Formal Letter Writing Sample for CAE Exam PDF

Title Formal Letter Writing Sample for CAE Exam
Author Giulia Mancosu
Course Lingua Inglese
Institution Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Pages 7
File Size 335.8 KB
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Formal Letter Writing Sample for CAE Exam...


Official Letter You are on the committee of an organisation called Sport for Youth, which encourages young people to become more involved in sports. The next annual conference will be held in your home town. Delegates have received a provisional programme, but you need to write a letter to them shortly before the conference giving them further details about the first day, and suggesting what they might do in the evening. Read the provisional programme and some notes you took at a recent meeting of the organising committee. Write a letter to delegates in 180-220 words.

Dear Delegate, We look forward to welcoming you to the 15th annual conference of ‘Sport for Youth’, which will be held in the Town Hall in Congerton from 22nd to 25th September. You already have a programme for the first day, but here are some further details. The registration desk opens at 8.30 and stays open all day. You can collect a Welcome Pack when you register, and this will include a Certificate of Attendance. In his opening speech, Peter Taylor is talking about the current state of sport in schools. Coffee and lunch are served in the Avon Room. The cost of these is included in the conference fee. If you need Internet access, then this will be available through computers in the basement at no charge. No events have been arranged for the first evening, but there are lots of things to do in Congerton. The town has two cinemas, and a theatre which is showing

Romeo and Juliet during the conference. There are many pubs and bars close to the conference venue, and some excellent restaurants offering a wide range of food and prices. The conference organising committee will be at the conference hotel to advise and guide you. Please feel free to contact me before the conference starts if you need any additional information. Regards, Anna Reece

Official Letter Dear Miss Kurosawa, I write with reference to your letter of April 1st. I sincerely regret that I shall be unable to meet you at the airport on Thursday: unfortunately I have previous commitments, namely a luncheon engagement and a dental appointment. Nevertheless, please allow me to assure you that not only myself but also a number or my colleagues are very much looking forward to meeting you. In view of this, might I suggest a meeting at your earliest convenience? Could we perhaps meet at your hotel at Spin and take you out to dinner in one of the finest restaurants in Lille? I should be very grateful if you would phone to confirm. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Nicole Renault

Official Letter The following extracts are taken from letters to a national newspaper on the subject of the importance of university education. You decide to write a letter responding to the points raised and giving your own views. Write your letter in 300-350 words. Do not write any postal addresses.

Dear Editor, I am writing in response to recent letters discussing the importance of university education. University is a very valuable experience for the overwhelming majority of students, and many skills are learned in addition to those gained in academic study. The view was expressed that only those who go to universities should pay for them. But surely everyone in the country benefits when as many people as possible go to university. And access to university should not be confined to those whose parents can afford to pay. Students from poorer backgrounds also have talents to be developed in higher education. When those who do not attend complain about being asked to fund universities for young people, they should remember that graduates go on to support them directly. They become the doctors who care for them in their old age, the bankers who administer their pensions, and the engineers who build their roads and cities. And without university-educated people to fill these highly skilled jobs, we face being left behind by other countries. In most countries, the percentage of the population having a university education is increasing, and this trend is expected to continue. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that high levels of graduate unemployment will be seen. In many parts of the world there is currently a shortage of students studying sciences, in particular physics and chemistry. It has to be acknowledged, however, that in some specialist areas too many graduates are being produced. For example, in the UK there are

presently far more students graduating with a degree in forensic science than can be justified by the number of jobs available in forensic science. But as time goes by, such imbalances will be put right by the laws of supply and demand. University-educated students contribute to our economic development, as they are the future workforce of this country, and without that workforce we cannot develop. Knowledge needs to be passed on to them and as they gain new skills they can become future leaders of our society, demonstrating that university benefits not only students but our nation as a whole. Yours, Carmen Alexander

Official letter You are studying Business and English at your college. You want to spend two months during your vacation working in a company in an English-speaking country to get work experience and to practise your English. Write a letter to the Personnel Manager of Arcon, an international company with branches in many countries, explaining who you are, what you would like to do, and why the company should employ you temporarily. Offer to send further information about yourself if the company is interested in employing you. Write your letter in 220-260 words. Do not write any postal address. Dear Mrs Adams, I am writing to enquire whether there is any possibility of finding temporary work at Arcon in one of your branches in an English- speaking country this summer. I am a student of business and English, near the end of the third year of a four-year course at City College in Athens. I would like to spend some time during the college vacation gaining experience of working in a multinational company. Although I have a very good knowledge of spoken and written English, I would welcome the opportunity to improve my language skills further by working in an English-speaking environment. I have a particular interest in marketing. If there is a post in the marketing department, I am sure I could make a useful contribution as well as develop my own understanding of the area. I also have an expertise in information technology, and have designed websites for organisations at college. My skills in this area might be useful to you. I am happy in principle to work for no salary, and will be able to pay for my own accommodation and living expenses. However, if Arcon could pay a salary this would be gratefully received. I realise there must be a great demand for temporary positions of this kind. However, if you feel there is a chance of arranging work for me, 1 would be pleased to provide further details about myself. In the meantime, I enclose a copy of my CV. Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Nikolaos Kovaios

Dear Ann Robertson I am writing on behalf of Devonport Community Centre, where I am Social Secretary. As you may know, the community centre runs many evening classes for adults and provides a variety of sports programmes for teenagers. We also offer after-school care and activities for many local children whose parents are at work. Unfortunately, our kitchen facilities are in urgent need of an upgrade, and as a non-profit organization, we need assistance to raise the necessary funds. We are planning to hold a fair in March to help finance our project. There will be demonstrations by our tae kwon do group, entertainment from our musicians, food stalls set up by parents and many activities for young children to enjoy. We hope that the event will not only help us to buy new equipment for the kitchen, but will also encourage local builders, plumbers and other craftsmen to volunteer some of their time. In order to attract people to our fair, we would also like to set up a rock climbing wall and inflatable castle. We are therefore hoping that you might be able to help us by paying for the hire of this equipment. Naturally, we would be very happy to promote you as our key sponsor. If sponsorship from Fresh World were possible, I would be happy to arrange a meeting at any time that was convenient to you. Thank you for your attention. Yours sincerely Jason Norwood

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to ask if you are interested in acting as a sponsor for a children's sports club. The club was set up a year ago by local voluntaries and our goal is to encourage kids from different social environments to do sports. We've seen the advantages on the children's health from doing regular exercise and we also believe that team spirit in youngsters will help them in other aspects of their life. Until now we have been using the playing fields at Wentworth College. However, some club members have problems getting to the college, so we would like to rent a field and changing rooms closer to the centre of town. Consequently we need to obtain quite a large amount of money, so we are planning an event to raise funds. We will charge a small entrance fee and there will be various activities which people will have to pay for. We would like to have a lottery for a pair of football boots, have an archery and a long jump competition. There will be stalls selling second hand sports equipment and a healthy selection of food and drinks will also be served. We would be extremely grateful if you could provide us with t-shirts with the club logo on and some prizes for the competitions as different items of sports equipment. I look forward to your reply. Yours faithfully, Katerina...

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