Franchising essay - Grade: 7 PDF

Title Franchising essay - Grade: 7
Course Bus Readings
Institution La Salle University
Pages 2
File Size 34.7 KB
File Type PDF
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Wr i t eabr i efnot eont hef ol l owi ng: 1.

Ter mi nat i onofaf r anchi s eagr eement

Af r anchi s eagr eementmayt er mi nat ebyt hef r anchi s orwhent hef r anc hi seecommi t s anymat er i albr eachoff r anchi s eesobl i gat i onundert hef r anc hi seagr eement .


Tax at i onaspec t sr el at edt oaf or ei gnf r anchi s or

I nf r anchi sebus i nes s,t ax at i oni si mpor t antt oknowbyt hef r anchi s oraswel l ast he f or ei gnf r anc hi sorbecaus ei ndi ffer entcount r ywher et hef r anchi s eef r anchi s ea bus i nesst her ear espec i fict axt obepai d.

Consi dery ouar eset t i ngupanewbusi nessv ent ur e: Whatl egalst r uct ur ewoul dy ouneedt oes t abl i sht opr oceedwi t hy ournewv ent ur e ? Enumer at eatl eas t3andchar act er i z eeac h. 1. Sole proprietorship. Only one person owns and manage the business. The owner has the overall control of the business. 2. Partnership. Two or more owns and control the business. Owners can share responsibilities so that one person doesn't have to do all the work. 3. Corporation. This type of business has unlimited lifespan because corporation can be transfer to the other successor.

Consi dery ouar eset t i ngupanewbusi nessv ent ur e: Woul daf r anchi s eofferasuper i orbusi nessmodel t oasol obus i ness ?Expl ai n. Fr anchi s eofferasuper i orbus i nessmodel t oasol obusi nes sbecaus eaf r anchi s e bus i nessi sal r eadyexi s t i ng,i ti sal r eadyasuc ces sf ulbus i ness ,andi ti sal r eadyknown andcompet i t i v eunl i k easol obusi ness .

Descr i bet hes t at usoft hel egal f r amewor kgov er ni ngt hef r anchi sebusi nessacr osst hegl obe. Fr anchi sebusi nessi ndi ffer entcount r i esoracr osst hegl obehasadi ffer entl egal f r amewor k. Thel egal f r amewor ki si mpor t antt oaf r anchi sebusi nessacr osst hegl obebecausei ti s essent i al f ort heeffici encyofmanagementandt hel egal f r amewor kser v esast hemost i mpor t antdocumentr egi st er eds ubj ectt ot hel aw.

I nwhatwayi sac ompr ehensi v el egal f r amewor kt ogover nf r anchi s ebusi nesshel pf ult ot he f r anchi sor saswel l ast hef r anchi sees ? Acompr ehensi vel egal f r amewor kt ogov er nf r anchi sebusi nessi shel pf ult ot hef r anchi sor sas wel l ast hef r anchi seesbyunder st andi ngeachagr eement ,t er ms ,andr egul at i on.Al soby pr event i ngt ocommi tanymat er i albr eachofcont r actbyei t herpar t y .

Whatdoy ouunder s t andbyt heappl i cabi l i t yofmul t i pl el awst oaf r anchi sebusi nessi nI ndi a? Expl ai nbyci t i nganex ampl e. Anex ampl eoft heappl i cabi l i t yofmul t i pl el awst oaf r anchi sebusi nessi nI ndi ai sbyhavi nga f r anchi sebusi nessofMcDonal d' sandhavi ngi t si nt el l ect ual pr oper t yandconsumerr i ght s.

I nwhatwaysi st hel egal s ys t em i nadequat ef ort hegr owt hoff r anc hi sebusi nessi nI ndi a? Thel egal s ys t em i nadequat ef ort hegr owt hoff r anchi sebusi nessi nI ndi ai st hatt her ei sno r equi r ementt or egi st erf r anchi seoffer i ngsort opr ovi def r anchi sedi sc l osur edocument s .I t meanst hatt her ei snospeci ficl awdeal i ngwi t ht hef r anchi seagr eementandi t saspect ssuchas t er mi nat i on,nondi scl os ur e,andot hercl auses ....

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