Frankenstein book story teas reading question and answer PDF

Title Frankenstein book story teas reading question and answer
Course Human Anatomy
Institution University of Nairobi
Pages 5
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Fr ank ens t ei nbooks t or yt easr eadi ngques t i onandans wer 1.Whowr ot eal lt hel et t er s ? Rober tWal t on 2.Whoar et hel et t er st o?Whati st her er el at i onshi p? Hei swr i t i ngt oMar gar et ,hi ssi st er . 3.Wher ei sRober twhenhewr i t esl et t erone?Whyi shet her e?Whatar ehi spl ans ? Hei sonashi pdock edatSt .Pet er s bur gt r yi ngt ofi ndt henor t hpol eandcomeoutt heot hersi deof t hewor l d. 4.Wher ei sWal t onnow?Whatdoy out hi nkofhi sques t i on" whatcanst opt hedet er mi nedhear tand r es ol v edwi l l ofman? Rober ti scont i nui ngonwi t hhi sj our neyatsea.Thi smeansonc esomeonei st r ul ydet er mi nedt odo s omet hi ngnotmanyt hi ngsc ans t ophi m.Ast hepar agr aphcont i nuesmaybeacaut i oust al e. 5.Howmuc ht i mehasel aps edbet weenl et t er3andl et t er4?What" s t r angeacci dent "hashappened t ot hes ai l or s ? Aboutamont h.Theshi pgots t ucki ni c e. 6.Whydoest hemanpi ck edupbyt heshi ps ayhei st her e ? Themani schasi ngt hecr eat ur e.Hei si nabads i c kl ycondi t i on. 7.Whyi si tt hatWal t onf eel shefi nal l yf oundanequal i nt hi ss t r angeman?WhatdoesWal t onf eel t hes t r angercanofferhi mt hatnooneel seont heshi pcan? Wal t onandt hemanhav eal oti nc ommon.Hef eel sl i k et hemanandhi mc oul dbef r i ends . 8.Whydoest hemanagr eet ot el l hi sst or y ? Heagr eesbecausehes eeshowdedi cat edWal t onwasandbecauseher el at est ohi m. 9.Whati st heman' sback gr ound?Wher ei shef r om?Doweknowhi snamey et ? Hegr ewupi npov er t yandwhenhegr ewuppai di toff.Hei sf r om Genev aandhi sl as tnamei s Beauf or t 10.Whati st hest or yoft heman' smot her ,Car ol i neBeauf or t ? Herf at herdi edwhens hewasy oung.Shemar r i edt heman' sf at her . 11.Whoi sEl i z abet hLav enz aandwhati shers t or y ?Whatgi f tdoest hemansmot hergi v ehi m? Shewasay ounggi r ll i vi ngi npov er t yunt i lshewasadopt edandwast hegi f tofasi s t er .

12.Whoi sHenr yCl er v al andwhati shi sr el at i ont oVi ct or ? Theyar echi l dhoodf r i ends . 13.Whoi sCor nel i usAgr i ppaandhowdoesVi ct orfi ndoutabouthi m?HowdoesVi ct or ' sf at her r es pond,andhowdoesVi ct orcommentont her esponse ? Hei st heaut horofabookVi ct orr ead.Hi sf at hers ai dwhathewasr eadi ngwast r as handout dat ed s oVi c t ork eptr eadi ngmor ebook sl i k et hatt opur posel ygoagai ns thi spar ent . 14.Whats or tofs ci ence( Nat ur alPhi l osophy )i sVi ct orl ear ni ngf r om Agr i ppa,Par ac el s us,and Al ber t usMagnus ?Howwoul damoder nsci ent i s tr espondt ot hi sk i ndoft hi nk i ng? Themoder nsc i ent i stwoul dn' tbel i ev ei nmagi c.Theyst udi edal chemi s t ,phy s i cs ,andphi l osophy . 15.WhathappenswhenVi ct orseesanoakt r eedest r oy edbyl i ght eni ngandhear sanexpl anat i on? WhatdoesVi ct orbegi nt ost udy ? Thet r eel i t er al l ydi s appear edi nt oas t umpandhes t ar t st os t udyel ect r i ci t y . 16.Whoorwhatdoeshecr edi tf orhi schangei ndi r ect i on?Whoorwhatdoeshebl amef ort hi s " ut t erandt er r i bl edes t r uc t i on?" Hec r edi t shi sguar di anangel .Hi sspi r i tofgoodanddes t i ny . 17.Whathappenst oEl i z abet handVi ct or ' smot herasar esul tofEl i z abet h' sscar l etf ev er ? Shedi edf r om becomi ngs i c kl yf r om s car l etf ev er . 18.WhydoesVi ct or ' sf at hersendhi mt ot heUni v er s i t yofI ngol st adt ? Het houghti twasnec essar ysohehadaf ul leducat i on. 19.WhatdoesVi ct orl ear nf r om M.Kr empe ? Hel ear nst hathehast ost ar tov erwi t hhi sst udi esbecaus ehewasr eadi ngout dat eds t uff. 20.WhatdoesVi ct orl ear nf r om M.Wal dman?HoedoesVi ct orr es pondt ohi m?HowdoesVi ct or t hi nkofhi sol ders c i enceasoppos edt omoder nsc i ence ?Whatwoul dM.Wal dens ayi ndes cr i bi ng moder nc hemi s t r yt hatc hangesVi ct or ' smi nd? Het eachest hehi s t or yofchemi st r y .Vi ct ori sver yi nt er es t edandl i k esol dersc i enceov ermoder n. Vi ct ornowwant st ocr eat el i f e. 21.Gi v enal lt hemaddoct orandmonst ermov i eswe' v es een,i nc l udi ngper hapsv er s i onsof Fr ank enst ei n,whati sunex pect edaboutt hedes cr i pt i onoft heac t ual cr eat i onofl i f eher e ?Howmuch dowel ear noft heac t ual pr ocedur e ? Theypoi nt edouthowbeaut i f ult hecr eat ur ewas .I tdoesnotex pl ai ni tr eal l yatal l . 22.HowdoesVi ct orr espondt ot heact ualc r eat i onofl i f e ?Whats ur pr i s eshi m aboutt hewayt he c r eat ur ehehasbr oughtt ol i f el ook s ?Whatdoest hatdot oVi ct or ' sr esponse ?

Hei sex ci t edands eeshi m al mostl i k eababyi nt heey esoft hecr eat ur e. 23.Whatdoest hecr eat ur et r yt odowhenhefi r stawak ens ?HowdoesVi c t orr espond? Her eac hedhi sar m out .Vi ct orpani ck edandhi dbehi ndabush. 24.Whom doesVi ct ormeetar r i vi ngi nacoacht henex tmor ni ng?HowdoesVi ct orr es pond?What doesVi ct ordi scov erwhent heygot oVi ct or ' sapar t ment ?HowdoesVi ct orr espond?Whathappens t ohi m andf orhowl ong?I st her eanymor enewsoft hecr eat ur e ? Vi ct orfi ndsHenr yandgoesbac kt ot heapar t mentt oseenoonet her eandhewasr el i ev edbuthad aner v ousbr eak downf ors ev er almont hs . 25.Whati swai t i ngf orVi ct orwhenhefi nal l yr ecov er s ?Whohasnur sedhi m dur i nghi si l l ness ? Al et t erf r om El i z abet h.Cl er v al t ookcar eofhi m. 26.Whoi sJus t i neMor i t zandwhati shers t or y ?Whatc omment sdoesEl i z abet hmak eabouther posi t i oni nSwi sssoci et y ?Whatr el i gi oni sJus t i ne? Shei saser v ant ,Hermom wasawi dowandhad3k i ds .Vi ct or sf ami l yt ookheri nasaser v ant .She i sr omanc at hol i c . 27.Whoi sWi l l i am andhowol di she ? Vi ct or ' sy oungestbr ot herwhoi sabout5y ear sol d 28.WhatdoesVi ct ordoaf t erhi sr ecov er y ?Whati sCl er v al ' s" pl anofl i f e" ? Hev i si t sKr empeandWal dman.Hi s" pl anofl i f e"i st ost udyor i ent al l anguagewhenher et ur ns home. 29.WhatnewsdoesVi c t or ' sf at herdet ai li nhi sl et t er ? Wi l l i am hadbeenmur der ed. 30.Whathappenst heni ghtaf t erVi c t orr et ur nst oGenev a? Ther ewasas t or mt hatVi ct ors ai dhonor edWi l l i am' sdeat h. 31.Whom doesVi ct orseet hatni ght ?Whenwast hel as tt i met heys aweac hot her ? Vi ct orseest heout l i neoft hemonst ercl i mbi ngamount ai n.I thasbeen2y ear s . 32.WhatdoesVi ct ornowbel i ev ehappenedt oWi l l i am?WhatdoesVi ct orassumeaboutt henat ur e oft hecr eat ur e ? Het hi nk sheki l l edWi l l i am.Thecr eat ur ei sev i l ,vi ol ent ,andaggr essi v e. 33.Whohasbeeni dent i fi edast hemur der eronwhatevi denc e?HowdoesVi ct orr espondt ot he news ?Whydoesn' thesayany t hi ngaboutt her ealmur der ed?

J ust i ne,causeaphot oofCar ol i nef r om Wi l l i am' sl ock etwasf oundi nherpock et . 34.Whathappensi nJ ust i ne' st r i al ?HowdoesVi ct orr espond? I nhert r i alshei sf oundgui l t yandi sputont hedeat hpenal t yasherpuni shment .Vi ct or ' sr esponsei s hi mr unni ngoutoft her oom. 35.Thenex tdaywhydoesJ ust i nes aysheconf es sedt ot hemur derofWi l l i am? One,shewant st oj oi nWi l l i am i nt heaf t erl i f ebecauses hei sr omancat hol i c ,andt wo,amanvi si t ed heri npr i son( t hepr i es t )andt ol dhershewoul dbeex communi cat edi fshedi dn' tconf es s.Shet r i es t ok eephers poti nheav enbutbyl yi ngsheact ual l ywentagai nstt hi s . 36.HowdoesVi ct orr espondi nt heday saf t erJ ust i ne' sdeat h?How hav eEl i z abet h' svi ews c hanged? Hei sext r emel ydepr essed.El i z abet hnow l ook satmenasev i l . 37.Whatj our neydoesVi ct orunder t ak e,andwhen?Whatpl acesdoeshet r av el t hr ough?Wher e doeshest ay ? Hegoest ot heSui ssAl psi naugust .Hest ay satt heVi l l ageofChamouni x . 38.Howdoeshef eeldur i ngt hi spar toshi sj our ney ? Hei sfi l l edwi t hj oyonhi st r i p 39.Whom doesVi ct orsee ? Themonst er . 40.Whatdoest hemonst ersay ?I st hi sex pect edf r om t hec r eat ur e ? Thec r eat ur esay shei sex t r emel yl onel y .I ti snotexpect edf r om t hecr eat ur et hehecanspeakbut whathesai di sex pect ed. 41.Whatdoest hecr eat ur es ayt oVi ct or ? Thec r eat ur esay st r oughal l ofhi st r oubl esi thasmadehi m af r i end.Vi c t orhat eswhathehasdone. 42.Whyhast hecr eat ur ecausedt hedeat hsofWi l l i am andJus t i ne ?I shei nher ent l yev i l andbl ood t hi r s t yasVi ct oras sumed? Hek i l l edWi l l i am asr ev enget omanki ndandVi ct or .Hei snotasev i l aspr esumed. 43.Whatwi l lc aus et hec r eat ur et oc hange ?Keepi nmi ndt hi ss t at ement" Iwasbenev ol entand good;mi s er ymademeaf r i end.Mak emehappyandIs hal lagai nbevi r t uous . "Whats or tof ps y c hol ogi cal under st andi ngi sShel l eyshowi ngher e ? Hewat chedov eraf ami l yandt hi schangedhi m.Thr oughoutal l t hesadi nhi sl i f ei tt aughthi mt obe af r i end.

44.Whatdoest hecr eat ur er ememberofhi sear l i es tday s ?Howdoeshes eem t obel ear ni ngt hi ngs ? Howwel l canhes peak ? Her emember sbei ngabandoned.Wat c hi ngaf ami l yandobser v i ng.Hecans peakatanav er age l ev el . 45.Whathappeneddur i nghi sfir stencount erwi t hpeopl e ? Theywer eal l scar edofhi m andat t ack edhi m andscr eamed. 46.Wher edoeshefinal l yfindapl ac et os t ay ?Whatdoeshel ear naboutt hepeopl ewhol i v ei nt he cot t age ? I nashacknextt ot hecot t age.Thef ami l yi sv er ypoor . 47.Howdoeshef eelt owar dst hem? Hef eel sast houghhei spar toft hef ami l y . 48.Howdoest hecr eat ur econt i nuet ol ear naboutt hef ami l yhei swat c hi ng? Byl ooki ngt hr oughahol eandwat c hi ngandl i st eni ng 49.Whati st hecondi t i onoft hef ami l y?Howdoest hecr eat ur ehel pt hem? Thef ami l yi spoorsohecol l ect swoodt os av eener gyf ort hem...

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