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FINAL YEAR PROJECT FINAL YEAR PROCESS PROJECT REPORT AUTOMATION Report about Final Year project Process Automation Final Year Project Process Automation A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of BS(CS) At CS & IT Department, University Of Engineering & Technology...


FINAL YEAR PROJECT PROCESS AUTOMATION Report about Final Year project Process Automation


Final Year Project Process Automation A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of BS(CS) At CS & IT Department, University Of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar By Usman Saleh, Reg # 11PWBCS0258 Farrukh Askari, Reg# 11PWBCS0283 & Taimur Ghaznavi, Reg#11PWBCS0255 In the supervision of Dr. Sohail Yousaf Asst Professor CS & IT Department, UET Peshawar



Certificate of approval This is to certify that project embodied in this thesis entitled “Final Year Project Process Automation” was carried out by Mr. Usman Saleh, Mr.Farrukh Askari & Mr.Taimur Ghaznavi for partial fulfillment of BS in Computer Science degree to be awarded by University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar. This project has been carried out under my supervision and is to my satisfaction.

Date: 19-Sep-15

Project Supervisor Dr. Sohail Yousaf Signature:

Chairperson Dr. Wajeeha Khalil Signature:


Acknowledgement First all glories to almighty Allah, the most beneficent and the most merciful. We are thankful to our supervisor Dr. Sohail Yousaf. His profound help ever remained a source of illumination for us, for which we are highly thankful to him. We also express sincere gratitude to him for his moral support and providing us every possible facility to carry out our project. We are also thankful to our all teachers, class fellows and our organization for the immense support and throughout our final year project.

Usman Saleh Farrukh Askari Taimur Ghaznavi


Table of Contents 1.

Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Brief ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 Goal and Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 7 Objectives ................................................................................................................................................. 7 1.3 Literature Survey ................................................................................................................................. 7 1.4 Module ................................................................................................................................................ 8 1.4.1 Website ............................................................................................................................................ 8


SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................................................... 9 2.1 Functional Requirement ..................................................................................................................... 9 2.2 External Interface Requirements ........................................................................................................ 9 2.3 Hardware Interfaces ........................................................................................................................... 9 2.4 Software Interfaces ............................................................................................................................. 9 2.5 Communications Interfaces .............................................................................................................. 10

Other Nonfunctional Requirements ........................................................................................................... 10 2.6 Performance Requirements .............................................................................................................. 10 2.7 Safety Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 10 2.8 Security Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 10 2.9 Software Quality Attributes .............................................................................................................. 10 3.

System Design ..................................................................................................................................... 11 3.1 Design Architecture........................................................................................................................... 11 3.2 Users ................................................................................................................................................. 11 3.2.1 Student ........................................................................................................................................... 11 3.2.2 Supervisor ...................................................................................................................................... 11 3.2.3 Project Coordinator ....................................................................................................................... 12 3.2.4 PREC. .............................................................................................................................................. 12 3.2.5 Examination Committee ................................................................................................................ 12

3.3 Use Case Diagram ................................................................................................................................. 13 3.3.1 Application ..................................................................................................................................... 13 3.3.2 Student ........................................................................................................................................... 13 3.3.3 Supervisor ...................................................................................................................................... 14 3.3.5 Project Coordinator ....................................................................................................................... 15 4

3.3.6 PREC ............................................................................................................................................... 16 3.4: Use Cases Description ......................................................................................................................... 16 3.5 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) .................................................................................................... 31 3.6 Interface Design ................................................................................................................................ 32 4.

PROJECT PLANNING ............................................................................................................................ 33 4.1 Distribution of work. ........................................................................................................................ 33 4.2 Development Requirements ............................................................................................................. 33 

Hardware ........................................................................................................................................ 33

Software .......................................................................................................................................... 33

4.3 Gantt Chart........................................................................................................................................ 34 5.

Testing ................................................................................................................................................. 35 5.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 35 5.2 Functional Testing .......................................................................................................................... 35 Test Cases for Final Year Project Process for UET Peshawar: ................................................................. 35 5.2.1 Test Case Title: Sign up .................................................................................................................. 35 5.2.2 Test Case Title: Sign In ................................................................................................................... 36 5.2.3 Test Case Title: Admin (Assign Role) .............................................................................................. 37 5.2.4 Test Case Title: Admin (Delete User from Role) ............................................................................ 38 5.2.5 Test Case Title: Student (Upload Documents) ............................................................................... 38


Application .......................................................................................................................................... 40 6.1. Main ............................................................................................................................................... 40 6.2. News of Banners ............................................................................................................................ 40 6.3. Project Coordinator.......................................................................................................................... 41 6.4. Project Supervisor .......................................................................................................................... 41 6.5. Registered Students ....................................................................................................................... 42 6.6. Registration Form ........................................................................................................................... 43 6.7. Review Projects .............................................................................................................................. 43 6.8. Roles ............................................................................................................................................... 44 6.9. Session Key ..................................................................................................................................... 45 6.10. Stages ........................................................................................................................................... 45 2.11 Creation of stages. .......................................................................................................................... 46


6.12. Stage Deadline ............................................................................................................................. 46 6.13 Student Panels .............................................................................................................................. 47 6.14. Teams ........................................................................................................................................... 47 7.

DEPLOYMENT ...................................................................................................................................... 48 7.1

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 48




1.1 Brief

Process Automation of a system is a modern and smart approach in todays’ world. Everything we see around is being automated or have been automated. Our Department lacks the standard of automated system. We are still using conventional non-autonomous procedure for the FYP submission, analysis, marking, reviewing and report generation in 21st century. Current process is tedious, time consuming and mostly importantly it does not match standards. Communication, remarks and milestones are very important in FYP process. My approach is to automate the Final Year Project (FYP) System. This will help build a system for the automation of FYP Submission, analysis, marking, reviewing and report generation.

1.2 Goal and Objectives To make the management of the FYP process easy and prevent the loss of any information generated during the process. The idea is to manage the FYP process in a paperless manner.

Objectives 1. Keep record of various entities e.g students, supervisors and different committees. 2. Store documents generated during various phases of the FYP process e.g proposal of students and other reports. 3. Maintain various levels of access control to make data and documents visible to relevant data. 4. Track attendance and grades of students of various phases of their FYP.

1.3 Literature Survey Lahore University of Management Sciences: Final year projects are offered to senior year of every department, The project span is 2 semesters and work adds six credit hours. The guidelines for the project can be downloaded. While the site contains the project name, supervisor, and data regarding the project(tools, abstract, members, and a report). The process is partially automated. The student progress appears in self-care portal but do not state the progress as a whole or mention his milestones. [2] [2] LUMS, "Physics Department," LUMS, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 24 September 2014].

National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences: 7

On student project website, projects are listed along with their supervisors, members, title and abstract. Nothing else is listed or visible. Students get grade and progress manually. [3] [3] NUST, "Student Project," College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering (CEME), Sept 2014. [Online]. Available: ent-Projects.aspx. [Accessed 24 Sept 2014].

National University of Sciences and Technology: Time table, Academic calendar, rules and regulations of FYP project are also mentioned in combination to the project title, supervisors, tools and abstract. The process is very much maintained and regulated time to time. But it misses the milestone and reviews. [4] [4] F. University, "Computer Science Final Year Project," Fast National University, Sept 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 24 Sept 2014].

1.4 Module 1.4.1 Website This system will run on local area network via internet. Users can easily access the system from home or anywhere using internet.




2.1 Functional Requirement Project And Doc. Upload: The system will let a student who is logged into the FYPA System an upload of one or more documents and projects.


The Supervisor, Chairman, and Project Coordinator shall make a new announcement, date and announcement. Review and Comments: The Supervisor, Project Coordinator, PREC and Examination Committee shall provide a review and comments to a file uploaded. Grading: The Supervisor, Project Coordinator, PREC and Examination Committee shall provide a grading to a project.

2.2 External Interface Requirements 

The system shall provide a help link from each displayed HTML page to explain how to use that page. The Web pages shall permit complete navigation and menu item selection using the keyboard alone, in addition to using mouse and keyboard combinations.

2.3 Hardware Interfaces None required.

2.4 Software Interfaces  

    

 

Grading System The FYPPA shall transmit the marks allotted to the Projects through a programmatic interface. THE FYPPA notifies the supervisor, Examinations committee, PREC that a specific grade/marks has been assigned to a project on current date. Review and Comments System The FYPPS shall communicate with the System through a programmatic interface for the following operations: To review and comments a document. To reverse all or part of a previous charge because supervisor, Project coordinator, PREC, Examination committee rejected a project/document or wasn’t satisfied with it, or because the document was not delivered per the confirmed instructions. Announcement System The FYPPA shall maintain all the announcements regarding the Projects through a programmatic interface. 9

   

THE FYPPA notifies the student, supervisor, Examinations committee, PREC that a specific announcement has been made on current date. Grading System The FYPPA shall transmit the uploaded files of the Projects through a programmatic interface. THE FYPPA notifies the student that a specific file has been uploaded on current date.

2.5 Communications Interfaces 

The FYP System shall send an e-mail message to the User to confirm acceptance of an order. The FYP System shall send an e-mail message to the User to report any problems with the order.

Other Nonfunctional Requirements 2.6 Performance Requirements 

 

The system shall accommodate 1000 users during the peak usage time window of 8:00am to 10:00pm local time. Queries responses time shall be less than 7 seconds after the user submits the query. The system shall display confirmation messages to users within 4 seconds after the user submits information to the system.

2.7 Safety Requirements None identified.

2.8 Security Requirements 

 

Users shall be required to log in to the FYP System for all operations except viewing an announcements. The system shall permit only Project Coordinator to authorize to create or edit menus. The system shall permit Students to view only their own grades and reviews placed by PREC.

2.9 Software Quality Attributes Availability-1: The FYP System shall be available to users on the corporate Intranet Robustness-1: If the connection between the user and the system is broken prior to an order being either confirmed or canceled, the FYP System shall enable the user to recover an incomplete order.



System Design

3.1 Design Architecture The System being developed is FYPPA, to make the management of the FYP process easy and prevent the loss of any information generated during the process. The idea is to manage the FYP process in a paperless manner. Which can provide ease to users (students and professors) for keeping records of various entities, store documents, maintains various levels of access, keep track of attendance and grades. The idea is to access and control the whole process through Internet. The system is largely cross-platform and is available to anyone using the Computer. The system will run on a central server, users can access it remotely via Internet.

This FYPA will allow students to upload their projects and all related documents to a centralized repository. At the same time giving Project Coordinator, Supervisors, PREC and Examination Committee to make announcements, review and grade the student’s project and documents. The system will generate reports, keep record of progress, track attendance during presentation and maintain various levels of access to users.

The Basic design of our project consist of three layers   

Front End(User Interface) Basic Programing(Logic) Data Base

 TECHNOLOGIES This application will ...

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