FOR10002 Practice Exam - Questions PDF

Title FOR10002 Practice Exam - Questions
Course Forensic Science
Institution Swinburne University of Technology
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FOR10002 PRACTICE EXAM: FORENSIC SCIENCE QUESTIONS Semester Two You will have 120 minutes to complete this exam, and the number of marks is 120, so you should allow approximately 1 minute per mark. You can also allow yourself 10 minutes reading time.

Instructions to Students:

Answer all questions. No marks will be deducted for incorrect answers and no marks will be given for ambiguous or ineligible answers.

FOR10002 Practice Exam Semester Two


Question Question One (30 marks) – T/F questions

Please write T for true or F for false in the space provided. Note that marks will not be given if your answer is ambiguous or illegible.

Red blood cells do not contain DNA

mt-DNA is passed through your father only

The type of fibre can be determined by the combination of color, crosssectional shape, refractive index and melting point.

When firing a weapon, some of the primer blows backwards on to the hand holding the weapon resulting in the deposition of lead, antimony and barium salts.

The addition by ink manufacturers of a watermark that is changed on a yearly basis enables the year of an ink to be determined once the watermark is identified.

FOR10002 Practice Exam Semester Two



In liquid chromatography, the solute interacts with both the stationary phase and the mobile phase.

Chromosome number 16 is smaller than chromosome number 21

The temperature at which a material will begin to burn is the flash point.

Quantitative analysis describes the process that identifies the in a sample.


Legal drugs in Australia are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration Authority (FDAA).

FOR10002 Practice Exam Semester Two


Question When glass is broken with multiple impacts, a subsequent crack will be terminated by an existing crack.

An exon is that part of the DNA which encodes proteins.

Convection causes a fire to spread upwards and outwards from the point of ignition.

In an outdoor environment, a fire will burn up a slope and with the direction of the wind.

The basic components of a spectrometer are a light source detector

FOR10002 Practice Exam Semester Two

and a


Question An eyewitness account is a good example of indirect (trace) evidence.

Cocaine is a depressant

Hallucinogens are often alkaloids

Presumptive tests help to demonstrate the identity of a drug

James Mitchell was a criminal involved in pornography who shot and killed his brother, but was only convicted of manslaughter because the jury thought the evidence was too far-fetched and without precedence.

A venom is different to other toxins because it is of animal origin.

FOR10002 Practice Exam Semester Two



Prof Meadows was not a mathematician and therefore not qualified to provide expert witness on the statistics of cot deaths.

DNA evidence is not permitted in Australia if it is the sole piece evidence available.


Forensic archeology is of limited use to forensic science because of the time scale involved.

Certain types of mouth ulcers (very rarely) can cause misinterpretation of DNA analysis.

DNA analysis from a crime scene must have the DNA profile of standers subtracted from the analysis before it can be fully used.

FOR10002 Practice Exam Semester Two




A chimaera (very rare) is a person who can alter their DNA at will

Most of the DNA analysed in a standard DNA profile is synthesised in a laboratory.

DNA analysis is reliant on genetic inheritance of selectively neutral mutations.

The majority of DNA is our bodies is “junk” DNA and has no well known function other than to act as a spacer between the important parts.

Question Two (15 marks) – Multiple Choice Questions (worth 1 mark each) 2.1

Which of the following statements is false?


Raman spectrometry is better than Infrared spectrometry because of the ease of sample preparation as it is unnecessary to have a transparent sample. ICP enables many elements to be determined simultaneously whereas AAS can only measure the one element at a time. Mass spectrometry detects mass changes associated with the absorption of

(b) (c)

FOR10002 Practice Exam Semester Two


Question light. (d) Every molecule is a unique combination and collection of atoms that interact with light to generate unique spectra.


What is birefringence?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

The combustion of solids. When a substance has different refractive indices in two directions. When a light wave vibrates in the direction perpendicular to the direction of its travel. It is a series of helical lands and grooves along the length of a gun barrel.


Which of the following best describes the phenomenon of mutation?


Incorrect replication of DNA which usually results in something bad in terms of human survival. Incorrect replication of DNA which usually results in something good in terms of human survival. Incorrect replication of DNA which usually results in something which is neither good nor bad in terms of human survival. Incorrect replication of DNA which never results in something which is either good or bad.

(b) (c) (d)


Which of the following statements is false?


The most common form of stationary phase in gas chromatography is a narrow capillary with a thin layer of stationary phase coated on the inner surface. The boiling point of the individual solutes is the primary factor for the separation of solutes in gas chromatography. The Separation factor measures the separation efficiency of two adjacent peaks. Chromatography enables the separation of a complex mixture and mass spectrometry enables the individual detection of each solute to produce a unique identity for each solute.

(b) (c) (d)


Which of the following is not a mode of heat transfer?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

conduction convection radiation deflagration

FOR10002 Practice Exam Semester Two




Livor mortis most resembles:

(a) (b) (c) (d)

bruising swelling rigor mortis black spots


Many field tests in forensic science involve a colour change. What is the term we use for such a test:

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Complexometric Absorption tests Adsorption tests Direct evidence Presumptive test.


Why do forensic scientists test human remains?

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

To determine the time of death. To determine the cause of death. To determine who died. All of the above. None of the above.


What does FOA mean in terms of forensic science:

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

First Officer in Attendance First Official in Attendance Fastest Officer in Attendance Fastest Official in Attendance First Officer After the Event

FOR10002 Practice Exam Semester Two


Question 2.10

Which of the following are classified as illicit drugs in Australia?

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Cocaine Cannabis Heroin All of the above. None of the above.


Which of the following best described the effects of opium?

(a) (b) (c) dark (d) (e)

Causes your eye to dilate Causes your eye to contract Causes your eye to become All of the above. None of the above.


The half-life of a drug is best described as:

(a) (b)

t½ - the time it takes for half the people to die from that drug t½ - the time it takes for the drug to reach 50% of its original concentration (c) t½ - the concentration at which half the people die from that drug. (d) t½ - the concentration at which 50% of the people will show an idiosyncratic response to the drug (e) None of the above.


The case of James Mitchell can be used to illustrate that:

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

police can detect phone usage at all times police can detect where a mobile phone has been switched off police can track the person to whom a phone call is made police are inhibited from using mobile phone data due to privacy laws All of the above None of the above


Which best describes the role of bioaccumulation in humans?

FOR10002 Practice Exam Semester Two


Question (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

We are one of the worst species affected because we eat everything. We are one of the worst species affected because we are at the top of the food chain. We are not one of the worst species affected because we do not eat everything. We are not one of the worst species affected because we are not at the top of the food chain. We are not affected because we control our environment and clean our food before eating.


Which of the following represents common flaws in DNA analysis?

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Contamination. Interpretation. Record keeping. All of the above. None of the above.

Question Three (6x2 = 12 marks) – Multiple Choice Questions (worth 2 mark each) For each of the following questions, write down the letter grade which best answers the question. Unless otherwise specified, there is only one answer which is correct and you will not receive marks if you give more than one answer. 3.1

Which of the following statements is true?

(a) (b)


Precision is a measure of scatter. Detector linearity is required for single point analysis and can’t be guaranteed without direct measurement. Accuracy is a measure of how close the result is but usually this is not known and the accuracy of a method would be tested either by using a known amount of a primary standard or by using an alternative method for the analyte. All of the above.


Which of the following tests are not commonly applied to glass analysis

(a) (b) (c)

Scanning Electron Microscopy combined with Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis Refractive Index Gas Chromatography


FOR10002 Practice Exam Semester Two


Question (d) Density


Flames are a type of fire, which of the following does not produce a flame?


A char which is an impure carbon that can burn and generate a great deal of heat The pyrolysis products of a solid that breaks down due to heat The fuel source that could be an actual gas A liquid that vaporises due to heat

(b) (c) (d)


Which of the following would you argue carries the greatest weight in a court of law concerned with a forensic test performed in a scientific laboratory?


The test is an old test which has been presented to a court of law many times before. The test is the newest test available which passes peer review scientific standards. The laboratory is a NATO certified laboratory. No students were involved in carrying out the test. The test provides the most accurate and precise values available.

(b) (c) (d) (e)


The phenomenon where people become much more likely to show an adverse reaction to a drug the more they take that drug is best described as?

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Tolerance Idiosyncratic response Sensitisation An acute response A chronic response Anaphylactic shock

3.6 Prof Roy Meadows gave expert testimony in a famous court case involving a mother who was accused of murdering two of her children. Which of the following best describes the error in his testimony? (a)

He assumed that the statistical chance of a second “cot” death was not influenced by the occurrence of the first “cot” death.

FOR10002 Practice Exam Semester Two


Question (b) Statistical evidence of this nature had not been previously given in a court of law. (c) He was not a qualified medical doctor. (d) He was not a qualified specialist in childhood illnesses. (e) He was, in fact, the father of one of the children. Four (8 marks) 4.1

What does luminol do in the presence of blood?

When luminol is sprayed on a spill and UV light is shone onto it, the blood appears luminescent


What name do we give someone who is an expert in medical examination (including autopsy) and applies that expertise to legal cases.



Time, cause of death and identity are some of the aspects that a forensic scientist tries to determine. Which of these is most relevant to the Hendricks case?

Identity 4.4

Can you tell if a blood sample has been cleaned immediately after it was spilled rather than some time later?



Write the chemical symbol for the gas which is poisonous and interferes with the oxygen – carbon dioxide exchange in your lungs. This substance is most typically present as a result of smoking, but may also be present as a contaminant from sources such as the exhaust from an old car. Carbon Monoxide - CO


What is the term used to describe the record keeping required to indicate who was responsible, at any given time, for the proper storage and handling of a given piece of forensic evidence? Chain of custody

FOR10002 Practice Exam Semester Two



4.7 Name two examples of an illicit stimulant Heroin & Cocaine


There are two principles which must be followed for a scientific procedure to be used in a court of law. One of these is that the result must be based on a sound scientific principle. What is the other? It must be relevant for forensic use Five (3x2 = 6 marks)


What is the difference between Qualitative and Quantitative analysis?

Quantitative refers to an amount of something such as 2g of heroin whereas qualitative refers to describing the quality of something such as the perpetrator was wearing a blue shirt 5.2

State three properties which a substance must have for it to bioaccumulate

5.3 List three of the classes of illicit drugs under Australian legislation Cannabis, Heroin & ecstasy Six (5x3 = 15 marks) 6.1

What are the basic differences between gas chromatography and liquid chromatography? Gas uses gas, liquid uses liquid. 6.2

Describe how spectrometry enables chemical substances to be identified?

A spectrophotometer allows the absorbance of light travelling through a substance to be read and this can be correlated with known absorbance readings to identify a substance. 6.3

A colleague (“Mrs Brown”) has received threatening letters in which there is a distinctive row of dots on the bottom of each page, presumably caused by the printing. I believe that another colleague (“Mr Smith”) is responsible and confiscate his printer to investigate. Mr Smith’s printer also produced a distinctive row of dots on the bottom of each page printed. I therefore believe Mr Smith to be guilty.


What would be a good blank to run in this case, and use this to explain why we run blanks.

FOR10002 Practice Exam Semester Two




Assuming that the blank did not show the distinctive row of dots, would we now convict Mr Smith?

FOR10002 Practice Exam Semester Two



What information can bullet hole examination provide?

Where the shot was made from, when the shot was made, what kind of bullet was used (if bullet not found) and therefore the make of gun used.


The ignition phase of a fire requires a source of heat, what are three ways that this can be added? Gun powder Impact from the trigger Question Seven (3x4 = 12 marks) 7.1 Describe four security features that help prevent currency forging and explain how they are expected to prevent forgery. Clear window with some print Gold strip Holographic kangas These are hard to mimic without the official equipment and processing so therefore should help minimise forgeries 7.2 In recent years, a women successfully sued McDonald’s when she bought a cup of hot tea at a drive-through and then spilled that hot tea onto her lap. The tea was too hot and badly burned her. Describe this incident in terms of adsorption / absorption / acute / chronic / poison / hazard. Hazard as the hot tea burned her but did not ingest anything toxic 7.3

The following code represents a STR: GCCG

(a) What does STR stand for? Short Tandem Repeat (b) What is the complement of this sequence? CGGC (c) Which base pair is missing from this sequence? A-T

FOR10002 Practice Exam Semester Two


(d) Assume that the allele number is 15. Write T (for true) or F (for false) for the following statements:

The number of base pairs is probably 15 T

The number of base pairs is probably 30 F

The number of base pairs is probably 60 F

The number of base pairs is probably 120 F

There must be at least 15 phenotypes for this sequence F

There must be exactly 15 phenotypes for this sequence F

There must be no more than 15 phenotypes for this sequence T

Question Eight (5 marks) From the following list choose one analysis technique and list five important features? Gas Chromatography, Mass Spectroscopy, UV/Visible Spectroscopy, Infrared Spectroscopy, Liquid Chromatography and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry.

FOR10002 Practice Exam Semester Two


Question Nine (5 marks) Write a brief essay on the Jama case and the implications this has on DNA analysis in Victoria. Farah Jama was accused and convicted of raping a young women in a nightclub bathroom although having a good alibi and protesting he had not been to the club or met the women. However a sample taken from the women had tested positive for Jama’s DNA. It was later found that the DNA from Jama was contaminated by a swap of Jama’s mouth taken for a different investigation. The people would have lost trust in DNA evidence after a sample wrongfully put a young man in prison albeit having an alibi and the women not remembering any men with black skin at the over 28’s club and Jama being only 22.

FOR10002 Practice Exam Semester Two


Question Ten (6 marks) Consider the following list of forensic cases, and base your answer on those cases. Wayne Bertram Williams D’Autremont Brothers Stephen Bradley James Smith Hitler Diaries Ghislaine Marchal James Mitchell Alexander Litvinenko Tommy Lee Andrews Forensic Science is largely based on the trace – contact theory. Describe that theory using case studies to illustrate your argument.

Alexander Litvinenko was killed by poisoning of a radioactive substance, traces of this substance was left on the tea cup he drank from and on the plane it had travelled on with the person who poisoned him. This lead the forensi...

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