General psychology 150 learning notes PDF

Title General psychology 150 learning notes
Author lorian barney
Course General Psychology
Institution Forsyth Technical Community College
Pages 2
File Size 37.4 KB
File Type PDF
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The professor's name is Ms.Maddox and she teaches General Psychology. This chapter was all about learning and how humans process information....


Lorian Barney Learning Psychology notes

Learning is an enduring change in behavior that occurs within an experiment. Learning/memory work together and learning occurs when info moves from the short term to long term memory. Association occurs when you experience an object or situation that is linked with another. Example: We learn to link bells with class starting.↙ Classical and operant are both forms of associative learning. Conditioning is the process by which a behavior becomes more likely due to association with events that occur in the organisms environment. Classical Conditioning occurs when a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a stimulus to which the learner has an automatic, inborn-response. Terms: Neutral Stimulus - by itself , it has no effect on salivation or appetite. Unconditioned Response (UCR)- to describe an automatic, involuntary response to a stimulus. Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)- is to refer to the environmental input. A Conditioned Stimulus (CS)- is a previously neutral stimulus that an organism learns to associate with the (UCS). Reinforcers- money,praise, and food are examples. Shaping- Giving treats for “positive punishment”. “The reinforcement of successive approximations of a desired behavior. -A Conditioned response is a behavior that an organism learns to perform when presented with the CS alone. -Forward Conditioning shows the neutral stimulus being presented just before the UCS. -Backward Conditioning is when the neutral stimulus follows the UCS. Less Successful. -Stimulus discriminating occurs when a CR occurs only to exactly the stimulus to which it was conditioned. -Spontaneous recovery is the sudden reappearance of an extinguished response. -Law of effect states that the consequences of a behavior increase the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated. -Operant Conditioning is the process of modifying behavior by manipulating the consequences of that behavior.

-Positive reinforcement occurs when the presentation or addition of a stimulus increases the likelihood of behavior. -Negative reinforcement refers to the removal of a stimulus to increase behavior. -Punishment decreases a certain behavior. -Positive Punishment is the addition of a stimulus that decreases behavior. -Negative Punishment decreases behavior by removing a stimulus. -A Skinner box is used for small animals. -Continuous reinforcement means rewarding a behavior every time it occurs. -Intermittent reinforcement does not occur after every response, produces a stronger behavioral response. -Fixed ratio schedule - a reinforcement that follows a set # of responses. -Variable-ratio schedule- which the number of responses needed for reinforcement varies, produces a very steady rate of response. -Conditioned taste aversion is the learned avoidance of a particular taste when nausea is about the same time as the food. -Instinctive drift is the learned behavior that shifts toward instinctive, unlearned behavior tendencies. -Latent learning is a type of learning that occurs in the absence of reinforcement and is not demonstrated until later. -Social learning theory goes beyond traditional conditioning approaches to include observation and modeling. -Modeling is Bandura’s term for observational learning that involves behaviors performed by others. -Imprinting is the rapid and innate learning of the characteristics of a caregiver within a short period of time. - Ethology is the scientific study of animal behavior -Embodied cognition is the term for the thought processes involved in representing parts of the body. - Classical learning is the association between two items involving reflexing and emotions....

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