Format of Synopsis and Report(Project) PDF

Title Format of Synopsis and Report(Project)
Author vaibhav budhija
Course Master of computer applications
Institution Chandigarh University
Pages 9
File Size 185.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 786
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POINTS TO REMEMBER WHILE PREPARING REPORTS1. Project Proposal FormulationThe project proposal should be prepared in consultation with your guide. The project proposal should clearly state the topics that are mentioned for every report. The project work should compulsorily include all the phases of t...



POINTS TO REMEMBER WHILE PREPARING REPORTS 1. Project Proposal Formulation The project proposal should be prepared in consultation with your guide. The project proposal should clearly state the topics that are mentioned for every report. The project work should compulsorily include all the phases of the software development life cycle(SDLC). The report should be submission in proper format with 

A4 paper size,

12 text size

14 heading size

1.5inch left margin, 1.5inch Top margin, 1inc bottom and 1 in right margin.

Times New Roman

1.5 line spacing

The references should be in APA format

For Diagrams creation student can take help of or Microsoft Visio.

All the images should be in 300dpi.

2. Title and Technology Submission (3-5 pages) Covering the following Aspects i. Title of Project (Annexure-I) ii. Introduction to the Project (1-s2 pages) iii. Project features for identification of uniqueness (5-10 features) iv. Front End and Back end used (1 page) v. Objectives of the project vi. Timeline of Project in weeks

UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF COMPUTING DIVISION- MCA/BCA/BSc(CS) 3. First Report Format (12-15 pages) covering the following aspects: i.

Title of the Project (Annexure-I)


Table of Index


Introduction to Project


Gaps of Existing System


Features of the project


Objectives of the Project


Scope of the project


Proposed Methodology


Tools, Hardware and Software Specification


Planning and Requirement Gathering


Software Requirement Specification


Feasibility Study


Data Flow Diagram (Overall System)


Work Progress as per timeline


Expected outcome


References (APA format)


4. Second Report Format (20-60 pages) covering the following aspects: i.

Title of the Project (Annexure-I)


Table of Index


Introduction to Project


Objectives of the Project


Scope of the project


Proposed Methodology


Tools, Hardware and Software Specification


Planning and Requirement Gathering


Software Requirement Specification


Feasibility Study


Data Flow Diagram (Level-0, Level-1, Level-2)


Work Progress as per timeline


Number of Objectives Achieved


Modules Developed and their description


ER Diagrams of tables created


Testing Strategy used & description of test cases and use cases


References(APA format)

UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF COMPUTING DIVISION- MCA/BCA/BSc(CS) 5. Final Project Report Format (60-100 pages) covering the following aspects: The project documentation may be about 60-100 pages (excluding coding). The project documentation details should not be too generic in nature. Appropriate project report documentation should be done, like, how you have done the analysis, design, coding, use of testing techniques/strategies, etc., in respect of your project. To be more specific, whatever the theory in respect of these topics is available in the reference books should be avoided as far as possible. The project documentation should be in respect of your project only. The project documentation should include the topics given below. Each and every component shown below carries certain weight age in the project report evaluation.  Title Page (Annexure-I)  Acknowledgement  Declaration by Candidate  Training Letter  Certificate by the Supervisor  Abstract  Preface  Table of Contents  Table of Figures  Table of Tables

Chapter 1: Introduction  Background  Objectives  Purpose,  Scope  Applicability  Organisation of Report

UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF COMPUTING DIVISION- MCA/BCA/BSc(CS) Chapter 2: System Analysis  Identification of Need  Preliminary Investigation  Feasibility Study  Project Planning  Project Scheduling (PERT Chart and Gantt Chart both)  Software requirement specifications (SRS)  Software Engineering Paradigm applied  Data models (like DFD), Control Flow diagrams, State Diagrams/Sequence diagrams, Entity Relationship Model, Class Diagrams/CRC Models/Collaboration Diagrams/Usecase Diagrams/Activity Diagrams depending upon your project requirements

Chapter 3: System Design  Modularisation details  Data integrity and constraints  Database design, Procedural Design/Object Oriented Design  User Interface Design  Test Cases (Unit Test Cases and System Test Cases)

UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF COMPUTING DIVISION- MCA/BCA/BSc(CS) Chapter 4: Coding  Complete Project Coding  Comments and Description of Coding segments  Standardization of the coding  Code Efficiency  Error handling  Parameters calling/passing  Validation checks

Chapter 5: Testing  Testing techniques and Testing strategies used  Testing Plan used  Test reports for Unit Test Cases and System Test Cases  Debugging and Code improvement  System Security measures (Implementation of security for the project developed)  Database/data security  Creation of User profiles and access rights  Reports (sample layouts should be placed-If possible)

Chapter 6: Documentation  Cost Estimation of the Project along with Cost Estimation Model  Pre-Requisite for project Installation  Comparative Analysis  Negative Results

Chapter 7: Conclusion and Future Scope  Conclusion  Future scope and further enhancement of the Project Bibliography(APA Format) Appendices (if any-Daily report) Glossary. Plagiarism and Grammar report

UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF COMPUTING DIVISION- MCA/BCA/BSc(CS) Note: Should attach a copy of the CD containing the executable file(s) or Setup of the complete project. 1.

The project report should normally be printed with single line spacing on A4 paper (one side only). All the pages, tables and figures must be numbered. Tables and figures should contain titles.


If any project report is received in the absence of the approved project proposal Performa (in original), project synopsis, bio-data of the guide with her/his signature on it, certificate of originality and CD , it will be summarily rejected and returned to the student for compliance.


Throughout the project report, the title of the project should be the same as per the approved synopsis. Signature of the Project Guide in the Certificate of Originality should match with the signature in the Project Proposal Performa also.


Only one copy of the original project report in the bound form along with the CD (containing the executable file(s) of the project should be enclosed in the last page) is to be submitted to the respective project guide. One photocopy of the same Project Report and the CD containing the executable file(s) must be retained by the student, which should be produced before the examiner at the time of viva-voce.


Preferably, not more than one student is permitted to work on a project. However, in case a project is comprehensive enough that requires one human–year or more time for its completion, then as per requirements of six human-months per student, at most three students may work on the same project


If two students have been allowed to work on a project, the project synopsis and project reports by them must include only different modules undertaken/worked upon individually. Each student must submit a separate project proposal and a separate project reports related to her/his modules. Completely identical project synopsis and/or project reports are not allowed. Only introductory and possibly concluding remarks may be similar or common. 7. Student should be involved in each and every phase of Project Development. If it is found that student is not involved in any phase for example coding phase, it may lead to the rejection/disqualifying of the project at any stage.

UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF COMPUTING DIVISION- MCA/BCA/BSc(CS) 8. Title of the project should be kept the same throughout the project. 9. Every week best performer will be selected by supervisor. 10. The best three projects from MCA and best three projects from BCA/BSC will be awarded by an appreciation by the department.

UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF COMPUTING DIVISION- MCA/BCA/BSc(CS) (Annexure-I) A Project Report On Title Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of (DEGREE) in Session: By (STUDENT1,REG ID: STUDENT 2, REG ID: STUDENT 3, REG ID:) Supervised By NAME OF SUPERVISOR DESIGNATION

University Institute of Computing CHANDIGARH UNIVERSITY, GHARUAN, MOHALI, PUNJAB,140413

Project Coordinator


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