Flipped-final - FLIPPED FINAL PDF

Title Flipped-final - FLIPPED FINAL
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Eirah P. Raymundo BSA-1A Flipped: A Movie Analysis

THE SETTING The movie was set in the late 20th century in an American town called Mayfield. It is actually a fictional town shown as a complete abode with complete common facilities such as schools. The whole story happens within this town, particularly at Julie Baker and Bryce Loski's neighborhood and at their beloved school, Mayfield Junior High school that caters some happenings that may be significant to the story itself. It has been a good start for the author and as well as the director of the film to choose a small simple town to have a story that reflects also no further complexity storyline. The yards that every family has indicates their wellness in general. The way they manage their yards became the basis of what stand do they have in the town. This can be evident when the Loski's doubted that the eggs Julie keeps on giving them contains salmonella because of how unorganized and somehow filthy without grown grasses the Baker's yard was. In addition, Mayfield Junior High school has something to say with how the characters grow within the story. It is in school where they face huge amount of influences that primarily affects on how Juli and Bryce really feel for each other. It is indeed that High school is a turning point for everyone, might get flipped in an instant, surely it will come to you.

THE CHARACTERS Bryce Loski He was a second grader when he and his family transferred to Julie Baker's neighborhood. Since then, he has been so riled up about anything speaking to Julie Baker. He spent most of his high school days getting annoyed with how Julie keeps trying to pursue him. Bryce, since the beginning, stayed inward about his feelings regarding anything. He could actually be described as a coward lion because of his raging thoughts but fearful heart. Whenever his father and his best friend Garret tries to mock Julie's uncle for being special and retarded, he knows he couldn't take it but he was lacking courage to step up and make a stand. He actually has the purest heart but it has always been hiding behind his fears in the form of riling up about

Julie Baker. Him being a round character here in the film, is the most evident proof of the title. Personally, it was fresh to use a teenage boy mirroring the character of being pursued. A breath of fresh air to see how cute and genuine coming of age romance is.

Julie Baker A bubbly type of person who had her love at first sight moment at the summer of her second grade. She has a firm personality of persisting until things get done even at a young age. It was seen in the very first part of the movie how she badly stayed with the Loski's just to be with Bryce. It is also evident how she really admire Bryce because she had her vision of kissing him even at their first day of meeting. That first day totally freak out Bryce. She then reached high school still pursuing Bryce until she had her realizations the moment the Sycamore tree in their neighborhood went down. Her character hides a bunch of wisdom underneath the annoying teenage girl image that she has. She manifests a character who's soul in the story is about wisdom on really knowing people and having the accepted as long as it makes you happy.

Rick Loski He is Bryce's father. He never wanted nor disliked the Bakers, which tells that he does hate them. He keeps mocking Julie's family about their yard and most specially David Baker, a retarded uncle of Julie. All throughout the film, his character was consistent, disagreeing on anything that regards to the Baker's. However, the story made a hint on why he acts in such a way through showing how unease he felt when music is on the talk table. The film may not be able to unfold his reasons and story, but his character tells the viewers that a story hides in every antagonist.

THE PLOT Exposition It was the day when Bryce Loski and his family moved onto Baker's neighborhood when Julie Baker had her first love, it was Bryce. Julie tried to convince Bryce and his father that she could be a help for some lifting even though her true intention was just to be with Bryce. On the other hand, Bryce was totally freaked out with how persistent Julie was considering it was their

first day meeting each other. On their first meeting they were like magnet poles already, opposite at its finest.

Rising Action As they were growing and finally moving into high school, both of them remained who they were the first time they met. Julie being persistent on him, and Bryce wanting Julie to leave him alone. Both of them do not know how they can be together without having any argument, but they knew something within them is ought to be mutual. Everything seems to be in the normal track until the neighborhood's sycamore tree has been down for redevelopment. It was Julie's favorite spot where she could freely see what beauty and calmness in this world really is. Bryce knows how well that means to her but his coward heart chooses not to be with Julie despite how he really wanted it. I guess adolescence really is unexplainable. This is where Julie started to think if she really knows Bryce as a whole good picture greater than its parts or is he just a picture less than its part. Julie started to doubt.

Climax The title of this film probably came from the film's climax. Julie finally got cleared her doubts and realized how fool she was in admiring Bryce for a long time when he was a jerk all these time. He even got the guts to make fun of her retarded uncle and the eggs she dropped by unto his home. The Loski's think that the eggs of Julie's chickens contain salmonella because of their unorganized yard. Julie, finally had enough of how jerk Bryce is so she flipped. On the other hand, flipping also got Bryce Loski in a way he had days wondering when will Julie Bakers talk to him. He knew he flipped and that he had to make a move to get Julie back.

Falling Action Bryce tried to show Julie that he changed and felt sorry for what he have done. He even tried to kiss Julie in front of the people right after a Basket boys event that made Julie more upset. Julie never imagined their first kiss to be like that. However, Bryce never stopped. He fully accepted that he flipped and that he likes Julie Baker a lot so he never stopped calling her through their phone or even at their front door. He knew this is the most right and courageous thing he had done and that he wanted to do it with his heart.

Denouement Julie knew she had flipped again for Bryce and that she never stopped liking him, she knows this at second grade and even now at their coming of age. One afternoon, she saw Bryce digging a hole into their front yard which she took a huge amount of time to get it done just to show the Loski's that her family can have a great yard and that her chickens and their eggs should be accepted by everyone without a doubt. To her surprise, Bryce was digging to plant Julie's thing, it's a sycamore tree that she always wanted. They were young that time but deep down they knew that what they feel for each other will certainly grow with the sycamore tree they had planted.

THE CONFLICT Man vs. Self Both Julie Baker and Bryce Loski had inner confrontations and realizations about how they really feel for each other. It was their fight to consider the adolescence stage they are into relative to their own perceptions without sacrificing what they really feel for the other end.

Man vs. Man It was notable in the film how the two of them keeps fighting over each other for them not to expense their own beliefs. Julie had to make a stand not to believe Bryce again and so thus Bryce not to degrade his ego as a man.

Man vs. Society Although not seen too much in the film, it was still notable how the society perceives people based on their yards or other physical belongingness. The Baker's were called bearer of salmonella just because they have no time to make their yard same with the rest of the neighborhood. In addition, the mental illness that Julie's uncle has, speaks a lot about how people like them are treated in the society. No extra care just extra judgments that is the society.


There was once a time in everyone's childhood where we tell ourselves we were in love with someone. From crushes slowly turning into moments where things tend to move in slow motion as he walks right towards you, and the sudden shift of excitement gradually turning into butterflies giggling in your stomach, we all have been believing in love even before our adolescence. Childhood is indeed a fun learning experience. We always tend to see beauty in everything even amidst chaotic circumstances. As a child, we haven't got the feeling of being in pain aside from the times we got scratches and wounds from playing. We believe the world is always gonna be on our side and that whatever it is that we know, it has to be the right thing. However, time as a metaphor, changes everything. The moments we believed we were in-love seem to be petty if we think of it now. The person we think we are in-love with sometimes turn out to be as an ordinary person whom we spend our childhood with, nothing more and nothing less. I guess time also hands us wisdom and knowledge as he keep on coming to us. The power in a coming of age romance is a stage in our lives we all should experience. The question we have to answer is whether to utilize the moments we had with it or let time bury it as some crazy stuffs we had as a child. I think the younger version of ourselves is more trustworthy than who we are now. Childhood never lies, it just hold some truth a child could not unfold. As mentioned, coming of age romance is one interesting ride of anyone's childhood. This is the very theme of the movie Flipped by Rob Reiner solely based on the famous novel of Wendelin Van Draanen. The story revolved around two adolescents that started their roller coaster ride of connection since their second grade and eventually as they grew up, they tend to see the other end of their feelings, a sudden flipped realizations on each part. For some, the movie might appear to be footling but in all honesty, the movie as well as the novel itself is a gem hiding a bunch of realizations that is definitely a help for us in mirroring reality even for adults or grown-ups. One thing that I got from this movie is the concept of changes. As humans, we seem to fear changes in our lives the most. People always think that changes connotes negative shift in our lives, stereotyping at its finest indeed. What made me love this movie is the attack they made on how to introduce change to its viewers. They made it more light for people to perceive changes in life. I have perceived change through this movie as a breath of fresh air. A chance to

get better, a reason to flip is a step for something better. We should always be greater than our parts, and if it happens to be the other way around, life is changing so thus that chaos....

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