Geolstudy Guide - Lund PDF

Title Geolstudy Guide - Lund
Course Oceanography
Institution University of Southern California
Pages 18
File Size 518.8 KB
File Type PDF
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LECTURE 1 Minoans ○ First true maritime power (~2000 BC - 1200 BC) Polynesians ○ Colonization of South Pacific Islands ○ First use of the ocean in the Pacific Ocean ○ Used stick maps ■ Stick approximate currents and swell (wave) directions, stones or shells approximate islands ○ Polynesian maps were an ancient technological aid Compass ○ Added in the age of european exploration and discovery, (in the last 500 years) permitted worldwide exploration Bathymetry ○ The measurement of depth of water in oceans, seas, and lakes Latitude/Longitude ○ Latitude: horizontal lines on map ○ Longitude: vertical lines on map

HMS Beagles -- charles darwin ○ Galapagos islands ○ Home to birds from south american continent HMS Challenger-- depth ○ First to study deep oceans; life, water, chemistry, water depth, biology, bottom sediment ○ First modern deep-ocean scientific expedition, measured conditions of deep ocean, measured depth of ocean in several hundred locations with deep ocean sounding ○ (cannonballs and ropes) -- first time ○ Found that there are many ocean places that the depth is thousands of meters


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Greek Phoenician ○ Colonization of early mediterranean ○ Phoenicians were great traders and navigators ■ They established colonies wherever they went ■ Sailed during the daytime only ○ Mediterranean colonization (and subsequent population expansion/climate change/lack of rainfall) made the phoencian homeland shrink Coast markers ○ Ancient technological aid ○ Colossus of Rhodes was one of the Wonder of the Worlds Stick maps ○ Approximate currents and swell (wave) directions, stones or shells approximate island Lighthouse ○ Pharos (lighthouse) of Alexandria was one of the 7 wonders of the world Captain cook ○ First to accurately map surface oceans using clocks to determine longitude ○ 3 voyages of scientific discovery; determined outline of pacific ocean, discovered New Zealand, Australia, Hawaiian Islands, measured surface conditions, made first accurate maps of oceans using chronometer The German Meteor Expedition (1925) ○ First to use echo sounding to quickly measure water depth as ship was moving ○ Echo sounding ■ Used in the german meteor expedition, method for determining ocean depth

Lecture 1 review: ●

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Ancient uses of the oceans started more than 5000 years ago with the Egyptians, Mesopotamians, and Minoans in the Mediterranean Sea and the Polynesians in the Pacific Ocean Ancient navigation used star and sun positions, coastal markers, lighthouses and maps (stick maps for Polynesians) ○ Coastal marker = ancient technological aid ○ Stick maps showed approx currents and swell directions, stones or shells approximate island In the last 500 years, the use of compass and better ships permitted worldwide exploration Three key research expeditions: ○ Captain Cook and HMS Resolution (1770s) -- first to accurately map surface oceans using clocks to determine longitude ○ HMS Challenger (1870s) -- first to study deep oceans; life, water, chemistry, water depth


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Meteor (1920s) -- first to use echo sounding to quickly measure water depth as ship was moving ■ Today satellites are essential in providing modern detailed information

LECTURE 2 Solar system ○ Heliocentric model of the solar system is the updated version of the geocentric model ■ 20th century -- introduce notion that there are other solar systems ■ How our SS works is only for our solar system ○ Characteristics ■ Planets all orbit in the same direct ■ Planetary orbits are more circular ■ Planets display a regular progression in orbital period ■ Inner planets; rocky and solid ■ Outer planets; gaseous/icy ○ Solar system formation theory ■ Initial spinning disk of dust/gas (nebula) ■ Gravity → most mass moved toward center, faster spin ● Creation of turbulent “eddies” ■ Center, densest eddy became sun w/ high density fusion ■ Proto planets came from smaller eddies ○ *formation of earth Terrestrial ○ “in/on or relating to earth” Nebula ○ SS started as a nebula, condensed by gravitational attraction to form sun and planets Proto-planets ○ Developed from smaller eddies in SS formation Core ○ Mostly iron, inner core: solid, outer core: liquid, temperatures > 5000 K Mantle ○ Fe and Mg rich silicates, solid rock but ductile, 5000K-1000K Crust ○ Continental: granite, makes up all continents and many large islands, 30-100 km thick, 4.1 bil years old ○ Oceanic: Fe, Mg silicates, underlies all major ocean basins, 20km thick,...

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