Gone are the days when mobile phones were consider PDF

Title Gone are the days when mobile phones were consider
Author Then KT
Course Civil Engineering
Institution Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
Pages 3
File Size 48 KB
File Type PDF
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Gone are the days when mobile phones were considered as luxury thing to have with. The growing competition in mobile manufacturers has lowered the prices of mobile phones to that extent that nowadays, buying a mobile phone is not a big deal. Just spend a few bucks and you are proud owner of a mobile phone. In today’s time, it’s very hard to find a person who does not own a mobile phone. The small gadget is a basic necessity of life. But why everyone tags the mobile phones as basic necessity of life? What is the importance of mobile phones in our lives? Here is the answer. Easy Way of Communication What the mobile phones are meant for? Yeah, you answered it right- for communication. So the first and foremost role that mobile phones play in our lives is that they provide us an easy and fast way of communication. Go wherever you want, whenever you want; your mobile phone will stay you connected with all. Got an important message for your friend/family member? Just send instant SMS or call straight away and make your important message reach the intended person in no time. Simple! Internet Access & Social Media The Internet is one of the biggest blessings to man by technology. One just cannot imagine the life without the Internet. Everyone likes/wants to stay connected with the Internet all the time. Thanks to the mobile phones that make it possible. The mobile phones let users enjoy the social media on the go. A major part of modern world is addicted to social networking sites. Mobile Phones let them be active in social media on the move. Mobile Phones Save Money Yes, they do. Just buy mid-range or high-end mobile phone, and ultimately, you become proud owner of many gadgets, the gadgets that are packed in the mobile phone. For example, by buying mobile phone, you don’t need to spend money on a home phone, you don’t need to buy any music or video player, you don’t need to buy radio etc. If the mobile phone is high-end, then you need not to buy gaming console and maybe a computer as well. Mobile Phones Ensure Safety The mobile phones provide us security. How? Well, to understand this better, just consider any situation in which you urgently need to contact fire brigade or police. What would you do in such case? The landlines are not available everywhere, but the mobile phones do. Just take your mobile phone out, dial the number and that’s it. Your one good step of buying mobile phone will prove as great money saver for you. Mobile Phones Helps in Business Got an important message for your client or employee? Pick up your mobile phone and communicate with the intended person straight away. Since businesses require constant communication, so one just can’t imagine any business without the use of mobile phones. And with all those new smart phones available in market these days, a businessman can organize the schedule and set reminders, so he does not forget any important meeting. Mobile phones come packed with lot of business apps which makes their life easier. Thus mobile phones are like a boon for businesses. So, folks! These are the main benefits of having mobile phones in our life.

Positives of cell phones Communication The very first positive point of mobile phones is communication. With mobile phones you can communicate with anyone from anywhere at any time. Now days, the smartphones which are coming are small in size and light in weight which makes it very easy to carry them. You don’t need to sit beside the receiver as your mobile phone is not attached with anything. Also read: Positive and negative impact of TV Entertainment Mobile phones have become a source of unlimited entertainment. The things which we never thought would be present in a mobile phone are now possible. Smartphones have come into existence which not only help you in making calls but also help you to stay entertained by allowing you to play games, listen to music and do lots of other stuff. Mobile phone even come with special apps for kids to increase their brainstorming which is pretty good. Beneficial in studies If you are using a smartphone, you can take advantage of it in your studies or your business. The smartphones which come with Android, Apple iOS and Windows Phone operating system come with educational apps which can be used while you are in college. If you are into business you can install applications like Skype which will help you in communicating with your clients on the go. Negative impact of cell phones Let’s have a look at negative impact of cell phones. Bad impact on studies It is true that mobile phones can help students in studies but only if they use them wisely. Most of the students become additive to mobile phones and are found playing games, chatting with their friends and watching movies and other stuff. If students are busy keeping their eyes on their mobile phones at all times they won’t get time for studying which would lead to poor grades. Heath issues and accidents Mobile phones lead to a lot of accidents. A lot of people do their daily work, drive while taking on mobile phones. There is high risk of accident if you are talking on the mobile phone and driving as you are giving your half attention to the mobile call and are having half attention on the road. Research studies have also claimed that mobile phones have a negative impact on health of an individual. If you are using mobile phone for long hours daily it might lead to serious health issues. Conclusion These were the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones. In the end, it all depends on our usage. Cell phones are the most personal device to us and we

should make an optimal use of them. What are your views regarding the same? Share it with us using the comments section below. Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. Mobile phones play an important role in our daily lives. But why are they so popular? Almost everyone owns a mobile phone nowadays as they think that it is an essential tool. People without a mobile phone are thought of as eccentric. There must be reasons why we have become so dependent on mobile phones. Firstly, they are portable. Therefore, it is convenient for us to carry mobile phones and keep in contact with others at any time. We use them very often. For example, when we are outdoors, where there are no telephones, we can use our handy mobile phone. Secondly, mobile phones enable us to call for help during times of emergency. For instance, if you are involved in an accident or if you witness a crime taking place, you can call the police immediately using your mobile phone. There have been some cases in which the police made use of the victims' cell phones' networks to locate the kidnappers. Some people feel uncomfortable or handicapped without their mobiles as they have become a necessity in our daily lives. This is mainly due to the convenience of mobiles and their varied functions such as MP3 players, radios and games. Mobiles are not only a great time-saving device, but they are a source of entertainment too. On the other hand, there are disadvantages of using mobile phones, too. Although mobile phones are convenient, they can belost easily since they are quite small. Talking on mobile phones can also be expensive because we need to pay high roaming costs when we are overseas. In addition, mobiles are believed by some people to give out radioactive waves and some scientists believe that this radioactivity can cause brain tumors or damage our ears. There is still no solid evidence to prove that mobile phones are safe to use. Another problem is that people can easily become addicted to mobile phones since they are now multi-purposed with different functions. The convenience of mobile phones can also cause a lot of problems such as cheating in tests as it is now easy for students to access the Internet at any time. People start to abuse mobile phones. This may affect the students at school as they may play games and send messages during lessons. Also, there are some places where there is no signal for the mobile phones so you can only make emergency calls, which is sometimes very inconvenient. In conclusion, I think that mobile phones are indispensable tools that we cannot live without, but we should avoid abusing them. Therefore, we should think carefully about the advantages and drawbacks before purchasing a mobile phone, and ask ourselves why we need a mobile phone and whether we will be able to use it responsibly....

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