Graded Quiz Unit 6 that will help PDF

Title Graded Quiz Unit 6 that will help
Course Introduction to Sociology
Institution University of the People
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Graded Quiz 6 that will help you with your assignment. Review to learn. Good luck...


3/13/22, 1:50 PM

Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review

Dashboard / My courses / SOC 1502-01 - AY2022-T3 / 3 March - 9 March / Graded Quiz Unit 6

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Thursday, 3 March 2022, 2:15 PM

State Finished Thursday, 3 March 2022, 2:51 PM

Completed on Time taken Marks

36 mins 22 secs 35.00/35.00

Grade 100.00 out of 100.00 Question


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Immanuel Wallerstein's classification of nations uses which set of terms?

Select one: a.

super powers, allies of super powers, enemies of super powers

b. primary nation, secondary nation, tertiary nation c.

first world, second world, third world

d. core nation, peripheral nation, semi-peripheral nation

The correct answer is: core nation, peripheral nation, semi-peripheral nation



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You are interested, like Durkheim, in how ordinary objects become sacred. Which theoretical approach will help you most in analyzing the data you collect?

Select one: a.

Structural functionalism

b. Conflict theory c.

Symbolic interactionism

d. Feminism

The correct answer is: Symbolic interactionism


3/13/22, 1:50 PM Question

Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

When a sociologist says that she used a cohort study to gather and analyze her data, what does she mean?

Select one: a.

She took a large number of subjects and collected a large amount of data which she broke down into measurable and consistent groups as a way to make the facts clearer to her audience.

b. She grouped data in a way that made sense to her so that she didn't have to spend a lot of time plotting tiny dots on a line graph. c.

She only took data for her paper from a cross-section of the population and plotted her charts with this information.

d. She only studied people in the military to gauge their overall familial health and exuberance.

The correct answer is: She took a large number of subjects and collected a large amount of data which she broke down into measurable and consistent groups as a way to make the facts clearer to her audience.



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following best defines the term "globalization?"

Select one: a.

The process of removing manufacturing and industrial sites from foreign countries and returning them to the host country.

b. When products are assembled over the course of several international transactions. c.

Long periods of recession followed by sharp economic upturn worldwide.

d. The process of integrating governments, cultures, and financial markets through international trade into a single world market.

The correct answer is: The process of integrating governments, cultures, and financial markets through international trade into a single world market.


3/13/22, 1:50 PM Question

Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Jenny is given a doll for 2nd birthday, while her brother, Tyrone, is given a fire truck. This is an example of gender:

Select one: a.


b. Indifference c.


d. Stratification

The correct answer is: Socialization



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which position describes Karl Marx's view of religion and society?

Select one: a.

Religion was the key to uniting the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat.

b. Religion simply kept the Proletariat in their low social class. c.

Religion inspired the Proletariat to work harder while under the rule of the Bourgeoisie.

d. Religion was something only the Bourgeoisie had time to contemplate.

The correct answer is: Religion simply kept the Proletariat in their low social class.


3/13/22, 1:50 PM Question

Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following is an example of racial steering?

Select one: a.

Real estate agents directing white clients to look for housing in certain neighborhoods, and non-white clients to others.

b. The Trail of Tears, when the United States government forced Native Americans to permanently leave their homes and territory. c.

Kiki being told she'll be bad at math because she is a girl.

d. Jose's parents not allowing him to date Martha because she is of a different race.

The correct answer is: Real estate agents directing white clients to look for housing in certain neighborhoods, and non-white clients to others.



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What is the Kinsey Scale?

Select one: a.

A six-point rating system that ranges from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual orientation.

b. An in-depth guide to measure whether a loved one is homosexual or heterosexual. c.

An instructional manual explaining acceptable homosexual, heterosexual, and bisexual behavior.

d. A religious test which classifies a person's ability to live as a heterosexual.

The correct answer is: A six-point rating system that ranges from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual orientation.


3/13/22, 1:50 PM Question

Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Chase grew up wanting to wear his sister's dresses over his brother's pants and button up shirts. When Chase turns 18, he decides to begin living as woman, though he's still only sexually attracted to women. He decides he doesn't want to undergo surgery. Chase is:

Select one: a.


b. Bisexual c.


d. Homophobic

The correct answer is: Transgender



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The term "segregation" is defined in the text as:

Select one: a.

The process by which a minority individual or group takes on the characteristics of the dominant culture.

b. The deliberate annihilation of a targeted, usually subordinate, group. c.

The integration of diverse cultural concepts into a public school curriculum.

d. The physical separation of two groups, particularly in residence, but also in workplace and social functions.

The correct answer is: The physical separation of two groups, particularly in residence, but also in workplace and social functions.


3/13/22, 1:50 PM Question

Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following is NOT a manifest function of education?

Select one: a.


b. Social control c.

Social placement

d. Social networks

The correct answer is: Social networks



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which trend has the World Bank seen in its study of poverty in low-income nations?

Select one: a.

Equal numbers of men and women live in poverty.

b. More men live in poverty than women. c.

More women live in poverty than men.

d. Children can avoid living in poverty if they live with their fathers.

The correct answer is: More women live in poverty than men.


3/13/22, 1:50 PM Question

Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A sociologist studying how religious beliefs become so deeply rooted in people that they can hate people of other religions probably is:

Select one: a.

A structural functionalist

b. A conflict theorist c.

A symbolic interactionist

d. A feminist

The correct answer is: A conflict theorist



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The term "technological diffusion" is defined as:

Select one: a.

The spread of technology across borders.

b. The global lack of access to online media. c.

A form of constant monitoring in which the observation posts are decentralized and the observed is never communicated with directly.

d. The breakdown of communication between technological innovators and the general public.

The correct answer is: The spread of technology across borders.


3/13/22, 1:50 PM Question

Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which statement would you find in the analysis of poverty by Neckerman and Torche?

Select one: a.

People will take advantage of social welfare programs if you do not watch them carefully.

b. People live in poverty because they are lazy and lack meaningful work. c.

Once poverty has entered an geographic location, it is very difficult to get rid of.

d. People living in poverty enjoy living in poverty.

The correct answer is: Once poverty has entered an geographic location, it is very difficult to get rid of.



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which number does the World Bank use to determine the status and classification of each nation?

Select one: a.

Gross National Income

b. Gross Domestic Product c.

Purchasing Power Parity

d. Organization for Economic and Cooperative Development data

The correct answer is: Gross National Income


3/13/22, 1:50 PM Question

Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

To make students more competitive in the work force and for graduate school, college professors are beginning to lower the standard for student grades (i.e. what was once considered a B, is now considered an A). This is known as:

Select one: a.

GPA debt

b. Systematic grading c.

Academic bribing

d. Grade inflation

The correct answer is: Grade inflation



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Terrence and his family own a farm in a remote region of Chile. They farm only enough to produce enough food to feed the family, and pay their taxes. What are Terrence and his family engaging in?

Select one: a.


b. Mercantilism c.

Capitalistic Farming

d. Subsistence Farming

The correct answer is: Subsistence Farming


3/13/22, 1:50 PM Question

Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The term "panoptic surveillance" is defined in the text as:

Select one: a.

A form of constant monitoring in which the observation posts are decentralized and the observed is never communicated  with directly

b. A network of neighborhood spies who go through local mailboxes and listen in on phone lines c.

When people are too overwhelmed with media input to really care about the issue, so their involvement becomes defined by awareness instead of by action about the issue at hand

d. An online invasion of spyware which track when controversial political beliefs are being expressed

The correct answer is: A form of constant monitoring in which the observation posts are decentralized and the observed is never communicated with directly



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Adolf Hitler blaming Germany's pre-war problems on the Jewish population is an example of:

Select one: a.

The scapegoat theory

b. The social construction of race c.

White privilege

d. Pluralism

The correct answer is: The scapegoat theory


3/13/22, 1:50 PM Question

Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The term "sexuality" is defined by the text as:

Select one: a.

An individual's sense of being either masculine or feminine.

b. The repressed sexual inclinations of society as a whole. c.

An individual's biological gender.

d. A person's capacity for sexual feelings.

The correct answer is: A person's capacity for sexual feelings.



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following is an example of convergence theory in action?

Select one: a.

Germany rebuilt its economy after World War II, creating more job opportunities and prosperity for its citizens.

b. Following the decline of the automotive industry, Detroit became a bankrupt city with large unemployment. c.

The suburbs of Paris became crime-infested after wealthier citizens moved into the city, pushing the lower classes out of their homes.

d. Washington DC has become a city to which many young people flock because of its low unemployment rate and job opportunities.

The correct answer is: Germany rebuilt its economy after World War II, creating more job opportunities and prosperity for its citizens.


3/13/22, 1:50 PM Question

Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which sociological perspective sees technology and media as a tool individuals use to express how much wealth they have?

Select one: a.


b. Cyberfeminist c.

Symbolic Interactionist

d. Conflict

The correct answer is: Symbolic Interactionist



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Some believe that religion is important because it adds meaning to people's lives and provides answers to difficult questions. A sociologist following which theory would agree with this statement?

Select one: a.

A structural functionalist

b. A conflict theorist c.

A symbolic interactionist

d. A feminist

The correct answer is: A structural functionalist


3/13/22, 1:50 PM Question

Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The term "discrimination" is defined in the text as:

Select one: a.

The theory that prejudice is embedded in our culture.

b. Biased thought based on flawed assumptions about a group of people. c.

An expression of dissatisfaction with the justice system.

d. Prejudiced action against a group of people.

The correct answer is: Prejudiced action against a group of people.



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The term "formal education" is defined by the text as:

Select one: a.

Learning about cultural values, norms, and expected behaviors through participation in a society.

b. The education one receives at a private school, parochial school, or private college. c.

An education that is accompanied by a tutor at all times.

d. The learning of academic facts and concepts.

The correct answer is: The learning of academic facts and concepts.


3/13/22, 1:50 PM Question

Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What is the relationship, if any, between people who cohabitate and then get married, and those people who wait to live together after they marry?

Select one: a.

Cohabitating, unmarried partners have a slightly higher divorce rate after they get married than those who don't cohabitate until after marriage.

b. Cohabitating, unmarried partners have a slightly lower divorce rate after they get married than those who don't cohabitate until after marriage. c.

Cohabitating, unmarried partners have the exact same divorce rate as the people who don't cohabitate until marriage.

d. It does not matter because divorce occurs when two people are incompatible and does not depend on how long people have lived with each other.

The correct answer is: Cohabitating, unmarried partners have a slightly higher divorce rate after they get married than those who don't cohabitate until after marriage.



Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

E-readiness can be defined as:

Select one: a.

the ability to sort through, interpret, and process digital knowledge.

b. the application of science to solve problems in daily life. c.

the virtual experience offered by leading educational institutions.

d. the electronic waste created by consumers.

The correct answer is: the ability to sort through, interpret, and process digital knowledge.


3/13/22, 1:50 PM Question

Graded Quiz Unit 6: Attempt review


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