Fixed article anthropology PDF

Title Fixed article anthropology
Author jannat Nishuuu
Course Cultural Anthropology
Institution University of Manitoba
Pages 6
File Size 161.2 KB
File Type PDF
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1 Summary and explanation

The article by Rosa, J., & Diaz, V. (2020) on Raciontologies provides an anthropological account of various institutions in the United States of America concerned about racism and white supremacy. The article also examines the theory of raciontologies that helps shed light on various forms of racism and white supremacy in various institutions in the United States of America. Rosa, J., & Diaz, V. (2020) examines institutional contexts and processes that function as vehicles sites of reproducing racism. This article provides us with a raciontological perspective approach that explains the essential role racism plays in modern subjects and objects concerning specific states. The issue of racism and white supremacy has been instrumental in the development of Anthropology in the United States of America. According to the article, Raciontologies play a significant role in shaping how various entities and institutions have been endowed towards engaging in certain human acts while at the same time acclimatizing acuities, experiences, and realities (Rosa, & Díaz, 2020). This article uses various theories of raciontologies and anthropological frameworks to examine institutional racism and ontologies that go beyond human beings. These aid in explaining the role in which various institutions play in reproducing white supremacy and racism. It also helps analyze the rethinking of a broad range of entities responsible for the action. The article provides us with various insights on the raciontological nature of various institutions that enact white supremacy and informs us on antiracist theories of change.



Figure 1: shows people demonstrating due to police brutality on black people. How the article relates to the anthropological perspective outlined in the course.

The article is related to anthropological perspective as the one learned in the course because it accounts for various institutions that reproduce racism and white supremacy. The article outlines various issues associated with white supremacy, such as the extrajudicial killings, police brutality, detention of immigrants, and mass incarceration, leading to increased debates in America's the United States. The article also provides us with crucial information on institutional racism and racial profiling features present in the global public discourse, particularly in America. Besides, the article examines institutional racism and radicalized models.

The concept of

raciontologies helped me understand various tensions and social categories within a particular race. For instance, there exist systematic inequalities between different social groups of people in society. This is different from what we have covered in various articles during this course. According to the article covered in class, ideology is responsible for reproducing power and social



inequalities in today's society. From a Marxist perspective, capitalist ideology tends to obfuscate exploitation and discrimination of people based on their race, class, or even gender, thus preventing them from becoming wealthy by blaming the population exploited itself. Ideology makes some population races appear naturally dominant over the others.

The authors of the article also describe various actions of institutions and processes through which these institutional structures become actors in perpetuating white supremacy. Rosa, J., & Diaz, V. (2020) conceptualize racial profiling as a semiotic process produced by institutions. According to Rosa, J., & Diaz, V. (2020), racial profiling is a discriminatory behavior that institutions instigate. The article also examines various racial profiling incidences to provide insights on how various ontological statuses of bodies, practices, and immaterialities are racially apprehended. Racial profiling is understood from both the perception of an individual and the institutional level. The article analyses various institutions' role in reproducing white supremacy and entities capable of such actions and highlights how race transforms specific ontologies.

The article on raciontologies connects anthropological literature studied during the course from various perspectives. For instance, this article is related to the anthropological literature studied in the article by Lila-Abu Lughod's writings against the culture that provides a selfconscious history about racism that is linked to colonialism. The article is also connected to the literature works of Eric Wolfs, who helps us conceptualize various spheres of power in today's society. According to anthropologists, individuals are subjected to various forms of power. Racial inequality is linked to various inequalities in society, such as economic and political. Power often emergences in interactions between different people in certain institutions and settings. Racial discrimination exists in society because some races of people consider themselves more powerful than others.



The article also examines various anthropologies of institutional racism across various contexts. The article gives an analysis of institutional racism within the context of anthropology. It also describes how various disciplines have attempted to disrupt several western liberal ideologies that perceive and frame racism as merely a form of interpersonal prejudice or discrimination. Such interpersonal framings perceive racism as an extraordinary and eccentric phenomenon that can be eliminated through specific behavior-oriented interventions. This is contrary to Dominguez, & French, B. M. (2020), who asserts racism as a historical process and structural inequalities system. The article also highlights the spatial analysis of white supremacy and hierarchical structures related to anthropological institutional contexts. It also provides us with a clear distinction between how institutions and individuals contribute to racism and white supremacy (Rosa, & Díaz, 2020). The article argues that various anthropologists have raised many questions about race and ontology. According to the article, race refers to claims, thoughts, and cognitive operations that are socially learned and support and objectify racism. Anthropologists often study human beings' behavior for quite an extended period of human history and across various world regions. Anthropologists have the responsibility of speaking out about various injustices that are brought about by racism. The article also analysis both current events and historical contexts that are associated with racism. For instance, the killings of George Floyd, Michael Brown, and several others can merely not be described as the acts of police offices, but rather, part of a systematic structure of violence that are mainly designed to help in maintaining unequal power in the society that tends to diminish democracy. According to Dominguez & French, B. M. (2020), racism is considered an institution if it is deeply rooted in policies, legislations, and societal norms. Institutional racism is present in



several parts of the nation, including the USA, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Anthropological studies indicate the greater the degree of inequality, the more unstable the society becomes. The article also describes racism's biological determinism by emphasizing cultural explanations that help in deconstructing various notions of racism classification (Dominguez & French, 2020). The issue of racism is highly confronted in American society since it has severe implications. Anthropology is widely in various parts of the world, including the United States of America, to protest against various forms of racism and their institutional positions. The article helps us understand various themes related to racism, which is a significant issue in the United States of America and other parts of the world. The article also helps to understand the anthropological reflection of racism. The article gives an anthropological account of various institutions in the United States of America concerned about racism and white supremacy. Economic inequalities in the United States of America tend to exacerbate the existing conditions on racial discrimination. The article also examines various racial profiling incidences to provide insights on how various ontological statuses of bodies, practices, and immaterialities are racially apprehended.

References Rosa, J., & Díaz, V. (2020). Raciontologies: rethinking anthropological accounts of institutional racism and enactments of white supremacy in the United States. American Anthropologist, 122(1), 120-132. Dominguez, V. R., & French, B. M. (2020). 5. Anthropologists’ Passions, Frustrations, and Challenges. In Anthropological Lives (pp. 93-116). Rutgers University Press.


The connection between the article and anthropological literature studied.


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