Group Assignment MGT340 PDF

Title Group Assignment MGT340
Author Nur Farhana
Course Organizational Behaviour
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 10
File Size 205.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 132
Total Views 178














21th MAY 2021











Problem (current issue)











ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assalamualaikum and a very good day. First of all, we would like to thank Allah S.W.T and his messenger, Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. It is because of his blessing; it is possible for us to finish this assignment and final project semester at home during this pandemic. We had finally managed to finish up this group project with great enthusiasm and determination. All the time spent to search and discuss ideas as well as justifying from the article to drive the output were worth our effort and time. The success and final outcome of this assignment required a lot of guidance and assistance from many people and we extremely fortunate to have got this all along the completion of our assignment work. The purpose we writing this is to express our deepest appreciation to all those who provided us the possibility to complete this report. This task had been done with all afford our members even though a little bit problem happened among us while doing this assignment. Luckily, all the problems can be settled down and we were able to adapt property and wisely. Besides that, we would like to express the deepest appreciation and special gratitude to our lecturer that we give to our beloved Human Resources lecturer, Sir Mohd Firdaus Bin Abdul Malek, whose contribute in stimulating suggestions and encouragement that helped us to coordinate our project especially in writing this report. Without his guidance and persistent help this report would not have been possible. We were grateful to all of those with whom we have had the pleasure to work during this and related projects. Lastly, we are highly indebted toward our parents who are always gave a moral support, encouragement and prayed which help us in completion of this final project Lastly, we would like to express our special gratitude and thanks to everyone for always stick together to give the best and good assignment such as attention and time with all work hard and responsibility. Hope that all the effort will give a lot of benefits to us and also to our group project. Million thank you we wish to all our classmate because they also help us in doing our group. We hope our assignment is complete and with the hope that our results will be worth on effort that we put into this project. Thank you very much all the members.

INTRODUCTION. A numeral of problematic issues which are common in human resource management and which are not evaluated elsewhere in this book will be addressed in this chapter. The topics chosen for emphasis, here are as follows, Disciplinary Action, Transfer of workers, Grievance procedures, dealing with absenteeism and Terminating an employee's contract of employment. These problems are related. Questions relating to transfer and promotion may become cause for a worker to file a grievance. A worker bypassed for promotion may need counselling. Workers who are frequently absent without permission should be counselled in an attempt to change their unproductive behavior. If counselling is not efficient, disciplinary action may be necessary. If employees are taking excessive sick leave, investigations may show that the root cause is stress and psychological strain as a result of poor management in the workplace. When these issues are not addressed adequately and fairly, productivity tends to be lower and turnover of employees becomes higher. Besides, one of the companies that uses the disciplinary and termination system is BoxPak (Malaysia) Berhad. This company has a Code of Conduct (the "Code") contains policies and guidelines relating to the standards and ethics that all employees are expected to adhere to in the course of their work. It is designed to maintain discipline and order in the workplace among employees of all levels. It also sets out the situation in which such employees would be deemed to have breached the Code and the actions that can be taken against them if they do so. The specific procedures for the application of the policies referred to in the Code will be spelled out in the Company's policies and procedures documents. This Company reserves the right to change, delete or augment any provision in this code as and when it deems necessary. Box-Pak (Malaysia) Berhad has definition that should apply unless otherwise expressly stated in the code. The following clarity should apply unless otherwise expressly stated in the Code. According to this company any confidential information pertaining to the firm, its business or any other matter which the company reasonably believes that the release of the information will be injurious to it or advantageous to trade its rivals, this company reasonably believes that the information is not already made public and the above two criteria are to be judged in the light of utilization and practice in the industry in question. Also, staff member as a person under the employment of the Firm including permanent, contract, internship, and temporary occupation. Where an employee is employed under a contract, the terms and conditions of his contract shall apply where they differ from the policies in this code.

PROBLEM (CURRENT ISSUES) OF BOX-PAK MALAYSIA IN DISCIPLINARY SYSTEM Every organization needs an employee disciplinary system which is fair and just. Without discipline, organization cannot achieve their goals. Progressive discipline is the process of using increasingly severe steps or measures when employee fails to correct a problem after being given reasonable opportunities to do so. The underlying principle of sound progressive is to use the least severe action that you believe is necessary to correct the undesirable situation. Box-Pak Malaysia company use this code of conduct ("Code") contains the relevant standards and ethics guidelines and policies that all employees must abide by in their work. It aims to ensure discipline and order in the workplace of employees. It also lists the circumstances under which such employees can be considered a violation of the Code, and the actions that may be taken if the Code is violated. The specific procedures on the application of the policies referred to in the Code will be spelled out in the Company's policies and procedures documents. The Company reserves the right to amend, delete or augment any provision in this code as and when it deems necessary. There have a few codes of conduct that used by Box-Pak Malaysia to ensure discipline among the employee in the workplace. Firstly, professional conduct. All employees must maintain and abide by the highest standards of professional conduct, be decent or always respect all aspects and must not take any actions or negligence that may harm the company under any circumstances. His property, reputation, or common interests. Employees should respect and tolerate cultures and religions other than their own at home and abroad, and act in accordance with recognized standards of conduct. Any form of abuse or coercion between employees, verbal or other physical abuse or sexual harassment. Secondly, attendance or punctuality. All employees are obliged to observe the working hours stipulated by the company specified in the collective agreement. If there is no certification body, the following regulations apply: a) If an employee cannot start work on time on a certain day, he must notify his immediate manager as soon as possible (in any case before 12 noon at the latest). b) Late attendance will be a record of the employee’s presence maintained by HRD. c)

If an employee is late for work more than three (3) times a month, the personnel department will send a warning letter. Next, all employees must be neatly dressed and neatly dressed in the workplace. Hope

they maintain a solemn appearance, and keep them tidy, beautiful, clean, and tidy. Workers

should wear appropriate uniforms in the workplace. During working hours, casual clothes, including T-shirts, sports shoes, sports shoes, and sandals are not allowed in the workplace during working hours. On Fridays, uniformed workers can wear elegant casual clothes. Lastly, alcohol and drug abuse. It is prohibited to carry, store, use, sell, buy or process prohibited substances on company premises. Employees should not go to work or perform duties under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any of the a forementioned substances. You should notify your supervisor or human resources manager in any way that may endanger your safety and/or the safety of other employees. The company may from time to time in its sole discretion require employees to conduct random checks on the use of illegal drugs and substances. The employee’s refusal to accept such review may assure that the company deems it necessary to take appropriate disciplinary action.

SOLUTIONS (CURRENT ISSUES) OF BOX-PAK MALAYSIA IN DISCPLINARY SYSTEM The current issues in Box-Pak are disciplinary system, and every organizations need a disciplinary system to make an organization works well and they achieve their goals in excellent way. Instead of they use the codes of conduct to ensure discipline among the employee in the workplace they can do so progressive discipline and disciplinary actions is the solutions for BoxPak. Progressive discipline is a method that can be used by managers to the workers who are not meeting the expected or not reached the research foundation (RF) job performance standards. The progressive discipline is to help workers to correct their problems and become more excellent in making job and instructions

Steps of Progressive Discipline The following terms are the information about the progressive discipline and it can be used by the workers. The manager should use reasonable judgment to decide what step or combination of steps, up to and including termination, should be used to address the problems.

Step 1: Verbal Counseling(s) A verbal counselling is deliberate to be used by a manager to notify an employee that an improvement is needed in the employee’s work performance and/or behavior. This step is generally used for minor problem. The manager should meet privately with the employee to discuss the problem. The manager should determine if the employee was aware of the issue and allow the employee to explain. As appropriate, the manager/supervisor should be prepared to guide the employee to use available external resources that may assist him/her in resolving the problems. The manager should maintain written documentation regarding the issue, date on which the is the problem occurred, and the corrective action requested. At the manager’s discretion and depending on the nature of the problem, a second verbal counseling may be given prior to giving a written warning.

Step 2: Written Warning(s) A written warning is generally the second step of progressive discipline. A written warning lay out notice to an employee regarding continued work performance issues and/or inappropriate

workplace behavior that have not been resolved after giving the employee a verbal counseling (e.g., the manager/supervisor has given an employee a verbal counseling about not calling when he/she will be arriving late to work and the employee has not taken corrective action to resolve the issue). The written warning should include information regarding the issue, date on which the issue occurred, and the desired performance and/or behavior expected from the employee.

Step 3: Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) A PIP is a formal written plan used by the manager as a final attempt to resolve a serious problem that has not been labelled by the employee after a verbal warning or written warning have been given. The PIP is given for a specified time period, usually 30, 60 or 90 days. A manager should use rational judgment to decide the length of a PIP.

Step 4: Termination of Employment Termination of employment can also occur when an employee, who is not on a PIP, is involved in a serious offense that warrants immediate termination (for example, an employee is caught stealing in the workplace). Refer to the RF procedure on Involuntary Termination of Employment Lastly, the motive of disciplinary action is to correct, not to penalize, work related behavior. Each employee is expected to maintain standards of performance and conduct as outlined by the immediate supervisor and to comply with applicable policies, procedures and laws. When an employee does not meet the expectations set by the supervisor or other appropriate authority, counseling and/or disciplinary action may be taken to address the employee’s behaviour.

CONCLUSION Discipline is the key to success, with self-discipline almost everything is possible. Discipline can be positively related to performance. It is the bridge between goals and accomplishments. The reason of discipline of employees to show how much important this attitude in work. employees need to have a disciplined attitude in order to produce a responsible nature in a job. discipline also needs to exist in an organization so that the organization in producing the best employees in all aspects. Therefore, every employee in the organization whether high level to lower level has to play their respective roles. such as managers need to show subordinates to be on time, perform tasks and matters related to employee discipline in the workplace. The purpose of discipline in the workplace is among others to ensure that all employees are treated equally and to put codes of conduct into place so that employees know what is expected of them. the work relationship between the employer and employee should function on the basis of trust and understanding to maintain discipline. The management must learn how to handle difficult discussions and employees, in a group as well as individually, should be involved and kept informed. however, the attitude of discipline in work can be nurtured since the school was established because in school there are parties responsible for producing a disciplined attitude in students, while in the place of study we have begun to be independent in all aspects so we need to practice to continue to be disciplined in terms of entry time work, completing assigned assignments and also notifications of absences. this encourages students and employees to be more responsible for the trust given. employees must be able to be disciplined because the work divided in accordance with the qualifications learned is not outside the qualifications and even some who are not qualified in terms of qualifications are able to maintain their attitude in the company. Finally, this discipline determines our future. If we do not have this discipline, how can we show good values to the public because the public will look askance because one of the employees does not practice discipline and can damage the company's reputation.


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