Free Worksheets 4th-5th Grades PDF

Title Free Worksheets 4th-5th Grades
Author Teryn Reilly
Course Geology I: Physical
Institution Western Governors University
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This file includes sample worksheets from Practice & Assess Reading Literature: NO Prep Printables Grades 4-5 Edition

Included in this sample pack: Lesson 1 (Story Vocab) Practice Lesson 1 (Story Vocab) Assessment Lesson 2 (Elements of Plot) Practice Lesson 2 (Elements of Plot) Assessment

Check out the complete product for practices and assessments for EVERY lesson in the Interactive Reading Literature Notebook!

Reading Literature Practice & Assess Lesson 1: Story Vocabulary

Name __________________________

Review the terms below and match them to the definitions provided. 1.  ____ plot 2.  ____ setting 3.  ____ complications 4.  ____ protagonist 5.  ____ antagonist

A.  the character who is an enemy of the main character B.  problems that get in the way of a character who is trying to reach a goal C.  where and when of the story D.  a series of events that make up a story E.  the story’s main character

___________________________________________________________________ Read this brief passage about the movie Frozen. Anna teams up with Kristoff and is in a race against time to find Princess Elsa and free the kingdom from a winter that may never end. Anna must endure difficult conditions and many challenges to save her kingdom. 6.  Who is the prot protagonist agonist of Frozen? _________________________________ 7.  The passage above mostly includes details about Frozen’s a)  plot

b) setting

c) antagonist

___________________________________________________________________ Identify the following elements of a story. 8. A girl is about to win a bicycle race when she gets a flat tire. a.  antagonist b.  complication c.  setting 9. An evil witch tries to capture a princess. The witch is the ___________________. 10. Marie and Tommy meet when they argue over the same book at the library and eventually become best friends. This is an example of a _____________________ of a story. 11. The school is completely empty. It is late at night. There isn’t a sound except for a quiet tapping. This describes the _____________________ of a story. 12. A superhero must save a group of hikers. The superhero is the ____________________ of this story. 13. Jimmy must help his friends raise enough money to save the local park. He faces many challenges. Jimmy is the _____________________ of this story.

Practice Level A


©2014 erin cobb

Reading Literature Practice & Assess Lesson 1: Story Vocabulary 14. Which of the following is not a part of a setting? a.  It was a dark and stormy night. b.  Mary had bright blue eyes and a dazzling smile. c.  In a kingdom far, far away, a long time ago…

The Lion and the Boar - An Aesop’s F Fable able Once upon a time a lion and a great boar, or wild pig, lived in the scorching hot desert. One day, the boar made his way to a small stream, the only source of water in the desert, to get a cool drink. Suddenly, a lion leapt from the trees. “Stay away from my water, Boar!” cried the lion. “If I fight you, I may be hurt,” said the boar. “But, if I don’t, I won’t be able to drink from the stream, and I’ll surely die. So, I must fight.” The lion and the boar wrestled for some time. At first, it seemed the lion would win. Then, it seemed certain the boar would beat the lion. Breathless and tired, the two animals stopped for a moment, and the lion looked up. “Look at the vultures circling us. What can they want?” “They want one of us to lose,” said the boar. “The loser will provide their dinner.” “Then we shall outsmart them,” said the lion, “and be friends.” The two animals walked side by side to the stream where they drank from the cool water and promised to be friends forever. 15. Who is the prot protagonist agonist in this story? a. The boar b. The lion c. The vultures 16. Which is not a part of the plot of this story? a. The boar makes his way to the stream. b. The dessert is hot and dry. c. The lion and the boar fight. 17. What is the prot protagonist’s agonist’s goal in this story? a. To get a drink of water b. To protect the stream c. To defeat the lion

Practice Level A!

18. How does this story end? a.  The antagonist and the protagonist become friends. b.  The two antagonists defeat the protagonists. c.  The protagonists flying overhead scare the antagonists. 19. Which is part of the se set tting of this story? a.  A cool stream in the dessert b.  The story of two enemies who become friends c.  The moral of the story is to be kind to one another. 20. What complication does the boar encounter? a.  He is thirsty. b.  He notices the vultures. c.  The lion is between him and the stream.


©2014 erin cobb!

Reading Literature Practice & Assess Lesson 1: Story Vocabulary

Name __________________________

Review the terms below and match them to the definitions provided. 1. 

____ the main character who must overcome a challenge or complication

2.  ____ includes “when” the story takes place 3.  ____ the order of events in the story 4.  ____ the character tries to stop the main character 5.  ____ events that interfere with the main character reaching his/her goal

A.  B.  C.  D.  E. 

plot antagonist protagonist complication setting


Read this brief passage about the movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Harry Potter is an eleven-year-old boy who discovers he is really a wizard. He is whisked away to Hogwarts School for Witches and Wizards to learn about witchcraft and magic. Unfortunately, he also discovers that an evil wizard named Voldemort murdered his parents. As he learns about his new magical life, he must also prepare to face Voldemort and defend himself against his evil plan. 6.  Who is the ant antagonist agonist of this movie ? _________________________________ 7.  What is one detail about the se set tting of this movie? _______________________________________ 8.  What complication does Harry Potter face? ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________! Identify the following elements of a story. 9. A boy has a big spelling test tomorrow, but he has forgotten his list of words at school and can’t study. a.  antagonist b.  complication c.  setting 10. A bully keeps a girl from getting her lunch. The bully is the __________________________. 11. The characters are on a space ship, orbiting Mars in the year 2050. This is the ____________________ of the story. 12. Three little pigs build houses. A wolf tries to destroy their houses. The pigs defeat the wolf. This is the _________________________ of a story. 13. A boy is walking home from school. He turns onto the wrong street and gets lost. This is the _________________________ of a story. 14. Tommy wants to win a talent show. He has to overcome several challenges and a competitor who cheats. Tommy is the _________________________ . Assessment Level A!


©2014 erin cobb!

Reading Literature Practice & Assess Lesson 1: Story Vocabulary Fable able The Dog and his Shado Shadow w - An Aesop’s F Once upon a time, a dog was walking home with a large bone he’d found. He was very pleased with himself, and he could not wait to get back to his house to begin devouring his bone. As he passed over a bridge, he glanced over the side at the water below. There, he saw the shadow of a dog who seemed to be carrying a huge bone and going in the same direction as him. The dog was angry; how dare this dog taunt him with a giant bone! He dropped his bone and growled viciously at the trespasser below him, who also seemed to have dropped his bone and was snarling back silently. Only then did the dog realize that it was not another dog under the bridge, but his own reflection in the water. He watched as the water current carried his bone away and down the river. Read The Dog and his Shadow and answer these questions. 15. Who is the prot protagonist agonist at the beginning of this story? _____ a.  The dog on the bridge b.  The dog under the bridge c.  The bone

19. Which is part of the setting of this story? _____ a.  The dog is very proud of his bone. b.  The bone is carried away by the water.

16. Which is not a part of the plot of this story? _____ a.  There is water under the bridge. b.  The dog finds a huge bone. c.  The dog sees another dog under the bridge.

20. What complication does the dog encounter? _____ a.  He drops his bone.

c.  The bridge with water moving beneath it

b.  He sees another dog. c.  He has to get across the bridge.

17. What is the protagonist’s goal in this story? _____ a.  To go home and eat his bone b.  To defeat the dog under the bridge c.  To get across the bridge 18. How a.  The b.  The dog c.  The

does this story end? _____ dog no longer has his bone. dog on the bridge is defeated by the under the bridge. dog has to go look for another bone.

Assessment Level A!


©2014 erin cobb!

Reading Literature Practice & Assess Lesson 2: Elements of Plot

Name __________________________

Review the diagram to the left. Match each letter with the part of the story it identifies. 1. 


____ the climax of the story.

2.  ____ the part of the story where complications arise. B

3.  ____ the part of the story in which conflicts are resolved.


4.  ____ the part of the story where characters are introduced. A


5.  ____ falling action 6.  ____ exposition

___________________________________________________________________ The Do Dov ve and the Ant Once upon a time, a tiny ant was making her way to a river to get a drink. She slipped on a wet stone and plunged into the cold water. A dove flying above saw the ant’s dilemma and swooped down to the water and rescued her. “Someday,” said the ant, “I shall repay you.” The dove laughed, “But you’re just a little ant. Please don’t worry about it.” Just a few days later, the ant was walking through the field when she noticed a hunter pulling back his bow and aiming an arrow at her dear friend, the dove. The ant rushed to the hunter, sped up his leg and onto his hand, and stung him sharply. The hunter cried out, scaring the dove, who flew away unharmed. The moral of this story is that even the smallest friends are important friends. 7. What details are included in the exposition of the story? _______________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 8. What is the first complication that arises? a. The ant falls in the water. b. The dove rescues the ant. c. The ant stings the hunter. 9. What is the climax of this story? a. The ant falls in the water. b. The dove rescues the ant. c. The ant stings the hunter. 10. Which excerpt is part of the rising action? a. She slipped on a wet stone… b. The hunter cried out…

11. What describes the falling action of the story? a. The ant promises to repay the dove. b. The ant stings the hunter. c. The dove flies away from the hunter. 12. The moral, or lesson, at the end of the story is the a. climax b. falling action c. resolution 13. What is best described as a turning point in the story? a. The dove flies away. b. The dove rescues the ant. c. The ant stings the hunter.

c. …even the smallest friends are important… Practice Level A


©2014 erin cobb

Reading Literature Practice & Assess Lesson 2: Elements of Plot Lemonade St Stand and One hot summer day, Corey, an eight year old boy, decided it was time to open his lemonade stand. Corey had sold lemonade in his front yard for the past two years. Every year, his stand became more popular and he earned more money. He set up the table, put up his signs, and put the finishing touches on his fresh lemonade before sitting down to wait for customers. Just then, he heard the ringing of a bell and saw someone coming down the street. When the person got closer, he saw that it was his neighbor, Tommy, pulling a wagon with a sign attached, “Mobile Lemonade Stand – just 50 cents a cup!” Corey was upset when he realized that Tommy was going door-to-door selling lemonade instead of waiting for people to come to him. Tommy marched by and Corey leapt into action. He attached a wagon to his bicycle, made a sign that read “Best Lemonade – Free Delivery,” and sped down the street, passing Tommy on his way. 14. What is the climax of this story? a. Corey decides to sell lemonade. b. Corey sees someone coming down the street. c. Corey reads the sign on Tommy’s wagon. 15. What complication impacts Corey’s plan for the day? a. It was a hot day. b. Tommy is competing with him. c. Corey uses a bicycle instead of a wagon. 16. What is the resolution of this story? a. Corey drives past Tommy on his bicycle. b. Corey becomes upset. c. Tommy walks by Corey, pulling his wagon. 17. Which excerpt from the story is part of the falling action? a. He set up his table, put up his signs… b. …Corey, an eight year old boy… c. He attached a wagon to his bicycle.

Practice Level A!

18. What is something we learn from the exposition of the story? a. Tommy is ringing a bell. b. Corey is eight years old. c. Corey can ride a bicycle. 19. This excerpt is from what part of the story? “Just then, he heard the ringing of a bell…” a. exposition b. rising action c. resolution 20. Which excerpt is part of the climax? a. Mobile Lemonade Stand – just 50 cents a cup… b. Best Lemonade – Free Delivery c. One hot, summer day…


©2014 erin cobb!

Reading Literature Practice & Assess Lesson 2: Elements of Plot

Name __________________________

Review the symbols to the left and match them with the relevant parts of the plot. A.




C. D.


____ the climax

2.  ____ the inciting incident 3.  ____ the resolution 4.  ____ the rising action 5.  ____ the falling action 6.  ____ the exposition

The Lion and the Mouse Once upon a time, a mischievous little mouse was running across the paws of a sleeping lion. Suddenly, the lion awoke with a start. He captured the little mouse and brought his paw to his mouth, as if to eat the little creature. “Wait!” said the mouse. “You are the king of the beasts and I beg for your mercy.” At this, the lion growled just a bit. “Not only do I beg,” said the mouse, “but I promise that if you spare my life, I will someday return the favor and return your life to you.” The lion was amused by the mouse’s arrogance and laughed and set him free. Not two days later, the mouse was scampering through the forest when he came upon the same lion, bound to a tree with a thick rope. “Lion, what has happened?” asked the mouse. “The hunters,” said the lion, “have trapped me and plan to take me to their king.” The little mouse got to work, using his sharp teeth to gnaw through the thick ropes. Soon, the lion was freed, and he and his friend the mouse ran off into the forest. 7. What details are included in the exposition of this story? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 8. What is the first complication that arises? a. The lion catches the mouse. b. The hunters catch the lion. c. The mouse chews the ropes. 9. What is the climax of this story? a. The lion spares the mouse. b. The mouse finds the lion tied up. c. The mouse and lion go into the forest.

Assessment Level A!

10. What describes the falling action of this story? a. The mouse frees the lion. b. The lion frees the mouse. c. The hunters capture the lion. 11. The mouse and lion go to the forest together. This is the a. climax b. falling action c. resolution 12. Which excerpt is part of the rising action? a. “Wait!” said the mouse. b. “he came upon the … lion, bound” c. “The little mouse got to work…”


©2014 erin cobb!

Reading Literature Practice & Assess Lesson 2: Elements of Plot Tony onya’s a’s Birthda Birthday y Tonya was convinced that her entire family had forgotten her birthday. At breakfast, no one said a word. She didn’t expect her little brother to remember, but not even her mom, dad, or grandmother said anything about it being a special day. There wasn’t even a special breakfast. Tonya had cold cereal and juice like she always did. She gathered up her things for school, thinking, “Well, at least it’s Friday,” and walked to the bus stop feeling very sad. At school, her friends all said “Happy Birthday,” and even her teacher gave her a card and a new pencil, but Tonya could not get over the fact that her entire family had forgotten! When the bell rang at the end of the day, she trudged to the bus to go home. The first thing she noticed when she walked toward her house was a long, black car parked in front – a limousine. Then she saw her parents, who should have been at work, waving from the front steps. “We’re all packed,” said her mother, “and ready to leave for the airport.” “Where are you going?” Asked Tonya, now even more unhappy. “Not just me,” said Mom. “All of us! We’re leaving for a weekend at the beach to celebrate your birthday!” Tonya ran to her parents and hugged them tight. “You didn’t forget!” 13. What is the climax of the story? a. Tonya’s teacher remembers her birthday. b. Tonya’s friends say “Happy Birthday” to her. c. Tonya’s parents are waiting for her after school.

17. What is something we learn from the exposition of this story? ___ a. Today is Tonya’s birthday. b. Tonya takes the bus to school. c. Tonya’s parents both work.

14. What is the inciting incident in this story? a. No one mentions Tonya’s birthday at breakfast. b. Tonya realizes it is Friday. c. Tonya is sad as she gets on the bus.

18. This excerpt is from what part of the story? “There wasn’t even a special breakfast…” a. exposition b. rising action c. climax

15. What is the resolution of this story? a. Tonya sees a black car in front of her house. b. Tonya says, “You didn’t forget!” to her parents. c. Tonya doesn’t understand why her parents are home.

19. Which excerpt is part of the climax? a. “Well, at least its Friday.” b. “We’re leaving for a weekend at the beach.” c. Her friends said, “Happy birthday!”

16. Which excerpt from the story is part of the falling action? a. “Tonya ran to her parents and hugged them tight.” b. “We’re all packed,” said her mother. c. “…she trudged to the bus…”

Assessment Level A

20. Tonya’s major problem was that a. her best friend was mad at her. b. she couldn’t afford a limousine. c. she feared her family forgot her birthday.


©2014 erin cobb

Reading Literature Practice & Assess Lesson 1 Answer Keys

Lesson 1 Practice

Lesson 1 Assessment






























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