Geo Midterm Study PDF

Title Geo Midterm Study
Course Intro To Math Econ
Institution University of Alabama
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Ch 10: Agriculture! • Developing countries obtain most of their protein from cereal grains! • All of the below for confined production systems are true except! • Leads to surface and ground water pollution and expensive waste management systems are needed! • If animals are not confined, manure can contribute to soil fertility! • If animals are not confined, the manure can adversely affect the quality of life of nearby communities! • Is part of a moral and ethical debate! • Is not widely practiced in the United States! • Global fish consumption has risen sharply between 1960 and 2012. Which is the following is not true?! • The developing countries are responsible for about 33% of this increase • Fish and seafood account for only 1 percent of all calories consumed by humans! • Fish consumption has increased more rapidly than population growth! • The developing countries are responsible for about 80% of this increase! • Overfishing has reduced the population of tuna significantly in the last 50 years! • Farming varies around the world because of cultural and environmental factors across space! • Example of important agricultural hearths: southeast Asia, south and central America, subSaharan Africa, northern China! • A principal practice of sustainable agriculture is: sensitive land management, limited use of chemicals, better integration of crops and livestock, use of pesticide-resistant seed! • Hunting and gathering societies are found in isolated places in the world! • Hunters and gatherers probably began practicing agriculture because of a combination of environmental and cultural factors! • Pastoral nomads occupy only their own territory, moving with the seasons to find forage and water! • Cultivation of seafood under controlled conditions is called aquaculture! • Only about 15 million people are nomads, but they sparsely occupy 20 percent of the earth’s land area! All but which of the following are true of commercial agriculture compared to subsistence • agriculture?! • Low percentage of farmers in the labor force! • Farm size! • Heave use of machinery! • Output consumed on the farm • Surplus production! • In the US many farms are integrated into a large food production industry, This is know as agribusiness! • Food consumption varies around the world because of variations in: level of economic development, physical conditions, cultural preferences! • In terms of dietary energy, what do Mexico and South Africa have in common? Maize as their leading energy source! • In contrast to practitioners of agriculture, hunters and gatherers travel frequently! • Residents of developed countries rely on meat as the leading source of protein! • Farming for the primary purpose of feeding one’s family is known as subsistence agriculture! • The agricultural practice most dependent on being close to consumers is dairy farming! Ch 14: Resource Issues! • Arguing that trees should be cut so long as the forest remains is what kind of approach? Conservation!

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At current rates of use, the proven reserve to run out first would be petroleum! Before the Industrial Revolution, the most important source of fuel was biomass! Canada possesses massive deposits of an unconventional resource called oil sands! China has recently surpassed the United States as the world leader for the demand of energy! China has relatively large proven reserves of coal! Concerns over visual blight are most commonly raised for wind power! Conservation is the sustainable use and management of natural resources! Developed countries have primarily converted from biomass fuel to fossil fuels! Elaborate safety measures must be taken to store nuclear waste primarily because the waste is radioactive! Electric vehicles may still be using fossil fuels if their charge comes from fossil-fueled power plants! Even though Japan is currently rethinking their nuclear energy policy, why did they chose to build all the nuclear power plants in the first place? Japan has significant industrial energy needs and very little fossil fuel reserves! Most sources of energy today are fossil fuels! Of the following common alternatives to fossil fuel resources, which is not renewable? Nuclear! Pollution without a central source of origin is termed non point- source pollution! Preservation is maintenance of resources in their present condition! Prior to the Industrial Revolution, humans relied mostly on what kind of power? Animate! Steel and chemical industries are major water polluters primarily because they generate large amounts of wastewater! The power source with the lowest environmental impact is solar! Which of the following is a pollutant at the local scale? Carbon monoxide!

Ch 11: Industry! • An industry in which the inputs weight more than the final products is a bulk-reducing industry! • The practice of corporations controlling all phases of production is called vertical integration! • During the mid-nineteenth century, the US steel industry concentrated around Pittsburgh in an area proximate to iron-ore and coal mines! • Which of the following is true of manufacturing jobs in the US? They have been shifting within the United States from the North and East to the South and West! • A labor-intensive industry is one in which wages and other compensation paid to employees constitute a high percentage of expenses! • The shift of world manufacturing to new industrial regions can be seen most clearly in the manufacture of steel! • A typical so-called right to work law requires a factory to maintain an open shop and prohibits a closed shop! • An airplane parts manufacturer adjacent to airplane manufacturing companies is an example of which of the following? Single-market manufacturer! • China’s assembly plants are clustered next to population centers. This is primarily because the final assembly of autos is a bulk gaining operation! • Europe’s largest port in terms of cargo volume is Rotterdam! • Most large US steel mills built during the first half of the twentieth century were located in communities near the East and West coasts! • This region was Europe’s fastest growing manufacturing area during the late twentieth century. Northeastern Spain, centered on Barcelona! Home-based manufacturing was known as cottage industry! • • All of the following are lean production rules expect one task-one worker! • The term cottage industries was used to refer to home-based manufacturing!

• Arizona dominated the US copper mining industry. As a bulk-reducing industry, this would imply that Arizona also dominates the concentration mills and smelter industry for copper! • In the late nineteenth century, steel mills were built around all of the following except which one? Detroit, Cleveland, Youngstown, Toledo, Atlanta! • Carmaker’s assembly plants account for around 30 percent of the value of the vehicles that bear their names, with 70 percent coming from outsourced, independent parts makers! • A break of bull point is a location where transfer among transportation modes is possible! • China is the leading fabric producer because low labor costs offset the expense of shipping inputs and transporting the products to faraway customers! Ch 9: Development ! • According to the textbook, one-fifth of the world living in the developed world consumes 5/6 of the world’s goods! • According to the textbook, Africans comprise about 14 percent of the world’s population but only consume 1 percent of the world’s goods! • Maternal mortality ratio is the number of women who dies giving birth per 100,000 births! • Fair Trade improves the percentage of the retail price that producers in developing countries receive! • During the 1950s, people lived on average more than two decades longer in developed countries than in developing ones. In the 21st century, the gap is less than 10 years! • Which of the following is true today of the developed world? Developed countries are hardpressed to maintain their current levels of public assistance! • Created by the UN in 1980, this is an indicator of the level of development for each country. In combines income, literacy, education, and life expectancy: HDI! • In manufacturing, the value added is the gross value of the product minus the costs of raw materials of energy! • A baby born today in sub-Saharan Africa can expect to live on average to age 57. What are the two main factors that influence this relatively short lifespan expectation? Nutrition, medical services! • In the developing world, East Asia and Latin America have some of the highest literacy at 90 percent! • Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia have some of the world’s lowest literacy rates, averaging below 70 percent! • The US government allocates approximately 0.2 percent of its GNI to foreign aid! • On average, developed countries spend about $4000 annually per capita on health care! • Globally, what percentage of GNI do developing countries spend on health care? 2%! • In the self-sufficiency approach to development, countries do all but which of the following? Do not allow business to open in certain parts of the country to increase economies of scale! • In which of the following categories of jobs does manufacturing fall? Secondary! • The UN’s HDI takes into account three factors. These are a decent standard of living, access to knowledge, and a long and healthy life! • India implemented a self-sufficiency model after they gained independence from the UK. In the 1990s they switched to an international trade model that resulted in an improves competitiveness and quality of Indian products! Ch 1! • An area distinguished by a unique combination of features is a region! • Moving toward the Southern border of the United States, English becomes less common and Spanish is more often spoken. What type of region does this gradual change of language reflect? Functional! • Situation identifies a place by its location relative to other objects!

• In terms of Map Scale, a ratio of 1:2,000,000 means: 1 unit on the map represents 2 million of the same unit on the ground! • Scale is the relationship between the length of an object on a map and that feature on the landscape! • According to environmental determinism the physical environment causes social development! • Multiple layers of spatial information are stored in GIS! • Brazil currently has the seventh economy in the world, yet figure 1.8.5 tells us that there is a large income gap between the lower and upper 10%. This disparity is best explained by unequal access! • The international Date line mostly follows 190 degrees longitude! • A computer system that stores, organizes, retrieves, analyzes, and displays geographic data is GIS! • Site identifies a place by its unique physical characteristics! • 1:24,000 is an example of what kind of scale? Fractional scale! • If the scale of a map is 1:100,000, then 1 centimeter on the map represents 1 kilometer on Earth’s surface! • Where would you be located if you experienced exactly 12 hours of daylight? Equator! • Greenwich mean time is measured from 0 degrees longitude! • An ecosystem Is best described as a group of living organisms and the abiotic spheres with which they interact! • Compared to a globe, Greenland would appear on a Mercator Projection as relatively large as compared to Africa! Of the four major Earth systems, which one is composed of living organisms? Biosphere! • • A formal region defines an area in which everyone shares in common one or more distinctive characteristics! • In making a map, cartographers must strike a balance between the amount of land and the level of detail displayed! Chapter: Population! • Choose the best answer for how geographers define overpopulation: a condition in which the number of people in an area exceeds the Capacity of the environment! • Japan is dealing with economic concerns about an again population by encouraging older people and women to work! • A region with a small amount of arable land and a large number of farmers will have a high agricultural density! • Human beings avoid all but which of these regions? Cold lands, dry lands, warm lands, wet lands, high lands ! • If the physiological density is much larger than the arithmetic density, then a country has a small percentage of land suitable for agriculture! • Dr. John Snow found that cholera cases in London were spatially associated with a certain public wells! • For every 1000 Babies born in India in 2011, an estimated 50 of them will have dies beefier reaching their first birthday. The rate of 50 deaths per 1000 births is known as the infant mortality rate! • As a country moves though the demographic transition, we can expect its elderly support ratio to increase! • Geographers define overpopulation as too many people compared to environmental capacity! • Denmark is currently in Stage 4. This means that they have 0 or negative NIR, very low CBR, and low, slightly increasing CDR! • A key obstacle to declining birth rates is religious opposition to some birth control methods!

• A country with a large amount of arable land and a small number of farmers will have a low agricultural density! • Country X has a crude birth rate of 40 and a crude death rate of 15, while Country Y has a crude birth rate of 20 and a crude death rate of 9. Which country has a higher natural increase rate? Country X! • A country goes through the epidemiological transition and the demographic transition simultaneously! • A country with a high physiological density has a lot of people for every unit of farmland! • In comparing Malthus’s theory to actual world food production and population growth during the past half-century, the principal difference is that actual food production has been much higher than Malthus predicted! • Arranging a country’s population along a bar graph representing ages and genders creates a population pyramid! • If a country has a NIR of 50 and CBR of about 40, what stages of the demographic transition could it be in? Stage 2 or 3! • Infectious diseases develop resistance to antibiotics when used improperly...

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