GEOG328, 7 March 2018 - Lecture notes 12 PDF

Title GEOG328, 7 March 2018 - Lecture notes 12
Course Geographic Information Systems
Institution University of Waikato
Pages 4
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The lecturer was Lars Brabyn...


DSS Course Notes 2018 Course Code: GEOG328 Date: 7 MARCH 2018 NOTES -

USE YOUR swipe card access to IT lab - please go to FASS reception and get the swipe access - you will need to access the lab through the card


Thursday virtual Lab


Topology map are used to show the connection from one route to another whether it is through train or bus station but it is not useful for walking.


Since it shows the connection and location, it is called topology. This spatial relationship between features is called topology.


Different GIS data models have their unique advantages and disadvantages


Most GIS software can use both data vector and raster data.

Q and A -

Example of continuous data: temperature, slopes etc.


Elevation is continuous and the distance to Hamilton as well.


Difference between spatial, attributed and topology information: spatial : location, topology- raster and attribute: descriptive

- is an New Zealand based company where you can get lots of data for free.


Agisoft Photoscan is a software which can create 3D picture where you can uploaded images and play with it. There are YouTube videos on what to do.

Data Input for GIS ●

Understanding existing data is really important. is one of the best.

Remote sensing and image analysis - drone data set not only the visual sets but also colours. LABset is one of many website which has lots of data of remote sensing. Satellite data another website- you can choose the study areas and any specific data source. In developing countries you can use the road satellite and map yourself.

Global Positioning System : GPS tells us where you are. They use satellite. There are different types of GPS and now you can download the data and map it using the GIS. GPS also tells you the area, differential location of GPS.

Data tables containing location information : tables can convert data and plot in the graph. ○

Blank ArcMap

Get the location information- excel file of table which can contain Easting and NOrthing coordinates these data can be plotted.

Click on add and find the table of excel file

It creates the table in ArcMap- right click- display - it tell the X - Easting and Y axis- NOrthing

Add the data- Coastline.

This will display the map with Easting and NOrthing.

You can download this map by exporting .

CSV file shows that all values are separated by commas.

Tab Delimited- value separated by Tab

Another format debase because excel is little hard to work.

Map Coordinate System ●

Coordinate is a group of data.

In NX there is the old NZ map Grid and the newer NZ Transverse Mercator grid (NZTM).

ANother way of getting data is to do get-referencing image and CAD drawing from page coordinates to a ‘real world’ map coordinate system. - This week lab focus. Transformation equation applies to all the data to the map. Map consists of all vertices and you will need 3-4 points.

Tables can be linked to existing GIS layers is of a common identifiers. Often we join dataset togetherness.

GeoCOding links to address to the Names of the roads stored in a GUS road layer. It has a big database with all the roads name- street name and numbering system. It compares the name, if the same name exist, it searches for number. Each line has a numbering system.

On screen or heads up digitising is where we use mouse to trace information into a GIS. It requires having existing GIS data for identifying locations.

You need to think about error associated with data. One of the erro is the spatial errors. The spatial error can be identify using RMS- root mean square. THe RMS error can be used to compare the distance between layers. One layer may be known to be accurate while the accuracy of another layer is unknown.

● Q and S

We also need the attributed information in addition to the dataset.

1: Six Methods- CAD, remote sensing, table

2: Geo-referencing: MAtching street address to rural

5: Use the location information table, using XY data from table.

7: Descriptive element

Demonstration - Digitizing images (please see the panaptop for the detail step by step Digitizing) ●

Get a copy of data- you will editing the data so put it in your drive or space.

COursedata- geography- 328- Data - Hamilton->copy this file. ○

Make sure you copy all the Hamilton folder.

Or ●

You can go to Arcmap then select Catalog and go to course file, Hamilton and copy one road file- drag and drop to the ArcMap. ANother way is to Add (+) from the ArcMap

Click on road - display the road- right click- Zoom to layer

Zoom to layer- able to see the road

COntrol points- click on image first to put the point in the image.

← = previous point

The blue line represent the area.

You need to update genre freeing every time you put the control point.

Now it generate university file which include the pixel cell size and coordinates.

You will need to update the road file/

Add the editing tools.

Start editor

Edit road layers

Create features - click on roads and create roads- if you make mistake-right click and delete.

ZOom-in and trace the road- you can select and delete.

Digitise the university building ○

Go tot catalog- folder- new-shapefile (building/polygon/line)- polygon-name(polygon)

Save edits.

Open attributes - add the file - Buildingname- Text file- Ok- turn the editor on and add the name of the building- stop editing and save the editing.

If you are unable to edit, you need to stop it before you start.

Page setup- landscape in the print preview

You can zoom in

Insert legend- use the comparing colour rather than contrasting paper. ■

Double click on legend- properties- shape

Put scale bar

Put North arrow

FOllow the lab instructions

See the marks on how much you get in each map.

Submit it online- one document ○

File- export map-JPEG file.

Make sure you can store relative path name to data sources in the map document properties- so that it works everywhere at your home and at the university.

○ ●

Now you can use at home- make sure you store the whole folder in your stick memory.

Go to the Moodle page- there are weekly quizzes arranged according to the week lecture- please do the quizzes.

● ●

Lab is due following week....

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