Fireproof sk forum PDF

Title Fireproof sk forum
Course Studies in Interpersonal Communication
Institution Liberty University
Pages 2
File Size 62.4 KB
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Overview of the movie Fireproof,
generative and degenerative communication discussion...


Degenerative communication and generative communication are both represented in this film. While watching the film the characters Caleb and Catherine both demonstrated lack of communication, emotional discontent and resentment which are impeding their marriage. Caleb, a Captain of the fire department is preoccupied with his wants his boat and his self-gratification from the internet. His wife, Catherine, who works to support her parents needs has all but accepted his behavior. This display of degenerative communication from both of these characters sets the tone of the film. “When the relationship prevents one or both partners from gratifying normal needs, but the relationship is maintained, the twosome is caught in a degenerative spiral,” (Stewart, 2012, p. 404). Caleb calls his Father for some guidance and to let him know the situation at home. This in my opinion shows the importance of his relationship with his Father. He reluctantly agrees to try a 40 day challenge, the love dare, to help renew his love for Catherine and their marriage. At first, he is just reading and going through the book without thinking about it. While he pursues this challenge, his wife has been looking beyond her marriage and chooses to return the kindness of a Doctor at the hospital. This scene was very telling of Catherine her open pursuit of the Doctor to help her cope with the emotional void she was getting at home from Caleb. Her pursuit of this relationship was so intense she was unable to see things that were actually occurring with her husband. “Degenerative cycles are readily apparent when a relationship begins disintegrating,” (Stewart, 2012, p. 404). As the film continues Caleb is challenged by his own desires and he in a moment of clarity takes a sledgehammer to his computer. This act shows personal growth and also shows he is willing to go all in. This also shows his new rekindled love towards things that matter his wife Catherine and her needs. In a crucial scene where Catherine is sick, she is telling Caleb he doesn’t need to worry about her, and he leaves. When he comes back, he has food and medicine. It is here we

find out that Catherine has found his book and asks him what day he is on he says, forty-three she says it’s only a forty day challenge he replies he doesn’t want to stop. It is here Caleb professes his love to her and asks for her forgiveness. Catherine is still blinded by the pursuit of emotional and physical gratification from another that she assumes the recent purchase of medical equipment for her parents was from the Doctor and doesn’t realize it was her husband who made the purchase. It is her we witness and her growth she puts her ring back on. She opens her eyes and her heart to look at the changes Caleb his been going through to renew his commitment to her. Caleb and Catherine are now participants in a generative spiral. “In generative spirals, the perceptions of the partners become more productive and their mutual adjustments continue to build,” (Stewart, 2012, p. 403). The final scene that to me shoed the generative spiral in action is when Catherine comes to the firehouse to re-commit to their marriage and show Caleb, she is there for him.

References Kendrick, a. (Director). (2009). Fireproof [Motion Picture] Stewart, J. (2012). Bridges not walls: A book about interpersonal communication (11th ed.). New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc....

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