Field Study 2 Experiencing the Teaching – Learning Process PDF

Title Field Study 2 Experiencing the Teaching – Learning Process
Author Irene Apostol
Pages 71
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Field Study 2 Experiencing the Teaching – Learning Process March 2015 1 Preface Setting new directions in education is one of the primary concerns of Teacher Education Institutions (TEI). This FS2 book aligns the learner’s experiences with the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS). The...


Field Study 2 Experiencing the Teaching – Learning Process

March 2015 1

Preface Setting new directions in education is one of the primary concerns of Teacher Education Institutions (TEI). This FS2 book aligns the learner’s experiences with the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS). The learning experiences embedded in every lesson were intended to create meaningful and rewarding encounters to ensure that the students will feel the joy of teaching and learning. FS2 is focused on Principles of Learning, Lessons of Objectives as My Guiding Star, Organizing Content for Meaningful Learning, Guiding Principles on the Selection, and Use of Teaching Strategies, Teaching Approaches and Methods, Lesson Development, Effective Questioning and Reacting Techniques.

Features of this Book This Book is divided into Learning Episodes. Each Learning Episode contains the following component

My Target

self-rating purposes after completing the episode. It is placed immediately after My Target to give an idea to the FS student on what points will be evaluated at the end of the learning episode.

This specifies the goals, objective and purposes of the learners. The objectives were stated in a specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound (SMART) manner.

My Performance

My Map

This makes use of an analytic scoring rubric that is processed-and productoriented. It evaluates the quality of the process of observation-documentation, analysis, reflection and submission. It also evaluates the quality of product or output of the FS student portfolio. It is primarily a tool intended for the Field Study teacher to rate the FA student upon completion of the episode. It can likewise be used by the FS student for

This presents the means / directions, processes, ways which the learners need to undertake to attain the target.


My Tools

My Analysis This phase highlights the FS student’s ability to break the information learned and experiences undergone into parts for an in depth and incisive study of the same.

This part gives the learners the instruments that they have to use in activities to undertake in the Learning Episodes to sharpen their skills.

My Reflections This empowers the FS student to get engaged in higher thinking process skills. This phase will help to improve metacognitive skills as engaged in solving problems, making judgments and formulating inferences

My Portfolio It is the student’s learning in capsule, an authentic form of assessment. A suitcase of the learner’s proofs and documents in various forms (photographs, illustrations, organizers, songs, rhymes, acronyms and the like).


Table of Contents Preface ………………………………………………………………………………….2 Features of this Book ………………………………………………………………….2 Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………….. 4 Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………. 5 Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching Learning Process FS 2 – Episode 1 – Principles of Learning ……………………………..7 FS 2 – Episode 2 – Lesson Objective as My Guiding Star ……………16 FS 2 – Episode 3 – Organizing Content for Meaningful Learning …...25 FS 2 – Episode 4 – Guiding Principle in the Selection and Use of teaching Strategies ……………………….35

FS 2 – Episode 5 – On Teaching Approaches and Methods …………42

FS 2 – Episode 6 – On Lesson Development ………………………….53 FS 2 – Episode 7 – Effective Questioning and Reacting Technique …………………………………………..60

The contributors ………………………………………………………………………..69


Introduction: As we observe students, we need to consider their goals. What Effects are they trying to create? We observe their actions and listens to their comments to determine the strategies they choose to attain their goal. In order to have a meaningful conversation with a child we need to know what the child think can be done in real situation (possible goals) and we need to know the procedures that the child believes will make things happen (possible strategies). Considering children’s theories requires more than a careful transcription of what they say and do. We have to dig, to abstract the meaning of elliptical sentences, aborted movements, or confusing

explanation, request or description. Children are

spontaneous, sometimes reserved; joyful now, sad later; friendly and reserved; competent and naïve; talkative and quiet. To be childlike is to experience an almost unpredictable array of discoveries, emotions, and levels of energy. Children are unique and complex and thus often difficult to comprehend. And they do not readily engage us in dialogue in order to explain the reasons for their caprice as they explore the world that surrounds them. Yet, as teachers, it is important for us to know our children deeply, to flow with their currents, and to extend their nascent theories about how the world works. Given the delightful yet often enigmatic characteristics of young children, We learned that in order to comprehend children we must begin by observing them as they play. But what do we see as we observe, and how we use our observation to enhance our effectiveness as teachers? Children are competent learners, but as teachers, we have to slow down, carefully observe and study our documented observation in order to understand the ideas that they are attending to convey. In addition to slowing down, observing children’s theories requires a general knowledge of child develop and a willingness to speculate.




Experiencing the Teaching - Learning


Course Description This Field Study course 2 is designed to provide FS students with opportunities to connect teaching-learning theories and principles discussed in Principles of Teaching 1 with actual room practice. It is intended to help the FS student observe how these principles of teaching and learning are applied by the Resource Teacher to make the teaching – learning process interactive, meaningful, exciting and enjoyable.

General Objectives 1. Arrive at an experiential knowledge and understanding of the principles. 2. Reflect on the application of the principles of teaching and learning for meaningful and lasting learning. 3. Determine how the guiding principles in lesson objective formulation are applied in teaching-learning process 4. Acquire the skill in developing cognitive, skill and value lessons meaningfully and interestingly by an in depth treatment of the subject matter and by integrating thinking skills. 5. Apply the guiding principles in the selection of teaching strategies 6. Approach the teaching approach employed. 7. Trace the logical development of the lesson. 8. Identify effective questioning and reacting techniques.




Episode 1 PRINCIPLES OF LEARNING Name of the FS Student: Jenevie Butacan Resource Teacher: Mrs. Dawn Grace De Asis Cooperating School: UPHSD-LP

My Target While I observe three different classes, I will be able to identify applications of the principles of learning in the teaching-learning process.

My Performance (How will I Be Rated) FIELD STUDY Episode 1- The School As a Learning Environment Focused on: Determining a school environment that provides social, psychological, and physical Environment supportive of learning Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory 4 3 2 1 Observation/ All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all Fewer than Documentation: done with tasks were tasks were half of tasks outstanding done with high done with were done; or quality; work quality acceptable most exceeds quality objectives met expectation but with poor quality 4 3 1 2 My Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis questions questions questions questions were were were not were not answered answered answered answered. completely; in completely completely. depth Grammar and answers; Clear Vaguely spelling thoroughly connection related to the unsatisfactory. grounded on with theories theories theories. Exemplary Grammar and Grammar and grammar and spelling are spelling 8

My Reflection

My Portfolio


spelling 4 Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.

superior 3 Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode

acceptable 2 Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode





Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences from the episode. 1

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and all supporting documentation are located in sections clearly designated

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and most supporting documentation are available and/or in logical and clearly marked location

Portfolio is incomplete supporting documentation is organized but is lacking

Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear



Before deadline

On the deadline

2 A day after the deadline



1 Two days or more after the deadline 1


Sub Totals

Rating (Based on transmutation)

Over-all Score

Signature of FS Teacher above printed name 9

My Map I will observe at least 3 different classes. Pay close attention to what the Resource Teacher does t teach and what the learners to learn. To hit my Target, I will work my way through these steps:

Step 1: I will review the principles of learning on pp. 21-25 of Principles of Teaching 1, 2007 by Corpuz, B. and G. Salandanan

Step 2: I will observe three classes

Step 3: I will identify evidence of applications of principles of learning. I can cite more than one evidence per principle of learning

Step 4: Guided by a question/questions, i will reflect o my own experience, write down my reflection


My Tools As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet for a more focused observation. OBSERVATION SHEET Name of the Resource Teacher Observed: Mrs. Dawn Grace De Asis School Address: UPHSD-LP

Date: February 06, 2015

Grade/ Year Level: Kinder 1

Subject Area:

Teaching Behaviour of the Teacher/Learning Behaviour of the Learner as Proof of the Application of the Principle of Learning

Principles of Learning

Sample: 1. Learning is an experience which occurs inside the learner and is activated by the learner.

1. Teacher lets the learner do the learning activity. e.g.- Pupil writes letter A instead of teacher writing it for them.

2. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning and relevance of ideas.

Teachers must relate the lesson to the learner’s needs, interests and problems

3. Learning is a consequence of experience

Let the students learn from their mistakes. Let them do the activities and when they did something wrong they will know already what is wrong and what is right. Through their experience they will learn from their mistakes from the past.

4. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative process.

Let he students have group activities. e.g group reporting Cooperative – as teacher gives them 11

activities so that each child can cooperate and participate and they will learn to mingle or socialize with others.

5. Learning is an evolutionary process.

The teacher will teach the students, then the students will apply what they have learned. Not only inside the school but also outside the school.

6. Learning is sometimes a painful process.

Let the learners realize that learning requires sacrifices and hard work.

7. One of the richest resources for the learning is the learner himself.

You, as a learner are the only one who can help yourself to learn. No one can help you but yourself.

8. The process of learning is emotional as well as intellectual.

Learner’s can’t focus in their studies that much if they have something that is bothering their mind. Example, one of your students fails her quiz/exam and do not participate in class. Talk to the parents of the student if there’s a problem in their house

9. The process of problem solving and learning are highly unique and individual.

Make use of different teaching strategies that can cater multiple intelligences and learning styles.


My Analysis 1. What is the impact of the Resource Teacher’s observance of these principles on the teaching-learning process on the learners? Answer: To get more information from the teacher the resource teacher should be able to get more ideas in teaching and the learners will be able

2. Which learning principle was applied most? Answer: Learning is a cooperative and collaborative process.

3. Which learning principle was applied least or not at all applied? Answer: The principle that applied least was the process of problem solving & learning is highly unique as an individual.

4. Do you agree with these principles of learning? Or have you discovered that they are not always correct? Answer: Yes, because most of the principles of learning are really applied in teaching especially for those who are teaching for a long time.


My Reflections My reflection on my observations of my Resource Teacher’s observance of these principles. Did my Resource Teachers adhere to these principles? Answer: Yes, the Resource Teachers adhere to these principles even though not all the principles are used, but most of them are used by the teacher. They take it into considerations the interests of the children 5. Lessons I have learned from my observations on the classroom application of the principles of learning. Answer: You should relate the lesson to the experiences of the students. Give them lessons and examples that will let them understand easily the lessons.


My Portfolio

Principles of Learning in My Own Words

1. The student should be mentally, physically and emotionally ready to learn.

2. Those things that are repeated are best remembered

3. You should give positive feedbacks to the children.

4. The student’s first experience should be positive, functional, and lay the foundation for all that is to follow.

5. Things that are recently learned are best remembered.

6. The students will learn more from the real thing than from a substitute.

7. The students will learn freely.

8. The things that the children need should always be prepared and available. 15



Episode 2 LEARNING OBJECTIVES AS MY GUIDING STAR Name of the FS Student: Namerah Basmala Resource Teacher: Mrs. Dawn Grace De Asis Cooperating School: UPHSD-LP

My Target In this episode, I must be able to:   

Deduce the lesson objective/s after observing my Resource Teachers teach. See how the guiding principles in the formulation of lesson objectives are applied Realize the importance of a clearly defined lesson objectives

My Performance (How will I Be Rated) FIELD STUDY Episode 2- Lesson Objectives as My Guiding Star Focused on: Application of the guiding principles on the development of lesson Objectives. Tasks Observation/ Documentation:

My Analysis

Exemplary 4 All tasks were done with outstanding quality; work exceeds expectation

Superior 3 All or nearly all tasks were done with high quality

Satisfactory 2 Nearly all tasks were done with acceptable quality

4 Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers;

3 Analysis questions were answered completely

2 Analysis questions were not answered completely.




Unsatisfactory 1 Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality 1 Analysis questions were not answered. Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory.

My Reflection

My Portfolio

thoroughly grounded on theories. Exemplary grammar and spelling 4 Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.

connection with theories

related to the theories

Grammar and spelling are superior 3 Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode

Grammar and spelling acceptable 2 Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode

4 Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and all supporting documentation are located in sections clearly designated

3 Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and most supporting documentation are available and/or in logical and clearly marked location 3

2 Portfolio is incomplete supporting documentation is organized but is lacking



Before deadline

On the deadline

A day after the deadline



Two days or more after the deadline 1

4 Submission


Sub Totals

Rating (Based on transmutation)

Over-all Score


1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences from the episode. 1 Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear

Signature of FS Teacher above printed name

My Map I will observe two different classes and observe the Resource Teacher teach. I will reflect on the guide questions given below. To hit my target, I will follow these steps:

Step 1: Review the “Guiding Principles in Determining and Formulating Learning Objectives” found in Principles of Teaching 1, 2007 by Corpuz, B and G. Salandanan, pp 29-38

Step 2: Observe a class with a learning partner. My focus this time is on lesson or learning objectives

Step 4: Write down my answers to the questions.


Step 3: Discuss my observations/answers to the questions with my partner

Step 5: Reflect on my observation.

OBSERVATION SHEET Name of the Resource Teacher Observed: Mrs. Dawn De Asis School Address: UPHSD-LP

Date: March 09, 2015

Grade/ Year Level: Kinder 1

Subject Area:

My Tools 1. As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet for more focused observation.

Guiding Principles in Determining

Teaching Behaviour/s which Prove/s

and Formulating Learning

Observance of the Guiding Principle


1. Begin with the end in mind

1. e.g. The Resource Teacher began her lesson by stating her objective.

2. Share lesson objective with

2. Tell the students the objectives of the


lesson; tell them the reason why they need to learn those things.

3. Lesson objectives must be in 2 or 3 3. Teacher should be applied the three domain – cognitive, skill and effective or cognitive and affective

domains so that the students can use their three domains for learning. 20

skill and or skill and affective

4. Work on significant and relevant lesson objectives.

4. ...

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