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Course General Chemistry Ii
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syllabus for gen chem 132 for 2021-2022...


Spring 2022 Stony Brook University Department of Chemistry College of Arts and Sciences CHE 132: General Chemistry II (Revised on January 21, 2022) Instructors Class times Course Website Office Hours

Dr. Maria Nagan, email: [email protected] Dr. Dan Amarante, email: [email protected] MWF 10:30 AM – 11:25 AM Frey Hall 102 MWF 2:40 PM – 3:35 PM Frey Hall 102 See Blackboard ( Dr. Maria Nagan: MWF 11:25 AM – 11:55 AM & 3:35 PM – 4:05 PM after class in or outside Frey 102 (January 24th to March 11th) Dr. Dan Amarante: Tuesday/Thursday 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM via Zoom (link available on Blackboard)

COURSE DESCRIPTION A continuation of either CHE 129 or 131, introducing the fundamental principles of chemistry, including substantial illustrative material drawn from the chemistry of inorganic, organic, and biochemical systems. The principal topics covered are stoichiometry, the states of matter, chemical equilibrium and introductory thermodynamics, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, electron structure and chemical bonding, and chemical periodicity. The sequence emphasizes basic concepts, problem solving, and factual material. It provides the necessary foundation for students who wish to pursue further coursework in chemistry. Three lecture hours and one 80– minute workshop per week. May not be taken for credit in addition to CHE 152. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so. This course has an associated fee. Please see for more information. 4 credits General education designation(s) (SBC): STEM+ Prerequisite: C or higher in CHE 129 or CHE 131 Pre– or Corequisite: MAT 125 for those who took CHE 129 or 130; MAT 126 or higher for all others LEARNING OBJECTIVES  Be able to predict the sign of S for a chemical or physical change  Explain the second law of thermodynamics, the relationship between enthalpy, entropy and free energy, and the relationship of the second law to chemical equilibrium  Describe and use the relationship between G and K.  Explain the factors which determine the rate of a chemical reaction and use experimental data to determine the rate law of a reaction  Use the initial rates method to determine a rate law and understand its limitations  Understand the difference between the information provided by kinetics and thermodynamics  Explain collision theory of chemical reaction  Relate kinetics to reaction coordinates and mechanisms including elementary steps, transition states, intermediates and rate determining steps


CHE 132 General Chemistry Syllabus Spring 2022

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Explain and predict the effect of various factors (temperature, presence of catalyst, nature and concentration of the reactants, surface area of the reactants) on the reaction rate. Explain the fundamental concepts of chemical equilibrium as they pertain to a variety of chemical systems such as gas phase, reactions, acid/base reactions, solubility/precipitation and electrochemical reactions Predict the effects of increases/decreases of concentration and temperature on equilibrium using Le Châtelier’s principle Graphically determine a stoichiometric point of titration process and the pKa of a weak acid. Determine if a solution of a salt is acidic, basic or neutral. Calculate pH, pOH, relevant aqueous concentrations in aqueous solutions, aqueous buffers and acid–base titrations. Choose an appropriate buffer solution for a given pH. Calculate appropriate values to prepare a buffer at a particular pH. Write balanced chemical equations for oxidation–reduction reactions. Explain galvanic cells and calculate any relevant values such as G°, G, E°cell Ecell and K. Design an electrochemical concentration cell and calculate G, Ecell given instantaneous concentrations. Write electronic configurations for transition metals and transition metal cations. Name and identify coordination complexes including geometric isomers. Employ crystal field theory to predict properties such as magnetism as well as low and high– spin states for octahedral complexes, E, wavelength of light emitted or absorbed in electronic transitions.

COURSE MATERIALS (Registration Instructions and Directions for use are on Blackboard)  Text: o Chemistry, A Molecular Approach, Tro, 5th edition (Pearson 2019).  ALEKS (registration): This is our homework system. As part of your course fees, you get access to You do not need to purchase a separate subscription. See registration instructions on page 7–8.  Clicker (subscription): You will either need to download the Turning Point mobile app or directly log into during class. You will also need to purchase a subscription. See page 7.  Scientific Calculator with exponents, powers, and logarithms. You may also want spare batteries or an extra calculator in case of calculator failure. There will be scientific calculators available online during quizzes but you must be able to use these specific websites.  Desktop computer, laptop or tablet. You will need to access Blackboard, ALEKS online homework, Mastering, the e–Textbook and upload your work to Blackboard. If we have to go online, it is very difficult to navigate a Blackboard quiz and supplementary information with a phone. It is highly recommended that you have a desktop computer, a laptop or a tablet. o For help obtaining a laptop on loan, contact:  Web browser. You will need to access Chrome works best.  Mastering. To access the Reading Assignments/Dynamic Study Modules/Workshop Activities. This is included with the purchase of the main textbook. See page 8.


CHE 132 General Chemistry Syllabus Spring 2022

GRADING Course grades will be based the following contributions Clickers 3.0% Mastering 6.0% Workshop 8.0% ALEKS Objectives 5.0% ALEKS Summary 5.0% Midterm Exams 51.0% (17% each x 3) Final Exam 22.0% Total 100.0% The lowest workshops (2), ALEKS weekly objective scores (2), Mastering (1) and the clicker scores (6) will be dropped at the end of the semester. Late registration will not add additional grades to be dropped. Final percent grades will be rounded up to the tenth’s place. Final letter grades will be based the following cutoffs. A:  90% A–:  85% B+:  80%B:  75% B–:  70% C+:  65% C:  55% D:  45% F: < 45% Note: The only part of the course where attendance is absolutely required is workshop. You must earn a 55% in workshop in order to pass the course overall. COURSEWORK Lecture Lecture classes are interactive learning sessions designed to help you understand the key concepts and apply them in exercises and problems. You will work on these activities with others in the class and report your answers with clicker questions (usually 2–4 per class). You will receive 100% for each day you participate whether you get the correct answer or not. This is just to encourage you to be interactive and get feedback in a timely manner.  Live lecture will be offered MWF 10:30 AM – 11:25 AM and 2:40 PM – 3:35 PM EST in Frey Hall 102 and recordings through Echo360. Students can either log into the Turning Point app or to website directly to answer clicker questions live. The session ID will be CHE132SP22.  You may want to bring pre–printed lecture notes or download a pdf the lecture notes to have access to the formulas and other data needed to solve the class problems.  Answers to clicker questions and/or additional notes from class will be posted on Blackboard. Reading Your book should serve as resource. If you do not understand a topic from lecture, there are sometimes YouTube videos or websites such as khan academy to explain things but really your book was chosen because it’s a good resource. It explains topics in depth so you can read at your own pace. There are optional recommended readings in your book through Mastering. Additionally, Tro Mastering has explanatory videos that give an overview of the topic. Sections of the book that will be covered are available in the class schedule. ALEKS Problem solving is the single most important step towards succeeding in this course and is the only effective way to perform well in the class. Working out ALEKS, clicker questions and workshop exercises will strengthen your problem–solving skills.


CHE 132 General Chemistry Syllabus Spring 2022

Regular online homework will use the ALEKS system. There will be generally one ALEKS Objective Assignment due each week on Sunday at 11:59 PM covering the previous week of lecture topics unless otherwise specified. See the Class Schedule for more detail.  The first ALEKS Objective will be due Sunday January 30th 11:59 PM.  An ALEKS Summary grade will also be assessed. It is a percentage of topics in your ALEKS Pie. When you take a knowledge check, you can lose topics. In order to regain topics in your ALEKS Pie you must relearn these lost topics. You can only relearn lost topics after the Objective for the week is completed. You have until the final exam to finish filling your ALEKS Pie. Mastering Reading assignments (not graded) in the online textbook will be accompanied by short “quizzes” called dynamic study modules (graded) that will be due the within one to two days after the completion of each chapter.

Workshop The chemistry workshops are intended to help you maximize your performance in introductory chemistry courses. During workshops you will work with a team of 3 total students on activities designed to increase your understanding of course topics, your ability to apply these in simple contexts, and your ability to solve problems.  Please see the Workshop Syllabus for a full description of assignments and grading.  Workshop exercises will be posted on the class Blackboard page. No written answers will be given to workshop exercises. If you would like a check of your work or more direction in solving the problem, please consult your TA.  Paperwork and permission from Dr. Amarante are required if you need to switch workshop sections. Issues with the Workshops should be addressed to your Workshop Instructor (TA). Issues that cannot be resolved by your instructor can be resolved with Dr. Amarante. Midterm Exams Exam administered during times as indicated in the class schedule below: o Exam 1 – Tuesday, February 15, 2022 8:15 PM – 9:35 PM o Exam 2 – Tuesday, March 29, 2022 8:15 PM – 9:35 PM o Exam 3 – Thursday, April 14, 2022 8:15 PM – 9:35 PM  

Midterm Exams and the Final Exam will be a combination of multiple choice, ordering and numeric response questions. Each exam will be 75 minutes and in–person.

Final Exam Final Exam – CHE 132 Exam time: Wednesday May 11, 2022 2:15 PM – 5:00 PM (150 minutes) The final exam will be cumulative over the entire course and in-person. COURSE POLICIES Blackboard All information regarding the course including grades will be posted on Blackboard. Support for Blackboard is available at You can set up mobile notifications of announcements, posting of new materials and grade updates.


CHE 132 General Chemistry Syllabus Spring 2022

Email All email   

must be sent from your Stony Brook email account indicate which course you’re in (ex: CHE 132) be respectful and professional

Workshop and Excused Absences in Workshop: Your workshop teaching assistant Coursework and Excused Absences: Dr. Amarante

Attendance Attendance in lecture is determined by your clicker participation. All absences will be scored as a zero unless you email Dr. Amarante with an excused reason.  Excused absences should be emailed as close to the absence as possible but definitely by the last day of class. Examples include coronavirus, coronavirus–related caretaking duties, car accidents, summons for court, other personal illness, death in the family, hospitalization.  A standard two weeks of excused absences are granted for coronavirus–related illnesses by you or your family members but you should email Dr. Amarante, especially if the absences occur around quiz times and/or the final exam. Please email Dr. Amarante even if you request standard coronavirus–related absences so appropriate plans can be made.  If you suffer from medical or personal issues, please contact the Dean of Students Student Support Team. They are here to help you through difficult circumstances. [email protected]  Note: The only part of the course where attendance is absolutely required is workshop. You must earn a 55% in workshop in order to pass the course overall. Make Up Policy There are no make–up exams. Exams can be excused if you email Dr. Amarante with an excused reason. All students must take the final exam. Unexcused absence will result in a score of 0. A student who is unable to take the final exam because of illness or other extenuating circumstances must send an email to Dr. Amarante either before the exam or within 24 hours following the exam. Only then will a grade of incomplete (I) be assigned. The make–up final will be given Wednesday August 24, 2022 from 1:00 – 3:30 PM. Failure to take the final or make–up final exam will result in a course grade of F. Student Responsibilities Each student is responsible for knowing all procedures and course expectations detailed in this document, in other handouts or announced during lectures or workshops or in Blackboard. Failure to attend a lecture or workshop is not an excuse for not knowing what was presented or announced. If you miss a lecture or workshop it is your responsibility to find out what transpired from a fellow student, or from your instructor. GETTING HELP Office Hours o Office hours are an open time when you can come ask any questions you like about the course. To best use office hours, you should come prepared with a question. It can be a simple question, or it could be “I don’t understand all of xxxx.” Once your question or questions are answered, you may leave. This is an informal, drop–in time to get material clarified. 5

CHE 132 General Chemistry Syllabus Spring 2022

Zoom office hours will be posted on Blackboard under the Faculty Information tab and Zoom links can be found at the end of this document. o To join an office hour, simply click on the Zoom Meeting link and the office hour. o If you have a personal matter you would like discuss with the professor one–on–one, it is recommended you make an appointment via email. Getting Help from Graduate TAs o Graduate student TAs will hold office hours in person in the Chemistry Learning Center on the first floor of the Chemistry Building. o Undergraduate TA office hours will be posted on Blackboard under the TA Office Hours tab and available online. Zoom meetings and links will be posted on Blackboard under the TA Office Hours tab. Tutoring o There are both undergraduate and graduate students that are available for office hours. o Undergraduate one–on–one tutor sessions are also available through the Academic Success & Tutoring Center or Google “ASTC and Stony Brook”. You can make weekly appointments, but they fill up fast. o An academic success coach, also available through the ASTC is available to help with issues such as time management and taking advantages of resources. Technical Issues o ALEKS must be addressed to ALEKS Technical Support at or call 1– 800–258–2374. o Turning Point clicker issues, contact the SBU IT SINC site online.  The most common issue with clickers is not connecting them to Blackboard. Go into the Blackboard course, into Tools, and Click on Turning Technologies (Clicker Registration). This will actually connect your clicker and subscription to the class so you can respond with your device. o

LIVE CLASS PROTOCOLS/NETIQUETTE Stony Brook University expects students to maintain standards of personal integrity that are in harmony with the educational goals of the institution; to observe national, state, and local laws and University regulations; and to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Any behavior that interrupts the ability of instructors to teach, the safety of the learning environment, and/or students' ability to learn will be reported to University Community Standards. Students who display such behavior may be asked to consult with one of the course instructors or asked to leave a class session, whereupon University Police will be notified. Information on campus policy regarding student disruptions can be found at ACADEMIC INTEGRITY STATEMENT Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong. Faculty are required to report any suspected instances of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. Faculty in the Health Sciences Center (School of Health Technology & Management, Nursing, Social Welfare, Dental Medicine) and School of Medicine are required to follow their school– specific procedures. For more comprehensive information on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty, please refer to the academic judiciary website at In this course you are strongly encouraged to work with others to master the material in the class activities, workshops, and ALEKS homework. However, in working with others to arrive at your response to a question, you must understand and be able to explain the rationale behind your response and not just report someone else's answer. It is intellectually dishonest to report


CHE 132 General Chemistry Syllabus Spring 2022

someone else’s work and understanding as your own. Therefore, violations of the following will result in a course grade of F and a report to the Academic Judiciary.  You must submit responses to in–class questions and problems only with your own clicker subscription.  You must record and submit your own answers to ALEKS questions based on your understanding not on how someone else told you to respond. TAs will not help you with Knowledge Checks.  You must work independently when asked to do so.  You must take the quizzes and the final exam independently with no assistance from any other person, without the aid of any unauthorized materials, and without access to any electronic communication devices.  Violations may result in a report to Academic Judiciary and a course grade of F. STUDENT ACCESSIBILITY SUPPORT CENTER (SASC) STATEMENT If you have a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact the Student Accessibility Support Center, Stony Brook Union Suite 107, (631) 632–6748, or at [email protected]. They will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential. Students who require assistance during emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their needs with their professors and the Student Accessibility Support Center. For procedures and information go to the following website:–safety/emergency– evacuation/evacuation–guide–disabilities and search Fire Safety and Evacuation and Disabilities. SASC Accommodations If you receive 1.5 time or double time on quizzes or the final exam, please make arrangements with SASC. CRITICAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are required to report to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards any disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students' ability to learn. Until/unless the latest CO...

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