Globalization and the Organizational Staffing Process -week 1 PDF

Title Globalization and the Organizational Staffing Process -week 1
Author Carrol Spool
Course Human Resource Capital
Institution Colorado State University - Global Campus
Pages 11
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This is a paper on globalization and organizational staffing. It highlights how globalization has changed the way human resource professionals recruit. It also highlights the process needed to staff an organization....



Globalization and the Organizational Staffing Process Carrol Spool HRM540 Maximizing Human Capital Colorado State University-Global Dr. Jason Stratman June 13, 2021


GLOBALIZATION AND ORGANIZATIONAL2 Globalization and the Organizational Staffing Process Obtaining qualified candidates from abroad has its merits. Organizations can expand their talent pool by looking abroad. They can also bring knowledge of industries, operational processes, and business practices occurring outside the U.S. In addition, they can provide a fresh perspective and increase diversity within the organization (Koehl, 2019). However, the staffing process can be more challenging when searching for candidates abroad. Human resource (HR) personnel are challenged to control, coordinate foreign subsidiaries, and adapt to the local environment. In addition, a countries cultural practices can also make finding qualified candidates difficult. This paper will present various implications of staffing in a global environment. It will also present challenges HR can experience during the four primary steps of organizational staffing, which are workforce planning, job analysis, documentation, sourcing and recruiting, and selection and assessment. Staffing in a Global Environment Regardless of the obstacles that are in place, human resources are the face of the company. They are the individuals the candidate will have the most interaction with before accepting an offer, during orientation, onboarding, and through their career development. What is most important to ensure the candidate's experience leads to employment with the company is having capable human resource personnel. As technology advances, the idea of working abroad becomes achievable. Today's human resource personnel have to be strategic when developing recruiting programs that would allow them to acquire top candidates. In addition, they have to expand their labor pool domestically and internationally. According to Karr (2016), there are five trends that human resource professionals should be aware of and utilize. One is to prioritize the

GLOBALIZATION AND ORGANIZATIONAL3 candidate experience, data, and analytics, shifting workforce work styles, changing how people find jobs, and lastly, leveraging technology-enabled recruiting. Workforce Planning Workforce planning is when an organization analyzes its current staffing and plans to accommodate future staffing needs. It is the consideration of the following four business needs. The quality and quantity of workers the organization will need to support the anticipated growth of the organization. Identifying and recommending strategies to eliminate the gaps of the present labor force to the future model needed for the organization's success. Plans to train current and future employees on the growth requirements the organization will need for future growth. Lastly, determining the skill level required from outside candidates and or the processes that may need to be outsourced ( Three challenges human resources face with workforce planning are deploying candidates with the right skills and qualifications to the geographical area in need, providing global organizations with the knowledge and processes throughout the organization's geographical footprint. Lastly, determining which employees in the organization with the skillset and flexibility to relocate abroad to fulfill job postings abroad ( Roberts, Kossek & Ozeki, 1998). The recruiter has to keep in mind when recruiting global candidates that communication is not a one size fit. According to a piece in the Harvard Business Review by Erin Meyer (2015), people from different countries build trust differently. In the United States, trust in a professional situation is attained cognitively. Meyer explains that cognitive trust is task-based. It comes from the brain and is built on the co-worker's accomplishments, skills and abilities. In China and Qatar, in a professional setting, trust is built

GLOBALIZATION AND ORGANIZATIONAL4 effectively. Affective trust is coming from the heart and is based on established relationships. It comes from an individual's feelings of closeness fostered through interaction between coworkers throughout the day, over lunch and breaks. In some countries, a person’s tone can be seen as rude. To tell a candidate no in Mexico is considered rude when an individual disagrees with them. If an individual says no to a request in some southeastern Asia, that action would be seen as rude. Instead, phrases like " I will try" are used. Job Analysis and Documentation Job analysis is the process in which a company collects the knowledge, skill, and experience needed for the various jobs within the organization. It is considered the anatomy of a job, including its duties, responsibilities involving the performance, and conditions in which the task is carried out. It is the observance of the tasks that encompass the job and the methods and equipment used, and the skills and aptitude required to perform the task. Job analysis tends to get confused with job evaluation. Job evaluation is the process of comparing one job to other jobs within the organization ( Companies could use the job analysis data for workforce planning, performance management, recruiting, succession planning, training, development, evaluating compensation, and risk management. There are several methods an organization can conduct a job analysis, such as an open-ended questionnaire, highly structured questionnaire, interview, observation, work diary or log, and behavioral event interview. Open-ended and Highly Structured Questionnaire Open-ended questions are comparable to answering an essay. They do not promote a yes or no answer (Hyman & Sierra, 2016). Human resource professionals may provide managers with a survey to fill out the knowledge skills and abilities (KSA) for a specific job. From there,

GLOBALIZATION AND ORGANIZATIONAL5 HR will collect the answers and distribute a statement of job requirements. Interviewers can use this data to help determine the appropriate questions to ask during an interview. Hyman & Sierra (2016) posits that this method will provide an organization the insight on how the individual's ability to communicate. The answers required from the candidate should provide great detail and highlight their critical thinking skills. Highly structured questionnaires require specific responses that provide a clear picture of the task's frequency. It is also determining the relevance of each task aiding in the successful completion of that task and the required skill needed. Highly structured questionnaires allow human resource personnel the data needed to define a job's task objectively (Hyman & Sierra, 2016). Culturally, these questionnaires could appear biased because the candidate's experiences and customs could be different from the hiring country. Some questions may be deemed inappropriate to ask even though they would be in the United States. Sourcing and Recruiting Sourcing is how organizations actively look for candidates through various contacts and media platforms for current and future job postings. The purpose of sourcing is to collect data on potential candidates, like name, job title, and job responsibilities. It is used to find active and passive job seekers ( Sourcing is considered the talent side of the recruiting process. It is the method to encourage candidates to apply for a job posting. Sourcing would not usually result in actual communication between HR and the candidate. Sourcing is like the introduction to the company for the potential candidate. It is the opportunity to network on behalf of the organization (Miller, 2019). Although job boards are the first choice of most job seekers, using social media to recruit and find jobs are significantly increasing. According to a survey of five hundred workers hired within the last six

GLOBALIZATION AND ORGANIZATIONAL6 months, fifteen percent of them stated they found their job on social media. For example, Facebook currently offers job posting on its site. In addition, social media allows organizations a larger labor pool to hire from (Hroncich, 2019). According to Miller (2016), recruiting would encompass the entire hiring process. Recruiters handle the tracking of applications, interviewing, hiring, and onboarding. With the current state of employment, organizations have increased their focus on sourcing. Although the human need is similar across the globe, candidates of different cultures have varying expectations and values (Petrone, 2015). Therefore, HR professionals have to be creative and cognizant of the cultures in the organization's markets. It is a vital aspect of the recruiting process that could determine if a candidate chooses the organization. Selection and Assessment In 2008 a survey conducted by Accenture indicated that the concern managers had concerning not having the ability to attract the best talent or retain what they currently had risen sixty percent from 2006 (Simms, 2008). Unfortunately, organizations do not utilize the initial assessment data after the candidate is hired. This data would vital to an individual's future career plans within the company. Alternatively, the data could provide pertinent information when an organization needs to fill a job posting internally before posting externally. In order to limit the amount of bias, online assessment tools should be used when assessing candidates. It allows an organization to compare candidates objectively. On LinkedIn, organizations can assess applicants as soon as they submit their applications online. It would be advantageous if an organization utilize multiple assessments during the hiring process. It will provide a good amount of data to determine whom an organization chooses for a job posting (Petrone, 2020).

GLOBALIZATION AND ORGANIZATIONAL7 Conclusion “ Human resources is not a thing we do. It is the thing that runs our business", Steve Wynn, CEO at Wynn Resorts Limited. Each step in the staffing process is vital to obtaining good candidates for an organization. Human resource professionals are challenged to maintain control abroad, coordinate foreign subsidiaries, and adapt to the local environment. A countries cultural practices can also make finding qualified candidates difficult. An individual's tone, mannerisms, and body language can be interpreted differently in different countries. It is essential that HR professionals aware of the cultural differences and customs when sourcing and recruiting globally. Recruiting and hiring good candidates from or abroad can take longer, putting pressure on the recruiting team and frustrating the hiring team. In order for an organization to overcome common recruitment challenges, its HR personnel needs to utilize reliable and effective recruitment methods. They should revisit past hiring methods that showed an increase in offer acceptance from suitable candidates, engage past and future candidates that showed interest in the company. They should also ensure their hiring teams are adequately trained on the latest applicant tracking systems and recruiting methods. Lastly, organizations need to ensure that HR personnel capitalizes on using social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to recruit potential candidates.

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