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Republic of the Philippines SAMAR COLLEGES, INC. College of Education Catbalogan City, SamarInstructor : Keiron Ray H. Gelin, LPT Course Code : TTL 2 (Major) Course Descriptive Title : Technology for Teaching and Learning 2Course Description:This course is designed for prospective teachers to develo...


Republ i coft hePhi l i ppi nes SAMAR COLLEGES,I NC. Col l e geofEducat i on Cat bal og anCi t y ,Samar

I ns t r uct or Cour s eCode Cour s eDescr i pt i veTi t l e

:Ke i r onRayH.Ge l i n,LPT :TTL2( Maj or ) :Tec hnol ogyf orTe ac hi ngandLear ni ng2

Cour seDescr i pt i on: Thi sc our se i s de si gned f or pr os pe c t i v et e ac he r st o de v e l op and use di gi t aland nondi gi t alt eac hi ng- l ear ni ng r esour c es usi ng t ec hnol ogy t ool s appr opr i at ei n var i ous subj e c t ar eas i nt he e l eme nt ar yl e v e l .Fur t he r ,t he c our sewi l lpr ovi deoppor t uni t i e sf ors t udent st ous et e c hnol ogyt ool st odev e l op pr oj ec t based c ol l abor at i v eac t i vi t i e sand s har er esour cesamongc ommuni t i es ofpr ac t i c e .


Pr oduci ngLear ni ngResour cesUsi ngTechnol ogyTool s Lear ni ngOut comes: Att heendoft hemodul e ,t hest udent sshoul dbeabl et o:  I dent i f yv ar i ous i ns t r uc t i onalmat e r i al s( I Ms)and t ec hnol ogy t ool si n l anguag et eac hi ngandl ear ni ng;  Expl ai nt he c har ac t er i s t i c s ofa good/appr opr i at eI Ms and t echnol ogy t ool si nl ear ni ngl anguag e;  Pr e par eI Ms t hat wi l l enhance l anguag el ear ni ng ut i l i z i ng s e l ec t e d t ec hnol ogyt ool si nde l i v e r i ngt hel ear ni ngpl an;and  Cr e at eappr opr i at eI Msusi ngt echnol ogyt ool si nl ear ni ngl anguage .

Introduction Instructional Materials (IMs) are very important because they contribute a lot to student learning and teaching. It is never new to claim that IMs help improve students’ knowledge and skills and teachers’ management of the class requirements. Using instructional materials in language classes makes language learning fascinating and authentic.

Learning M odule on TTL 2 P a g e 1 | 14

There are a lot of teachers who use traditional instructional materials to enhance the teaching learning process. This module aims to present to you the innovative ICT-based instructional materials that can be used to enhance language instruction.

LESSON 1 Characteristics of Appropriate Instructional Materials in Language Teaching EXPLORE Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can be significantly useful as tools for language instruction. In the Philippines, the languages that are being taught are Mother Tongue; Filipino, English and other foreign Languages. With the integration of ICTs in teaching languages, the need to Process data quickly and integrate voice, music, video, pictures, and text into lessons can be fully addressed. Eslit (2017) claims that ICTs can be Programmed to tailor instruction and tests for each individual language Learner. To be able to use these technologies successfully as tools and materials and to help in effective conduct of language classes, some principles on suitability, adequacy, and efficient utilization will also be discussed in this Module. The effectiveness of instructional tools in promoting students’ Academic performance in teaching and learning is indisputable. It provides the much-needed sensory experiences needed by the learners for an effective and meaningful behavioral change (Ajoke, 2017). Slavin (2010) also added That, well-planned and imaginative use of visual aids in lessons banish apathy, supplement inadequacy of books as well as arouse student’s interest by giving Them something practical to see and do, and at the same time help to train Them to think things out themselves.

Computer-Based Instructional Tools and Materials in Language Teaching A. Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is a fundamental part of English teaching methodology and it is a highly acknowledged means in attaining learning objectives. Computers provide many opportunities of exchanging ideas and information at both national and international level. The computer has become a valuable tool of Learning for modern students. (Lohdi, 2019). Eslit (2017) also described CALL as one of the many tools and techniques that can help improve the students’ language competencies. He claims that this new technology in language education has increased learner autonomy, creativity, Productivity and team work. It has been used with interactive teaching Approach to tutor language learners through language drills or skills Practice. It has also been used as stimulus for discussion and interaction; or as a tool for writing and research.

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Abate (2018) conducted research on blending Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and CALL. The research Found out that the use of simple but efficacious web tools during Lessons in CLIL approach improved learners’ competencies. The web Tools enable communication, facilitate access to knowledge, online Dictionaries and other learning resources and Increase exposure to using A foreign language. CLIL develops cognitional improvement, cultural Understanding without any substantial loss to content learning. The use of ICT enhances effective student’s motivation to learn languages. In research conducted by Paul Lyddon (2018), it was pointed out That digital technologies have increased communications between Speakers of different languages, but the widespread use of online Machine translation has become a disruptive force for foreign language Education, as it permits intelligible exchanges between persons with Little or no knowledge of a foreign tongue. B. Language Instructional Materials Supported by Technology Tools Ajoke (2017) cited the different types of instructional materials in teaching English as a second language. These types are also useful in teaching other languages. 1. Instructional Charts One of the common types of instructional materials in language Teaching and learning is a chart. Charts can be seen on printed Materials but their presentation can be enhanced and are presented in 3D or 4D form with the aid of technology. Charts can help language Learners read with understanding data and concepts that are not Presented in text forms. The Following are some of the many technology tools that can be used to Develop charts: a. Microsoft Word Microsoft Word does not only allow you to create Documents but it also has a provision to allow you to create Charts or graphs that will add to the visual appeal of the Presentation of your text. b. Microsoft Excel One of the main features of Microsoft Excel and other Spreadsheets applications is to create charts and graphs. For language learners, a simple chart in Excel is more Comprehensible than to see a lot of sheets and cells full of numbers. c. Microsoft PowerPoint PowerPoint offers various tools that can make your presentation interactive. One of its features is to present charts in a slide. d. iOs, Andriod, and Windows Phone and iPad Chart Maker Apps These are Numbers, Viz, 3D Charts, Chart Maker, Graphing Calculator HD, Roambi Analytics, and Graph

2. Posters Learning M odule on TTL 2 P a g e 3 | 14

With the advent of tutorial videos on YouTube, students can Develop more creative and digitalized posters. Moreover, there are Several applications that students can download and use for their Poster making activity. These are free samples of the free poster Maker applications available: a. Spark Post! Adobe Spark is a suite of design tools that allows you To make your own posters, videos and webpages using your Computer or iOS mobile device. The poster-making tool of this Collection of apps is called Spark Post. This app offers a range of poster templates and layouts that you can use to create your Own custom posters for sharing on social media and for print. b. Canva’s Poster Maker Canva’s poster maker has, hundreds of templates designed By their team of professional designers. Templates are have Shortcuts to great design: You’ll have a custom poster in minutes. c. Block Posters Block Posters can let you make your own custom poster For free. Upload an image, choose your options, and then Download and print out your own personalized huge poster. d. Posterini Posterini poster maker redefines the meaning of design, Combining augmented reality, artificial intelligence and Gamification in a unique way. e. PosterMyWall It is a website that features amazing poster templates and Has an easy-to-use custom graphics service. 3. Flashcards Flashcards are indispensable instructional materials in language Teaching. These are commonly used in reading and in teaching lessons In phonology and morphology. With the presence of free educational Websites, language teachers will not have difficulty in preparing their Flashcards. The following websites, organized by Softonic (2020), may Help you prepare your flashcards for your language classes: a. Anki Learning M odule on TTL 2 P a g e 4 | 14

Anki is a powerful, multi-purpose application. Flashcards Created using Anki can contain text, sound, images, and Formatted documents in standard LaTeX. b. Vocabla: English Dictionary Vocabla focuses on the study of words. To make Expanding your vocabulary more fun and addictive, Vocabla Introduces competitive elements, with achievements and Points. In the rankings, just like in games. The unique feature Of Vocabla is an add-on for Mozilla Firefox, which allows You to add words and create flashcards directly online. C.

Learn spanish with EduKoala Edukoala is pretty similar to the previously mentioned App, but its uniqueness is in the way it lets you learn new Words every time you unlock your Android phone. In the Settings, you can choose to be challenged with words, Instead of the traditional code or swipe pattern, to unlock Your phone. Edukoala will display a question and three Possible answers; answer the question correctly to unlock Your Android. It’s an interesting approach, but as the Developer admits, it doesn’t work on every phone, and You’ll need to download a different app for each language You want to learn (the app offers English, Spanish, German, French, Chinese, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Hindi, Japanese, Norwegian, and Greek).

e. Study Blue Study blue allows you to easily create flashcards with Text, sound and images. You can, for example, take a photo Or draw something, and then add more information manually Or verbally. 4. Slide Among the various types of materials that are available for Projection, slides and film strips are the foremost visual aids. They Are of great value in teaching traditionally, slide projectors have been Used by teachers for their slide presentation. These slide projectors Nave been used for projecting pictures from a transparent slide on a wall or Screen. Nowadays, innovative and stimulating presentation Applications are’ commonly used by teachers. These presentation Software applications have very good features that can make the Presentation of lessons near to seeing real objects and subjects. Some Of these are: a. Microsoft PowerPoint Segundo and Salazar (2011) in their research state That PowerPoint this program has become the world’s Most widely used presentation program and is a complete Presentation program that allows teachers to produce Professional-looking presentation in EFL classrooms. b. PowToon Learning M odule on TTL 2 P a g e 5 | 14

Semaan and Ismail (2018) stated in their research that PowToon is a web-based tool that offers a wide array of Media options, graphics, cartoons, and animated images To create animated presentations that flow smoothly and Logically. It also features classroom accounts for project Based learning PowToon can be used to teach any subject. In 2014, Tracy Weber cited by Semaan and Ismail (2018) Described PowToon as a potential application to teach Language courses particularly English. She said, it could be Employed in an English class to demonstrate knowledge of Romeo and Juliet from a students” perspective; and even in Industrial arts class by demonstrating welding techniques. PowToon paves the way towards teaching higher order Thinking skills like critical thinking, summarizing, and Problem-solving which are basic ‘skills for a successful Global citizens in the 21 Century. c. Google Drive Presentation Google Drive Presentation is a cloud-based presentation; Hence, it is always available because you can always access It anytime there is net connection using your PC, Chrome Book, Android etc. Since it is part of the Google’s Software Office Suite Within the Google Drive, you can also easily share it to your Students in your language classes. d. Slide Rocket This is a web-based program that will allow you To create presentations for your language classes. This Software is very similar to other presentation software like PowerPoint and Prezi. Its notable features are its templates Which can be used to make presentations more visually appealing. e. Prezi Just like PowerPoint Presentations, there are several Pieces of research that claim that Prezi is commonly used for Presentation in academic instructions. Houska (2013) stated That Prezi is taking hold in some disciplines and circles. Instructors, professional speakers and students continue to Post presentations created though Prezi online for public Perusal. These presentations can be an excellent starting Point for tech-savvy instructors intending to reinvigorate their classroom instruction or present material in a novel, engaging format. In language teaching, the research of Yusny and Kumita (2016) concludes that teaching grammar Utilizing Prezi presentation helps students improve their Grammar mastery. Additionally, it als0 shows that the Students have positive responses toward utilizing Prezi Presentation in grammar lessons. However, they emphasized That the development of Prezi presentation in all education Materials should carefully adhere to the principles of Instructional design and must not overuse the features as it Could also lead to negative effect to the learners.

5. Work Sheets and Forms A worksheet is not only completed on printed materials but these Can also be accomplished through the web. By the use of some word Processing software like Microsoft Word, a teacher can also develop Electronic forms. Learning M odule on TTL 2 P a g e 6 | 14

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

Google Forms Monkey Survey Form Paper Forms Survey Planet QuickTapSurvey Type Form Cognito Form Ninja Forms

6. Newsletters A newsletter is a very useful material in language teaching and Learning. Preparing a newsletter will develop and build the vocabulary And writing skills of students through drafting, revising, editing, And publishing. Students will become familiar with the process Of producing formal written documents, such as magazines and Newspapers. Through interacting with others in the class, students will Also learn how to work within a team. Moreover, the following skills Can also be developed:    

Receptiveness to language, reading, Listening and Understanding Writing, spelling, grammar, drafting, revising and editing Imagination, confidence in using oral language and creative skills Use of dictionaries and thesauruses to extend and develop Vocabulary and spelling

The following are also important factors to consider when Preparing a newsletter (explorer, n.d.):    

Accuracy: Ensure the facts are right (including how to spell Names). Always use the five Ws and H (Who, What, When, Where, Why, How?). Audience: Who will read the paper? Ls your story of interest to Them? Research: Always check facts that you have collected – use Reference materials if needed, Images: Don’t leave the images to the last minute – always Think how the image can grab the reader’s attention- that can Be used with the article. Writing: What is the WOW factor of the story? Start with A good lead. Remember that you want to grab the reader’s Attention and then want to read more. Use the worksheet Below to assist with writing stories.

7. Pamphlets A pamphlet is a small, unbound booklet focused on a single Subject for educational purposes. Pamphlets are non-periodical. They Are written for the layman, simply and without excessive jargon. Authors present text and images in an organized fashion to Communicate a clear message. Pamphlets can be folded in a variety of Ways, such as in half, in thirds, or in fourths (Lucid Press, 2020). The Sample technology tools that you can use to develop your pamphlets Are: a. Microsoft Publisher b. Adobe Spark c. Lucid Press 8. Brochures Learning M odule on TTL 2 P a g e 7 | 14...

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