Teas notes PDF

Title Teas notes
Course Biology I
Institution Eastern Washington University
Pages 8
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These are some notes I took, also its sporadic so excuse how it is formatted. Made a 83 on my second attempt. Also, I took notes on a notebook and its A LOT but I will try to write everything down; no guarantee. But I do hope this helps someone ALSO DO NOT BASE YOUR STUDYING ON THIS, USE OTHER RESOUCES, THIS IS NOT A FULL STUDY GUIDE. Resources:

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Momentrix Secrets: https://www.amazon.com/ATI-TEAS-Secrets-StudyGuide/dp/1516703839 Smart Edition: https://smarteditionmedia.com/pages/ati-teas-test-details OpenStax: Anatomy: https://openstax.org/details/books/anatomy-and-physiology

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I do RECOMMEND Brandon Craft made an 81 first try and a 90 after watching his videos for math I do RECOMMEND Carolyn McCallister for reading, and writing. I do RECOMMEND KELLYS FILES and Crash Course for science I do RECOMMEND Elizabeth Tran for English Apps: Pocket Prep and TEAS Mastery Practice tests:

o https://www.test-guide.com/free-teas-practice-tests.html o https://owl.purdue.edu/owl_exercises/sentence_structure/subject_verb_agreement/ subject_verb_agreement_exercise.html o https://www.teaspracticetest.com/ o https://uniontestprep.com/teas/practice-test o https://www.kaptest.com/teas/free/teas-practice o https://smarteditionmedia.com/pages/ati-teas-6-free-practice-test o http://nurseacademy.thinkific.com/users/sign_in o https://quizlet.com/263991347/teas-science-sinclair-flash-cards/

NOTES -SCIENCE [ also random so it is not in order] https://lookaside.fbsbx.com/file/TEAS%206%20Science%20by%20Kelly%20%282%29.pdf? token=AWz90FYpRgBUoYhKCJTNba_FyvcB006NHpeYSS3hCTCcpmaGH13h-g6UMJDkmjoGSNTqidyGbEedbPC3A-Qf2Ugw_k9pduYwcD8IpSLmC-M_wxBvlPg_1mEG28bcvrEYo7bD1BQRVC9oE1HAU0Vu0FDRIATZlUe2fPsPkYCViApQ [ need to be signed into facebook for it to work]

What is a neuron? Specialized cells connected in their millions to form the nervous system which transmits information to body. It consists of cell body [ central center]; dendrites [ branch fibers

that send messages to the body; axons [ nerve transmission fivers surround by myelin sheath and the case of peripheral nervous by neurolemma] leading to axon terminals where impulses are transmitted from one neuron to another.

Bone classification Long

Feature Cylinder like, longer

Function Leverage


Cubic like, shape,


Thin and curved


Complex shape


Small round and embedded in tendons

Provide stability, support, and allowing for some motion Point of attachment for muscles; protects internal organs Protect internal organs Protect tendon from compressive bone

Examples Femur, tibia, fibula, metatarsals, ulna, radius, metacarpals Carpals and tarsals

Sternum, ribs, scapulae, cranial bones Facial bones and vertebrae Patellae [ knee]

Integumentary System Sebaceous Glands  

Holocrine glands- secretes sebum, an oily mixture of lipids and proteins Connected to HAIR follicles and secrets sebum through hair pore

Sweat Glands [aka sudoriferous gland]  

Eccrine glands not connected to hair follicles o Secrete salty solution; forehead; neck and back; activated by elevated body temp Apocrine Glands o Secret oily solution; armpits, groin, palms, soles on foot, and activated by stress or anxiety

Epidermis- Superficial layer entirely made of epithelial cells [ avascular]

5 layers of the Skin [ Acronym Come Let’s Get Sun Burned]

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Stratum Corneum- “Top layer- dead keratinocytes [ which helps prevent microbes from coming in and dehydration] IT is the superficial layer Stratum Lucidum- “clear layer”- colorless protein eleidin [ protein rich in lipids] o Found in palms, soles, and digits

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o Keratinocytes [ dead and flattened o Eledin- derived from kertohydin gives their transparent and barrior to water Stratum Granulosum- “thin layer”- granular layer- grainy appearance Stratum Spinosum- “spiny layer” thickest layer, keratinocytes, immune dendritic cells and sensory cells. o Protruding cell processes join the cells via structure desmosome o Desmosome interlock with each other and strengthen bond between cells o Dendritic cell [ Langerhans cell] macrophage by engulfing bacteria, foreign particles. Stratum Basale [ germative]- “Basale layer” bottom layer and contain melanocytes o Cuboidal shaper o Goes through MITOSIS to produce new cells o Merkel cells= function receptor and responsible for stimulating sensory nerves o Melanocyte- pigment melanin [ protects cells from uv radiation damage and gives hair and skin color]

Dermis-Below epidermis: contains blood and lymph vessels, nerves and hair and sweat glands 

2 layers of CT [connective tissue] composed of interconnected mech of elastin and collagenous fivers which is produced by fibroblasts o Papillary Layer: Loose, areolar CT means collagen and elastin fibers for a loose mesh  Superficial layer projects into stratum to form fingerlike dermal papillae  Friction ridges= helps grip surfaces [ fingertips]  Within this layer are fibroblasts and small number of fat cells and a abundance of blood vessels  Contains phagocytes defensive cells help fight bacteria  Touch receptors called Meissner corpcicles o Reticular Layer: thicker layer composed of dense irregular CT  Well vascularized and has rich sensory and sympathetic nerve supply  Elastin fibers provide elasticity to skin  Collagen [ this bind to water to keep skin hydrated] provide structure and tensile strengthen

Hypodermis- subcutaneous layer- adipose layer 

Consists of well vascularized, loose, areolar CT and adipose tissue which functions as mode of fat storage and provides insulation and cushioning for the skin.

Small random facts [ I guess?]

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When body gets too warm, sweat is produced by sebaceous glad, and blood vessels can dilate when body is warm [ hence the blood vessels carry more blood to skin] When body gets too cold blood vessels constrict so less blood is carried to skin surface Melanin is transferred into keratinocytes via a cellular vesicle called melanosome. Skin produces Vitamin D when ultraviolet hits skin. Sudiforus Gland= minerals, sodium, chloride, and magnesium are excreted, sweat can also contain trace amounts of urea, lactic acid and alcohol

Urinary system       

Urethra- transports urine from bladder to outside of the body for disposal, shows anatomical difference between male and female Bladder collects urine from both ureters Micturition Reflex= urination and voiding Ureters- send urine to bladder, urine is forms it drains to calyces of kidney which goes to hilum Efferent Arteriole [ small diameter]- take blood away from glomerulus: remember since it is small it would have a higher blood pressure. Afferent arteriole- brings blood to glomerulus Nephron- functional units of kidneys, small coiled fibers

Nervous System 

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Two Major Regions: o Central Nervous Systems: Brain and Spinal cord o Peripheral System: Everything else here [ beyond brain and spinal cord] PNS = cluster of neuron cell bodies is referred as ganglion Somatic NS= responsible for conscious perception and voluntary motor response contraction of skeletal muscle Autonomic NS=responsible for involuntary control of the body for the sake of homeostatic [ ex: sweat gland] Enteric NS= responsible for controlling the smooth muscle and glandular tissue digestive system PNS o Sensory division: afferent: picks up on sensory stimuli o Motor division: efferent: send directions from your brain to muscle and glands  Somatic NS: voluntary; rules skeletal muscle movement  Autonomic NS: involuntary; keeps heartbeat, lungs breathing, and stomach churning

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Sympathetic NS: puts body back into action Parasympathetic: Relaxes body

Glial Cell Types [ provide support, nutrition  CNS Astrocytes: support regulate ions Microglial cells= defend [ immune cells]

Insulation and transmission PNS Satellite cells= surround neuron cell bodies Schwann cells: insulate, help form the myelin sheath

Oligodendrocytes= wrap and insulate form myelin sheath

Myelin  

Insulation of axons provided by glial cells [olgio CNS] and[ Schwann cells from PNS] Lipid rich sheath that surrounds axon and by doing so creates myelin sheath which facilitates transmission of electrical signals along axon

Synapses [ make sure you know how it correlates for the Neurotransmitters] 

Two types o Chemical- neurotransmitter released form one cell and affects another cell. [this is much slower] o Electrical- direct connection between 2 cells so that cells can pass directly from one cell to the next. [ does it by gap junction [ Common characteristics: o Presynaptic element-> neurotransmitter [ packaged in vesicles-> synaptic cell-> receptor protein-> postsynaptic element-> neurotransmitter elimination.

Skeletal System 

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Bones: o Osteocytes: maintain bone tissue, and maintains mineral concentration [ located at the lacuna] o Osteoblast: bone cell responsible for forming new bone [ synthesis= mineralization of bone} o Osteogenic cells: develops into osteoblast [ mitosis happens here] {deep layers of peritoneum and marrow} o Osteoclast: bone reabsorption [breakdown] bone surfaces FYI Long bone, irregular bone is on page one! Know the fracture bone healing process Axial Skeleton [ 80]

Appendicular Skeleton [126] [ green]

Skull, cranial portion, ribs, sternum, facial portion, vertebral Colum, thoracic cage, ear ossicles, vertebrae, sternum, coccyx

Clavicle, scapula, humerus, radius, ulna, femur, fibula, fibula, metacarpals, metatarsals, pelvic girdle

Things I recommend looking over [ sorry for not writing it all]

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Look over actin and myosin and how they correlate with each other, for example myosin slides past actin when they contract. Know your joints [ Kelly’s files go into this] Know your enzymes [ lipase, amylase, protease, ] and what they break down and the macromolecules. Know Voltage gated sodium Channel Know Sodium Potassium Pump: which is the process of moving sodium and potassium ions across the cell membrane which is an active transport process. Know MITOSIS AND MEIOSIS Know how to balance chemical reactions [ if you need more help I can help or try to better explain it another way] o First you need to know how many of each element is on each side. o Then you need to determine how many you  Need in order to equalize them o Then add the coefficient that best suits this

Know Atomic Radius, electronegativity, ionization

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Know facilitated diffusion, electron gradient, osmosis Know difference between cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle Know your melting, evaporation, sublimation, freezing [ you can find this on kelly’s files]

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Know your chemical reactions such as synthesis, double replacement, single replacement, combustion. Know your reproductive system: [ just copy and paste] https://quizlet.com/397998415/maleand-female-repoductive-system-ap2-flash-cards/ Know your body planes!!!! Know dependent [ which is the thing you are measuring and the then statement of the hypothesis] and independent [ the thing you are testing and the if statement of the hypothesis] Know your liver, small intestine, etc what they do and absorb.

ENGLISH [ Elizabeth Tran is a good place to find more information here] https://lookaside.fbsbx.com/file/ENGLISH%20SECTION%20%28TEAS%29%20%281%29.pdf? token=AWyKLvGsVivJdcLm_XtmCAnqm5tuQJukhjExOJn2wf6LWwcg75OcHEFBEMl5lpW43E0pydN9B9V_y DWhnmAZqA2oqErS3QHAl58CocJSFP9ro4kN53HJl3s0bT9lQ6muhYW4d8hW4xg_CebzVFyXqr61EiX85eSOHqUcYjKmV-yWA [ you have to be signed into Facebook for it to work] 

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Know your suffixes in the ati manual from ati does show a lot less suffixes but ill just post some here. o -able, -ful, -less, -ic, -ous, -ness, -ology, -ish o Remember suffixes are at the end of the word Know your prefixes as well o A-, epi-, hyper-, hypo-, supra-, anti-, mid- , etc. o They are at the beginning of the word, these are just some, there is a pdf on a whole bunch of these. Know you subject- verb agreement: subject tells who or what, and the verb describes an action or condition. o I ate. o They ran away. o My friend from work had a bad car accident. Know your subject- accedent agreement Know your common mistake mis-spelled words like o Receive, accidently, achieved, address, awkward, brilliant, calendar, accommodate, etc Synonyms- words that mean the same thing like wrong and incorrect, or page and sheet, or dry and arid Antonyms- words that do NOT mean the same thing like, dry and wet, good and bad, up and down Know where parenthesis could be put, this I did not study much and it was on the test. CAPITALIZATION is a big must and Elizabeth tran does a good job explaining this so does the secrets book

READING [ Carolyn is best here] https://www.facebook.com/groups/ATIteas6/permalink/901304686919275/ [ need to be signed into facebook]  Know persuasive, expository, technical, informative, etc  Know formal, informal, nostalgic tone  Know how to infer  Know how to draw conclusions on the test  Know connotative and denotative  Know your dictionary, index, calendar something, etc  Problem/ solution, cause and effect, compare and contrast,

MATH [ brandon craft video on youtube workkkk]    

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Please know your KING HENREY DIED DRINKING CHOCOLATE MILK Know your fraction how to add, subtract, multiply, divide, basically all this Know how to do porportions, Book helps on identifying what you need to know, sorry its not much help. But brandon craft knows what hes talking about and Momentrix secrets go into detail as well. I do not know the math sections well enough to name them. Know your arithmetric operations Know how to translate word problems Know your skewed left and right Know your metric conversions o Like 1L =1000CC o 1G=1000MG o 1m=100cm o 1lb=16oz o 1gallon=128 oz o 1inch=2.54cm o 12in=1ft o 1 yard= 3ft o Etc! Know your perimeter and area for circle Know your areas and perimeters for square, triangle, rectangle etc.,

Again This is not much of a study guide but a small place where you can get information, Kelly’s Files best study guide GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!...

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