GE1, Learning to be a Better Student PDF

Title GE1, Learning to be a Better Student
Course Understanding the Self
Institution Pangasinan State University
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CHAPTER III: MANAGING AND CARING FOR THE SELF A. LEARNING TO BE A BETTER STUDENT This part on managing and caring for the self includes topics about learning to be a better student and discusses the function of the brain and its influences on learning. This also includes metacognition and self-regulated learning and their role in forming learning strategies that students may employ.

WHAT HAPPENS DURING LEARNING? We have known since antiquity that the seat of learning is the human brain. But it has only been in the last decade that neuroscience researchers have been able to go inside the brain and observe how learning actually occurs at the molecular level. New technologies like diffusion imaging have opened up the brain’s inner workings and allowed scientists to “see” what is going on inside the brain when people are engaged in learning. More sophisticated experiments with the brains of laboratory animals are stretching the bounds of our understanding further. To comprehend the way learning occurs in the brain, you have to understand its physiology. The brain acts as a dense network of fiber pathways consisting of approximately 100 billion (1010) neurons. The brain consists of three principle parts – stem, cerebellum and cerebrum – as shown in Figure 1 below. Of the three, the cerebrum is most important in learning, since this is where higher-ordered functions like memory and reasoning occur. Each area of the cerebrum specializes in a function – sight, hearing, speech, touch, short-term memory, long-term memory, language and reasoning abilities are the most important for learning. Figure 1: The Human Brain

So how does learning happen? Through a network of neurons, sensory information is transmitted by synapses (see Figure 2) along the neural pathway and stored temporarily in short-term memory, a volatile region of the brain that acts like a receiving center for the flood of sensory information we encounter in our daily lives. Figure 2: Synapse Across Two Neurons

Once processed in short-term memory, our brain’s neural pathways carry these memories to the structural core, where they are compared with existing memories and stored in our long-term memory, the vast repository of everything we have ever experienced in our lives. This process occurs in an instant, but it is not always perfect. In fact, as information races across billions of neurons’ axons, which transmit signals to the next neuron via synapse, some degradation is common. That’s why many of our memories are incomplete or include false portions that we make up to fill holes in the real memory. Neuroscientists have long believed that learning and memory formation are made by the strengthening and weakening of connections among brain cells. Recently, researchers at the University of California Irvine’s Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory proved it. In experiments with mice, they were able to isolate and observe the actions of the brain while learning a new task. Researchers found that when two neurons frequently interact, they form a bond that allows them to transmit more easily and accurately. This leads to more complete memories and easier recall. Conversely, when two neurons rarely interacted, the transmission was often incomplete, leading to either a faulty memory or no memory at all. As an example of this, consider your daily commute. You don’t really need to think consciously about how to get to work, because it is a trip you have taken so many times that the memory of how to navigate is ingrained. The neurons that control this memory have communicated so often, they have formed a tight bond, like a group of old friends. Contrast your daily commute with the experience of driving to a location you have never visited. To make this trip, your brain has to work much harder. You need to get directions, write them down or print them and then pay extra attention to road signs along the way. In this case, the neurons involved in navigating to this new destination have not shared synapses frequently before and so they communicate incompletely or inefficiently. This requires forming new connections within the

brain, which results in greater conscious effort and attention on our part. This research has important implications for learning, especially regarding how we acquire new knowledge, store it in memory and retrieve it when needed. When learning new things, memory and recall are strengthened by frequency and recency. The more we practice and rehearse something new and the more recently we have practiced, the easier it is for our brain to transmit these experiences

efficiently and store them for ready access later. This process is called fluency. Another recent study at the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School found that the structural core of the brain receives sensory information from different regions and then assembles bits of data into a complete picture that becomes a memory of an event. This memory is strengthened by multiple sensory inputs. For example, if we both see and hear something, we are more likely to remember it than if we only hear it. If we experience an emotional reaction to something – fear, anger, laughter or love – that emotion becomes part of the memory and strengthens it dramatically. In recalling memories, subjects who had experienced an emotional reaction were far more likely to remember the event and with higher accuracy than those who simply witnessed an event without any emotional attachment. That explains why highly emotional events – birth, marriage, divorce and death – become unforgettable. What does this neuroscience research suggest about learning? We need to ensure that learning engages all the senses and taps the emotional side of the brain, through methods like humor, storytelling, group activities and games. Emphasis on the rational and logical alone does not produce powerful memories. A third recent discovery at the University of Michigan’s Biopsychology Program confirmed that the brain behaves selectively about how it processes experiences that enter through our five senses. The brain is programmed to pay special attention to any experience that is novel or unusual. It does this by making comparisons between the new information brought through the senses and existing information stored in our brain’s long-term memory. When the brain finds a match, it will quickly eliminate the new memory as redundant. When new information contradicts what’s already stored in memory, however, our brains go into overdrive, working hard to explain the discrepancy. If the new information proves useful to us, it becomes a permanent memory that can be retrieved later. If this new information does not seem useful or if we do not trust its source, we are likely to forget it or even reject it altogether, preferring to stick with the information we already possess. Since learning inherently requires acquisition of new information, our brains’ propensity to focus on the novel and forget the redundant makes it a natural learning ally. In fact, our brains are hard wired to learn, from the moment we are born. Our native curiosity is driven by our brain’s inherent search for the unusual in our environment. On the other hand, past memories can be an impediment to future learning that contradicts previous information. As we age and gain more experience, we tend to rely too much on our past knowledge. We may miss or even reject novel information that does not agree with previous memories.

BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR CHANGES Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to change its physical structure and function based on input from your experiences, behaviors, emotions, and even thoughts. It used to be believed that except for a few specific growth periods in childhood, the brain was pretty much fixed. Now, we know that’s not

true. Your brain is capable of change until the day you die. Habits Become Wired into Your Brain Your brain forms neuronal connections based on what you do repeatedly in your life – both good and bad. Worrying about every little thing. Cruising online pornography. Picking at your fingernails. Hitting the gym. Meditating. Your repeated mental states, responses, and behaviors become neural traits. Changing Your Behavior Means Changing Your Brain To break bad habits, you really have to change your brain. When it comes to changing your behavior – and in life, in general, you’ll have more success if you make friends with your mind and brain and put them to work for you. You can change your behavior – even those hard-to-break habits – by building alternate pathways in your brain. When you first try to adopt a new behavior, you have to enlist your prefrontal cortex, the thinking brain, and insert conscious effort, intention, and thought into the process. When you’ve performed the new routine enough times for connections to be made and strengthened in your brain, the behavior will require less effort as it becomes the default pattern. The amount of time it takes to modify behavior depends on what you’re trying to do and can range anywhere from 3 weeks to months or even longer. The relationship between adopting a new behavior and automaticity (acting without having to think about it) is much like climbing a hill that starts out steep and gradually levels off. In the beginning, you make some really impressive progress, but the gains diminish over time.

METACOGNITION AND STUDY STRATEGIES Metacognition is often referred to as “thinking about thinking.” It is a regulatory system that helps a person understand and control his or her own cognitive performance. Metacognition allows people to take charge of their own learning. It involves awareness of how they learn, an evaluation of their learning needs, generating strategies to meet these needs and then implementing the strategies. (Hacker, 2009) Learners often show an increase in self-confidence when they build metacognitive skills. Self-efficacy improves motivation as well as learning success. Metacognitive skills are generally learned during a later stage of development. Metacognitive strategies can often (but not always) be stated by the individual who is using them. For all age groups, metacognitive knowledge is crucial for efficient independent learning because it fosters forethought and self-reflection.

The Two Processes of Metacognition Many theorists organize the skills of metacognition into two complementary processes that make it

easier to understand and remember: 1.

Knowledge of cognition has three components: knowledge of the factors that influence one’s own performance; knowing different types of strategies to use for learning; knowing what strategy to use for a specific learning situation. 2. Regulation of cognition involves: setting goals and planning; monitoring and controlling learning; and evaluating one’s own regulation (assessing results and strategies used).

Metacognitive Strategies Metacognitive skill is essential for improving productivity and effectiveness at school or work. When metacognitive strategies are applied, one can become better learner. One can control not only thoughts but also actions much more effectively. 1.

Self-Questioning Self-questioning involves pausing throughout a task to consciously check your own actions. Without questioning, one may not be aware of faults. The following questions may be asked to improve one’s self: ● ● ● ● ●


Meditation Meditation involves clearing the mind. It could consider as a metacognitive strategy because meditation aim to: ● ● ●


Is this the best way to carry out this task? Did I miss something? Maybe I should check again. Did I follow the right procedure there? How could I do better next time? Am I looking at this task the right way?

Clear out the chatter that goes on in our heads. Reach a calm and focused state that can prime us for learning. Be more aware of our own inner speech

Reflection Reflection involves pausing to think about a task. It is usually a cyclical process where one reflect, think of ways to improve, try again then go back to reflection. Reflection is metacognitive only if it consciously reflects on what your thought processes were and how to improve upon them next time.


Awareness of Strengths and Weaknesses Central to metacognition is a person’s capacity to see their own strengths and weaknesses. Only through looking at one’s self and making a genuine assessment of one’s weaknesses can a person achieve self-improvement. One way to start looking at your strengths and weaknesses is to use a SWOT chart. ● Strengths: write down what you perceive to be your strengths as a learner. ● Weaknesses: write down what you perceive to be your weaknesses as a learner. ● Opportunities: identify opportunities you may have to improve your cognitive skills in the coming weeks or months. ● Threats: identify potential threats that may prevent you from improving your cognitive skills in the coming weeks or months.


Awareness of Learning Styles Learning styles theories such as Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences and Learning Modalities theories argue that different people learn in different ways. For example, you may feel you are better at learning through images than reading. Some common learning styles include: ● Visual: A visual learner learns best through images, graphics, TV documentaries and graphs. They are good at identifying patterns and matching complementary colors. ● Auditory: A visual learner learns best through listening rather than watching or reading. They enjoy being read stories and listening to podcasts. ● Kinesthetic: A kinesthetic learner learns best through movement. They like to learn by doing things rather than reading or listening. They are active rather than passive learners. ● Logical-Mathematical: People who are logical-mathematical learners are good at using reasoning to find answers. They are good with numbers but may struggle with subjective issues in the humanities. ● Interpersonal: An Interpersonal learner loves learning through social interaction. They’re good at group work, have high emotional intelligence, and can compromise to get their job done. ● Intrapersonal: An intrapersonal learner is someone who likes to mull things over in their own heads. They’re happy to learn in silence and isolation and may find working with others to be a distraction.


Mnemonic aids Mnemonic aids are strategies which can be used to improve information retention. This involves using rhymes, patterns and associations to remember. This works by adding context (additional or surrounding information) to a fact to help in recalling. An example of using mnemonic aids is for remembering names. You might remember a name in one of the following ways: ●


Rhyme: You meet a singer named Tom. You tell yourself “Tom would sing a song before long.” Now, next time you meet Tom the singer, you might be able to recall your rhyme to remember both his name and profession! Association: I have a sister named Vanessa. I always remember people named Vanessa because my head says “Oh, she has the same name as my sister!” every time I meet a Vanessa.

Writing Down your Working Most people will recall in high school math classes their teacher saying: “I want to see your

working so I know how you got to your answer.” This teacher is ensuring you are employing the right thinking processes and can show others how you went about thinking about the task. When you become expert at a topic you tend not to think about your thinking. We sometimes call this “unconscious competence”. 8.

Thinking Aloud The benefit of thinking aloud is that it makes a person really think. You have to talk through what your brain is doing, making those thinking processes explicit. Teachers will often ask students to speak out loud about what they’re thinking. It not only helps the student be more conscious of their cognitive processes, it also helps the teacher identify areas where the student is going astray.


Graphic Organizers Graphic organizers, also sometimes called cognitive tools, help to consciously improve the thinking processes. It is useful in: ● Organizing our thoughts. ● Creating connections between things we know. ● Thinking more deeply about something. ● Visualizing processes and procedures.

10. Regulation Checklists A regulation checklist can either be task based or generalized. A task based regulation checklist is usually created before a task begins. It will: ● List the thought processes required to succeed in the task. ● List the observable outcomes of higher order thinking linked to the task. ● List the checkpoints during the task where people should pause to reflect on their thinking. A general regulation checklist provides regulation strategies that can be used across any normal task, such as: ● Reminders to pause and reflect-in-practice at regular intervals. ● Prompts to remind students to think about what strategies they are using and whether they are appropriate for the task. ● Self-questioning prompts to remind students to question their choices. ● Quick charts and questionnaires to help people focus on their developments 11. Active Reading Strategies Active reading strategies are strategies that ensure concentrating while reading and actually comprehend the information. Examples of active reading strategies include: ● Underlining text: Underline key or important bits of information to highlight their importance in your mind. ● Using a ruler to read: place a ruler under the sentence you’re reading to help you focus on that line. ● Scan for the main ideas: In informational texts, you can scan for the information you need. Pay close attention to subheadings that give you a clue about where you will find the key information. ● Questioning: Ask yourself questions or ask your friends questions to check comprehension. ● Summarizing: Try to sum up the page you just read in one or two sentences to check for comprehension before moving on. ● Predicting: Try to predict how a story will go by looking at the pictures on the cover. ● Clarifying: Ask for clarification from friends or a teacher when you don’t

understand rather than just moving on. 12. Active Listening Strategies Active listening strategies are strategies students use to ensure they are listening attentively. Some examples of active listening strategies include: ● Turning your body to directly face the speaker. ● Making eye contact. ● Asking questions. ● Nodding when appropriate. ● Repeating what was said to you. 13. Planning Ahead When planning ahead, one often have to think about how to go about a task. It is sometimes referred to as “plan of attack”. Planning ahead involves thinking about what to go through in order to complete a task. During the planning phase, decisions may be made such as: ● Deciding what strategies you’ll use when your task, competition or activity begins. ● Tossing up a range of different thinking skills you might use when approaching a task. ● Reminding yourself not to make the same mistakes you made last time. ● Preparing some tools that will help you keep your thinking on track, such as preparing graphic organizers. MANAGING OUR OWN LEARNING Self-regulated learning (SRL) refers to the process a student engages in when she takes responsibility for her own learning and applies herself to academic success (Zimmerman, 2002). Self-regulated learning involves not only attaining a detailed knowledge of an ability, but also other skills such as self-awareness, self-motivation, and the ability to behave in a way that it’s possible for you to apply what you learned appropriately. Cycle of Self-Regulated Learning 1. Planning: The student plans her task, sets goals, outlines strategies to tackle the task, and/or creates a schedule for the task In the planning phase, students have an opportunity to work on their self-assessment and learn how to pick the best strategies for success. 2. Monitor...

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