 pdf/10.1111/jocn.13470 Mitchell, M. B. (2015). We save lives: An informatics perspective on innovation. Nursing, 45(2), 20-21. es/articleviewer.aspx?year=2015&issu e=02000&article=00008&type=Fulltex t Risling, T. (2017). Educating the nurses of 2025: Technology trends of the next decade. Nurse Education in Practice, 22, 89-92 es/2018/04/Educating-the-nurses-of2025-Technology-trends-of-the-nextdecade.pdf Risling, T. (2018). Why AI needs nursing. Policy Options: es/february-2018/why-ai-needsnursing/ Other Resources: CASN – Nursing Informatics: Entry to Practice Competencies for Registered Nurses

NURS 200.3 BSN Session Overviews and Readings Zdunich Fall 2019



Theory, Practice, Research and Making the Connections for Evidence Informed Practice: 

Ways of knowing

A return to nursing theory

Theory, practice and research

Best practice guidelines

Evidenced informed nursing practice

1) Identify the relationship between nursing theory, practice, and research. 2) Describe the components of Carper’s ways of knowing in nursing. 3) Identify how BPGs are most appropriately integrated into nursing practice environments. 4) Discuss how BPGs can help to address the gap between research and practice.

Chapter 5: P&P Review your previous reading of this from Session 1. Chapter 6: P&P (p. 75-80) – stop at Nursing Research CNA Position Statement: Evidence Informed Decision Making and Nursing Practice: Colley, S. (2003). Nursing theory: It’s importance to practice. Nursing Standard, 17(46), 33-37. c/7dd8dfe3077df67c8ee353a590db74 d2da73.pdf Carper, B.A. (1978). Fundamental patterns of knowing in nursing. Advances in Nursing Science, 1(1), 1324. 5705/65705_CH03_V1xx.pdf

Content Overview

Learning Objectives

Required Readings

Session 11

Healthcare Systems and Practice Environments:

Nursing workplaces


Lateral violence

Work-life balance


NURS 200.3 BSN Session Overviews and Readings Zdunich Fall 2019

1) Discuss the complex work environments in which nurses provide care.

CNA/CNIA Position Statement (2015). Practice environments: Maximizing outcomes for clients, nurses and organizations:

2) Identify positive responses to lateral violence in practice environments.

CNA/CNFU Position Statement (2014). Workplace Violence and Bullying

3) Discuss the importance of quality work environments to patient safety and health outcomes.

Ethics in Practice: Ethics, Relationships and Quality Practice Environments

4) Explain the role of mentorship in nursing and nursing education.


5) Illustrate processes that could be utilized to effect

change in the workplace (i.e. managing patient safety or practice issues). 12

Building on Your Nursing Foundation 


Panel Discussion

NURS 200.3 BSN Session Overviews and Readings Zdunich Fall 2019


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