Food for Healthy Planet II Cheat Sheet PDF

Title Food for Healthy Planet II Cheat Sheet
Author Bernice Wang
Course Food For A Healthy Planet Ii
Institution University of Melbourne
Pages 3
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Cheat sheet made for FHPII. Contains summary information of the entire course....


dbof malnutrition-coexistence of undernut+overweight/ob or ncd. MND: immunity, stunting, low productivity, higher morb/mortality, low cognitive ability, brain dev, repro. >3bil, nearly half world has mnd. VAD leading cause of blindness,100mil children VAD, 500k go blind/yr. Dietary intake of carotenes reduces child mortality by 25%. VAD-culture/clothing/sunscreen / [melanin], less UV-B reaching earth due to season/time/pollution /equator distance. prevent MND: dietary diversification (increase intake from avail/acc foods, nutrition ed, social marketing, comm garden, improve food security), fortification(VD milk, I salt, flour VA/D margarine),biofortification (nutrient dense staple crops via breeding +modern biotech. HighFe millet, beans, rice, Ca carrots, Zn wheat from selective breeding, genetic engineering, altered agronomic practices. Mineral: soil comp + bioavai; assimilation efficiency, sequestration into grain.supplementation epidemiologic transition:CD to NCD.59 mil deaths in 2004, 60% NCD, 10% CD. 5/10 main causes of death in dev world related to diet. cvd no1 COD,over 80% in low/middle income countries. need to eat diverse, low-cal plant based diets. Functional foods(80s in japan):processed foods +stuff that aids specific bodily functions, plant sterols in marg, benefits go beyond traditional nutrients. Superfoods: marketing, health benefits (plant food). phytonutrients & bioactive stuff: 2nd metabolites. isoflavones, lutenin, quercetin, turm flavanols. polyphenols may ↓fat uptake/inflam/CVD. Blood orange-anthocyanin:↓fat assim, trigly reuptake, and inflam. curcumin: neuroprotective /antioxi. Brocoli (precursor for Isothiocyanates, reduce chol, trig,l cancer). Fat:energy store, shock absorber, insulation, vit, lipid bilayer ,vitD/cholesterol, add flavour/nice odours, satiety, essential, transports fat soluble vit.TF worse than sat fat (↓HDL) ↑24% CHD risk (5x sat fat). Microbiome- make vits/aa, SCFA (butyrate: energy for intestinal epithelial cells, strengthen mucosa), immunity, mental health. Dysbiosis with IBD, skin, T2D, ob, asd, mood (neurotransmitters to brain). Meat:18% energy/60% GHG, methane, h2o. 2/d for fruit, veg 5-6/d,5% get both/50% don’t get enough fruit 93%veggies ruciferous veg ↓ lung cancerSoymilk similar protein content to dairy.Fe: meat, fish, poultry:approx. 40% heme iron, 60% non- heme, Higher bioavail (15-40% absorbed). Non-heme: 1-15% bioavail, nuts. unprocessed bran limit iron absorption (↑phytates).Zn: oyster/hen/cheddar/ cashews.Ca: vitD absorb ↓by fibre/phytate/oxalate/fat/lactose, 2-3 serve of calcium foods/day. B12: no absorb issues =small /freq/daily doses, b12 supp > to absorb than animal. Vegans: 2.5 glasses of fortified soy m/day.Alt protein: plant-b-proteins, insects, ‘cellular agriculture’(in vitro animal cells. small int - binds nutrients and slows release of glu/aa/chol, delay hydrolysis, LI- produces SCFA, gases, alcohols (bulking stool). Resistant starches: glucose control/prebiotic/satiety/scfa production/poop. SCFA (butyr): E for bacteria, ↓pHs and stops enterobac and clostridia, ↓deg of mucous layer, ↓2nd bile acids, apoptosis, bowel cancer. MetS, 29-35% (aus).1.2 mil aus w TIID, ↑faster than any NCD. Fibre improve insulin resistance and lowers diabetes risk. When calorie kept the same, body fat distribution changes = ↑visceral fat. 45-65% of energy from carbs, < 10% ad sugar, 25-30g of dietary fibre/day.Paleo no grains, legumes, dairy, processed oils, salt, coffee, alcohol.Keto diet: low carbs good for, Epilep, DB, weight, but,gut bacteria changes, Kidney dmg,CVD. alt sweet (FSANZ), non-nutritive:aspartame, nutritive: Fruc/mannitol/. Impair brain association with sweet with calories, gut microbiome (impaired glucose intolerance/obesity). life stage approach: interaction b/w risk and protec behaviours in life (risk of NCDs). first 1000 days: conception-2yrs. Bad nutrition= ↑risk of disease later in life. Nutrition prior to pregnancy: good body weight, balance diet, physical activity, regular medical care, manage chronic diseases, avoid harmful stuff .zygote: 2 wks,low survival rate. embryo: 3-8, rapid develop, 80% survival rate. foetus: 9-38. folate supplement: ↓risk of NTD (70%), pre-preg: 400+400μg/day, 1/2/3 tri: 600+400/day, lact:500. ½ women take supplement in 1st 3 months. NTD critical period = 17-30 days. weight gain during preg: variable,1/3from bby, ↑uterus size,

fat deposit in abdo/thigh/back. ↑blood (HR+ stroke vol), ↓albumin, ↑Hb, Lactogenesis 1: ability to secrete mlk (2nd tri) lactogenesis 2: milk production (↑prolactin, ↓progesterone), post birth colostrum. lactogenesis 3: day 5, mature milk.+ve feedback. PRH→prolac+oxytocin nd rd →PRH.Oxy: contraction that ejects milk. Excl breast feed till 6mths. e: 2 tri: ↑1400kJ, 3 :↑ 1.9 ,lact:2-2.1k. protein: 2/3:1g/ kg/day.lact: 1.1g Fe: 2/3: ↑9mg/day (27) for maternal RBC + blood loss during delivery. period starts 6mth post-breastfeeding:↓Fe. I:pre-preg-3:220μg(150 supp) brain formation/hormone synthesis. Lact: 270/day; supplement. Ca2+: unchange; 1k μg;bones. DHA: 2/3 tri: ↑for NS+brain develop. Lact:↑. colostrum: protein. mature milk: ↑lactose, casein, fat, immune,anti-inflam, growth factors, hormones, stem cells, oligosaccharides, bacteria. 75-85% of infants receive formula. salt.NaCl electrolytes in body, preserve food, currency, extracell. role:survival (like the taste), nerves, soluble, filtered by kidneys. high Na in bread /cheese recommended UL:2300mg /day,most countries higher,no rationale for reducing UL.hyperNa may ↑BP+risk for CHD(salt-sensitive), thirst, brain cell shrink, confusion, twitching. hypoNa:brain cell swell. ↑Na=↑Ca loss. Studies vary in benefits+ bad bits of Na. may not ↓CVD risk .food marketing. ↑science + communication. Marketing exploits lazy thinking: repeated exposure, clear display, priming of ideas, good safety programs:proactive manage of safety risks eg.nana’s berry:hepA virus, faeces-oral route, keep sewage out of farms. testing not good for safety: test 2mil meat cans for botulinum detect. need validated+verified measures to control hazards, leadership + communication, good hygienic practices, anticipation of risks, systems approach (farm2fork),documented+ improved food. safety system, all involved. Implementation of FSP: intro w/ high risk food (egg, oyster), ↑people skills+training .food risk managing 1.identify hazard 2.prevent harm 3. risk reduce (control) step to acceptable lvls.genetic fingerprints+ supply chain tracing: detect outbreak from 1 source. hazards: substance bacteria/virus, processes in food chain (temp abuse, sick staff). risk control steps 1. upstream ↓hazard (w/ suppliers) 2. control step up+down production chain. e.coli outbreak: O104:H4 serotype.testing for bacteria no good: difficult to detect low lvl e.coli. global nutrition Low birth weight2.6mil child deaths bec of malnutrition.159mil(23.8%) of 20mil (13%) are born underweight. World health assembly nutrition targets w SDG. conceptual model used as checklist to see short term/long term needs. Improving child nutrition is most cost-effective investment (Copenhagen consen). nutrition interventions: supplements to address def, diversify diets, fortify commonly used foods. food security: when all ppl at all time have phy, social, econ access to sufficient safe and nutritious food which meet dietary needs/preferences for active/healthy life. able to buy, more than just nutrition, utilisation of food. Transitory/chronic food ins. Food security depends on availability, access, utilisation. 800mil undernou, 2bil lack access to suff micronu. Aus exports 60% prod. Avg household 204/wk (16.4% total exp), 2% go hungry, 10% of indg aus, 30% obese. World pop x2 in past 50yr, 1.7%/yr, quantity of food trebled. food prices fall but spikes in 1950, 1970, 2007, 2011. Food demand will ↑by 70% by 2050. Peasant economy (self-sufficient), modern economy (multistage supp chain, trade). Demand: ↑pop, ↑income changing diets, biofuels,waste,supply: avail land, h2o, climate change, tech, input price, subsidies,oil price, waste GMOs: gmo now means insert DNA into a diff organism OR modify DNA or org.80s: methods to put genes into plants. can take GFP gene and insert to plant. GMO provides access to new traits from diff organisms.1st gen biotech crops: roundup ready soybeans(resist glyphosate herbicide), bt corn, bt cotton (vs budworm +bullworm). 40% crop lost to pests. Bt cotton has gene to kill pest, gene from bacterium, bacillus

thuringiensis toxin protein (not toxic2humans), world wide,↓use of insecticides.Bt spray used b/for. Bt corn: kills eu corn borer larvae. Biotech crops=↑food. Gold rice: beta-carotene (corn genes). anthocyanin soy oil. omega3: EPA/DHA: oily coldwater fish, ALA in flaxseed oils.antithrombosis/ atherogenic/inflam, inhib COX-2=health benefit. omega6 (linoleic):nuts/seeds/ grains/plant oil; prothrombosis. recent: ↓n-3 FA ↑n-6 FA=↑cardiac death.jap eat more than recommended n-3, aus eat OGTR>FSANZ>commercial release. Lab>glass-house>field trials (separated from other plants). Consumer acceptance increasing: focus on benefit to consumer. Con: ↓of biodiv, crosspollination, superweeds/bugs, inc use of herbicides. Allergens,antibiotic resistance, inad reg. need redistribution, not just more, expensive seeds, dev countries unfair to eat these. Corps benefit, not profitable market, patent life/intellectual property. Pro: inc yield, reducing need for pest/fert, more food/area. greater reg than other foods, nutrition. reducing need for food aid, public/private coop can transfer tech. milk+dairy: SDGs: hunger 3. Good health/wellbeing.ADGs: 2.5 serves of milk. dairy: ↓CHD/high BP/cancer; ↓weight. source of: Ca, I, protein, vitA, vitD, riboflavin, B12, zinc, P, K, Mg.dairy is 2nd most undereaten group; peeps not reaching recommended. Peak skeletal mass @2030yrs and then decline. don’t absorb all Ca that we eat eg. 16 serves of spinach for Ca of 1 serve of mlk. lactose intolerant: genetic, can drnk small amounts w/o harm.vegans: ↓bone dense, ↑fractures.NOVA:group1: unprocessed, group2: processed culinary ingred (butter), group3:processed, group4: ultra-process Environ sustain: cow makefood inedible to nutritious, 3% of GHG wasted food bigger prob.63% of 90 countries have dairy as key, 31% group it w protein, 3 countries have no visual rep of dairy (sl, viet, belize). Seafood is 17% animal protein,6.7%tot protein >chicken+beef, 1% world pop employed, 10% of world deps on fishing, blue rev ↑fish by 8x. Most traded. wild fisheries prod is stagnant. fish for food>animal feed> spoils> discarded > bait 40%global catch: anchovy, tuna, pollock Aus exports half of fish, high value, imports 70% of all consumption, trade deficit of 0.5bil. sardine, rock lobster, prawns, albalone. overfishing: ↓stocks to a lvl below optimal productive.max sustain yield: most productive lvl of fishing. Barriers to expanding fisheries-overfishing, max sus yield, 30% overfished (atlantic cod/fintuna) .bycatch: incidental non target. fishing regulations; limit license/seasons, set caps, gear types, close areas. Need to: fish at sust lvls, ↓discard/waste, stop habitat dmg. Wild fisheries can’t fill expected growth,only maintain current lvl. aquaculture mostfarmed :carp, oyster, tilapia.Farming efficient: ↓energy as fish don’t fight gravity/cold blooded, less co2/nutr waste, shellfish/ mussels don’t need feeding+clean water, seaweed farming is next revolution, fastest growing. 10-30% feed is fish product, can’t rely on fishfeed. Aqadvantage salmon-triploid/grow all yr. Can expand aquaculture in all except carnivorous fish. Mangroves lost, algae bloom. Polyculture:using waste to feed/aquaponics. need close systems, less carni, more seaweed/shell, Africa/samerica.5 freedoms: hungerthirst, discomfort, pain/injury/disease, normalbehaviour,fear/distress. Market-based & regulatory approaches. Gov,welfare groups, coles/wool, consumers. Phase out of sow stalls-6 week limit in legislation. Apl-5d,wool-5d, EU-4wk,UK/coles50%, used in cattle feed, cattle rinderpest virus-mass vaccine eradicated it. Postharvestmycotoxin- liver carcinogen. T-2 used in yellow rain-biological weapon. Purple cockspursergotism, hallucinations from alkaloids lysergic acidLSD. Bioagents: A-highest, smallpox, anthrax, plague, botox. B-moderate mobi/low mort-salmonella, shigel dyse, ecoli, cholera readings: biofortification: developing counties: more staple crops than nutrient rich. Advantages of biofort over supp/fortification = cost-effectiveness, rural reach. Need to ↑supply, ↑demand, make part of gov policy. trans fats: self-reg success in aus via collab b/w gov, industry, health agencies. E.g. heart foundation tick. trans fat: 0.5% of diet energy. more ruminant trans fat in aus diet. Denmark gov reg for ↓TF: ↓largely b/fore regulation implemented. resistant starch: not digested. RS1: inaccessible, 2: granules, 3: retrograde, 4: modified (resistant to digestion). ↑stool bulk, luminal thicc and bacteria in colon; unique microbiome + diff sources of RS: variable effect. variable effect on weight. ↓ weight regain via RS2 effect on metabol; ↓fat deposit ↑ lean mass. eat-lancet: healthy diet+sustainable.planet health diet:½fruit/veg, ↓animal/process food/added sugar. Same food groups (not food) for everyone. 5strats:1.inter/national shift to healthy diet 2.↑quality not ↑quantity 3.↑food production (sustainable) 4. governance of land+water 5. ↓waste/food loss. salt: finland ↓ salt= ↓BP= ↓70-85%CHD/stroke. salt intake still high despite recommendations;voluntary ↓ no work critics: tiny influence on BP;salt +death relation inconsistent; ↓Na =bad effects elsewhere; ↓Na can ↑CV event (some peeps). Mum +child nutrition: specific(supplement, feeding, caregiver enough food) = immediate causes. sensitive(food security, safe environ, health services) = underlying causes. Need to: ↑specific/sensitive interventions, engage private sector (overcome distrust) ↑funding via gov + private. HACCP:1. hazard analysis 2. determine critical control points 3.set critical limits 4.have monitoring system 5.have corrective action6.verification steps 7. keep record of HACCP plan. causes of ↑$food:↑$oil =↑$shipping, climate change = extreme weather, US corn biofuel subsidies= ↓supply=↑$,WTO limits stockpiling of food=↓supply, ↑income = ↑eat meat =↑grain for cow =↑$.food price.recent trend:↑6.4%(’08) 4.8% (‘11),8.2% (‘17). ’08: drought,↓stocks, commodity spec, global financial crisis, ↑$oil, ↑demand:biofuel policy+animal feed ‘11: wildfires (rus), droughts ↓hen output in US, jap earthquake ↓fishing capability, commodity speculators=↑ prices.’17:weakUSD =↑$import+↑$oil. oecd↑food prices report: expect ↓$food, need to foster growth in poor countries to ↑buying power. current↑price due 2: bad weather,↑demand,↓production. Impact of ↑prices: developing: subsistence farmersnone,commercial producersgood, livestock producersbad (↑$feed) ,urban poorbad,importer bad. develop-ed: highsmall/lowlarge income, economyinflation. policies to avoid ↑ price: $aid, improve purchase power of poor, ag trade policies (reform), supply(↑R&D,GMO, crop resilience), demand (policy for population growth), protect close substitutes (sust fishing). oecd price vol: oecdmonitors commodity market dev. Investing in ag productivity/resilience in poor countries is important to address local food price volatility. Waste due to post harvest loss, bad storage/infra, underdev markets = huge issue in dev countries. investment needed: direct investment in Ag research to enhance resilience for climate change and resource scarcity, investment in sector linked to ag productivity/growth like road/power/ irrigation/storage, non-Ag investment like education(women), sanitation, clean water, healthcare. 7% on ag in dev countries, even less in Africa, banks lend 4.5bil with 15% avg/capita intake of animal protein, efficient converter of food into high qual food, low carbon footprint, >10% of food security, but not enough attention on fishing industry atm. Fish has lys, met, vitD, A, B, Ca, P, I, Zn, Fe, Se. every 2nd fish eat is made in aquaculture. Fastest growing food indus in world in last 40 yrs. Fish consum is low in Africa (9.1kg/capita), almost 2/3 consumed in asia ( capita). Fish is the largest source of animal protein, 2x poultry, 3x cattle. Rate of growth is slowing down, due to freshwater scarcity, feed etc. fish is crucial in how we can make everything more nutrition sensitive. need more attention on fish....

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