MGT340 Report PDF

Title MGT340 Report
Author Fatin Syafiqah
Course Bachelor in Business Administration (hons) Marketing
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 10
File Size 246.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 106
Total Views 223

















GROUP : D1 BA111/5A

























Alhamdulillah, first of all, we would like to thank Allah S.W.T. as we were gradually able to finish the report that was provided to us.This report had been done with all effort of our group members which consist of Rusydina Aliah Binti Mohamed Faraish, Azyan Farhana Binti Adham Jamalullail, Nik Fatin Syafiqah Binti Nik Zulkiflee, Nur Shafinaz Binti Sabri and Fatin Ainaa Syazwani Binti Azid. We constantly work hard to achieve an excellent report with our full commitment and dedication. This report cannot be finished without all the involvement of the members of our group. A big thanks to our Human Resource Management (MGT 340) lecturer’s, Dr Sakinah Binti Mat Zin because without her guide, our report cannot be done perfectly. She often gives us encouragement and advice about how to do our report in order to achieve a positive result from the knowledge that has been taught during class. We extremely grateful to have her as our lecturer. Last but not least, a million thanks to all of our classmates who have been so supportive in helping us to do this report. They often offer us ideas and suggestions on our report so that we can enhance our report in a variety of ways.


1.0 INTRODUCTION We have selected the recent concern relating to the health of employees in Malaysia. Today, the number of unhealthy workers in Malaysia is growing on a regular basis. The purpose of this study is to provide a solution to this issue by defining the factors, effects and recommendations required to solve it. According to results from the Healthiest Workplace 2017 AIA Vitality Report for Malaysia, overweight is steadily an issue in Malaysia with 12.5 percent of Malaysian workers being obese. Of those who were reminded of their medical results, 46 percent of workers in Malaysia are at risk for high blood pressure and 10 per cent are at risk for high cholesterol. In particular, 29 per cent of Malaysian employees are at risk for one or more health diseases, such as cardiac or kidney failure, cancer, diabetes or hypertension. In the meantime, 84 per cent of Malaysian employees recorded at least one form of musculoskeletal disease, but fewer record two or more. Not even just Malaysians who suffer from obesity, the study reveals some real questions about work pressures and sleep habits. In reality, 56 percent of Malaysian employees sleep below 7 hours a night, with even more than half of them reporting poor sleep quality. It is clearly demonstrate how unhealthful the workers in Malaysia are. Moreover, the government also have established the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1994 (OSHA) where the employers have the responsibility to ensure the welfare and health of their employees at work. In Malaysia, for example, employers are expected to pay for the physical testing of employees and also most for the prescription as well. Since most employers spend roughly eight hours per day at their workplaces, the working conditions should be comfortable and secure for them so that they can do their best. It is also necessary for companies to take measures to avoid accidents and improve the health of their employees. Furthermore, works and the workplace environment have quite a significant bearing on health equality. Healthy workplace environments may include social security and status, opportunities for professional enhancement and safety from physical and psychosocial threats. They will also boost the social ties and personality of workers and contribute to positive health outcomes. Moreover, there are many more problems that affect the health of the employees. Thus, in order to resolve the issue, there seem to be a variety of things that we need to go further to come up with a solution.


2.0 PROBLEMS Firstly, life habits are the factors of unhealthy employees in Malaysia. This happens because physical inactivity in Malaysia is a problem where 64% of workers do very little physical activity that is less than 160 minutes a week. It is a high percentage compared to Hong Kong, Australia and Singapore. Some workers in Malaysia are not active during working hours. Nutrition and diet of Malaysian workers that is 90% of workers do not eat a balanced diet. Their diet is very low in eating vegetables and fruits, which 86% of Malaysians eat less than 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. In addition, Malaysian workers account for 11% of them smoking. It is a high smoking rate compared to other countries Secondly, work-related stress prevalent is one of the problems unhealthy employees. Workers in Malaysia also work the longest time among the markets surveyed, Malaysian workers work 15 hours more than their scheduled contract time. When taking leave on weekdays, 17% of Malaysian workers are unable to care and decide when they will take leave. Employment-related stress dimensions reached 53% of workers in Malaysia reported. This compares to 64% of Hong Kong, 43% in Singapore and half of Australians. Apart from working, as many as 20% of workers in Malaysia experience financial problems which indicates that financial problems are a problem that is no stranger to Malaysia. Meanwhile, 18% reported that workers in Malaysia were involved in bullying at work and 4% of workers in Malaysia reported that they were often bullied and often. In addition, 12% of workers in Malaysia suffer from high levels of depression and anxiety symptoms. Lastly, the productivity rate of Malaysian organizations has decreased significantly. When employees demonstrate their performance in the workplace with absenteeism and absence in employment, it indicates that productivity rates need to be emphasized. In the research, companies have lost a total of 67 days per employee each year, largely due to presentism (lost productivity of workers who turn up to work amid health and behavioural factors), which resulted for 58.8 days per year. In addition, the data found absenteeism for 8.2 days. The total annual cost of health-related absenteeism and presentism per company in Malaysia is reported about RM 2.7 million. The survey revealed that 11% of Employees in Malaysia are 'highly' employed, while 19% of employees have 'poor' regarding job involvement. Upon on positive side, over half 53% Malaysian workers believe that their top management are concerned about their health and prosperity. In fact, 54% feel that their managers see health of employees and well-being as a crucial component of their organization's success, and 60 per cent agree that their organizational leaders motivate everyone to perform. In order to help their workers, 91% of employers give at least one job intervention, while 58% of employees engage in at least one job intervention. However, on average, only 14% of workers are aware of the initiatives on demand. Although many Malaysian workers are physically inactive, 25% of Malaysian employers have no involvement to promote entertainment. Though more than half of Malaysian workforce are at risk for psychological wellbeing, almost 44% of organizations do not provide any therapies in anyway. Malaysia had seen the highest number of employers participate in the AIA Vitality Survey 2017 Healthiest Workplace, with findings from 5,369 workers across 47 organizations in urban areas surveyed.


3.0 FACTORS OF UNHEALTHY EMPLOYEES IN MALAYSIA There are some of factors from the problems that the health of employees in Malaysia. Job stress may have multiple roots or arise from only one part of the worker's duties. Work environment stress can damage both workers and employers. One of the causes of job stress is organizational culture and policy. Organizational culture is another element in difficult work conditions. When the organization has inadequate communication and staff are not involved in the decision-making procedure, employees do not feel valued by their managers and employers. Moreover, due to the impact on work-life balance, a failure of family-friendly approaches can contribute to higher stress. Next, responsibilities of work. A major contributor to organizational stress is how roles are delegated and worked out. This entails heavy workloads, irregular rests, long shifts and switches, repetitive routine activities, lacking the expertise of staff, and more. Employees believe they get too much pressure and far too many "hats to wear" when work goals are unclear or overlapping. We move to problems regarding the problems of lifestyle habit are a challenge for Malaysian workers. Other unhealthy lifestyle factors, such as smoking and lack of physical activity, were correlated with unhealthy dietary habits. Non-traditional changes and strict schedules prevented employees from trying to follow community health guidelines for exercise and healthy eating. Employees also may attend to have bad posture. Leaning back and painful sitting conditions can lead to terrible complications with back-aches, neck and lower-back. It is among the workplace's most popular habits you seem to scoop up. Next, miss out their meals. Often, in a rush to reach deadlines, you fail to also have meal or simply miss it. Lastly, is based on problems experience productivity loss. One of the factors of productivity loss are inadequate feeling of belonging. A significant explanation for low employee productivity could be that they do not feel that they are part of an organization. Then, is toxic occupational behaviour. Toxic conflict in the workplace also arises when certain people are attempting to undermine and exploit the workplace environment. This is shown most frequently in larger companies, where certain workers use sneaky tactics to achieve their goals and rise up the career ladder. The impacted team members would be dissatisfied with this form of action, which will cause them to worry about their long-term place in the organization. Furthermore, less of remembrance. The highest form of feedback is recognition and it is easy to have. If you are a senior manager, makes sure the people in your company feel respected by effectively telling them terms like "excellently accomplished", "great job" and "thank you" to inspire them. If employees in that company are not appreciated for the sacrifices they produce, they become discouraged, which reduces their productivity. When this occurs, organizations will begin to face the issue of disgruntled employees, whose focus will not be guided to doing their job throughout the best way possible. Alternatively, they would submit applications and apply for different companies.


4.0 EFFECTS ON THE UNHEALTHY EMPLOYEES One of the effects unhealthy employees is decreasing work productivity and performance. Healthy employees are the root to a productive and profitable business. Therefore, these employees cannot be productive focusing on their work if they are having a headache, arthritis, back pain or other condition. The presenteeism in workplace is a great concern. It is not good when employees turn up to work, but they are still not in the shape to do so, whether they are sick, overtired, or overwhelmed by tension. In a study, “Health and Productivity as a Business Strategy”, the result said that employees who have many health problems resulted in most days of productivity loss in a year. For example, employees with obesity. They are more likely to suffer from certain conditions such as back problems or a seeping problems such as sleep apnoea. Their health will be worse. When they face this, even though they do not take a leave or absent from work, 'presenteeism' is a concern because the health problems can weaken the capability to do their job correctly. Second, reduction of motivation and morale from other employees. Somebody else has to take up the tasks fall behind when the people don't turn up. Sometimes there are incident where employees suddenly in bad condition and had to be admitted to hospital or clinic such as migraine, faint and bad fever or other situation that . Most employers find it hard to handle unplanned days off as that is so unexpected and sudden absence. They cannot do anything about it during that period except just give permission. Therefore, the co-workers might have to bear the extra workload when the task is very important and have to be submitted soon. And because of this, it might lead to overwork and stress. The effect of absenteeism is widespread, impacting the financial bottom line of both employees and the organisation. Employee's health condition that hinder than from working properly can cause a lot in the business. For example, the relationship between the employees could worsen if this happen frequently. The last effect is unhealthy employees will risk to loss their job. This effect is too important for all employees to get know and to take attention because to find and get a job in nowadays not easy anymore. Back to the main point, unhealthy employees risks to loss their job because of them often taking sickness absence. Sick or personal days are allowed but when it excessive absences may require intervention by the boss directly. In addition, with taking absence, employee will make their tasks job are late to finish and make them less productivity in a company. As we already know, every company only want to keep quality workers if they can and also will not keep problem workers for too long in their company even though their problem about their health. Therefore, keep healthy is the most important for everyone especially for worker person. This is because workers need to attend to work and focus on their work to produce work’s result with quality for every day. Thus, employees must take initiative by themselves to avoid from being sick often. For example, do exercises consistently, drink plenty of water, plan a healthy diet, and so on.


5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS There are few recommendations in order to overcome the problem of unhealthy employees in Malaysia. First and foremost, to address the problem of work-related stress prevalent, the organization could encourage their employees to take a break. If the employees are overloaded and continually sacrificing their leisure time to get their work done, they might stressed out with the overloads work. Therefore after they taking a break, the employees will be less stressed and more productive. In addition, improving the employee’s mental health is also one of the things to produce a good and healthy worker. This is because the employee’s need a good environment and surrounding to contribute the good ideas for organization. The ways that organization can lead in the workplace encourage positive communication in the workplace. In the way of positive communication, the top management need to be fair in anything required to all the employees. For example, organizing an appreciation event annually is special for employees to make them feel happy with the organization and have a good relationship with all departments in the organization. Other than that, employers need to ensure that the workers eat sensibly and stay hydrated during working. Most employees munch junk food or food with too much calories like fast food in the office during lunch. They prefer to eat at their office desk. Therefore, employer should encourage everyone to eat healthy food and at the same time not feeling pressure of limited time. Employers also should ensure that employees to drink plenty of water and better bring their own water bottle to work. The reason is dehydration can cause bad effects such as tiredness and dizziness. Next recommendation is each employee must have enough sleep hours per day which is said, adult must sleep around 7 hours to 10 hours per day. Not enough sleep also can make employees be unhealthy and risks to health risks which that can harm their life themselves. For example, micro sleep is dangerous to person who drives a vehicle by himself/herself without nobody beside him/her. When micro sleep come and attack that person who is not enough sleep while driving, a high possibility that person will get accident and worse, can cause to death if unlucky. Therefore, having enough sleep is important because it builds up energy for the next day and avoid from getting any health risks that can harm employees’ life such as night time insomnia, micro sleep, weakened immune, diabetes, and etc. Last but not least, employees in Malaysia need to start up a new lifestyle that workouts at least 3 days a week because it can boost efficiency and productivity, with workouts during the rest of the day improving performance and productivity. The fact that they have spent the majority of the day sedentary can make them feel unmotivated to go and work out, even though they have not had a particularly stressful day. Many people have told themselves that after work they'll go for a run or go to the gym, but when it actually gets time at home, all they want to do is curl up and watch some TV, they feel so bogged down by all that's happened that day.


6.0 CONCLUSION In a nutshell, this report has discussed three main problem that leads to unhealthy employees in Malaysia which are the life habits of the employees, work-related stress prevalent and the productivity rate of Malaysian organizations has decreased significantly. As we can see, employees in Malaysia work the longest time among the markets surveyed as the Malaysian tend to work 15 hours more than their scheduled contract time without taking any break. When the employees overwork, at the same time they over use their body which can lead to work-related stress prevalent. This is one of the reason why the levels of depression and anxiety symptoms keep on increasing among the employees. Apart from that, we also has identified the factor which defined all of these problems. When the organizational culture and policy does not meet the employees’ expectation, they tend to ignore all of their responsibility as an action of rebellious towards the management such as absenteeism and absence in employment. Thus, their performance will be decreases as also their health’s performance too. Productivity of the employee are very important because the more productive your employees are, the more work they will be getting done. It would boost employees cohesion and enable colleagues happy about their jobs, which is beneficial for their mental health. If the number of unhealthy employee keep rising, they could be facing the effects which might ruin their career soon or later. One of the effect is the risk of losing their job because of their bad health performance’s problem. An organization will not be keeping employees who does not committed in doing their work. There are few recommendations to resolve the problem of extremely unhealthy employees in Malaysia, such as urging employers to take a rest, improving the mental health of staff, ensuring that staff eat sensibly and remain hydrated at work, ensuring that every employee has enough hours of sleep per day and that employees in Malaysia need to adopt a new lifestyle. All of these recommendations might help these problem. To conclude, the welfare of workers is a crucial condition for household wa...

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