Frazier Syllabus GEOG 101 Fall18 08 PDF

Title Frazier Syllabus GEOG 101 Fall18 08
Author Chad Beuller
Course World Geography
Institution The University of Tennessee
Pages 9
File Size 176.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 24
Total Views 121




GEOGRAPHY 101: WORLD REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY Fall 2018, Section 003 (CRN: 41723) Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:10 – 9:30 AM Classroom: Walters Life Sciences WLS (M309) Instructor: Emily Blackard Frazier Email: [email protected] Office: 103 Hoskins Library, office hours held in Burchfiel 104** Office Hours: Tuesdays 9:45 – 10:50 am, Thursdays 9:45 – 10:50 am, and by appointment Graduate Teaching Assistants: Last Names A-L Name: Kelly Westfield Email: [email protected] Office: Office Hours:

Last Names M-Z Name: Nicole Callais Email: [email protected] Office: Burchfield 104 Office Hours: 2 – 3 pm, TR

Course Description: Geography 101 is designed as an introduction to core geographic concepts and the world’s major regions. As we cover each region, we will dive into some of the social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental issues and important themes present within and amongst them. Because we only have one semester in which to cover the entire world, the instructor has chosen certain themes to highlight within each region. The purpose of this course is not to comprehensively cover all there is to know about the world; rather, it is to familiarize students with core geographic concepts in the context of exploring major world regions. In the process, we hope that each student will be inspired to continue a life-long exploration of the many regions, cultures, and wonders of our planet. This course is designed to sharpen students’ critical thinking skills and equip students with

tools to think for themselves as they learn to take ownership of their education in order to pursue their personal and professional goals. The course will mostly follow a lecture-style format with presentations by the instructor and several guest lecturers. You are expected to participate actively during class and in out of class assignments, submit course assignments in a timely fashion, and engage in each section with professionalism. Course Objectives:  Retain important information about patterns, processes, and landscape features present in the major regions of the world.  Pinpoint places within each region, including countries, cities, and physical features.  Develop an understanding of the world’s major regions that moves beyond stereotypical or over-generalized portrayals of those regions and the people that occupy them.  Understand and apply basic geographic concepts.  Develop awareness of your role as a global citizen. Degree Learning Objectives for Geography Majors:  Analyze and interpret the spatial aspects of human activity on the landscape and the role of space and place in social life, as well as the impact of physical processes on the landscape and the relationship between humans and environmental change. Geography 101 satisfies a Social Science requirement or a Global Challenges requirement in the College of Arts and Sciences general education curriculum. Textbooks: The official textbooks for this course are free and only available in digital format. If you check with the UT bookstore, they will

not have a copy for you to purchase. If you have any issues at all accessing the course texts, please let the teaching team know ASAP. If you have trouble accessing the texts, fail to notify the teaching team, and miss assignments as a result, we cannot excuse those assignments. Please make sure you can access these books in the first week of classes so that we can take care of any issues. In assignments, I will refer to the two texts according to the following examples: Assignments from the first text will be listed as “ Finlayson, Chapter 2, pages 45 – 63, Europe, sections 2.2 – 2.5”. Page numbers correspond to the PDF of this text. Assignments from the second text listed will be listed as “U of M, Chapter 2: Europe, sections 2.1 – 2.5”. 1) Finlayson, Caitlin. World Regional Geography. Open Access. 2) The University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. World

Regional Geography: People, Places and Globalization. Open Access. Instructional Technology: We will be using Canvas extensively in this course. Readings, assignments, updates, class materials, quizzes, and grades will all be posted on the course Canvas site. Please check it often, and if you have not set up your account to receive direct emails from Canvas, please do so as I will be corresponding with the class through the Canvas email function. If you are unfamiliar with Canvas or are having issues accessing or using Canvas, please contact the OIT HelpDesk at To access Canvas, go to and sign in with your UT account. To find the page for Geography

101, navigate to “Courses” on the sidebar and click on “GEOG 101: World Regional Geography.” Enrollment in the Canvas course is automatic for students enrolled in this section; however, it is possible that you might not be enrolled if you added this course late or were waitlisted. Please e-mail the instructor by the end of the first week if you are still not enrolled. Canvas-based assignments will be due at 11:59 pm on the date they are listed in the course schedule. Assignments: Certain assignments may be required to be submitted through the Canvas site. These may only be submitted as Microsoft Word documents or Adobe Acrobat PDF documents (using the following format tags: .doc / .docx / .pdf / or .txt). No assignments for this course may be submitted as Pages files (.pages). If any student submits an assignment as a Pages file, they must re-submit the file in one of the acceptable formats, and any appropriate lateness penalties will be assessed. All assignments turned in must have a title, typed in 12-point font, and be double-spaced. We do not accept assignments by email – submit your files directly to Canvas. A AB+ Grading: There are 1000 points possible in the c B BExams (4): 125 points each C+ Attendance (10 times): 5 points each C CBurchfiel Map Assignment (1): 50 points st D+ Study Guide (1 Exam): 50 points Reading Quizzes (10): 10 points each, 100 total D DMedia Reflections (4): 25 points each F

Thematic Reflection: (1) 50 points Refugee Project (1): 100 points

93 – 100% 90 – 92% 87 - 89% 83 – 86% 80 – 82% 77 – 79% 73 – 76% 70 – 72% 67 – 69% 63 – 66% 60 – 62% 0 – 59%

Failure to complete the assignment before the due date will result in a 5 point penalty for each day it is late. Late assignments will NOT be accepted after one week from the due date.

POLICIES Attendance: There will be 10 random attendance checks worth 5 points each. If you are present, you get the points. If you are not present, no points will be given for that day. If you are out on a day that attendance is taken for an excused reason (see relevant excuses below), then check your attendance grade on Canvas to make sure your absence is not counted against you. Absences will be excused only by the instructor (not by TA’s – so don’t contact them with questions about absences), and will excused only in the case of University-related events, religious reasons (as per University policy), or medical emergencies. A medical emergency is constituted by a clinic, hospital or ER visit, and requires documentation. Please see the instructor privately to discuss any absence-related issues that may arise. Technology Policy: The use of laptops, tablets, cell phones or other electronic devices is not allowed during class. Please turn off or silence your devices during class and put them away. The only exceptions to this policy occur for individuals who have documented provisions from Student Disability Services. Please take all class notes by hand. In particular, the use of mobile phones during lecture is considered a classroom disruption and a violation of number 26 in the University’s Standards of Conduct. If either I or a Teaching Assistant sees you using a phone during lecture, we will ask you to leave the lecture. You will receive a zero for attendance that

day (if taken) and any other assignments in class. If you refuse to leave, you will be reported to the office of Student Judicial Affairs for a Standards of Conduct violation. If you become agitated by the situation, campus security may need to be contacted. If you are caught using a phone or other device during a quiz or exam, you will automatically receive a zero for that quiz/exam. With that said, if you have an emergency and you know that you may need to use your phone during lecture (e.g. on-call at work, children or medical-related issues, etc.), please let me know before the class begins and I will accommodate your request. Classroom decorum:  Arrive to class on time. Lecture will begin on time and attendance will be taken at the beginning of class – latecomers will not receive missed notes or be allowed to be counted present for attendance on that day.  No disruptive behavior during class. This includes talking, use of phones or other electronic devices, coming in late, leaving early (without notifying the instructor beforehand), or sleeping.  All comments, questions, and responses in class will be respectful to the teaching team and to other classmates. In this class we will cover a wide range of issues upon which there exists a variety of opinions; however, discussions will be conducted with professionalism, courtesy, and consideration of others’ viewpoints. Email etiquette: TA’s are the first contact for any issues or questions; please email them directly and cc the instructor if the question concerns both parties. You are expected to independently communicate with your T.A. with any specific grading questions. The teaching team will NOT discuss grade specifics over email and will NOT reply to emails from a student’s relative or representative (unless explicitly instructed to do so by the college).

If you need to contact the instructor or your graduate teaching assistant by e-mail, please follow these guidelines:  Subject line should read: GEOG 101: (whatever the assignment or issue is that you have a question about)  Your TA’s are working in multiple sections of the same class, so please always include your instructor’s name and section of the course in your email (ex. Frazier’s TR 8:10 section of Geog 101).  Please also remember that e-mail is not the same thing as a text or social media message. Please use a salutation, complete sentences, and phrase your requests in a professional way. Extra credit policy: The Department of Geography does NOT allow individual students to perform extra credit work or resubmit their work in order to improve their grade. Academic Conduct: Any evidence of cheating on quizzes or exams will earn an automatic zero for all involved. Any further offense will result in an ‘F’ for the course. ‘Plagiarism’ is a serious violation of the Honor Statement, and an offense for which you CAN be expelled. Refer to the ‘Hilltopics Student Handbook” for more information. Disability Statement: If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a documented disability, please contact Student Disability Services at 2227 Dunford Hall (865974-6087; e-mail [email protected]). Refer to the ‘Hilltopics Student Handbook’ for more information. Semester Calendar Date 8/23/1 8 8/28/1 8 8/30/1

Da Content y R First day, syllabus and concepts intro T Oceania R


8 9/4/18 9/6/18 9/11/1 8 9/13/1 8 9/18/1 8 9/20/1 8 9/25/1 8 9/27/1 8 10/2/1 8 10/4/1 8 10/9/1 8 10/11/ 18 10/16/ 18 10/18/ 18 10/23/ 18 10/25/ 18 10/30/ 18 11/1/1 8 11/6/1 8 11/8/1


East and Southeast Asia East and Southeast Asia South Asia


South Asia


Review/Catch Up


Exam 1



North Africa and Southwest Asia North Africa and Southwest Asia NO CLASS




Sub-Saharan Africa


Sub-Saharan Africa


Review/Catch Up


Exam 2


*** Guest


*** Guest










8 11/13/ 18 11/15/ 18 11/20/ 18 11/22/ 18 11/27/ 18 11/29/ 18 12/4/1 8 12/13/ 18


Review/Catch Up


Exam 3


North America




Middle/South America




Schedule: The course schedule is subject to change by the instructor. The instructor will announce any changes in class when they are made. However, the most current version of the class schedule will always be available on our Canvas site; please check the schedule regularly to stay abreast of upcoming assignments and any alterations to coursework. It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of the class schedule, assignments, and to resolve any questions regarding the schedule with the instructor as soon as possible. Some dates may change, but due dates will never be before the date listed on the original schedule (which will be posted to Canvas)....

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