FRHD*3190 midterm 2 study notes PDF

Title FRHD*3190 midterm 2 study notes
Author Olivia Smith
Course Administration of Programs for Children W
Institution University of Guelph
Pages 8
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Midterm 2 Units 5 8 35 question in 45 minutes Unit 5 CCEYA Learning Outcomes the end of this unit, you should be able to: 1. Explain the purpose of the Child Care and Early Years Act. 2. Identify the aspects of early learning and care that the Child Care and Early Years Act regulates. 3. Explain key...


FRHD*3190 Midterm 2 Units 5 – 8 35 question in 45 minutes

Unit 5 – CCEYA Learning Outcomes By the end of this unit, you should be able to: 1. Explain the purpose of the Child Care and Early Years Act. 2. Identify the aspects of early learning and care that the Child Care and Early Years Act regulates. 3. Explain key regulations that Early Childhood Educators in Ontario must follow. -


In 1946 the day nurses act was implemented in Ontario this was the first act that regulated and set out standards for licensed centre and home based child care. In 1983 the act was revised In 2000’s the government introduced best start programs and created the college of early childhood educators to increase regulation and professionalism In 2014 the child care and early years’ act was introduced to replace the DNA Regulations for the child care and early years act which is less legal sounding and gives educators more specific guidelines to follow As of July 1st the government changed the age that a home daycare provider must count their child in ratio from 6 to 4 years old and now can care for 3 under twos instead of 2


Read regulations for the childcare and Early Years Act (CCEYA)


Unit 6 – Leadership in Early Childhood Programs Learning Outcomes & chapter 3 By the end of this unit, you should be able to: 1. Identify a variety of leadership roles in early learning and care. 2. Describe qualities that make a successful leader. 3. Outline the roles and responsibilities of the administrative leader in an early learning and care setting. 4. Understand how to evaluate an early learning and care director's effectiveness. -

Leadership is a process whereby and individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal process means that leadership is a transaction between two or more people over a period of time. Leadership is not a set of personal characteristics or personality traits that is innate or held only by a select few.



In an early childhood care centre the director typically takes on multiple roles including HR, finance, quality assurance, and management Directors typically are involved in: o Occupational Standards for Child Care Administrators o Develop and implement children's programs. o Protect and respect the rights of children. o Collaborate with others. o Hire staff. o Manage staff. o Prepare budgets. o Manage revenues and expenditures. o Mange legal requirements. o Participate in planning activities. o Manage administration. o Manage equipment and facilities. o Create a safe and healthy environment. o Oversee nutrition program. o Oversee security and emergency response. o Provide leadership. o Use communication skills. Communication is key in this role and they communicate with many people regularily In The You Bet We Still Care! Study it was found that 60% of directors had 15+ years’ experience And 90% had some ECE credential 90.6% of directors participate in PD at least annually When the leader knows that the team is working to maximum output, he or she reduces the task-focused behaviour and concentrates on people-oriented ones When the team matures, the mission of the organization and the work itself is enough to keep the team motivated and productive. In this phase, the leader delegates to others his or her responsibilities because he knows, as McGregor says, that people thrive on challenges and responsibility.

Unit 7 - Understanding a Social Systems Framework in Early Childhood Programs Learning Outcomes & ch 4 By the end of this unit, you should be able to: 1. Describe ways in which programs are organized and the basic characteristics of each type of organization. 2. Describe the auspice distribution in Canada. 3. Outline the perspective of the social systems model. 4. Outline the roles and responsibilities of the governing body in an early learning and care setting. 5. Discuss the relationship of the director to the governing body.

The structure of the organization is, in part, a reflection of its mission. In organizations that provide services for children, because of personal liability concerns, most services for children are delivered through a corporation. A corporation is a legal entity, which has an identity of its own. It is separate from the people who make decisions on its behalf. A corporation is committed to long-term goals and aspires to make a long-lasting contribution over an extended period of time. An incorporated organization has several benefits over an unincorporated one. Some advantages of incorporation are:   

Members of the corporation may change but the work continues Individual members are usually exempt from personal liability for debts incurred Corporations may be eligible for grants and loans; may own property; may hold contracts

The organizational structure and legal responsibility of childcare organizations is called auspice. Child care centres in Canada operate under three auspice types: 

Non-profit (also includes co-operative programs)  Most childcare programs in Ontario are operated by non-profit corporations. 

The Corporations Act defines the rules for this type of corporation.

These organizations are started with non-share capital that comes from grants, loans or donations. Dedicated volunteers invest their time, energy and effort rather than their money into developing and growing non-profit organizations.

There are very strict rules about what members of Boards of Directors are allowed to do.

Members of the Board of Directors cannot be paid for their services but they can be reimbursed for expenses that were incurred as they did their work on behalf of the corporation.

In general, there must be at least three members on the Board of a non-profit organization.

If there is a surplus of money at the end of the year, it must be put back into the organization.

Municipal governments are a special type of non-profit organizations and, as a result, they are allowed to operate childcare programs.

The YM-YWCA is the largest operator of childcare services in Canada. Y programs are not-for-profit organizations.

Members of the Board of Directors cannot be paid for their services on the Board but can be reimbursed for expenses incurred on its behalf.

These organizations are defined under the Co-operative Corporations Act.

There have to be a minimum of 5 members on these Boards.

If the Co-op is providing child care services, at least half of the members of the Board have to be parents of the children attending the co-op.

If there is a surplus of money at the end of the year, it must be put back into the organization or returned to the members of the cooperative in the form of rebates.

The name "cooperative" must be part of the legal name of this type of organization.

In a co-op child care program, the parents assist with some of the tasks of the program to lower the costs. Some parents may work alongside the teachers and actually participate in the implementation of the curriculum. If the parents participate in the delivery of the children's program by working in the playrooms alongside the teacher, it is called a "participating co-op".

Some may do housekeeping or janitorial work; others may shovel the snow or participate in fundraising activities. If the parents do the other jobs behind the scenes, it is called a "non-participating co-op".

 

Commercial or for-profit Municipal

Unit 8 – Human Resources Learning Outcomes & ch 6 Byt heendoft hi suni t ,y ous houl dbeabl et o: 1.I dent i f yqual i t yandr egul at i ons t andar dsr el at edt ohumanr es our cesi near l y l ear ni ngandcar e.

2.I dent i f yeffec t i v ehumanr es our c emanagementpol i c i esandpr oc edur es , par t i c ul ar l yt hoser el at edt oempl oy ees el ec t i onands uper vi s i on 3.Out l i nes t epsf ort hec r eat i onofas uppor t i v ewor kenv i r onmenti near l yl ear ni ng andc ar es et t i ngs . 4.Summar i z es t r at egi esf orper f or manc emanagement ,per s onal andpr of es s i onal gr owt handcar eeradv anc ement . -



The process of meeting organizational, individual and societal objectives is called Human Resource Management (HRM). Werther, Davis, Schwind and Das, the authors of Canadian Human Resources Management, define HRM as "an activity aimed at improving the productive contribution of individuals in organizations while simultaneously attempting to attain societal and individual objectives" (p. 9).

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Her ear es omet hi ngswhi c hMAYbei ncl udedi ft heyc r eat eapos i t i v ei mageof t heor gani z at i on:     


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s al ar yandbenefi t s qual i t yofwor k i ngl i f e j obr el ev anc et ot heor gani zat i on wor k i ngenv i r onment s uper vi s or ys t y l e

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t hos et hatas ki fi ti sl egalf orac andi dat et owor ki nCanada,ori ft hecandi dat e hast heneces s ar ys ki l l sneededt oper f or mt hej ob( suchasfl uenc yi nEngl i s hor Fr enc hf orar ec ept i oni s t ' spos i t i on) .Thes ear ec al l edbonafi dej obr equi r ement s. her ear es ev er al di ffer entf or mat sofi nt er vi ewsus ed.Amongt hem ar e:     




I nal l i nt er v i ews ,t hefir s tf ewmi nut esar es pentbui l di ngar appor tandeas i ngt he t ens i on.Nomat t erwhatf or mati sc hos en,i ti si mpor t antf ort hei nt er v i eweror t eam ofi nt er v i ewer st obecomef ami l i arwi t ht hes pec i ficj obdes c r i pt i on. Behavioural questions are often situational i nt er v i ewer sof t enr equi r emor ei nf or mat i on.Candi dat esof t enpr ov i denamesof peopl ewhoc angi v eper s onal andpr of es s i onali nf or mat i onaboutt hem.When cont act i ngr ef er enc es ,i nt er v i ewer smus tf ol l owt hes amehumanr i ght sgui del i nes aswer ef ol l owedi nt hei nt er v i ew Agoodor i ent at i onpr oc es sens ur est hatnewempl oy eesnotonl yl ear nabout t hei rs pec i fi cr es pons i bi l i t i es ,butal s oar ei nt egr at edi nt ot hec ul t ur eoft he or gani z at i on.Thebasi soft heor i ent at i onpl ani st hej obdes c r i pt i onanda per s onnel handbooki fonei sav ai l abl e. Aneffec t i v eor i ent at i onpr ogr am i sagoodi nv es t mentbec aus e:     


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Somet i mes ,i tbec omesev i dentt hatempl oy eeshi r eddonotcons i s t ent l ymeet sat i s f ac t or yl ev el sofj obper f or manc e. Thi sc anhappeni nt woway s . 1.Ev enaf t ers ev er alat t empt satsk i l l i mpr ov ement sbyt hes uper v i s or ,t he per s on' ssk i l l seti snotagoodmat c hf ort hedemandsoft hepos i t i on.Thi s r eal i z at i oni sav er ydi ffic ul tc oncl us i ont or eac h.I tc omesaf t ermany at t empt satc oac hi ng,model i nganddi r ec t i ns t r uct i onhav ef ai l edt o c hangebehav i ourt oas i gni fic antdegr ee.I ti si mpor t antt hatt heempl oy ee begi v enwar ni ngt hatt hei rper f or manc ei suns at i s f act or yandt hatt her ei s wr i t t endoc ument at i onofal lc onv er s at i onsandt r ai ni ngact i v i t i est oshow t hatt her ewas" j us tc aus e"t ot er mi nat et heempl oymentcont r ac t . Admi ni s t r at or sneedt obev er yf ami l i arwi t ht hel egal as pec t soffi r i ngan empl oy ee. 2.Ther ei sani nf r ac t i onoft heChi l dCar eandEar l yYear sActt hatpl aces c hi l dr eni ndanger .Forex ampl e,anempl oy eemayl eav et hec hi l dr en unat t endedorus edi s c i pl i nar ymeas ur est hatar epr ohi bi t edi nt heAc t .


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