GST104 PST Questions 2020/2021 IN FUOYE PDF

Title GST104 PST Questions 2020/2021 IN FUOYE
Course Use of Library and Introduction to ICT.
Institution Federal University Oye-Ekiti
Pages 60
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GST 102 2011/2012 PAST QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. The root meaning of Philosophy is ……… (A) Wise love (B) Wisdom friendly (C) Wisdom lover (D) Wisdom friendship 2. What is fatalism? (A) The belief that everything has a cause (B) The view that human beings do not have the power to change the course of events (C) The view that nothing happens without a cause (D) The belief that reality is mechanistic 3. The concept of justice in Platonism consists of ……… (A) Doing the right and commendable thing (B) Goodness and uprightness (C) Promoting general interest or will (D) A situation where people of various classes limit their activities to the function prescribed by the state. 4. Ethics is defined as the systematic study of the basic principles underlying ……… (A) Corruption (B) Elections (C) Morality (D) None of the above 5. Aristotle says that the respective goals of theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge are ……… (A) Essence and existence (B) A priori and a posterior (C) Truth and action (D) Theory and practice 6. The view which holds that the facts and phenomena of the universe are sufficiently explicable in terms of the

existence and the nature of matter alone is called ……… (A) Idealism (B) Materialism (C) Rationalism (C) Rationalism (D) Empiricism 7. Knowledge in epistemology is contrasted with ……… (A) Art and technique (B) Opinion and technique (C) Art and reality (D) Belief and opinion 8. To say that man is the measure of all things means according to Protagoras that: (A) Man knows everything in reality (B) Man determines what is true or false (C) Man is a scientist (D) man measures the length and breadth of things 9. The realist theory of meaning says that the meaning of a linguistic expression is: (A) The physical object referred to (B) The idea of image in mind (C) An abstract being (D) Its use in a linguistic context 10. The Use Theory of meaning says that the meaning of a linguistic is ……… (A) A physical object referred to (B) The idea or image in the mind (C) Its function or use in a linguistic context (D) An abstract eternal being 11. Epistemology is the same as ……… (A) Human knowledge (B) Theory of knowledge (C) The study of what is (D) A belief or conjecture 12. The central idea of the Averroes-Thomistic tradition of Philosophy is ……… (A) I believe so that I may understand (B) I believe so that I may reason well (C) I believe so that I may not reason well (D) I believe so that I may not understand

13. Who said Philosophy deals with clarification and language analysis? (A) Paul Feyerabend (B) Karl Popper (C) Ludwig Wittgenstein (D) David Hume 14. Philosophy is difficult to define because (A) It is about the revealed truth of God (B) It has no specific subject matter (C) It is argumentative (D) It is normative 15. Normative ethical approach has to do with ……… (A) The analysis of the meanings and signification of ethical terms (B) The application of known theories of normative ethics ro particular moral issues (C) The study of right or wrong actions (D) The general norms or principles, which ought to guide human conduct 16. Rationalism as opposed to empiricism, is the Philosophical view that ……… (A) Reason and universal ideas and categories are the ultimate source of prior knowledge (B) Sense perception is the source of human knowledge (C) Reason plays a complementary role in the attainment of human knowledge (D) Human knowledge is sense-based 17. The empiricist slogan is ……… (A) Nothing is to be found in the intellect, which was not first located in the brain (B) Nothing is to be found in the intellect, which was not first located in the senses (C) Nothing is to be found in the intellect which was not first located in the mind (D) Nothing is to be found in the intellect which was not first located in the Lord

18. The two philosophers who first meted the idea of a calculating machine are ……… (A) G. E. Moore and T. Hobbes (B) B. Pascal and G. W. Liebniz (C) G. W. F. Hegel and W. Wiredu (D) W. V. O. Quine and Rene Descartes 19. What characteristics do C. D. Board identify with philosophy? (A) Art and Technique (B) Critical and speculative (C) Wisdom and Truth (D) Reason and Reflection 20. The central idea of the pragmatic tradition of philosophy is ……… (A) I believe so that I may understand (B) I believe so that I may reason well (C) I believe so that I may not reason well (D) That we should decide the truth of a belief by its utilitarian value 21. Who said philosophy deals with conjectures and refutations? (A) Paul Feyerabend (B) Karl Popper (C) Ludwig Wittgenstein (D) David Hume 22. Determinism is the view that: (A) Reality is transcendental (B) What will happen will happen (C) Everything is destined for an end (D) Everything is caused 23. Who said that although philosophy originated in the Greek language, the practice of philosophy started in ancient Egypt? (A) J. Maritain (B) P. Bodurin (C) A Echekwube (D) I. Onyewuenyi 24. Who said that the value of philosophy is to be sought in its very uncertainty? (A) A. J. Ayer (B) K. Popper (C) B. Russell (D) P. Feyerabend

25. Who said defined ethics as the branch of philosophy dealing with rightness or wrongness of human action with moral obligation, principles of morality and their justification? (A) T. Hobbes (B) J. Locke (C) Brostein (D) A. Echekwube 26. Categorical propositions are related in different ways, identify the relationship between A & I (A) Quality (B) Quantity (C) Distribution (D) None 27. Symbolic logic is intended to eliminate one of the following (A) Argument (B) Principles (C) Ambiguity (D) Logic 28. Logic is defined as the science of reasoning because it is interested in one of the following (A) Psychological concern (B) Rational justification (C) Metaphysical concern (D) Theological concern 29. The truth-functional value that is only false when the antecedence is true and the consequence is false is identified as ……… (A) Biconditional (B) Material implication (C) Negation (D) Disjunction 30. Identify the number of categorical propositions you were taught (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 31. The process through which an argument can be derived is known as ……… (A) Systematic logic (B) Proposition (C) Conjunction (D) Inference 32. Who is the author of classical logic? (A) Whitehead (B) Socrates (C) Plato (D) Aristotle

Identify the fallacy committed in questions 33-35 33. Do you promise to stop cheating in exams? (A) Argumentum ad Miscericordiam (B) Accent (C) Complex Question (D) Bacculum 34. You either buy GST Text Book or you carry over the courses (A) Argumentum ad Bacculum (B) Argumentum ad Verecundiam (C) False cause (D) Converse Accident 35. I like wearing trousers because it is what majority of girls wear. (A) Argumentum ad populum (B) Argumentum ad Ignorantism (C) Argumentum ad Verecudiam (D) Argumentum ad Hominem 36. When a general rule is applied to a particular case whose circumstances render the rule in applicable, the fallacy generated is ……… (A) Fallacy of Division (B) Converse Accident (C) Fallacy of Accent (D) Fallacy of Accident 37. The conjunction of mood and figure generates ……… (A) Argument (B) Form (C) Syllogism (D) Logic 38. Formal logic is said to correspond with ……… (A) Argument (B) deductive (C0 Inductive (D) Informal logic Use the argument below to answer question 39 (1) 1 > J (2) J > K (3) L > M ( 39. Determine the rule from which line ‘5’ is derived (A) Addition (B) Modus ponens (C) Simplification (D) Conjunction

40. Where can you locate a minor term? (A) Constructive Dilemma (B) Destructive Dilemma (C) Conjunction (D) Absorption 41. How many terms are in every categorical syllogism? (A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 2 42. ……… denote anything that causes an argument to go wrong (A) Disagreement (b) fallacy (C) Debate (D) Dispute 43. Where can you locate a major term? (A) Predicate-term of a conclusion (B) Subject-term of a conclusion (C) First premise (D) Second premise 44. What is the symbol for the logical connective “if ……… 45. The placement of the middle term determines it’s ……… (A) Content (B) Conclusion (C) Figure (D) Form 46. When information is explicative, it means such information is ……… (A) Deductive (B) Inductive (C) Fallacious (D) All of the above Symbolize questions 47-48 47. If Edgar lodges a complaint, then Fulton will investigate and Greville will be disqualified. (A) p > q . r (B) p > (q . r) (C) (p>q).r (D) p > q v r 48. John and Andrew are friends if and only if they are seen 49. Which of the categorical propositions distributes only the predicate-term? (A) O (B) E (C) A (D) I

50. The soundness of a deductive argument is determined by its ……… (A) Form (B) Validity (C) Structure (D) Content 51. The legal maxim “audi alterem partem” relates to ……… (A) The right to life (B) The right to fair hearing (C) The right to freedom of expression (D) The right to freedom of movement 52. Rules and regulations have the force of law when they are backed by ……… (A) Customs (B) Sanction (C) Morals (D) Loyalty 53. The Apex court in Nigeria is ……… (A) The Court of Appeal (B) The Federal High Court (C) Magistrate Court (D) The Supreme Court 54. Which of the following is a classification of law? (A) Public and Criminal law (B) Public and Contract law (C) Criminal and Civil law (D0 Private and Criminal law 55. The directive on Nigerian Culture is provided for under ……… (A) Section 1 of the CFRN, 1999 (B) Section 17 of the CFRN, 1999 (C) Section 21 of the CFRN, 1999 (D) Section 10 of the CFRN, 1999 56. EFCC means ……… (A) Export and Fiscal Control Commission (B) Exemption and Financial Control commission (C) Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (D) Economic Funds Control Commission 57. Trespass to person consists of ……… (A) Assault and battery (B) Assault, battery and false imprisonment (C)

Battery and false imprisonment (D) False imprisonment and assault 58. Qualifications for Governor of a state are provided for under ……… (A) S. 131 of CFRN, 1999 (B) S. 305 of CFRN, 1999 (C) S. 1777 of CFRN, 1999 (D) S. 318 of CFRN, 1999 59. In criminal law, the state accepts responsibility for ……… (A) Workmen wages (B) Detection, prosecution and punishment of offenders (C) Provision of procedure and the courts for resolving dispute (F) Establishment of compensation commissions 60. Search of persons, premises and things is available to ……… in Nigeria. (A) Accused (B) Magistrate (C) Police (D) Lawyers 61. A good example of an inferior court of record in Nigeria is ……… (A) The Supreme Court (B) The Court of Appeal (C) The High Court of a State (D) The Magistrate 62. The two types of nuisance commonly known are ……… (A) Civil and Public (B) Public and Private (C) Private and Civil (D) Public and Neutral 63. The Code of Conduct for public officers is to guide against ……… (A) Contempt of Court (B) Corruption (C) Mutiny and insubordination (D) Public nuisance 64. The right to dignity of the human person is provided for in ……… of the Nigerian constitution. (A) Section 33 (B) Section 34 (C) Section 35 (D) Section 36

65. The law of property is concerned with ……… (A) Restraint of deviant in society (B) The right which may arise in relation to anything that can be owned (C) The relationship between the state and its citizen (D) The relationship between individuals and government agencies 66. Carlil v. Carbolic Smokeball Co. is a case which illustrates (A) Formal contract (B) Unilateral contract (C) Simple contract (D) Express contract 67. Law can be regarded as ……… (A) An instrument of chaos and anarchy. (A) An instrument of change (C) An instrument of social engineering (D) An Instrument of freedom 68. Bail is a right of ……… (A) An accused person (B) The police (C) The governor (D) Attorney-General 69. A pubic officer desirous of being elected as Governor of a state must resign, retire of be withdrawn from service of least ……… days before the date of his election (A) 90 days (B) 30 days (C) 60 days (D) 21 days 70. The enforcement of beach of one’s fundamental right can be exercised in ……… (A) A High Court (B) A Federal High Court (C) Both a High Court and Federal High Court (D) None of the above 71. Ownership is ……… (A) Abandonment of right to property (B) Insecurity of property (C) The greatest right that a person can have in relation to property conversion of property

72. Marriage in Nigeria may be ……… (A) Only monogamous (B) Both monogamous and polygamous (C) Either monogamous, polygamous or polyandry (D) Polyandry or polygamous 73. Donoghue V. Stevenson is notorious for which of the following principles of Law ……… (A) Assault on victim (B) Duty of care (C) Rule of law (D) Consensus ad idem 74. The act that fused the administration of the common law and equity in England is known as ……… (A) The Admixture Acts of 1854 – 1857 (B) The common law fusion Acts of 1861-1864 (C) The Judicature Acts of 1873-1875 (D) The Equitable Jurisdiction Act of 1872-1874 75. The constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 has ……… (A) Schedule to it. (A) Nine (B) Five (C) Seven (D) Three 76. Ignorance is regarded as the absence of ……… (A) In one capable of knowledge. (A) Understanding (B) Influence (C) Wisdom (D) Knowledge 77. An example of perfective good is ……… (A) good clothes (B) Food (C) Car (D) Handbag 78. The sacredness of life is an argument put forward by the ……… (A) Feminist (B) Legality (C) the Conservatives (D) None of the above 79. Vincibility and non-vincibility concerns ……… (A) Pseudo-knowledge (B) Ignorance (C) Knowledge (D) No idea

80. It is ……… that ethical discourse has more than natural dimension. (A) False (B) Not sure (C) Uncertain (D) True 81. Beings that are irrational cannot be held culpable for an immoral act. (A) It is a lie (B) Very true (C) Relative (D) We were not taught 82. Social justice is concerned with the relationship between the ……… part and social ……… (A) Unwholesome/dignity (B) Social/depend (C) Social/whole (D) All of the above 83. American Initiatives to Discourage Sex is the meaning of AIDS. (A) True (B) Yes (C) False (D) I’m not sure 84. Introduction of moral studies is to help inculcate in the students, useful moral principles. (A) False (B) No idea (C) We were not taught (D) True 85. Acts which are involuntary, proceeding from the will together with sufficient knowledge of the purpose of the act is called ……… (A) Inhuman act (B) Acts of man (C) Human acts (D) All of the above 86. The continuous practice of an act makes such become a ……… (A) Habit (B) Effort (C) Professional (D) Literate 87. ……… was highly respected in African traditional morality. (A) Stealing (B) Witchcraft (C) Rape (D) Virginity 88. Any detrimental acts in African peaceful co-existence is regarded as ……… act. (A) Moral (B) Useful (C) Immodest (D) Immoral

89. The attempt to establish a common and peaceful social life forms the foundation of ……… (A) Poverty in Africa (B) Cultism (C) African moral values (D) All of the above 90. The study of the basic principles underlying morality is ……… (A) Logicality (B) Ethics (C) Metaphysics (D) Epistemology 91. A man’s irascibility could be controlled by ……… (A) Fortitude (B) Justice (C) Habit (D) Prudence 92. There is the un-natural in natural evil. (A) False (B) True (C) True and False (D) No idea 93. When one’s feelings determine the decisions that are taken in life, such falls within ……… (A) Egoism (B) Emotivism (C) Voluntarism (D) Ethics 94. The motion away from sensible evil is called ……… (A) Power (B) Sin (C) Fear (D) Agoraphobia 95. Concupiscence is the motion towards ……… (A) Sensible evil (B) Sensible good (C) Sensible talk (D) None of the above 96. The new trend of ‘I will hammar’ negates the virtue of ……… (A) Prostitution (B) Robbery (C) Diligence (D) 419 97. What is morally praise-worthy in society ‘A’ may be otherwise in society ‘B’. This is referred to as ……… (A) Ethical universality (B) Ethical egoism (C) Ethical relativism (D) All of the above

98. It has been suggested that African hospitality is to be cherished but with ……… (A) Caution (B) Sincerity (C) Conscience (D) Moderation 99. “The privation of good that ought to be there” is the definition of evil credited to ……… (A) St. Bonaventure o(B) St. Valentine (C) St, Aquinas (D) Augustine of Hippo 100. A woman with ectopic pregnancy may be morally justified to carry out abortion because it is ……… (A) A perfect good (B) A useful good (C) Superbly good (D) Unconditionally good ANSWERS TO GST 102: 2011/2012 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. C B 18. B 19. B 20. D

14. B

15. D

16. A


21. B 22. D 23. D C 28. B 29. B 30. C

24. C

25. C

26. A


31. D 32. D 33. C C 38. B 39. C 40. B

34. D

35. A

36. A


41. C 42. B 43. A C 48. B 49. A 50. A

44. C

45. C

46. A


51. B 52. B 53. D A 58. C 59. B 60. C

54. A

55. C

56. C


61. D 62. B A 69. B 70. C

63. B

64. B

65. B

66. B 67. C 68.

74. C

75. C

76. D


81. B 82. C 83. C 84. D 88. D 89. C 90. B

85. C

86. A


91. A 92. A 93. B 94. C C 98. A 99. D 100. B

95. A

96. C


71. C 72. B 73. B B 78. C 79. B 80. D

GST 102 2012/2013 PAST QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. The two most probable persons to use the word ‘philosophy’ are: (A) Socrates and Plato (B) Socrates and Aristotle (C) Socrates and Pythagoras (D) Socrates and Mellitus 2. The approach to philosophical problems which diverts attention from the classical ways of doing philosophy is best expressed in? (A) Metaphysics (B) Epistemology (C) Existentialism (D) Ethics 3. In the Averroes Thomistic tradition, “Credo ut intellegam” means? (A) I believe so that I may see (B) I believe so that I may be faithful (C) I believe so that I may succeed (D) I believe so that I m ay understand 4. The aim of practical knowledge is: (A) Action (B) Motion (C) Truth (D) Reality 5. Philosophy is a wholly critical enterprise. This is according to ……… (A) W. James (B) G. E. Moore (C) A. J. Ayer (D) John Locke 6. Materialism is best defined as: (A) Reality is explicable in terms of idealism. (B) Reality is wholly spiritual (C) Reality is inexplicable in terms of the existence of matter (D) Reality is explicable in terms of the existence an nature of matter alone

7. The principal proponent of the Use Theory of Meaning: (A) George Berkeley (B) (B) David Hume (C) C. S. Peirce (D) Ludwig Wittgenstein 8. Speculative philosophy consists in: (A) Analysis (B) Reasoning (C) Argumentation (D) Conjectures 9. To argue that philosophy is normative is to accept the position that: (A) Philosophy is concerned with what ought to be (B) Philosophy is concerned with what is (C) Philosophy is concerned with human life (D) Philosophy is concerned 10. The practical approach in ethics is the counterpart of: (A) Meta-ethics (B) Prescriptivism (C) Normative ethics (D) Applied ethics 11. Political philosophers are mainly concerned with the basic question of: (A) Human values in society (B) Human knowledge in society (C) Human progress and development (D) How best to organize human society 12. In philosophy, knowledge is the same as: (A) Ability (B) Acquaintance or familiarity (C) Technique (D) Knowing society 13. In philosophy whose works can be said to fall under the rubric of philosophy of culture include: (A) K. C. Anyanwu and Wole Soyinka (BO) Lugdwittgenstein and Betrand Russell (C) John Locke and Francis (D) D. D. Raphael and Wole Soyinka

14. “The value of philosophy is to be sought in its uncertainty”, according to: (A) Betrand Russell (BO) A. J. Ayer (C) John Locke (D) David Hume 15. The central problems of Metaphysics include: (A) Being, universals and particulars (B) Principles of human ...

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