Group and team dynamics- sport psychology PDF

Title Group and team dynamics- sport psychology
Author Katie Tompkins
Course Exercise and Sports Science
Institution Manchester Metropolitan University
Pages 2
File Size 63.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 78
Total Views 140


Basic information on team and group dynamics needed for year 1....


Sport Psychology- Group and Team Dynamics Groups and Teams: Carron and Hausenblas and Eys (2005): 1. Common fate 2. Mutual benefit 3. Social structure 4. Members influence and are influenced by others 5. Part of a group and feel members belong there Weinberg and Gould (2014):  LINEAR PERSPECTIVE: groups move through four phases: forming, storming, norming and performing (also adjourning- limited life span!)  CYCLICAL PERSPECTIVE: life cycle. Groups develop similar to humans.  PENDULAR PERSPECTIVE: shifts in personal relationships, during growth or development Group structure:  Role: behaviours set that are required of each person  Formal- structure of organisation  Informal- interactions between group members 3 aspects: 1. Role clarity 2. Role acceptance 3. Role conflict Group Norms:  Formal or informal  Matt (1965), 4 types: 1. PRESCRIBED: the behaviour appropriate for the group is required 2. PROSCRIBED: expectations not appropriate 3. PERMISSIVE: behaviour permitted, but not required 4. PREFERENCE: behaviour preferred, but not required

How do norms develop?  Team interactions: contact between team members  Reinforcement: majority of the team find it acceptable Individuals and Team Effectiveness: STEINER’s Theory of Group Productivity  Steiner (1972)  Groups actual productivity= potential productivity – process losses  Process losses: result from faulty coordination or not much motivation from team members  Potential productivity: relevant team resources they possess...

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