Gore:Horror Genre - Casper notes PDF

Title Gore:Horror Genre - Casper notes
Course First-Year Composition
Institution University of Arizona
Pages 1
File Size 33.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Casper notes...


Gore     

Esthetic depictions of violence Passion plays Marquis de Sade- violent pornography- 120 days of Sodom (nothing but torture) Plato- fantasy- escape, look at surfaces, don’t have ethics Aristotle- Catharsis- art that deals with troubling events is a way for people to ventmake ppl less likely to kill people/ get out aggression  Psychological- affects us on deep level/ not knowable or explainable  Unconscious mind- dream logic and free association/ associate things unconscious that you wouldn’t match up consciously  Vietnam- mediated- communicated through media forms/ psy less intense/ less real  Mason family  1970s- the new Hollywood- directors having full control >exploitation >porn/ more hardcore and graphic and socially acceptable >porno chique area  rape revenge movies- cut off penis a lot  reviewers (1990)  Cristicism  Fandom  Video Nasties (UK) – horror movies that were banned in UK bc so violent and horrific  Faces of Death- troubles distinction between art and entertainment Horror Films  Margret Thatcher (ism)- 70s  Ronald Reagan era- 80s  Cause and effect theory- movies effect on children  Mass hysteria- dungons and dragons- commonly held beliefs that are not true  Satanic panic- common belief that worldwide network of Satanists  1980s- afraid of youth and new form of media- new culture of extreme shock that wasn’t in culture before...

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