Giles retention Exam PDF

Title Giles retention Exam
Course Physical therapy
Institution Our Lady of Fatima University
Pages 27
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Practice Questions 1 1. While working with a T6 spinal cord injured patient a physical therapist identifies a small, reddened area over the patient’s right ischial tuberosity region. The physical therapist should immediately A. notify nursing and remind the patient of their role in proper skin care ...


Practice Questions



While working with a T6 spinal cord injured patient a physical therapist identifies a small, reddened area over the patient’s right ischial tuberosity region. The physical therapist should immediately A. notify nursing and remind the patient of their role in proper skin care B. order a water mattress for the patient C. alert the patient to the potential dangers of skin breakdown D. notify the primary physician and declare a medical emergency


A patient falls to the ground during gait activities and appears to be in cardiac arrest. After performing a primary survey you call for help and begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation. CPR should be continued until all of the following EXCEPT A. the patient regains full consciousness B. the heart starts beating again C. a second rescuer trained in CPR takes over D. you are too exhausted to continue


A physical therapist observes a video on the biomechanics of normal gait. The therapist notes that the subject’s knee remains flexed during all of the components of stance phase EXCEPT A. foot flat B. heel strike C. midstance D. toe off


A therapist monitors a patient’s blood pressure by auscultation. When recording the patient’s blood pressure in the medical record, which of the following is usually not required? A. systolic blood pressure value B. extremity used C. patient position D. type of stethoscope used


After completing an initial examination, it is determined that a patient is exhibiting disability behaviors that are out of proportion to the physical therapist’s clinical findings. The therapist’s next course of action should be to A. confront the patient with the findings before initiating the treatment plan B. immediately contact the patent’s physician and explain the findings C. initiate the treatment plan, however consider the possibility that the disease state is being maintained by external consequences D. continue with the current treatment plan without further delay and dismiss the findings


A physical therapist elects to use ultrasound on a patient diagnosed with a second degree lateral ankle sprain. The therapist uses the underwater technique because of the uneven joint surface and patient’s extreme sensitivity to pressure. Which description of ultrasound using the underwater technique is true? A. The transducer should be placed directly on the skin B. A commercial gel is appropriate for a coupling medium C. The transducer should be held one-half to one inch from the skin and moved throughout the entire session. D. The patient should independently move the transducer once it is immersed in the water


A physical therapist treats a patient with quadriceps weakness using repeated contractions. This proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation technique should be applied A. at the initiation of movement B. at the point where the desired muscular response begins to diminish C. throughout the full active range of motion D. only after a manual stretch to the quadriceps


A patient diagnosed with spastic hemiplegia wears an ankle-foot orthosis set in dorsiflexion to prevent foot drop. If the orthosis was set in excessive dorsiflexion, which of the following would you expect to observe during stance phase? A. increased knee stability B. decreased knee stability C. have no effect on knee stability D. cause genu recurvatum 4ad7b5e3b05c70ea2d1aa30a0a4143fc.doc


Practice Questions


A patient is referred to physical therapy with a twenty degree restriction in wrist extension. Which mobilization technique would facilitate wrist extension? A. dorsal glide of the carpals B. stabilize lunate, volar glide radius C. stabilize capitate, volar glide lunate D. stabilize radius, volar glide scaphoid


To test for possible anterior shoulder instability a physical therapist would A. abduct the affected arm to 90 degrees and internally rotate B. abduct the affected arm to 90 degrees, move into forward flexion, adduct and internally rotate C. abduct the affected arm to 90 degrees and externally rotate D. adduct the affected arm to 90 degrees and externally rotate


Which of the following exercises would be inappropriate for a woman who gave birth via cesarean section three days ago? A. pelvic tilts B. walking C. deep breathing D. all are acceptable


Sensory stimulation for either muscle contraction or relaxation was introduced by A. Bobath B. Fay C. Knott D. Rood


If a plumb line is positioned laterally to a patient so it runs along the line of gravity, where would it fall with respect to the knee joint? A. anterior B. posterior C. directly through the knee joint D. all of these are incorrect


A patient diagnosed with shoulder pain of unknown etiology is referred by his physician for magnetic resonance imaging. Results of the test reveal a partial tear of the infraspinatus muscle. Based on the information obtained, which muscle group would you expect to be the most seriously affected? A. shoulder external rotators B. shoulder internal rotators C. shoulder abductors D. shoulder adductors


All of the following are true concerning scoliosis EXCEPT A. a 15-20 degree curve is considered to be mild scoliosis B. bracing can be an effective treatment tool C. scoliosis is named by the direction of the concavity D. early detection through school screening is essential


A patient has limited accessory joint motion in the right hip. You are unsure if joint mobilization techniques are indicated since the patient’s condition is relatively acute. Which of the following would be the best course of action? A. active stretching exercises only B. grade I and II mobilization C. grade IV and V mobilization D. avoid all stretching or mobilization until the patient is pain free


Practice Questions



A patient exhibits pain and sensory loss in the posterior leg, calf and dorsal foot. Extension of the hallux is poor, however, the Achilles reflex is normal. What spinal level would you expect to be involved? A. L4 B. L5 C. S1 D. S2


An 18 year-old male six weeks status post open reduction of a Colles’ fracture is referred to physical therapy. Examination reveals mild swelling on the dorsum of the hand and limited flexion in the metacarpophalangeal joint in all digits. The most appropriate heating agent is A. paraffin B. hot packs C. Vapocoolant sprays D. fluidotherapy


A patient scheduled for total hip replacement in three days is referred to physical therapy for preoperative instruction. All of the following should be incorporated into total hip replacement preoperative instruction EXCEPT A. deep breathing and coughing exercises B. gait training with an appropriate assistive device that will be used postoperatively C. basic precautions for early bed mobility D. proper use of an abduction pillow for 1-2 weeks postoperatively


A 26 year-old male involved in a motorcycle accident sustains a T10 vertebral fracture. The patient’s physician would like to restrict forward thoracic flexion by using an externally applied device. Which of the following would be the most appropriate selection? A. Minerva cervical thoracic orthosis B. Philadelphia collar C. sternal-occipital-mandibular immobilizer D. thoracolumbar-sacral orthosis


Which clinical finding is not indicative of a ruptured Achilles tendon? A. negative Thompson test B. absent Achilles reflex C. lack of toe off during gait D. all of these are indicative of a ruptured Achilles tendon


A physical therapist evaluates a patient’s hip range of motion. Which pattern of limitation is typically considered to be a capsular pattern? A. gross limitation of flexion, abduction and internal rotation B. gross limitation of flexion, adduction and external rotation C. gross limitation of extension, abduction and external rotation D. gross limitation of extension, adduction and internal rotation


Relative contraindications for exercise during pregnancy include all of the following EXCEPT A. diabetes B. thyroid disease C. history of precipitous labor D. mild hypotension


A cardiac catheterization is performed by inserting a catheter into the femoral, brachial or axillary artery and advancing it through the aorta to the heart. Specific lesions, areas of low perfusion, and ventricular aneurysms are defined through A. the heart’s resistance to the presence of the catheter B. the catheter releasing dye into the coronary arteries C. the catheter monitoring the pressure within the arteries D. the catheter obtaining samples of cells which line the arteries



Practice Questions


A patient diagnosed with pure athetoid cerebral palsy would most likely demonstrate A. disturbed sense of balance and faulty depth perception B. hypertonicity, contractures and clonus C. slow involuntary uncontrolled movements D. severe intention tremor


A physical therapist instructs a patient to move their lower teeth forward in relation to their upper teeth. This motion is termed A. protrusion B. retrusion C. lateral deviation D. occlusal position


A CVA patient positioned in supine with legs flexed, clasping his arms around his knees and gently rocking will produce A. decreased extensor spasticity in the lower extremities B. inhibition of flexor spasticity in the upper extremities C. protraction of the scapula D. all of these


What muscle controls the position of the ankle joint at heel strike? A. eccentric contraction of the anterior tibialis B. eccentric contraction of the gastrocsoleus C. concentric contraction of the anterior tibialis D. concentric contraction of the gastrocsoleus


A clinical instructor can be a critical link between each student’s academic and professional career. Which objective would seem inappropriate for a senior physical therapy student on the first week of a clinical internship? A. The student safely executes assessment of the transfer status of a patient. B. The student demonstrates beginning integration of patient problems into the treatment program C. The student provides patient coverage for an absent colleague. D. The student participates in a team conference by reporting on an assigned patient.


An aquatic program can be a valuable tool for gait activities. Which of the following activities would facilitate a patient shifting their pelvis over the affected leg, while maintaining an extended hip and trunk? A. marching in place B. flutter kicking in prone C. ring toss while standing D. treading water


A three year-old male diagnosed with pediatric meningocerebritis is referred to respiratory physical therapy for manual assistance in breathing activities. Indications for manual assistance would include A. rapid, deep inspiration B. incomplete use of muscles for deep inspiration C. frequent sighing D. all of these


Proper technique is essential when mobilizing a joint. Which of the following statements about mobilization technique is not true? A. one joint at a time is moved in one direction B. a joint is mobilized in the closed packed position C. commence with grade I distraction when possible. D. the patient and the extremity to be treated should be placed in a comfortable position.


The goal of a physical therapist treating a patient who is receiving workers’ compensation include A. making the patient less dependent and more active in their rehabilitative program B. attempting to meet the needs of the insurance provider, employer, physician and patient C. building confidence in the patient’s physical capabilities and control over their future D. all of these 4ad7b5e3b05c70ea2d1aa30a0a4143fc.doc

Practice Questions



A patient four weeks status post arthroscopic medial meniscectomy is limited in knee flexion range of motion. Which mobilization technique would be the most beneficial to increase knee flexion? A. anterior glide of the tibia B. superior glide of the patella C. dorsal glide of the tibia D. anterior glide of the fibular head


A 16 year-old high school track participant returns to physical therapy after seeing his physician. The physician informs the patient that magnetic resonance imaging has shown a significant tear in the medial meniscus of the left knee. As you look back on your initial evaluation, which of the following special tests would you expect to have been positive? A. Lachman B. pivot shift C. McMurray D. apprehension


Injury to the lateral cord of the brachial plexus would most likely involve damage to the A. musculocutaneous B. axillary C. radial D. ulnar


After evaluating the respiratory status of a C6 spinal cord injured patient, which of the following clinical findings would you expect to be true? A. partial innervation of the diaphragm B. full epigastric rise in supine C. a ventilator is required for assisted breathing D. normal ventilatory reserve


Which of the following types of current has the lowest total average current? A. low volt B. high volt C. Russian D. interferential


A 50 year-old male resides alone and is an elementary school teacher. At the conclusion of eight weeks of rehabilitation for a recent CVA, the patient has good strength in the lower extremity except trace to poor strength in the right ankle joint. The patient’s sensation is severely impaired for deep pressure, light touch, and sharp stimuli. The patient has severe fluctuating edema at the ankle. The most appropriate orthosis for this patient is A. metal upright ankle-foot orthosis B. polypropylene solid ankle-foot orthosis C. prefabricated posterior leaf orthosis D. metal upright knee-ankle foot orthosis


Which of the following symptoms is not indicative of chronic bronchitis? A. long term irritation of the trachea and bronchi B. increased mucus production C. decreased vital capacity D. often a result of an allergic reaction


A patient with a left above knee amputation is gait training. You note that the patient vaults with left swing phase and occasionally circumducts the involved leg. What is the most likely cause of this gait deviation? A. the prosthesis is too short B. the prosthesis is too long C. weak plantarflexors on the right D. there is decreased toe-out on the left



Practice Questions


Which activity would most likely not occur prior to nine months assuming normal development? A. rolling from prone to supine B. sitting independently C. cruising D. creeping


A developmental evaluation has been completed on an eight month-old infant. Findings from the evaluation include: the patient brings hands to mouth, requires assistance for ring sitting, presents with slight head lag in sitting, and does not reach across midline for objects. This child appears A. appropriate with normal development B. developmentally delayed C. developmentally accelerated D. to present with cerebral palsy


A patient is limited to 55 degrees in passive straight leg raise testing. To improve the patient’s range of motion, a therapist should apply the hold relax technique to the A. abductors and hip flexors B. hamstrings and hip extensors C. quadriceps and hip flexors D. adductors and hip extensors


A 47 year-old male is using a straight cane during gait activities. The patient is four weeks status post left total hip replacement and is full weight bearing on the left. As he begins to make a 180 degree turn, the most important reminder is A. you should turn away from the affected side B. you should turn towards the affected side C. it does not matter which way you pivot if you are full weight bearing D. keep the cane in front of you


A degenerative process beginning with irritation and fragmentation of the hyaline cartilage on the patella is termed A. Osgood-Schlatter disease B. retropatellar syndrome C. chondromalacia patella D. plica syndrome


a sensory evaluation reveals light touch impairment to the anterolateral thigh, lateral calf, and sole of the foot. The corresponding dermatomes should be recorded as A. L2, L4, S3 B. L1, L3, L5 C. L2, L5, S1 D. L3, L5, S1


Facilitation of muscle tone is performed through all of the following EXCEPT A. approximation B. prolonged stretching C. vibration D. icing


A treatment program is designed to include late morning sessions involving aggressive stretching, moderate exercise, energy conservation and stress management techniques. This program would be most appropriate for which diagnosis? A. Guillain-Barre syndrome B. myasthenia gravis C. Osgood-Schlatter disease D. multiple sclerosis


Practice Questions



In an above knee prosthesis the majority of the body’s weight is absorbed by the A. posterior wall B. anterior wall C. lateral wall D. medial wall


A physical therapist evaluates a patient diagnosed with acromioclavicular joint dysfunction. The therapist instructs the patient to abduct their arm in a coronal plane to 180 degrees. Which portion of the range of motion would you most expect to elicit pain in the acromioclavicular joint? A. 30-70 degrees B. 50-90 degrees C. 90-120 degrees D. 120-180 degrees


Which illness is characterized by bronchial hyperirritability that is triggered by a number of stimuli, resulting in narrowing of the air passages? A. asthma B. pneumonia C. bronchitis D. pleurisy


Clinical uses of functional electrical stimulation include all of the following EXCEPT A. to promote normal shoulder alignment in the hemiparetic patient B. to assist a stroke patient with dorsiflexion during gait activities C. to provide neuromuscular reeducation for an orthopedic patient recovering from surgery D. to increase active range of motion in patients with central nervous system lesions


Physical activity has been hypothesized to decrease the occurrence and severity of coronary heart disease. Which of the following does not occur as a result of a regular training program? A. an increase in coronary collateral vascularization B. an increase in serum lipid levels C. an increase in red blood cell mass and blood volume D. an increase in myocardial efficiency


During an evaluation of a neurological patient you note that the patient is able to understand instructions and conversation but cannot verbalize. The best way to describe this condition is A. global aphasia B. receptive aphasia C. expressive aphasia D. agraphia


If a muscle crosses over more than one joint and it moves both of the joints at the same time, it will shorten to a point where it cannot move either of the joints through the full range of motion. This definition describes which term? A. contracture B. substitution C. passive insufficiency D. active insufficiency


A therapist works on bed mobility exercises with a patient recently diagnosed with cancer. The patient is...

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