GOVT Syllabus. 2 PDF

Title GOVT Syllabus. 2
Author Yin Deng
Course Tx & Local Gov
Institution Austin Community College District
Pages 9
File Size 166.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 91
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Professor Chapa

GOVT 2306 SYLLABUS Texas and Local Government Spring 2020 Page | 1

Course is 100% online. No on campus activities required. Tests can be completed online using a personal computer. This course requires the use of LockDown Browser and a webcam for online exams. This class uses the EBook and Mindtap activites from Cengage, which was included in the cost of your tuition. Professor Yolanda Chapa [email protected] Office: HYS 1238 Phone: 512 262 6612 Office Hours: Tues/TH 12 pm – 1:20 pm; 4:30pm – 6:00 pm; via email or by appointment. You may contact me by email anytime. I will try to respond within 24 – 48 hours. Course Description This course is an introduction to Texas state and local government. The course includes an introduction to a framework for analyzing Texas government and politics, the constitutional basis for Texas government and politics, the processes of Texas government and politics, the institutions of Texas government and politics, and the policies of Texas government and politics. Textbook: Practicing Texas Politics; 17th Edition with Mindtap ISBN: 978 0 357262580 This class uses MindTap from Cengage, which was included in the cost of your tuition. In addition to your already purchased course, you have a 14-day free trial of Cengage Unlimited—which gives you unlimited access to digital study tools, online textbooks and more across a variety of courses and subject areas. If you opt out, you can purchase

older editions of required textbook without Mindtap.

Competencies Students will need good reading, writing, critical thinking, and study skills to succeed in this course. Students will be expected to read and learn from textbook,

Professor Chapa

complete out-of-class assignments, navigate the Web in a search for information, write essays on exams, and, depending on the instructor, submit research papers or book reviews or policy analyses or other such work. Students will be expected to follow grammar and spelling rules in all elements of the course, as well as observe Page | 2 MLA or Turabian or some other accepted citation style in completing researchbased course work. Although students will be provided with test dates and general learning outcomes, they will be expected to attend class, learn from lectures, and study information in detail to prepare for the tests. Recommended Course Prerequisite Because this is a sophomore level course the government department strongly recommends that students complete ENGL 1301 or the equivalent with a grade of C or higher prior to enrolling in GOVT 2305 or GOVT 2306.

Course Rationale The Texas Education Code (51.301) mandates that "every college and university receiving state support or state aid from public funds shall give a course of instruction in government or political science that includes consideration of the Constitution of the United States and the constitutions of the states, with special emphasis on that of Texas. This course shall have a credit value of not less than six semester hours or its equivalent." Therefore, the Government Department of Austin Community College has established the following goals:  To provide six semester hours of instruction in politics and government that acquaint students with the basic concepts used in studying politics and government and that meet the requirements of the Texas Education Code for every student receiving a degree from a state-supported college or university in Texas.  To offer an Associate of Arts degree in Government and provide all Government majors with an educational foundation that will allow them to successfully pursue a baccalaureate degree in government or political science at a four-year college or university. Common Course Objectives

Professor Chapa

Faculty in the Government Department offer course work that ensures that students learn, in both general and specific ways, the material included in the Department's general learning outcomes for GOVT 2306, listed below. Page | 3

 Constitutional Foundations: The student will understand the foundations, development, and features of the U.S. Constitution and the Texas Constitution.  Linkage Institutions: The student will understand how media, interest groups, and political parties serve as institutions to connect people to government.  Political Learning: The student will understand how political values, attitudes, and behaviors are learned, organized, and expressed.  Campaigns and Elections: The student will understand the operation of a political campaign, types of elections, and the factors that affect election outcomes.  Institutions of Government: The student will understand the structure, functions, and operations of the institutions of U.S., Texas and local governments.  Civil Liberties and Civil Rights: The student will understand how civil liberties and civil rights protect both the individual and categories of people. Grading System Methods and Criteria for Evaluation: Grade determination will be based on:     

Five exams: 60 % Mindtap Chapter Wrapup Quizzes 20% Written Assignment(s): 10% Current events/discussion posts : 10 % MAXIMUM GRADE: 100%

Extra Credit: You can earn up to 5 points added to final grade for additional Current event posts. You can access your exam grades via the My Grades tool on Blackboard. . *Instructor may vary the percent breakdown. Grading Scale: 90.100


Professor Chapa

80 - 89 =B 70 - 79 =C 60 -69 =D 59 or Less =F Page | 4

Instructional Methodology My instructional approach includes lectures, discussions, in class opportunities to analyze issues, view political clips or videos, written assignments utilizing the internet, media or publications that require summaries and analysis of the political topic; and assessments over chapter learning objectives (concepts). The primary objective is for students to learn and understand how government works and how they can become active citizens.

Course Requirements For course completion you will be required to:  Read Assigned Chapters  Complete Mindtap Practice Activities  Submit written assignment(s)  Post current events  Take 4 regular exams  Take final exam Please note the course breakdown above for the weight of each element. Exams (60 %): All exams will be online and can be taken from a personal computer using the lockdown browser and camera. You will be responsible for completing all exams. The grading/distribution is noted above. The tests may be comprised of either multiple choice, true or false, short essay, or a combination of the two (I reserve the right to choose the format). The lowest grade on one of the regular exams will be dropped. Final exam is required and must be completed.

Written Assignment(s) (10%) –

Professor Chapa

1. Submit a minimum of 3 pages- maximum 6 pages, double-spaced paper based on the topic(s) provided. Grade will be based on the quality of research, facts provided; resources used and commentary/opinion based on your political analysis. The objective of the assignment is to: 1.) Help in testing your beliefs and assumptions and determine your position on major political issues; 2.) To Page | 5 assist in the process of acquiring informed political values and opinions. (10 pts) Complete Mindtap Activities (20%) - After reading the chapter and completing all activities the chapter module take the chapter wrap up quiz.

Current Political Events (10%) 2. Share a current event from a news source by posting on the discussion link. Research the info and the facts. Tell us about the event and why in your opinion you think this information is important to the public based on facts and researched info. Post a minimum of 5 posts with a minimum of 150 words. Minimum of one post per month. (10 pts) 3. You can earn up to 5 extra points for additional current event posts.

Make-up and/or retest policy: Make up exams will be allowed only if you have mitigating circumstances. You must contact the instructor immediately to arrange a make- up day. There are no Retests on exams.

Black Board: A Learning Management System used by ACC. I utilize the system to post the syllabus, calendar with due dates, lectures, test reviews, grades, assignments, announcements and other course related info. You are expected to log in using your ACCID and password. This is an important tool to use for success in the courses. If you need assistance navigating or accessing it, please contact me ASAP. Be sure to complete the Blackboard online orientation. Course Policies Incomplete Grade Policy: The instructor reserves the right to award a grade of I (Incomplete). The student must have mitigating circumstances and consult with

Professor Chapa

the instructor. A student must have completed at least 75 percent of the coursework.

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Course Withdrawals The instructor will not drop you from your class. Students who are unable to complete a course, for whatever reason, must submit an official withdrawal request form to Admissions and Records before the withdrawal deadlines published in the academic calendar (Final Withdrawal Date: April 27, 2020 ). Discontinuance of class participation or notice to the instructor does not constitute authorized withdrawal. Students who fail to officially withdraw from a course are at risk of receiving a grade of F for the course. Withdrawal courses appear on the student’s record with a grade of W. Note: Withdrawing from a course may affect financial aid, veterans’ benefits, international student status, or academic standing. Students are urged to consult with their instructor or an advisor or counselor before making schedule changes. The last address of the student as recorded in the student’s permanent file. Note: You may use the online system to withdraw from class. Procedures to Resolve Grade Disputes All course grades are awarded by the instructor of record. At the beginning of the course, your instructor will inform you of course requirements and grading policies. Your instructor shall exercise professional judgment in the application of those policies and the awarding of grades. All grades are final except in the case of college error. Scholastic Dishonesty: Acts prohibited by the College for which discipline may be administered includes scholastic dishonesty. Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating on an exam or quiz, plagiarism (using another author's

Professor Chapa

words or arguments without attribution), and collusion (the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work for fulfillment of any course requirement). Page | 7 Academic work submitted by students shall be the result of their thought, research,

or self-expression. Academic work is defined as, but not limited to, tests, quizzes (whether taken electronically or on paper), projects (either individual or group), classroom presentations, papers, and homework.

If a student commits any of the above actions, the instructor will seek disciplinary action in the form of an academic penalty (which will include a zero on the academic work in question and may include a course grade of 'F'). Such disciplinary action will be at the discretion of the instructor following College procedures outlined in the Student Handbook. Academic Freedom: Each student is strongly encouraged to participate in class discussions. In any classroom situation that includes discussion and critical thinking, particularly about political ideas, there are bound to be many differing viewpoints. Students may not only disagree with each other at times, but the students and instructor may also find that they have disparate views on sensitive and volatile topics. It is the instructor's hope that these differences will enhance class discussion and create an atmosphere where students and instructor alike will be encouraged to think and learn from each other. Therefore, be assured that the students' grades will not be adversely affected by any beliefs or ideas expressed in class or in assignments. Rather, we will all respect the views of others when expressed in classroom discussions. Student Accessibility Services: Each ACC campus offers support services for students with documented physical or psychological disabilities. Students with disabilities must request reasonable accommodations through the Student Accessibility Services Office on the campus where they expect to take the majority of their classes. Students are encouraged to do this three weeks before the start of the semester." STUDENT DISCIPLINE POLICY (Classroom NeSutiquette): Every student is expected to obey federal laws, state laws, local laws, and college regulations. The student is expected to familiarize himself/herself with the requirements of such laws and/or college regulations. Any student who violates any provision of those

Professor Chapa

laws and/or college regulations is subject to disciplinary action, including expulsion, notwithstanding any action taken by civil authorities on account of the violation. Austin Community College reaffirms to each student the privilege of exercising his/her rights of citizenship under the Constitution of the United States. Page | 8 Special care is taken to assure due process and to spell out defined routes of appeal when a student feels his/her rights have been violated. Refer to ACC Student Handbook. Proper netiquette must be followed at all times. Campus Carry Law ACC's Campus Carry Policy ensures compliance with Section 411.2031 of the Texas Government Code (also known as Campus Carry law), while maintaining ACC's commitment to provide a safe environment for its students, faculty, staff, and visitors. As a public community college, ACC is required by law to implement the campus carry legislation, Texas Senate Bill 11 (SB 11), allowing Licensed to Carry (LTC) holders to carry a concealed handgun on public college campuses. Per the law, the college's policy took effect August 1, 2017. Disclaimer: Every attempt has been made to make the contents of this syllabus informative and accurate. Content of the syllabus is subject to revision and change. 1/22/2020

Professor Chapa

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