Fireproof Movie Review 2 PDF

Title Fireproof Movie Review 2
Author Anissa Chambers
Course Marriage and Family Counseling
Institution Liberty University
Pages 8
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Fireproof: Movie Review 2 Anissa Chambers Liberty University Dr. Deborah Pinkston October 11, 2019



2 Table of Contents

Introduction......................................................................................................................................3 The Review......................................................................................................................................3 Therapeutic Implications.................................................................................................................5 Personal/Professional Implications..................................................................................................6 Reference………………………...………………………………………………………………..8



Fireproof: Movie Review 2 Introduction Growing up most women dream of their prince and the perfect castle to live in along with a happily ever after kind of life. For some this is becomes an unrealistic expectation that they never quite live up to. Life is not a fairy tale but their are fairy tale moments that keep us going. Marriage when based on Jesus can become a true and realistic ever after life. In the movie Fireproof the couples forever life is not going according to their expectations, but when Jesus comes in he helps them put it back together again. The Review The movie Fireproof directed by A. Kendrick in 2009 is based on the marriage of Caleb and Catherine Holt. They had been married for seven years, but are now in a place where they feel they do not know each other and are heading for divorce. Catherine had dreamed her whole life to marry someone like her dad who was a firefighter and for it to last forever. Caleb finds himself feeling disrespected by his wife at every turn. Catherine is not feeling loved or respected and somewhat disgusted by Caleb’s internet practices and dreaming of his boat he has been saving to purchase for years. The movie follows Caleb as he goes from ready to walk away from his marriage to learning to love his wife after his father requests him to hold out for forty days before filing for divorce. His dad writes a journal with step-by-step instructions for him to follow for those fortydays in hopes of it saving Caleb’s marriage the way it saved his own. There are several scenes that would be excellent tools to help in a marital counseling and possibly with homework when used within the marriage counseling sessions.



 The first scene in the movie is Catherine with her mom as a little girl asking if she could marry her dad who was away at a fire. She even asks if when her mom gets done with him, if she could have him. Her mom explains that she is married to her dad forever and that Catherine will have to find someone who will love her forever. There is nothing wrong with that expectation, however Catherine does not as a little girl understand what loving forever really means. She is disillusioned when life gets rough and does not have an understanding of what it means because she has not bases in Jesus and the understanding of true love. Many people go into marriage with unrealistic expectations, or the inability to let go of unrealistic expectations to allow life to be what it is and enjoy the moments that is given.  Caleb is a fireman and rushes into fires to rescue people he has never met. One thing a firemen does is never leaves his partner especially in a fire. Michael, a coworker, confronts Caleb reminding him of his heroism but telling him that he is letting his own marriage burn down. Many marriages today people want it when it is good and let go when it does not feel good. Marriage takes a commitment and that means even in a fire. 1 Corinthians 13 explains what true love is and it is a decision, not just a good feeling to live in.  Caleb’s dad takes Caleb out when he wants to quit the forty-day journey. They go for a walk and end up at a place where a camp used to meet with a cross. Caleb explains to his dad that he does not need Jesus, he needs more than just a crutch. He dives into how Catherine does not recognize all that he does for her and just spits in his face when he tries to do something nice. His dad shows him how he is doing the same thing with Jesus and it becomes real that Jesus loves him so much that he gave his life for him. This is a



new revelation for him and a new revelation regarding love. God is love and in order to love someone we need to know what true love is. People try to love out of their own understanding and when they do not know or understand love it is hard to truly love someone else.  One last scene that I will discuss is Catherine is sick and he takes care of her. He does not know that she found the “Love Dare” journal. She asks him why he is doing this and what day he is on. He told her forty three, she says its only for forty day to which he responds by explain he does not want to stop. He kneels down and asks her to forgive his selfishness and trampling on her rather than loving her the way he was supposed to. Worthington (2005) explains that confession and forgiveness are essential to a good marriage (p. 128-146). Even this is important in the Bible as well, salvation requires confession and then we must receive forgiveness which brings reconciliation.

Therapeutic Implications The scenes discussed above all have the ability to help with therapy and can have therapeutic implications. The presentation in week three called The Use of Homework in Therapy, discussed how movies can help when used in marriage counseling. Each of these scenes could be presented as homework which could help with conversations and the discussion of issues especially if they are struggling with the same areas presented in the scene. When watching this movie most of this can help connect both the cognitive and spiritual senses. In the movie Caleb, after understanding love was met with resistance from Catherine. She did not understand love, nor did she understand Godly love. Most people find when trying to turn things around they are met with resistance. It takes more than knowing, and acting but



also “waitpower” (Worthington, 2005, p. 31). Sometimes someone can know and understand what to do and actually do what needs to be done but it may not be working as fast as what we want and takes time. One of the scenes I believe is very therapeutic as mentioned above is the confession and forgiveness scene. When Caleb requests forgiveness from Catherine, she does not forgive right away. She does soon because in that scene Caleb is starting to rebuild trust. Married couples always hurt each other but the difference between a good marriage and a bad one is how they handle the hurt and allow reconciliation to happen (Worthington, 2005, 128). Lastly, is the spiritual aspect of marriage. When watching this movie Catherine wanted life long love, but did not understand love. It is impossible for people to express true love without knowing true love. The Bible says “The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love” (1 John 4:8, NASB). This is also a very powerful therapeutic implication. When people understand that to love correctly, they must know love it helps then understand that they are learning and it is amazing how grace is offered to people who are learning. Personal/Professional Implications This movie is very personal to me because it has helped me love my husband through very tough situations. We have been through a small battle with pornography, an almost affair and countless anger management issues. God has helped me love unconditionally and build bridges rather than walls. I could have at any time built the walls, taken things personally and claimed I deserved more but God said to love him as long as we both shall live. It was a commitment I made and a covenant I chose to be a part of. This movie reminds me when I watch it that sometimes it takes time and we must wait for it. God told Habakkuk, “For the vision



is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay (Habakkuk 2:3, NASB). I understand that love is important and God’s love can show us how to love. This is a great aspect that I will bring into the counseling session. I can not only empathize where they are coming from, but can proclaim what God can do. This entire movie is excellent for counseling and helping couples through the process of what God wants to do for them.


8 References

Kendrick, A. (Director). (2009). Fireproof [Motion Picture]. Marriage and Family Counseling blackboard video presentaiton: The Use of Homework in Therapy. Liberty University, PACO 615. Worthington, E. L. (2005). Hope-Focused Marriage Counseling: A Guide To Brief Therapy (Expanded pbk ed. ed.). Downers Grove, Illinois, USA: InterVarsity Press....

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