Topic 2 Sport psychology PDF

Title Topic 2 Sport psychology
Course Psychology
Institution Victorian Certificate of Education
Pages 5
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Sports psychology notes, covers all key dot-points and knowledge...


Topic 2: Sports psychology

Definition of Sports Psychology: What is sports psychology: - The study of the psychology of athletes in relation to performance Factors to consider: - Pressure from: friend, family, coach/team competition, fans, themselves - Expectations -

Superstituions/routines Visualisation Spiritual connection: prayer Exploit/enjoy the pressure

Roles of a sport psychologist: A sport psychologist usually works in the following areas: Research - The type of research method used depends on what is being investigated. For example, a sport psychologist may use a survey to investigate the use of imagery across a variety of sports Education - Educational workshops and seminars are conducted by sports psychologists to inform and educate. Sports participants and officials discover how a person’s physical, tactical, technical and psychological skills can be improved through the use of sport psychology techniques. Application - Sport psychologists can apply their knowledge to assist athletes in many different ways. Some of these include: ■ athlete assessments ■ individual consultations ■ team and group work. -

Athlete assessments are conducted by sports psychologists using a variety of methods, which include interviews, surveys, physical tests, videos and observation.

This enables the sport psychologist to understand the athlete’s strengths and weaknesses and identify areas for change and improvement using sport psychology techniques. Areas of specialisation: Sports psychology covers a wide range of psychological principles. Some areas of specialisation include: ■ performance enhancement through the development of mental skills (e.g. visual imagery) ■ arousal, stress management and relaxation (e.g. teaching athletes how to manage stress) ■ concentration and mental preparation (e.g. focus and flow) ■ motivation (e.g. teaching coaches how to motivate) ■ time management (e.g. teaching athletes how to balance school/work commitments with their training schedule) Where do sports psychologists work?: Sports psychologists may be employed or work in a wide variety of settings and organisations. They could work for: ■ private practice (e.g. on their own or with a group of other sports psychologists who specialise in different areas) ■ large corporations (e.g. in a department that looks after staff morale) ■ universities (e.g. education and research into sports psychology) ■ government departments – institutes of sport (e.g. Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra) ■ national and state sporting associations and their elite teams (e.g. Australian Cricket Team).

Topic 2 - Sports Psychology • Definition of Sports Psychology • Roles of a sports psychologist • Areas of specialisation • Where do sports psychologists work? Motivation • Definition of Motivation • Motivation types (with examples) Extrinsic Intrinsic o Tangible o Intangible • The Additive Principle Goal Setting • Definition of goal setting • Types of Goal Setting (with examples) Short Term goals Long term goals • Tips for setting goals o Achievable o Action oriented o Measurable o Time bound o Written down and displayed o Owned • Principles of Goal Setting o Step 1 - Goal selection o Step 2 - Commitment to action o Step 3 - Review regularly o Step 4 - rewards Self Confidence • What is self confidence • Levels of self confidence (with examples) 1. Low self confidence 2. High self confidence • How to improve self confidence. Cognitive techniques

role models body language and talk coping strategies social comparisons Arousal and Sporting performance • Definition of arousal • The difference between stress, anxiety and arousal • The human nervous system – (know the diagram on page 102) • Table 7.1 How does the Sympathetic Nervous system prepare us for action? (list the physiological changes in the body) How does the Parasympathetic Nervous system calm the body down? (list the physiological changes in the body) • What are the effects of prolonged arousal Physiological effects Psychological effects • Yerkes Dodson law • Optimum performance zone • Energising techniques to increase arousal • Relaxation techniques to decrease arousal (environmental, physical and mental) Mental Skills for peak performance • Imagery / visualisation • Focus • Flow • External and Internal distractions • The qualities of flow • Techniques to improve focus


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