FYP Proposal Layout PDF

Title FYP Proposal Layout
Author javeria tariq
Course Final year Project Layout
Institution University of Engineering and Technology Lahore
Pages 7
File Size 212.4 KB
File Type PDF
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It will help you to make final year project proposal....


Project Title F o n t : T i me s F o n t : T i me s Si z e : 2 6 Si z e : 1 6

Project Proposal

Supervisor Supervisor Name

F o n t : Ti me s Si z e : 1 6

Submitted by 1st Student Name {Enrolment Number }

2nd Student Name {Enrolment Number }

F o n t : Ti me s Si z e : 1 4

Department of Computer Science, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, KSK-Campus. [Date of Submission]



Contents Abstract




Problem Statement




Requirements (Functional and Non-Functional)


Related Work


Proposed Methodology/System


Timeline/Gantt chart






F o n t : Ti me s

F o n t : Ti me s

Si z e : 1 6

Si z e : 1 2

Abstract An abstract is an outline/brief summary of your paper and your whole project. It should have an intro, body and conclusion. It is a well-developed paragraph, should be exact in wording, and must be understandable to a wide audience. Abstracts should be no more than 250 words, formatted in Microsoft Word, and single-spaced, using size 12 Times New Roman font.

Introduction This is one of the most important components of the report. It should begin with a clear statement of what the project is about so that the nature and scope of the project can be understood by a lay reader. It should summarize everything you set out to achieve, provide a clear summary of the project's background, relevance and main contributions. The introduction should set the scene for the project and should provide the reader with a summary of the key things to look out for in the remainder of the report. • • •

The introduction itself should be largely non-technical. It is sometimes useful to state the main objectives of the project as part of the introduction. Concentrate on the big issues, e.g. the main questions (scientific or otherwise) that the project sets out to answer.

Problem Statement A problem statement is a concise description of an issue to be addressed or a condition to be improved upon. It identifies the gap between the current (problem) state and desired (goal) state of a process or product. A simple and well-defined problem statement will be used by the project team to understand the problem and work toward developing a solution. Problem statement must be clear and unambiguous.

Objectives Objectives are operational, describe specific things you will be accomplishing in your project, and are very measurable. Your objectives will form the basis for the activities of your project and will also serve as the basis for the evaluation of your project.

Requirements (Functional and Non-Functional) The Non-functional and Functional Requirements are categorized into various groups based on relations and objective of requirements. Each requirement is assigned an ID which is numbered as shown in figure.


Group Index

Requirement Index

Requirement Type




Functional Requirements Numbering The Requirement code consists of three parts separated by minus sign i.e. “-”, the three parts are explained below: Requirement Type: This is a two letter code explaining the type of requirement. It contains one of the following two values: FR

- Functional Requirement


- Non-Functional Requirement

Group Index: This is a serial number assigned to the group with unique value. This is placed in the middle of Requirement ID. Requirement Index: This is a serial number assigned to the requirement, and has unique value inside its own group. It is placed at the end of Requirement ID. Moreover, all the requirements are given priority scale from 1 to 3. Requirements with priority value 1 must be implemented with full functionality. Priority value 2 is intended to be implemented with a secondary importance. However, priority value 3 is applied to the requirements that maybe skipped in favour of completing the project in time.

Related Work The background section of the report should set the project into context by relating it to existing published work which you read at the start of the project when your approach and methods were being considered. There are usually many ways of solving a given problem, and you shouldn't just pick one at random. Describe and evaluate as many alternative approaches as possible.

Proposed Methodology/System Provide details of the methodology to be adopted to carry out this research/project. Also, give a brief description of the tools and design to be used of the analysis and validation of your work. The method section is very important because it tells your reader how you plan to tackle your research problem. It will provide your work plan and describe the activities necessary for the completion of your project. It allows the reader to understand how the data were collected, and how you solved the problem. Any hardware or software specifications e.g. machine type required, operating system and other utilities should be clearly specified for the system to be developed. The application tools, which are to be used on front and back end of the system to be developed, should be listed. The reasons for these tools should also be enlisted. 6

Timeline/Gantt chart Based on the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), a timeline or Gantt chart showing the allocation of time to the project phases or iterations should be developed. This Gantt chart would identify major milestones with their achievement criteria. It must contain duration estimation of all the necessary activities to be carried out during the project development along with the human resources responsible for the respective tasks. Activity dependencies are also required to be mentioned in it. Sample Gantt chart

References Mention all the literature or web references here. The references should be properly numbered and correctly used in the text. Reference text should be written in quotes and indented and the references marked in [square brackets]. “Reference material”[1].

The Reference section should be in the following fashion: ● Book: Last Name, First Name. “Tide of Book”. City: Publisher, Copyright Date. Page numbers ● Magazine/ Newspaper Article: Author's last name, Author's first name. "Title of article," Name of magazine/newspaper, date of magazine/newspaper, page number(s). ● Internet Web page: Author. “Title of Web page”. Date on the page. Company associated (if any). Date you last saw the page. URL. ● Online Magazine or Newspaper Articles: Author's last name, Author's first name. "Title of article." Name of magazine, date of magazine, page numbers. Reproduced in Name of Database. Library where database was accessed, location of library. Date of access.


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